=� . , : ,;
<br /> ti � . ..:�►
<br />� � �
<br />� �+� .
<br /> 76" 0064 : 3 �
<br /> Thet the :Mortgegor will pay lhe indebtedness as . hereinbefore y>rovided: � �� � � . � . � . - � � � � -
<br /> � . � That the Tlorlgagor is the �pwner OI V81tI �)fO�E'if)' in IPC .SIIO�If 8p(I I1�5 Fua1 right and lawful .iuthority to SYII and - � � . � �. � .
<br /> � wmey lhe some nnd thaf the same is free and dcer n( i�ny lien or t•n�umbrxnce; and� Lhat h7orfgagor H•ill warrant and drfend the � � � . . � � �
<br /> , r titte to said premises against the clnims qf all pereons whomsoever.
<br /> . � � To pay �immediatcly when due and pnyuble� all genernl lazcs, special tnxes, sp��cial as..vstirnNnts, water. charges, setver serv� � . � � . � � � .
<br /> - � � ice chnrges, in�l��other ��taxee iind chnrges againsl said property, and alY taxes levi�•d on the debl serured hereliy, �and �lo (umisli tbe ' . � . . �
<br /> . 114ortgugee, ii�xm requestr � w'ilh ' the � nriginal `ur ciuplicate receipts ihere(�r, 'I7��• 11orlgagor agrres d�at ihere shall hr addrd to �� � �
<br /> � each monthly pnyment rnquired here�mder or .under the evideucc of deUt� secured h��rrby nn amnunl ��stimnted by the 1lortgagef� � � � � ��
<br /> � lo !w � sufficienb:ln enn6le... the R�1ortRagee � to pay, as thry bcrnme dur, aD . tnarrs, assessmenls, and similar chargey u{�n thr prem� . � �
<br /> � . ises su6jecl therefn; any iiehciency �b��cause �if thr irisufiicic�ic}' o( sucli additiona! pa}'mcmLs shall be Idrthu�ith depnsifed by thr � � � � . . .
<br /> Murtgagnr witl� . the Afurtgagoc � upun drmand by th�� Aturtg��gre•. An� deL�ult undcr thi.s paragrnph s}��II },�� dormud a default � in . � . . .
<br /> �. � . payment �of {axes, �� s�,essmi�nts. nr similar � charqeareyuired hrmun�3oc � � � � . . . � � � . � �
<br /> . � 'Che Murtgagur aP,rres ih�t thcre shnli also hr addc-d t �� cach m�mthly paymvnt �nf principal and intrrrsl required . hete- . � . . �
<br /> . under an :amuunt estimated by the lturtgagee to be su�cieni (u er.xbir. 16�-• Nu�tga�re !o pt�p. as it bvcurur•s �h�e. thc insurunce . . . .
<br /> � � premiurn on ;u�y insurnnce polir.p dclivered tu the AlortgaF.«. An}' deficu�ncy h�-rause o( H��� insutTrieney uf such additionnt p:�y- �� �
<br /> � . � ments �shall 1w fnrthwilh �depnsiled �by �lhe \lortg�igor with the U��,rtgage�e u�xin� �demaiid by lhe !�inrtgngee. Any drfaull� under this .
<br /> . paragr:iph shall be dr��med a d��fnult in 'th�� payment uf in=urance pr��miutns. If thr, p�ilior nr pnlicirs depd:iled ar�• such � as twmr.� . . �
<br /> owners nr nll riak �x,liai�•s. and the depmit; � e� insu�ci��nc tu �;ny thc ,aitire prrmium, th�� ;rtortg�ge�• m;i.r apply t}ir dr�pr�,it io . .
<br /> . pay premiums- on riskv requirr�i tn Iw insurMl hy lhia rnortgage. - �
<br /> ;r
<br /> ' . Papmnnts made by thr !�lurlgu�or und�•r t6e sibrrve paragraphs nea7 . :it the upiiun of the 1lurtgagr��, L�,� held � by it and � �
<br /> ��� � ; cnmminglyd «�ith other sur.h furds or its oa�n fund5 fur ihe pnyment nf surh item�.., em:l until sn applird. such paymr•rtte��re h�vcLy� � � � . .
<br /> a " ' � � �
<br /> � �. � �. plta3ged t�s srcurity [or the unpaid hnlance of thr mnrtgaFe indebtedne:�c_ . . ' 1 t q . . . . . . . ..
