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<br />' ' 76' f�064.18
<br /> h10RTCAGB
<br /> 110RTGAGG LOAN NO. L 2Z,413
<br /> r, KNOWALLbfENDYTH[iSEPRBSGNTS:That Howard W. Legg and Lorena I. Legg, each in his and her
<br /> I':
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mortgagor,whetiur one or more,in consiJeratiun ot Ihe sum oF
<br /> � r�,AivP Thousand an� NDI�OO—�------------------------------- -----`------ — DOLLARS
<br /> loaned lu said mortgagor 6y Tha liyuitvble Building and Loen Associa�ion of Grand Island,Nebraska,�tortgagee,upon shares o(swck of
<br /> '� � said ASSOCIA7'ION,Ccrlificate No.L Z2,�13 ,do hereby grant,conecy and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the foUowing
<br /> described real estate,situaced in Hall Counry,NebrasY.a:
<br /> Lot Two (2), 31ock Seventeen (17), of College Addition
<br /> to West Lawn, in 6rand Island, Nebraska.
<br /> �,' �
<br /> �`, ;`.;
<br /> � tugether with all the tenemeNs,hereditaments and appurtenances thereunto belonging,including attaclied tloor wcerings,al!window screens, � . .�
<br /> � window shades,6linds,storm winduws,awnings,he�ting,air conditioning,and plumbing:�nd waterequipment and aceesmries thereto,pumps,stuves, � � � �
<br /> �eGigerarors,and other fixtures xnd equipment now or herra(ter attached«�or used in cunnection with said real estate. - �
<br /> ,;'r� And whereas the said mortgagor has:�greed and does hereby agree that�he nmrtgagm shall and will pay all taxes and asxssments levied or
<br /> assessed upon said premises and upon this mortgage and the bond secured therehy before the same shall become delinquenq to furnish approved ,� � . � �
<br /> insurance upon the buildings on said premises:ituated in�he sum of 5�Z�OOO.00 payable w said ASSOCIATION and to deliver lo said � �
<br /> ASSOCfAT10A the pulicies for said insurance;and not to commit or pernut any waste on or about said premises;
<br /> - ln case o(deCxult in qie prrfomiance of any o(the terms and conditione uf diis murtgage ur the bond secureJ hereby,the mortgagee shatl, . . ��
<br /> on demsnd,6e entitled to immediate possession of the mortgaged prcmiscs and the mortgagor hereby assigns, trans(ers and sets ovcr ro thc '
<br /> ' mortgagee all the rents,revenues and income ro be derived frmn the murigageJ premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedneu shall remvin � � �
<br /> � unpaid;and the morlgagee shall have the power tu appuint any agent ur agems it may desice fo�the purpose o(repairing said premises and rrnting �. . � � �
<br /> ihe same and collecting the rents,recenues and income,and it may p�y out of said income all expenses of repairing syid premises and nece:sary � ��� � � - ��
<br /> commissions anJ expenses incurred in reming and managing the same and of collecting rrntals therc(mm;the balantt remaining,if any,to be �
<br /> `, apPlied toward the discharge of said mort�ge indebtedness;these rights of the murlgagee may be exercised at any time during the existence of such �
<br /> - de(ault,irrespcctive of any�cmporary waiver o(the same. � � � �
<br /> ��� �� Tl�ese Prcsents,ho�sevec,are upon tht Cundition,That iC the s:�id�furigagm shall repay s�id Ioan un or before tht maturity of said shares by � �
<br /> �-� �� payment;pay monihly to s�id ASSOCIA7'ION of thr sum specified in the Hond secured hereby as intemst and principul on said loan,on or be(ora � � �
<br /> £����� thc Tweniicth day uf each and evcry monih,until s�id Iwn is(ully paid;pay all tascs and assessmenis levied against said premises and un tltis Afurtgage . �
<br /> and lhe Bond<ecured lhereby,belure delinyuency;furnish appro��ed insurance upun the buildings thereon in the sum of 5 �2����.�Q payable � �- ��
<br /> �o said ASSOCIATIO�:repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand all moncy by it paid for such tases,assessments�nd insurance�vith interest at . � � '
<br /> �he maximum Ieg�l rate thereun from date of paymrnt all u(which Alortgagur hereby ag�ees tu pay:pertnit no waste on said premises:keep and comply . . �. �
<br /> 4 with ali the aRreements and wnditiuns of the Bond for S�Z��(�Q (�(� th�s day given by the ssid t�turtgagor to said ASSOCIATION,and comply
<br /> with all[hc requicemen�s uf the Constitution and!3y-Laws ut sa�i ASSOCIATION;then these prcsants shall become null and void,uthenvise they
<br /> shall rem�in in full force and may be foreclosed at the optiun o(the said ASSOCIATION �frer failure for lhrre munths to make any uf said �
<br /> p�yments or be threc months in a�resrs in muking s;�id monthly payments,or tu kecp and cumply with the�greemenl:and condi[iuns of said Uond;
<br /> - and Norlgagor agrees tu have a nceiver appointed forthwith in such(umdosure pruceedings.
<br /> If thece is any changc in ownership oC Ihe real estate mortgaged herein,by sale ur othenvise,then the entire remaining inde6tedness hereby � �� �
<br /> sewred shall,at the option of The L'quitable Building and Loan Association u(Grand Island,Nebraska,Uecume immediately due and payable without
<br /> further notice,and the umount remaining due under said bond,and any other bond fur any additional ad�•xnres made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> date of exercise ol'said option,besr intercst at the maximum lega!�ate,xnd this murtgage may dien be Coreclosed to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any uther bond for additional advances,mgether with all sums paid by said The�quita6le Building and Loan Association of CranJ Island,
<br /> 1:� Nebraska(or insurance,tazes and ass�ssments,and abstracting extension charges,with interest thereon,from date o(payment at the maximum
<br /> legalratc.
<br /> As provided in the Bond ucured hereby,ahile this mortgage rem�ins in ef(ect the mortgagee may horea(ter advance aJditional sums to the
<br /> makers o(said Bond,their assigns ar successors in inlecest,which sums sh�ll be within the security of this mortgxge the same as the funds o�i�inully
<br /> - uwred�hereby,lhe total amount of principal debt nut to eaceed at any time the original amount of this mortgage. - �
<br /> D Led this 4th a�y�r November A.D.,l9 J6
<br /> � �C.�
<br /> H w�+d W. Le� � ]
<br /> , ' orena I. Legg / � I
<br /> STATE OFNEBRASKA,�ss. On this 4th day of November ]9�6 ,before me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL ,._�.,
<br /> .+'
<br /> . lhe undersigned,a Notary Public in and(or said Cuunry,perwnally cante ,
<br /> Howard W. Legg and Lorena I. Legg, each in his and her own right and��o spouse of e�ft�other 'N :
<br /> i are Personn y ownto }
<br /> tC
<br /> me to be ihe identical person .5 whou name S� apE� a(fued ro the above insuume tortga&�� S ��� haVC��eraily .�
<br /> r� :
<br /> acknowledged the said instrument to be thei r votuntary act and deed. �
<br />� � ` � ,„X and Notacial Sea]the date a(oresaid. �Iy/��f
<br /> tt ,ENERai.t�A�.cr it�� � /�AV , � �
<br /> JA�"6S1y�CoIlmils7ion ex ircs y_ � � .
<br />��. � .J��� 67y to!�mi.t�;:,ar,.iL 1319 �' t�F ao j,{�{
<br /> ,y �� 79' 1otary Nubl
<br /> G�I�ZA1 HI � . .
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