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<br /> ' 7b- t�064��
<br /> �►rto�u �Cl �en �p ��je�e �re�ent�,
<br /> THAT, Oennis J. Schlund and Kathryn Schlund, husband and wife,
<br /> r
<br /> ;
<br /> : of Hd�1 County,State of Ne6raskn,pnrtl2S o[the firet pzvt,hereinafter called the mortgagorS
<br /> � (which term wheiever used in this mortgage,eo far ns the context may permit or require,it is hereby agreed shall be
<br /> ; aonstrued to include;and ehall include the heirs,executors,ndministrators,suecessors and assigns ot the part i esf
<br /> ; the first pait)do hereby grant,burgain,sell and convey unto dOHN IiAIVCOCK n4UTUAL LIrE INSIIR�L'�C�
<br /> COH'IPANY,a corporation duly established and existing under tl�e lawe of The Couunonwealth of n4nssachusetts,
<br /> ? with ite priacipal office in Boston,Sufiolk County,➢inssachusette,purty of tl�o second patt,hereinafter cnlled the
<br /> ' mortgugee(�vhich term wherever used in this mortgnge,so far ns the context mny permit or requirc,it is hereby
<br /> ' og�eed ahall be construed to include,and ehnllinclude the successors nnd nsaigns of the piuty of t6e second pnrt),
<br /> the following described real estate I41c in the Cotmty ot Ha l l
<br /> nnd 8tate of Nebraska,to wit: '
<br /> The West Half of the LJest Half (bl'ZW�) of Section Twenty-eight (28), West
<br /> Half of the Southeast Quarter (4J%zSE;), and the South Half of the South-
<br /> west Quarter (S'-�.SW;) of Section Nineteen (19), all in Township Twelve
<br /> (12) P�orth, Range Twelve (12), West of the 6th P.td.
<br /> < ;
<br /> Together with all irrigation wells, pumps, engines, motors, pipes,
<br /> casings, gearheads, equipment and all appurtenances thereto, and any
<br /> substitution or replacement thereof thereunto now or hereafter placed
<br /> : on the above described land, including without limitation the following:
<br /> , _
<br /> Western Land Roller Pump, Serial tta76642
<br /> IJestern Land Roller Gearhead - no serial number
<br /> Chrysler Propane Engine, 125 H.P., Serial #E267018
<br /> �' = 1400' - 9" Texflow Gated Pipe
<br /> ` 68' - 9" Texflow Mainline Pipe
<br /> _.' `
<br /> � ;,
<br /> � _
<br /> s
<br /> It is also ngreed as part of this morl-gage arrangemenl' that if the mortgagors
<br /> ¢' herein sell the mortguged premises while the outstunding loan bulance is in
<br /> �` excess of $75,000.00, the Jolin Hanw ck Plutual Life Insurance Company has the
<br /> s. right to require full payment of the loan secured by this mortgage.
<br /> .: ;
<br /> +r �
<br /> �. ,
<br /> :�
<br /> F
<br /> 3
<br /> s,
<br /> nnd niso all buildin�s,structures,npparutus,cl�attels nnd Fixtures now on c�rcafter erected or pinced in or upon suid
<br /> renl estnte or notiv or hereafter attached to or uscYl in connection���ith said renl est�te,��•liether or not the snme havc
<br /> or would become pnrt of said real estate by attachment thereto,includinq,wiLhout in any�cisc limiting the gencrality
<br /> of the foregoing,nll furnaces,l�eaters,ranees,mnntles,gus and clecLric light fisturas,refrigernting apparatus,elevators,
<br /> 4, screens,screen doots,6R�nings,blinds,Acwr coverings,lobby furnishinga,gns nnd oil tanl�and equipment,pipes,
<br /> wires nnd plumbing,nll of�vhich shall Ue coasidered ns nnnexed to ssnd forming a part of the[rechold und be nubject
<br /> to the lien of thie mnrtguge.
<br /> Together with all and singular the tenements,hereditaments nnd nppurtennnces thereunto bclongin�;nnd also
<br /> the mnts,issues nnd profits thereof aecrucd nnd to accrue from all tennnts in occupancy of the mortgaged premises,
<br /> including rentals nnd roynities under oil nnd minernl lesses,if any�,or any part thereof,during the lifetime of this
<br /> mortgnge,it being understood thst ns long ns f:hem is no default in thc performance or obser��ance of any of the
<br /> covennnta or ngreements herein contnined the mortgngoiS shnlJ ha��e the privilege of collecting nnd recei�•ing all
<br /> rents accruing under leases or conttncis of tenancy for the mortgaecd premises,or any part thercof;nnd nlso all the ._;{
<br /> estate;right,title and interest of the mortgagor 5 ,of,in nnd to tLe xforementioneci properties und every pnrt nnd ' '�',"
<br /> parcel thereof. a <•;�
<br /> j To Iiave and To Hold nll of enid property grunted,bargni¢ed,sold nnd conveycd(s1I of which nre hereinufter �
<br /> ica]led the mortgaged premises)unto the mortgagce,its successore and asvigns,[orever. � ,
<br />� Mortgagor shnll continually comply with and confonn to all laws, ordinances, � `^
<br />� �
<br /> regulations, covenants, conditions and restrictions affecting the mortgaged premises, �
<br />� nnd not to commit, suffer or permit any act to be done in or upon said mortgaged
<br /> r� premises in violation thereof:
<br />��.
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