<br /> - To pnwure, deliver to. a��d mainlain for the 6enrtit uf ih:� \tor� esgee durin;: thr life of this mortgage uri�mal p!;liries .nd ��. � �� .
<br /> : � renewals thereul, delieered al Ir•a,t tren d:�ps br-fure lLr r. apira!ii�n o( any .sucii policirs. in,urin� ageinst (ire and rdher insUrable .
<br /> �� � � h�mrds, easualties, and conlingenci�� as the binrtgngee mu}• rt�quire, in ❑n� amoe�nt cyual to the indebtedness cecurcd by this . � �
<br /> � � hturtgage. and irt Compani[s :iCceptable tu the '�inrlga�eo. v:ith lase payaMe r.Iaus�� in fu•,ar ef and in form acc�•��tal;lr to the .".fortga• . : �
<br /> , g<�. In - the event any policy i. not rrneu�ed un ur Lrfure li�n days u( its rx(�ira�ir.n. tF�, Dlurfgn�ee may pruc�re insuranci� on thr . . .
<br /> t5 . . imprcn'etnents. Vay the premium th��re(or, and such s�tm chal! Lec:>mr iintnedreteip due and p:tvablr with mtrrrst at thr ratr srt �- . .
<br /> _ Corth iR said nute un[il pald and shall l;r .;ecurrd 6y [his mnrt�;ag!�. Failuri� on thr part o( the \fnrl{;agor to L:mish such renrt�•als � . . �
<br /> as arn herein r�yuired ur f:iilure tu �+�a}' :+ny sums ad��:inn�d hrteur.der :hall, at tt:•v nption of tLr \lurtgager, cunstitute a drfaull � .
<br /> , under the ler�ns u( this morl;;agr-. 'I'hr d<•licivy u( w��h p�diri��. sl��ll . in th�• �^:��nt oI drfault. run.<tilutc an a,siKnmen! of thr un- . . .
<br /> ^ eurned prrmium. �
<br /> F:
<br /> a
<br /> , Any sums mceived i�y the \toriRagee h�� ri:unn o( lu.=.s ,.�r damaP,c in,urrd against may he rctsined hy the \tirttGagee � � .
<br /> . . nnd upplicd tvW'ard Ihe pa}'[nent uf the� dt•LI hrrrbc secured. or. �t !he r,ptton uP thr �Sortgager., such sums eith��r whuily or in . .
<br /> e . , patt may be paid o��er to ihr �lurigagur to Iffe used �o rr,�zir such huildings nr tn i>�aia � „�-«• n��id;n�s in their pince nr fur any � �
<br /> ` � . uther purpos� or object satisfactnry tc� thr V-lurtqa;re �rilhrnrt afTrcting tfie lien on lFr mortFnge [or thP tull umu�mt �ri•urcd hrre� .
<br /> u
<br /> '. by be(ure such paymen[ erer f�ak place. - �
<br /> . . Tu prumptly rrpair. restore ur rebuild :mY huilding, nr irnpro��emrnis nou� ur here;iftrr on the premises e�hich may bt•• �
<br /> `_��� � come damaged nr destniyrd : to krep said premises in ga�d enr.diti�,n anJ repair and (rc-e Gom any m�•chanic'+ lirn or othi�r lien or . . . . . .
<br /> - cixim o( lien nnt exprrasly sutrordinnted to the li�•n hrrt•uf�. ro,t tn suf[��r r,r prrmit any �.�nla���ful use o! nr any nuisance to rsist an �
<br /> said property nor Lr pr•miit w.u;e on eaid premises. n� �r n, d�� any othi�r act ufu•r��by the property hereby cnnveyed shall lx�come . �
<br /> � Iess valuable. nor lo diminish or impair il, v,Ju�� hc a�ry art , �r rr;rus.iun tu .+ri -. to cr.inplp «�ith aIl rrquirrments uf la•.v with resprct � �
<br /> r �' ; to the morl�;aged premises and the use therro[.
<br /> �
<br /> g. That shnuld the prcmisvs or any pnrt therenF la� �aken ur damaged hy r�•a�un of any puhlic imprr.vem��nt or cundemnation �
<br /> ' proceeding, nr under thr rikht u( eminent domain, ur in any other m:mm�r. lhe \turt�:ntiee =hal1 6e rntil�ed tu ��ll comPen;ations. . .
