k . . —._—�;��....
<br />� . .. . . _ . . � .. . I �. .�.�� . � � .
<br />� .�. ,... � � . . � . . .. ., . . . �
<br />( �
<br /> ��� (.���� 1'�
<br /> ,:;
<br /> t; �1(3KTGAGI'.
<br /> � ------ -- -------»�nirc.nc�:u�.���o. L 'Z291��_MCI C _
<br /> x�<�n�nu.�+sriavn�rsr.rr.rsr;:is:i�i��t Dennis L. Fiala and Qeatrice D. 1'iala eacli in his and
<br /> � her ot,m right and as spouse of each otl�er
<br /> ' Muripxgor,��helher one oi�nore in coiniderauon of lhe anm ol
<br /> z Twent -five 1'housand Five Nundred and No/1U0--------------- --------- ------- '
<br /> ' —y---- ------ ----- -- � — - -tk�i.t.;�its
<br /> � . luaned lo said tnongag�r 1���1�iu liq�nwble Iluildiit�and Loait Associatiun�uf<;ranA l.la�ad.\et�raska,\fort�agee,iqwn Z J� �i�arzs nl stoek.�1
<br /> �aid ASSCk'IAlIO\,C'.�tifi.atc �,,.t�2412 T�IiZ�,d,�hercU)'gtxnt,.Y�nrei� and mon&a�e unm th.s;�id�ASSt?C7A-110\the follue�ing
<br /> dexaiNed reat rs�aic,siluaied m Ilall lounty.\el±raska:
<br /> 2
<br /> ,i LOT NTNETEEN (19) IN (3LOCK ON[ (i) IN
<br /> x ISLAND ACR[S NUMI�EIt 11J0 (7), GEING A
<br /> REPLAT i�F LOTS ONL (1), il�'0 (�), THREE
<br /> (3) FIUE (5), SIX (6) AND S[VLN (7) IN
<br /> ,�.
<br /> 7 � ia+ed�cr ��i�h aIl the tenemems.hc�cditamcnia;md a����mtcnnnces�I;eicumo bcl�mFutk.mtludinA a��aeheci Iloor c���ennos.ail�cindc�e erreens.
<br /> <r �rinJ��a J10i1CS.FIIIt�Ic.St01ill��'�O�I�����,:+��'Ifitl¢`.IICeUItk.Tii�t�11tId1�Tiltp.1t1�3�llulilbin;.'and�calci cquipt»cnt and asesx�ules thercio.puntpr,s1o��ec.
<br /> '� �cfi�Cc�ato�a,and othci I�i�hucs and rympmcne na���ei hc�c;�lici anadicd to oi mcd m.•,mneci��m eidi aai�i rral esiatc.
<br /> �s
<br /> ;1ud���hercas tiir>aid mortp,:fo�ha�agrced and d,•es lic�ebr a;:ree�liu thr m,�n�.t;:��i shall and�rill pay all ta�es and a••essmenis Ir�ied ur
<br /> a�assed upon wii�i premisx and upon dus mu�t�;ike ard th.L•and ac�ure�i Uicicl�� Letore th. sime nhall Lrcome deGnyueni:to twnislt a�•proce�i �.
<br /> �; in.ivan.r upon�hc Lmldings on.a�d�,rcmi.cs�imalcd in�lie ai�m��i� ;'J.J��.�� �•acaLlc Iv ����d .15�(H'I:U10\ and to drli�sr to said
<br /> ,4SS(h�l:\il0\tire�•,,hcics ii�t.aid in.u�a�i r:ard not lo:,�mmit���pci ini�any�ca��c�m cn �I+om�a�J premoxs:
<br /> In:asc ol dcti�ult in the��.tl���man:c ul anr of dic Icum and tondivam ut�hiz nn,itga�c ui �lir L��nd�rrured hcrebr,the mon�agee shall.
<br /> an drmand,he eniY�IcJ lo unntediate�•o..esson al�he mom�aked picnusrs ard thr m���ivakor I,eiel� :o..4iu. tnn<Ien anS ..1s u�rr l�� the
<br /> -,z n,o�tgagec aU tfic renlc,�e�enuc.md m.ame f.l c dc�i�r�i Itom Ihe m�nf�aFed�mnv.�.es iuimR�ndi u�•ii�:ihe m�•rtkage mdeLtedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid.and tbc mm�Fa}:cr shall hacc�hc p����er��i.q,�•omt am�a�:rnt vi a�rnis n mi��J��iic for Uic puq_use oi�cpauin�said��rcnuses anJ renint� .
