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<br /> S'. �.��� . . . . . . • . ,- � �
<br />�: A��a. Y•,
<br />� STATE OF NEBEtASKA, Cowity of ............................................ .
<br /> Filedfor recorl on ................................. 19........ut.......................,.... o'clock ........................ �i.
<br />, sud recorded in the lleed Record ................................. Page .............................
<br /> : .................................................................................... I3y ..........................................................................................
<br /> Register of Deccls lleput}• Registcr of Deede I
<br /> r 76. oos4�.��
<br /> Tom Hohnbaum and Julie K. Hohnbaum, husband and �vife, each in His and Ner own
<br /> E right, and as spouse of each other , tierein called the grantor whether one or more,
<br /> in considcrntion of Fifty-t�vo Thousand and No/100 (�52,000.00) Dollars
<br /> ` reeci�•ed from grnntees, does grant, bargain, sell con�•ey and confirm unto
<br /> Miles L. Homelvig and A. Kay Homelvig
<br /> ns joint tenantx with rigLt of survivorship, and not us tennnts in commoi�, ti�e following descri�ed real
<br /> ,. ,
<br /> •_ , property. qn Hall ......................... Count}•,fieUraska:
<br /> Lot Sixteen (16) in Block Three (3) Normandy �states, an addition to the City
<br /> of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> STHNiP TAk
<br /> �:S'fAL'Nr''. I���V `� �976
<br /> .��t���;,�ct�t `��.:Zl� gy ��,�
<br /> �
<br /> °� except easements and restrictions of record.
<br /> a' ;
<br /> To lin��e und to liold the abo�•e descriL•ed premises together �`•itli all tenements, Lereditaments
<br /> : and appurtenanees lhereto Lelonging unto the grfintecs aud to tLeir assigns, or to lhe lieirs aud assi��u
<br /> of the survi�ror of tlieui fore�•er.
<br /> ; And grantor does hereby co�•enunt n•ith thc grantees and �cith their aavigns and u•ith the neira
<br /> R and ussigns of the survi�•or of them that grnntor is]n«•full}•seised of stiid premises;thut they are frec f:om
<br /> t: encumbranee except the balance of a first mortgage loan at Home Federal Savings
<br /> and Loan Association of Grand Island , Nebraska, as recorded in Book 168. Page 61 of
<br /> � the records of the Hall County Re ister of Deeds, which the Grantees a&ree to assume and pay.�°
<br /> that gruntor hae good right and law�ul authorit}' to com�c}• the sawc; uud iliat gr.�tnor n�xrrants ❑nd u-ill
<br /> defeiid t6e titic to said prctnises a��ai�ist tlte lat�•ful claiims uf all persc,ns �cLmnsoc�•ci•.
<br /> � lt :s thc intention of all parties hereto that iu the event ol' the deuth of eitl�er of ttie grantees,
<br /> ihc cntire fee titic to tLi. rr;il pr•o��i�rt}� �h�ill ����sf iu.11ie sur�•iri�ig �rantee.
<br /> i Dated November 1 1976
<br /> ;� : � �
<br /> ,:
<br /> i
<br /> ..................... J C ,,^
<br /> �, ............................................................... ..........� �.r� . ... . .... .. ..:.�'.�i.�.......
<br /> �e t , onaum
<br /> ;�. `:
<br /> .................................................................................... ..... . . ..... ........ ....:.. C.,�...�....................
<br /> " Torr, Nohnbaum
<br /> '�
<br /> , :: STAT� OP ...............Nebraska......................, County of ..........I-?all
<br /> l:
<br /> a 13efore me,a uotar}• puhlic yualified for said cu�uit�-, persotiull}' cawe
<br /> Tom Hohnbaum and Julie K. Hohnbaum, husband and �vife, each in His and Her own
<br /> right, and as spouse of each other
<br /> I _ .�
<br /> kno�en to me tu be tLe identicnl person or persons�cho si�ned the fore{�oing instrnment and aeknowledgcd
<br /> i
<br /> thc excci�tion thereof to Ue l�is,Ler or ilieir�•oluntary nct and deed. N ''
<br />� �, `ti'itness my hand and notarial seat on .........November 1 , ,.,,,, g76........... ,� � `.
<br /> . .......................
<br /> �
<br /> . {//, �G /-� M1 '
<br /> r"'�'. . ...f I)y�`GC""""""l•.••�/�.......... ..Gfi�:......._\otury l'nblir, �
<br />�� ��n::.,:�;� -,:. n
<br /> ,.�r .
<br />:. :liy comrnission eapires........�;........i:�.::.....:..:::r.::::.:...19.�.............
<br />;;� Fm•m �1.9 '1'i� bc� �ip�,ro�•ed L}� \ebr:i�i:�i St�itr Tiar_\ccor.i:diou eatm���Ti�c..�u�an:Nebr:s��; ,�
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