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<br /> �tOKTCAGEL0ANN0. L 22410 MGIC
<br /> , �- KNOWALLTIL•N[37'THGSGPRESC:NTS:T6a! paul Stephen Potter, d S1f19�2 Pet'5011
<br /> Atortgagor,whether one or more,in consideratiun of the sum of
<br /> " Twenty-eight Thousand One Hundred dlld NO�lOO-------------------------------------- DOLLARS
<br /> luaned to mid murtgagor by Tha I:quita6le Duilding und Loan Association of Grand Island,Nebruska,�lurtgagee,upon 281 shares of stock of
<br /> � said ASSOCIATION,Certificate Nu.L 2241� MGI C.�u Icereby grant, convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> �` Jescri6ed real estute,situated in Hall County,Nebrnska:
<br /> a
<br /> ;: (8) IN BLOCK FIFTEEN (15) IN THE
<br /> 7'
<br /> �.
<br /> 4 '
<br /> �
<br /> iugether �rith aU tLe tenements,hereditamenls and�ppunenanees thereunto belunging,including attached floor coverings,all window scrarns. �
<br /> � window shades,blinds,slunn t��indo�es,a«�nings,hea�ing,air cunditioning,and plum6ing und w�ter eyuipment and accessuries thereto,pumps,stoves, . �
<br /> refrige�aiurs,and o�her lixtures�nd equipment now or liereafter attached to ur used in cunnectiou w�ith saiJ rcal estate. � �
<br /> � AnJ e�hereas thc said mortgagor has agreed and does hereby agree that the mor�gagor shull and will pay all taxes and assessmen�s levied or �
<br /> assessed upun said premises and upon diis mortgag�and the bond securcd thereby before the same shall become delinquenq[o fumish approved � �
<br /> insurance upun thc buildings on said prcmises situatcd in tl�c sum of S 2$�1 QQ.QQ pa}'able W said ASSOClATION and to deliver to said � � � �
<br /> - ASSOCIATION Ihe policies fbr said insurance;and nut to commit or p.rmit any waste on or a6uut said premises;
<br /> �� In case o�de(ault in the yerlormance uf any oCtl�e trrms and wndilions of this mortg�ge or dir bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, .
<br /> � on demanJ,be entitled to immediate possessiun of�he mortgaged premiscs and the murtgagur hereby assigns, transters and sets o��er to the � �
<br /> nwrtgagee xll ihe rents,revenues anJ income to be Jerived(rum the morigaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> ��- unp:�id;and ihc morlgagee shall h�ve dir power to appoint miy�gent ur agcnts it may Jcsire fur the purpuse of repairing said premises and renting � . � �
<br /> the same and colleciing die rents,rerenues and incomc,and it may pay out of said inmme ail expenses of repairing said premises and nocesssry
<br /> • commissiuns and expenses incurrcd in renting and managing the same and u(collecting renlals tl�erefrum;the balance remaining,iC any,to be
<br /> . applied toward the discharge o!said mortgage indebtrdness;these rights uf ihe nwrtea6ee may be exereired at any tinte during the existence oC such �
<br /> default,irrespective o(any temporary waiver of the same.
<br /> These Praents,huwerer,are upon the Conditiun,That if the said lforig�gur shall repay said luan on or be(ore Ihe matutity oP said shares by .
<br /> payment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION of ihe sum specitieJ in the Uond secured hrreby as intercst and ptincipal un said loan,un or beforc �
<br /> the Tcentieth da}•uf cach and erery month,until said luan is(ully paid;pay all t�xes�nd assessments In•ied against said premises and on this Afurtgage �
<br /> � �nd the Bond securcJ thereby,be(ure Jelinyuency;liunish approred insurance upon the buildings�hereun in the sum of$ Z$�jQ�.�� p�)'�ble . .