<br /> lI1C LIIt1C;III�I.•c1lc.hns ihc�cnt<.�����•�����^c aad in�z�mc,and il ma��pa>'�nit nl said in:onta np ec�hnses ef repain�ig s�id piemises and necessa�c
<br /> ��onuni�swns and e���en.es m:mred m iemmR and manawm�tiv�•ame and of colle.tint;�cmal�. thereli�me�he I�alan:e�emamutR,d am�.�0 0e �
<br /> applicd ioward�Le dis.hsir�c af�aid mo�t*aFr m�Icltr�L�em:th:�.e�ighb��I ihe a;onv:a£et mas be c�ertned al anr�ime Jmin�:IBe eaietencr of suzh �.
<br /> 3 dclaull.nrc.pcc�iec o(am�tcm�•�•�ac���canr��d Ihc�.:mc. �
<br /> ilicti P�esenir,hu�re�zr.are u{Mm th.l'on:ii�ian.1-l�ai it Il�c��iJ\i��il�',�kor•I�all icpa� �aid loaa�m oi I�e(orc thc maU�ri��•��f.aiS�hares 1��� �
<br /> paymcnC pa��tnnnti�l� le cvd 1ti501'L�l I(1X��I the.inn>.�kci�ied in Ihc lian 1... iueJ hereD� a�mlerest anJ pnncq�al�m.ai 1 1 an.on or 1•eto�c �� �
<br /> ihc 1'��.aticihd:��'rYcaih and e�at��mm�th.unhl sa�d 1�an i�lulle patd:pa��all i��c.anJ asstsvnrnu�Ic�icd apainsl>aid p�enuses and JI1IIli<�IP.IIR7�C
<br /> andthell��nJ:e.u�cd�hrrcl•��.1�.•Ioicdeiinynener:�mnnlia�ep�o�rJuuuraniciq•�mthel�midu;;:alhe�e��ninllie.umvl�2J.J��.�� raY�l�le -
<br /> to cnd 1S5(.�C'i:\11U\:i.•�,a�-i�,•a„1;1SClX'I:UIU\u�n,n JcmanJ all m,mec�l��d I"u�i Il,�.u;h�a�c�,as.rs�inents and unurance a�idt intemst at .
<br /> IL•c IIIASII170111 IC�:tI I��l'IMCM011}I��111 tl;lll`0��`8\InC!II dII�d��I�ich\loilka�:oi IirreP��a�•tees�o pa��;�rrmd no���a�ic��n sal.i�`remrzes:Acep and a�mpl}� . '
<br /> ` �r r,
<br /> �,i ��i�h all die:�Faeenun�x anJ cordrtiom ol d�e lirnd Il,�e r_J...��.��thl�dac fnrn b���he�aid\l,��Ika�cr�e>aid,1551h�lAl�lc1\,anJ:omph� ... -
<br /> �cith all thc reyuucmcnuel Uic lonstiiutlon and lir.l a���.ol.aid,1JS�X'I;1111)\:thcn thrsc picseni� .�hali t�e:omc null and r�nd.uiL•ci��ixe the�� . �
<br /> .hall rcmain in fiill I,n.•c:mS m;n� I�c I�ncilawrd at thc���•hon��I thc�a�J .\�tiC!c'1:\1lU\ alici huhuc I�n ilucc m�mllu tm m�6c anr of s;�id � .
<br /> papmcros or be ihrce monUu m anr:n�m makm;.••aiJ m„mhly pacmrms.��i b�I.ecp and a�mpi��riih thc a:'rcenten�s and ronJni�nn ol�aid 13ond: . .. . .
<br /> and\1m;kagm a�:rcc>n�haee a i�:cnri appom�cd ti�iihaiih in aueh lorcrin.ur�piun•cdin�±�. : . .� . . .
<br /> II Uicre is anv:hanfe m�ncnenhip��I thc�cal c>�;ne mon�±agcJ h.icin.b� .ale�,� vihei��cc.O�en tlie enurc remanmtw mdeBledness licicb�' , ..
