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<br /> A�01��, if pnyments ara msdo as provided nnd ull the foregc:ing coveiutnts nnd n�i�;emcnts nre performed and
<br /> ' obsurved, ttiis mortgage shnU be null nnd vuid, nnd shull bu rcle:�sed nt the cost of tLe mortgngur5 , �shieh cost the
<br /> mortgagarS n,�co to pn��, but upon uny dafauit in Lhc p�yment of tha indebt,edness ImrebS� secured or ot nny
<br /> ivatullment tlicnof, or of interest tliereon, as tl�ey Feverully becmno due; m• in Lfic pnyment of tho laxes,
<br /> r assessments or chur� nforesuid, or nny pnrt uf either, or i[ ntrip or rvnstcj U� committ�:d on, or improvements
<br /> � be nmoved fronr thc murtgaged premiscs �citliout tlw �vritta� consent of the mortgngee, or upon nny dt�fnult in th�
<br /> z porformnnce and obscrvnnco oGnny other of the tcrms, covnnunts nr ng�x�emenls of Lhi.g morlguge, or if nny law ie
<br /> ' � hereufttir peti5sed by tho SLatc of .?�eUrnskn deductiug frum t6o vttluo oE land far the purpc�c of i:�xation wiy licn -
<br /> } thereon, or cl�nnging in any �vuy t(ie ln���s nutiv in Force for ihe taixatiou ot ���urtqa6n.re or deUts eecured hy moctqages
<br /> for eGgta or locnl purposes, ur the munner oE the collection of iiny sucl� iuxntion so i�s to nnect this mortgnge, tlicn
<br /> ' in nny or ¢itlicr o[ said ovents, the �1•liole ot tLe indebLednesv lierch3� aecured aliall nt thc option ot tlio mortqugce,
<br /> '` ur 4ho legnl holder o[ said indebtedness, become immediatcly dua ��nd paynble without notice, aucl thercuponthis
<br /> mortgage alwll bccome nbsolutu nnd tl�� mortgngor5 shull refrain from collecting nnd reccivi�ig ntlxeuts uccruing
<br /> ; ns u[oresnid and upmi notice from t6e mortqa6n.w nit LennnGv sl�all tl�ereafter pny such rent,s Lo tLe mortgngec, nnd
<br /> any paymetiG mndo otl�er�vise shull not dischnrqe tlic obligations of auch tennnt, und tlie morlRagee m:ty immedintely
<br /> ' cuuse U�is mortgnqe to Le forociosed in th� mnmir,r pmscribed by Inw, nnd upon thc commeneement ot fonclosurc
<br /> ,; ; proceedings shull be entibled to luivc a Iteceiver uppointed, �vhetl�er thc mort�aged prem4is airc humeslcud or not
<br /> ' 7 nnd witlwut proof o( nny other grounds for tiis appointmenL tliun snid dofault, ta tnl:e pc�ession nnd cliarqu of tl�e :
<br /> ` rnortgngeci promisi:s during tho mdemplion period, to ren6 .ama un�l reccivo nnd collect the rent,n, itisuca mtd profita
<br /> `� thereof under dircetion of the court, nnd nny nmoimt so coltected l�y such Recciver shall bc npplicd under direetion
<br /> � of tlie court t� tho pnyment of nny jndgtnent renderecl or umaunts tound due upon foroclosuro of this mortgab.
<br /> i The morlgagor 5 lureby ngree in thc event of foreclo�urc to pa�y sucli naeonnblo ut6ornoy's fece as nrn au-
<br /> tlwrized by lnrv, to�n:tlicr u•itli Lha casts o( est�:nding tlic nbstrnct und nll court costs.
<br /> ; Not�vit6stnt�ding an�� provision hcrein or in said note, tLo tbtul liubility for payments in thc nnturo of inturcet
<br /> ' 't ` �hnll not excced tlie limits nutiv impaved by tho usury In���s of the Stnta of Nebruska:
<br /> a . '; �I'itness oUP 6nnds this 3rd day of November � A• ll• 1976
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<br /> � L ��Pos�rct� !- ="� - r - - - - -`'�- - - - - - - - - - - - -
<br /> � ennis J . Schlund
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<br /> ' �� Kathryn Schlund
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<br /> ; ST,1'f� OI� NEIIRASI{A
<br /> . : `, Countyot- - - -��i •�-`�f/�- - - - - - - - - - � �
<br /> On tLis 3 -� �- dny o[ � N r :�. v. is 76 , beforo ma�
<br /> the undcroigned, u Nolnry PuMic in nnd tor thc � said County in s;tid Stute, pereonally up-
<br /> � . ; n�+�I�� Dennfs d . Schlund and+�Kathryn Schlund , husba�c� a�d wjfe.
<br /> to me kno��'n lo be tho idenLionl peraonS ni�med iu nud �+'ho execute t w oregomg ���ntrucncut, nnd ncknowledged
<br /> lhat they executn:d tlic sume as Lh811' voluntnry uct und decd.
<br /> _ �
<br /> � _- —
<br /> F. M. PAR;(ER ` . .. /��/ j �� 6 C�
<br /> ; QENERA� NOThi?IAL .�.,,�- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - �- - - - - - - - - -
<br /> STATL' OF �:� .' .;`;ASKA NoturY 1'ublio �
<br /> � �i � � - SC ;� I.. � :
<br /> \ty commission expirea ��,mi;sron E.piras
<br /> � � . � OctoW.� 2J, 1J18 '`, � ' - '
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