<br /> m said ASSOCIATION;repaq tn said ASSOCIATION upon dem�nd all muney by it paid fur such ta�es,assessmrnts and insurance with interest at
<br /> �" , the maximum legal rate themun(rum date oC paymrnt all uf which Aturtgagor hereby agrees to pay:pennit no wasm on said premises;Aeep and cumply
<br /> 4.
<br /> with all tl�r agraements and conJitiuns uC the ffund Ibr S 2$,1��.00this day given b}•the said M1lurtgagor tu s�id ASSOCIATION,and contply
<br /> G: w9th all the reyuirements of thc Constilution and[Sy�Laws ol'said ASSOC'IATION;ihcn these presonts shall become null und euid,uthenvise they
<br /> shall remain in(ul!furce and may br foredosed al thc uptiun uf�he eaid ASSOCIA710\ afier failwt for thrce months W make any of said �
<br /> � p�yments ur be thrre munths in auc�rs in making said monthly payments,ur w keep and mmply with the agreements and conditiuns uC wid Bond;
<br /> ; and Dtortgago�agrees�o h���e a rcceiver�ppointed lb��hwith in such tureclosure pruceedings.
<br /> .: � If there is any change in owncrship ul Ihc real cstate mo�lgaged herein,by salc m odure-ise,d�en tha entire remaining indebtednnss hereby
<br /> >;�� ; secured sl�all,at the option of The liyuitable Duilding and Luan Associatiun uf Grund Island,Nebraska,becunte immediutely due an1 payable witlwut .
<br /> ' � furthcr nolice,and the amount remaining Jue unJcr said bond,and�ny other bund for any addilion�t adtances made the¢under,shall,(rom the
<br /> 4 dstc o(exereise ol'saiJ oplion,6car interest at d�e maximum Icg�l rate,and this mortg�ge may thcn bc foreclused to satis(y the amount due on seid
<br /> bond,and any uther bond for aJditiunel advancrs,togedicr���itii all sums paid by said The I:quitable Building and Luan Associatiun oC Grand Island,
<br /> � rebraska for insurance,taxes and asses:ments,and abstractin;cxtcnsiun cl�arges,with interest thereon, (rom Jate of payment at the maximum
<br /> Icgalralc.
<br /> ' - As provided in the Bnnd secured hereby,while this mortgage remains in eflect the mortgagee may hereafter advancr additional sums to thc
<br /> C� , makers u(said Uond u signs or successurt in inlerest,which sums shall be within the securily u(Qtis morigage the same as the funds originally
<br /> ucured thereb•rtfi al iuunt of p�incipal deht nut to exceed at any time the o�iginal amount o(Ihis murtg�ge.
<br /> _ �� 3rd ��y�r November :�.n.,iv 76
<br /> Paul Stephen Potter
<br /> STATE Of NEDRASKA,�� On this Jay of
<br /> COUNTY OP HALL 3rd November l9]( ,before me,
<br /> � the undersigneJ,a Nolary Pubfic in and fot said County,personally came � � `�� �
<br /> P �ep#�n Potter, a single person �a
<br /> � `�.{`:�C�(����,. wlm 1 S perwnally known to � a
<br /> .� � �aa;0�&���i�epTica� rson whose name 7 5 aCfixed to the nbove instrument a5 morlgagor and he XcUX00xyC ,�..
<br /> t+`
<br />� � �t�'tbwledged tfie'yaid�trument ta 6e hj S voluntary acl end deed, h� ' .�
<br /> ��oT"?� �TTf S my hand and Notarial Seal lhc date aCoresaid. ' �
<br />�� . �7 S CGtF.tit:;c.I�N -
<br />'c7,, .q�XPVR=�,J \fyr u mission expires 1/�I ' I�1 p �,�\ J��� ( .
<br /> �� � � �� D � I �
<br /> �
<br />�e;, ' �. 31, NotaryPublic
<br />- ����OF�NE��`'.
<br /> 4.__.� � �
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