<br /> uruted shall.at thc rpG�m ol�Il�c f�p�itablc IiuiWin;:and t o�n,4�•�!ciahua��f�;iand Island.NchiasAa.bcr�nnc immcdialcly duc xnd pacahle��iihuut �. � . �, � �
<br /> (mthcr aoi�cc.and thc amounl n•maviviy,duc mnL�� �aid i��md.2nd am���tl�cr L�vid!�s:u���additional nd�anccs madr tl�creundcr,shall.liom the � � �.
<br /> ��a�c af�o�cici.c�,f>aid opGon,bcai nIIC�C.I��Illc 108\hl11ui1 IC�tI 10IC.tI1�I IIli1 InUitkd}:C inay rt�en bc I��ircl�rc�l to.aGsir Il�c am�}unt duc on+aiJ � � . . .
<br /> hond.and am�oihcr LnnJ fo�ndditional adranccs,i�y;ctlr,i���iU�a0 nnus paid br.aid Ilic f,piilallc 13uildmk and I,.an-1 sociatii�n idl��and I�land. . . � . . . � �.
<br /> \rl�rasAa Il���mu�anre.la�csanda.4�itnent�.andah�f�aitinRr�tcnsi��n.:DaiRe�.�cnh inicic.� Uuic�m. In�m daie o(��a��ment af thr mavmum � . . - .
<br /> Icgal t,nc. . �. ..
<br /> :1�pn��ided in tlie 13��nd xecwrJ hcn�l�r.ahilo Ihi�m�rnya�:c icmann�in Nic:l thc mrnt;a�ec mac herealtci adY2tlCC:11IiIlUOtItI)111713 lo Ihe . � � . ..
<br /> �-"? maAcis��t.aiJ IlonJ.Uuii;u��µm ar sursss��ix m intcicst,whlrh.ums�hall br��ithio tlu sc:miit nl Ilvs nronka€e�hc.ame a<�hr huuts en�malh� �� . . . . . .
<br /> uc��rcd Ihcrchy,thr lolal ainount nl p�incipal dchl not i��c�ral al ant nmc Il:c��ii�inal ain„im�ol tlus mo�tkxpc. � . . � .
<br /> " 14i1cd�lhi} ,lti�l �I�����I NOVI'.Ill�l'1' :1.1�..1'? �( � .
<br /> _ _ r�.-�.�-�,..� t ..f: � �
<br /> - -�s_,,1�'-t�_---
<br /> Dennis ,L. Fi�la .
<br /> C ~•, ,r1s:1"-�=-.`i.� - '-4�'-
<br /> De��trice l3, fiala
<br /> tiCATC(�P NI�.BRr\SKA, cti tln Uiis �fa�ol � I'� bc(o�c me.
<br /> rai�nr��orn,��i.� 4th ��ovember 7G'
<br /> ,.� �.
<br /> Ii1C LIIt,QIRIKIIC��.B Nt��O�\'P�IL1IIl'.III 871{I IOI R�NI COlilll\'�peisonall�camc . "'� �*t, `.
<br /> ' De pfi��l��,C,l a and aeatrice !3. Fiala each in his and her own rightian i 1 1s Spouse�i°� c���'ii, � 4
<br /> of��1� '. �.
<br /> � � mc li���dt�c9�l ptTual p� �on3 ���hosc namc S ill'Q al'licrd to Ihe aLo�r in�t�wncnl as niorl�atoFS anJ Lf1CV .�c�rrell�� ��,�
<br /> ��.itu�flci4,Cd Ihe s,nJ i�iz1 unmal to i�c ChCI t' �oluntai�act and dccd. r��}'' -
<br /> j t, i';111I\1�, m�hand m�J'\aiial Jcal Ibc dntc aloicaid. \ �5i
<br /> � : � � .�\ti Cai nlsxion cxpirce ti � � ���� 1
<br /> y. 1, � ` N'.\,, �a��� ��� ��'��� ��,� .:� � Y\��..C..ti - .. ,.
<br />.. ` ���"• L �-�. 1 � ,, � ------ --�'--- ---__ _._ � _. ---
<br /> � � lala 1�14iblic
<br />� ' „y4�r�pF�W��\U`� � \�
<br />� � ����.:.::i�='.T _
<br /> --- ...J
<br />