<br /> � awurds, and any other payment or relief th�•rcfur, and ch�ll be entiHed, at its o�rtiun. tn c�+mmener, nppear in and pr�s�tiutr -in iLs � � . �
<br /> 5� . own namr :u�y aclion ur pr�xerding. or lo makr nny cornpromise or settl��ment in cnnnrctinn +vith such takin� ur damage. All such
<br /> ' compertsnlion, awards, diunages, right u( action and procec�l= nre herehy aa�i�;ned to the :�furtgatiee, w�}�o may, after deducting
<br /> ,; � � therefrom all iLs expensrs, relcnse at�y moneys su a�a•ived hy it or apply� the snme on ar�y indebtrdness secured hereby. The Aiort• �
<br /> f�. gaKor agmes lo exeevle such turther assignmrnts of an7 compensaGun. �wards, dnmages, end rightc uf aclion and proa•�KLs as the
<br /> �� 1�lortgngee .may reyuire. �
<br /> 1i
<br /> � That in case o[ fuilum �n perfurm anr of the rucenanta herrin, th�• 1lnrtgagee may du �m th�• �tort�;agur's h��half evrn�thing �
<br /> w rnvenunted; that the Riurtgagee may also do any act it may deem nece=sary tu prolect thr lien Ih�r�of: ttiat Ihr A1ortRa�or w�ill
<br /> � : rep¢y upon demnnd any moneys paid or di�bursed by thr \lortgagec fnr any o( the aboee purpexes, and such moneys io�;etfier with .
<br /> interesl thenron �t the rate Provided in said note shall Mrcume =o mucl: additionnl indebtrdness hereby s�rured nnd may FM in- �
<br /> `" �_ cluded in any decme foreclosing lhis murlgage and tx paid uut o [ thc r��nts or procreds of +ale of said premi+es if not ulhrrwise �`...
<br /> � ptud; lhat it shall not be obligulory upun the \fortgaKF�' tu inquiri� into thc validity of am� lirn, encumbrancrs. nr ciaim in ad- . .
<br /> �� vancing moneys as ubove aulhurized, but nuthing hrrein contained shall be construed cs nK�uirin;; the hforlgnger to advance nny �
<br /> � moneys for any such purpose nor to do nny act hereunder, und that Mortgagee shall nut incur nny per�unal liability brcautie of nny-
<br /> � . thing it may do or omit tn du hereunder.. �
<br /> :
<br /> � �� ln the e•:ent nf the dc(ault by Mur(gagor in Ihe paymrnt uf any instaUment, ns required by the Idute secured hcreby. or
<br /> ' in the pedormnnce o( thr obliga(ion in ihis mortF.�l:�' ur in the note secured theteby, lhr \lortgagee cha�l Fe rnlitL�d lo drelare Ih�
<br /> ;� � debt securixl hereLy due :and payahle . withuut nulice, und thr ?�lurtgagee shnll be r.ntitled at ils oplinn. �cithnut nntice�. cither by itsell �
<br /> � or by. a rrceit•er to be appointeKl hy thi� court thereuL nnd without regnrd to the ad�uacy ot any security for the indebteriness v-
<br /> r ` � cured hcreby, to enter upon und lukc posSrssion� o( the mortgaged premises, and to collect and reteive t}�r rents, issucs nnd prnfits
<br /> � ti�ereot; ¢nd npply the same; Jess costs of operation nnJ eolicctiou. upon the indebtedness securnd by this mnrtgaqe; said rents,
<br /> � issues and profiL9 bcinK h�reby assigned to lhe� Dtorlgagee �s further sx•curil�• (or the pay�ment of all indebtednr.=.s s�rurrrl hereby.
<br /> The Mortgager 5f�all huve lhe powrr t<> nppuint any agent or agrnts it may decire for the purpoae o( n•pairing said P«'m• _ �
<br /> ' .(.; � t
<br /> iu�; rrnung the same: cv�llecting lhe rents, reaenues nnd income, und it may pay nut o( said ineome ali expenses incurrcr! in renb � . ���...,� y_.;�, ' �
<br /> . ing und monaging lhe same nnd o[ culliclinK the rer.tals Uierrlrom. The 6alance remaining. i[ any, shnll hr applied toward the : : N :'��
<br /> � discharge of Lhe morlgaR� inde6teclne>c. This assignmrnt is lo terminatr and bemme null and vo�d upun relrau• uf this mort�age � � % .
<br /> ,
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