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<br />.:e � 76- 0064Q6
<br />� ��R�`T
<br /> FEpD� ERAL '
<br /> �' FOflM NO.537(Hev.4•76)
<br /> Loan Number_�1476_ -__1 -- 188
<br /> �.�� ... . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . B�:n�„----TY�� . .. . .
<br /> �; ���
<br /> �i . � ' .. :.THIS.b10HTGAGE,��made.anrt execided this ...... ........_dny.o[ �.::. .�.�..1x*'�:^:l'e<c. . _:..._....:A.A.,1�3...7�1.�_.,between . � � �
<br /> ; Richard Holmes"and Lois E. Holmes, husband and wi�e2 each in his and her own
<br /> .............. ... ........... .. .. ... .... ........ . ...... . ...... ._......... . ... _ _.._. . ... .............. ...... ... ......._....._
<br /> individual.right and as spouse of the other, joi.ntly and severally
<br /> < ..._............_.......:......_......._........._........................................_....................._........:..._..............__..._..._....................._.........,........_._......_
<br /> ; ;
<br /> :' ; of .........:....GTIIIld_I518�.._... . ,.County ot. . ..__...H371... ...... State uf_.......NEIIT8S1L8........... ......... hercinafter rcferred
<br /> iu as the hiortgagaq und F[RST FEDERAL SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATIO:Q OF I.INCOL?Q, Nebraske, ite yucceasore
<br /> and assigns,hereinnfter re[erred�to us Morfgugcr, � � � � � � � .
<br /> ,�.� ; . . . . ..
<br /> .�VITNESSETH: 'Chnt ihe stiid htortgugnr,for imd irt considrration nf!Le sum n( . � � . . . .
<br /> ..;. . . . . . .
<br /> ; .F�.X-..O.NE..�H4usArm:..�E_�?�m...AND_N4/lop-.. _.--- -----�s..51e3Q0.OQ...._...._._..) Dolinrs,
<br /> �;aid by said Aiortgaqee, dors hereby sell and carvcy unto rIRST PCDIiRAL S:IVINGS AhD I.OAN ASSOCIATION OP
<br /> 8�.�.�.�' 1.INCOLN, Nebruska, as hSortgagee, its successors and asvi�;ns, the following descri��d Rexl Estnte,siiunted in the Caunty of �. � � � � � � �
<br /> ,� ............Ha7.1........... ......... ...............siace or . ......_......�Iebraska....._...... .... . _....._..._.._.. in-��ir.
<br /> r Lot Thirty-six (36}, CaAital Fieights Seventh Subdivision,
<br /> Ha11 County, nTebrAska.
<br /> r.,��; � . . .
<br /> t:'_ -; � . .� � . .
<br /> t ;
<br /> �' i
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<br /> , 7'O I�iAV� AND TO liOLD the alwve dexri6ed premises fur tiie uscs 6erein vi•i(nrlh and tu�ecure performnnce uf the
<br /> �. nbligutimu contnined herein,logether:��ith all buiWings,improvements. fixlures und appurtrnantts und all eayements thereunto �
<br /> f'- . }Mlonging, und it is mutually rovrnanted c+nd agreed by und Lete�cen ihe parties heretu lhut ❑Il plumbing. gn=. i4ectric nnd
<br /> mrchanicnl (ixlures. appliunces, eyuipmenf. machinery emd npparatus.Oonr cueerings,s(orm�rindow.a�nd screens,nnd suc}:olher
<br /> .. rowls nnd chattels and pennnal prupertp ns nre e��er furnis}ied by a landlord in li�ttin�or oporuling an un[umished huilding,simi-
<br /> lar to the une noH�or heteafter on said premisca,which an�or sliall tx• ;it�anc�d to snid building in an>• manner�+�hatscever,.an•
<br /> . :md s}tt�ll br decmi�l to b��fixtures and an acces�sion to the Irveholct and a part ot thc re�lh•as kx•tween the parties hereto,�heir
<br /> � hr•irs.eaecuto».adminisirainrs,�succwsurs ur«��igns.und all per.;uns c!�iimin� Ly. through or under thrm.and=hnll hr dr��mrd
<br /> tu}r a�wrtion of thc�s�•ivrih•for the inJchtrdne.�s Lerein men�ioned:vid f��� b��cuti�rred b�: thi�mnrtCncr.
<br /> ,�
<br /> . PROVIDI3D ALWIYS, and these Presertls are exrculcd and delivt•red upnn ihr lullo�sin� conditions. :i�;rremenh :ind � ~`���M
<br /> � nhligati�>ns nt the�1ort�aForc.tu.wit:
<br /> ���� . _ . .. . �
<br /> The �inrtRntiar o�;ree�;to pay to tbc bTortgagee,or nrdcr, the princip�l sum o( r IFTY—ONE THOU$AI`1D '1"I�C,"E �
<br />� . xurrnx� ni� xo/loo- --- ---- ----- ---- ------------�, 51,300.0o v<,���� `�
<br /> .... . .... .... . _ __... _ ... ,
<br /> _ . __ __ ._. :, u�
<br /> ui.
<br />�"�- ��ayable as provided in u nole executed and delivrnYi cnncurrenlf7' Lrrewith, flu• lina�l p:i}•rnrnt uf I�rincipuf, it mrt s�.�onrr p;iid. ._. .
<br /> K` ls}� November ._ ......._._.. . ��Y 2005.
<br />� nn tl;e.........._..................lap ot........_....._...,......._...... __ _ . _.
<br /> a
<br />'�. � CoOYrIR611065 b�fltft f[dtral5�rin[I a a lwn 4iSOclalion ol ll.�[olt.Lintoln,Ne�rafMn
<br /><E �I ��
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