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<br />� .- S'1'�1'Pli UF NliBIid$KA, County of ........................................................:
<br />� P'ilod for reuord iuid entured iu Numerieul Ind�a
<br />, nu .:..........................................................nt ................ o'clack ....,........... Dl.,
<br /> undrr,curded iu lloed R000rd ............................... Ynge ..,...........................
<br /> ............................................................ 13y ............................................................
<br /> County Clork or Deputy County Clurk or I
<br /> Regieter of Decds llepaty Registiu•of l)ecda NCl3RASl(A DOCUM[NTARY
<br /> � r SlAhir'1'AX
<br /> �
<br /> 7b- U 0 6�1?;o WA.RRA,NTY DEED N Ov �� 1976
<br /> Louise G. Nelson, a single person, _:� ��� G`��Y—fi�PKRJ
<br /> , h�rain enlled tLa grantor wt�oH�or ono or rnvro,
<br /> in �ouAiderntionof-Thirty-one Thousand Two Hundred �ifty Dollars (�31 ,250)-- _
<br /> recelved from gruntec, does grnnt, bargain, sell, cmiv�y and coufirtv uuto P d 117 S t e p h e n P q t te 1'
<br /> Lcr�i�i enlled dic grimteo whether one or more, tlic following dcecribed ren!proporiy in
<br /> ...............Nd�.�.................................. County� Nebrnykn:
<br /> The South Nalf (S'i) of Lot Eight (8), alock Fifteen
<br /> ` (15), Original Town, now City of Grand Island, Hall
<br /> � County, Nebraska, including and subject to easements
<br /> r ; for driveway, garage and utilities.
<br /> } i•Ciiti FtiRCM�
<br /> c;;
<br /> clt.�l` � . .
<br /> . �[�11 �1.lYt! lAlll� t0 �IU�t� t�IC f1�0�'C lIl'ti0P1I1C(I �1P1'i11lfiCH LOKOt�II'T {Vlt�l tt�� �CI1CIllCllfd� �7C1'Cf�ll[6tRCL},6 � �
<br /> mid �ippuricnnnccs tliereto belon�;ink utito the grnntce+ind to grnntee'n l�oira iiud ns,igus furevcr.
<br /> :1ud the griwlor docs Lcreby co�•cunnL ���itl� t.hu g�;mtce wui �aith grmdcc'a licirn aud ns.si4ns
<br /> �, rhnt F�ranlor is lnwfully scised of said premisee; thnL lhcy nrc frce from cucumLruuce
<br /> ��
<br /> �'
<br /> t. '.
<br /> ��> . tluii�;runtor lias quoil right�tnd Inwful nulhority to conrcy� thc n;uuc; �u�d lhat grautur ���nrrunts mid �.vill
<br /> duiimd the title to siiid premiecs ng,�inst thc la�vfui clniws nf nll pereoua�cLomaoe�•en
<br /> j` Dnted November 4, 19 76.
<br /> F
<br /> , �,'�,.'!t r.�._�._.C l//Ct'�-��sr-� v
<br /> , . ............................................................................ - t�UY.S.C....G...,.�rr�s.a.N........................
<br /> �:
<br /> �
<br /> ,,
<br /> .; `��•:1'1'Is'Ol� Nli131tAS1{A�Couuly ot.........li,4l,.�.�......................................:
<br /> 13efnrc mc, n nntnr}• publir qanli[icil for::;ii�l cu�ml��. p��rvo�inllp r,unc
<br /> X
<br /> Louise G. Nelson, a single person,
<br /> f
<br /> 1<uoticu t�� nic lu be the idenlicul petwuu or pi�rnonx a•ho siknad lhe
<br /> forc�;oiug instrument twd uckuo�rledged thc nzcculimi therauf tn bc Lis, ,:;! -�r.,; •.
<br /> ��,..y
<br /> hcr or U�cir voluntar}� uct nml_dced. ' N ,,
<br /> ; , _ ,. I .
<br /> L LItiI Cf Lny 0�3 wwo�RW�TM ;¥r�'ns my Liuul � n C�riul 1 on .........Novem . . 4.,...1.976............. � �
<br /> '8f'N1tlH9NINNfl�'f'8 �� .� �,� .......�' ,4,
<br /> °„"q'�+w•Nq.ANtlJANMl3N3i1� � r � 1` '
<br /> ....... ..,,::..:.. . ...:.:... . ...........n.U...us.t..,1..7....... ���,�,���>• 3,�7u�;
<br />- �IfENERAINOIARY•ero+.dN.a..�, �
<br />�� i� D.1.CUNNINGMAM.Jn. 11}� co(��mix�wn expirea ..................................'............. ]!) . ....,..., ^ .
<br /> i" '",,!t!e MY Comm.E�P Aul.11.1971; `~—'-
<br /> 2y m__o
<br />«; Form . A� a �n n.e Uar nssoclnuuu F<Itan h Wul!tb..Wnn�4i.Nel�r.
<br /> k�^ �
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