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<br /> 76- (Jr) 64f� � .
<br /> (6) To use ihe loan evidenced by the note solely (or purposes authorized by the GovemmenL
<br /> a
<br /> �� To pay when due all taxes, liens, judgments, encumbcances, and assessments laudully attaching to or assessed
<br /> against the pmperty, including ell charges and assessments in connection w•ith water, water rights, end e•�[ec stock
<br /> pertaining to or reasona6ly necessarq to the use of the real property descri6ed a6ove, and al! taxes and assessments levied
<br /> `'. upon this mortgcge or the note o� any inde6tedness hereby secured oc against any legal holder hereo[ or otthe no!e or o(
<br /> said indebtedness under the laws oE Nebraska, and promptly delivec to the Go�•emment witdout demand receipts evidencing
<br /> `f, such payments.
<br /> (8) To keep the property insured as �equired by and under insurance policies approved by, delivered to , and retained by
<br /> the Gocernment .
<br /> (9) To maintain impro��ements in good repair and make repairs required by the Gwernmenr, ope�ate the property in a good
<br /> tand husbandmanlike mancer, comply with such [arm conservation prectices and tarm and home management plans as the
<br /> Govemment trom time to lime may prescribe; and not to abendon the property, or cause or permit waste, lessening or impau-
<br /> ment o( the security covered hereby, or, without the u�ritten consent ot the Govemment, cut remove, or lease any � imy��,
<br /> gravel, oi1; ges, coai, or other minerals except as may be necessery for ordinary domestic purposes.
<br /> �' (10) To comply u•ith all lau�s, ordinances, and regulations attecting the property.
<br /> � (11 ) To pay rn- reimburse the . Government for expenses reasonably necessary or incidental to the p�otection of the lien
<br /> �. and priority hereo( and ro the enEoreement of or the compliance with the p�ovisions hereof and of the note and any supple-
<br /> meniary agreement (whether before or aiter default), including 6ut not limired ro costs of evidence of tide to and survey o(
<br /> : the property, costs of recording this and other instruments , attomeys' (ees, trustees' tees , court costs, and expenses of
<br /> �;. advertising, selling, and conveying the property.
<br /> (12) Neither the property nor any portion thereo( or interest therein shali be leased, assigned , sold; transfeaed, or encum-
<br /> 6ered, volunWrily or otherwise, u�ithout the written consent ot the GovecnmenL The Go��ernment shali have Ihe soie and
<br /> exlusive rights as mortgagee hereunder, induding but not limited to the powe� to grant consents, partial releases, subordina-
<br /> '' tions, and satistaction, and no insured holder sha11 have any right, tide or interest in or to the lien or any 6enetits hereof.
<br /> `. (13) At all reasonable times the Go��ernment and its agents maq inspect the property to ascertain whetherthe cavenants
<br /> ', and agreements contained herein or in any supplementary agreement are being performed.
<br /> ;: ( 14) The Go�•ernment ma}• e?�tend and defer tlie maturite of and renc�e and reamortize the debt e��denced bv the note
<br /> �; or �ny indebtedness to the Go�•ernment secured hereby, release from liability to �he Go��ernment any part�� so liable tliereon,
<br /> - release portions of the properq• from and subordinate the lien hereof, and waice any other tichts herzunder, u�ithout aiiecting
<br /> E the fien or priority l�ercof or die liability to [he Cocernment of 13urrower or any other party Cor pa�•men[ of the note or in -
<br /> � debtedness secured hereby except as specified b�� the Go��ermnent in wTi[ing.
<br /> ' QS) 1t at any time it shal! appear to the Government that Borrow•er may be able to obtain a toan trom a production credit
<br /> g association, a Federal land bank, or other responsible cooperative or private credit source, at reasonable rates and terms
<br /> " , for loans for similar purposes and periods of time, Bocrower will , upon the Government's request, apply for and accept such
<br /> toan in suf[icient amount to pay the note and any indebtedness secured hereby and to pay tor any stock necessary to be
<br /> purchased in a cooperative lending agency in connection with such loan.
<br /> (16) Default hereunder shall constitute deEault under any other real estate, or under any personal property or other,
<br /> ' security instrument held or insured by the Government and ezecuted a assumed by Bocrow�er, and default under anv such
<br /> Y other security instrument shall constitute de(ault heceunder. -
<br /> '; � ( 17) SHOULD DEPAULT occur in che performance or dischazee of am� obligation in this instrumenc or secured bv [his
<br /> inscrumcnt, or should an�• onc o( che parcies named as 8orrower �die or �c dedared an incompctent, a bankrupt, or an
<br /> i insolvenc, or make an assignment ior the benrfic of credicors, the Government, at its option, ���ith or without norice, ma��:
<br /> �' ' fa) dedaze the enc'ue amount unpaid under the noec and anv inde6cedness to thc Governmcnc hercbv sccured immediatelv
<br /> � due and pavable, {b) for ehe accou'nt oE t3orroµ•er incur and pay rcasonable expenses Eor repa'u or maintenance of and takc
<br /> t posse:sion of, operate or rent [he propert}�, Ic) upon applica[ion by ir and produc[ion of [his inserument, withou[ other
<br /> evidence and without nocice of hearing of said application, hace a receiver appointed �or tlie propert��, ��.�th the usual powers
<br /> of recei�•ers in li}:e cases. (d) foredose this instrumcnt as pro�idcd }icrein or bp law, anJ (e i enforce an}• and all other rights
<br /> and remedies provided hcrein or bv presenc or (u[ure laH•.
<br /> ( 18j The proceeds uf foredosure sale shall be applied in [he follov.zng order to the pavment of: laj cos[s and ezpenses
<br /> incident to enforcing or comph•ing with the prorisions hereof. ( b) an}' prior liens requ'ved �b}� law or a com�eeene courc to
<br /> be su paid, (c) [he debt e��denced by [he no[e and all indcbcedness to the Go��ernment secured hereby, (d) inferior liens
<br /> ^ of record required by law or a compe[ene court ro be =o paid, (e; ae the Government's option, anc ocher indeb[edness
<br /> i of Borrower owin + �o or insured by the Governmenc, anci (f) an,: balance co Borrow�er. At ioreclosurz or ochcr salc
<br /> ' of all or any part o�the property, the Governmen[ and its agen[s may bid and purchase as r stranger and may pay che Gocern-
<br /> ment's share of the purehase price by crediting such amount on am• debts oi liorroH•er owing to or insured by [he
<br /> Government, in the order prescribed abovc.
<br /> ( 19) IIorrower aerees that the Go��mmcnt u�ill not be Uound b� any prescnt or f'uturc State law. (a) pro��dinc tor
<br /> � �aluation, appraisal, homestead or exemption of the property, (bj prohibiting maintenance ot an action for a deficiznc}�
<br /> = judgment or linutine the amount theteot" or the �ime v.•ithin Hhitl� such action must be broueht , (c) prescribinc any� other
<br /> statute ot limitations, (d) allowinc any riglu of redemption or possession followine any t`oreclosc;e salz , or (ej limiting the
<br /> " conditions which the Government m�y b�• regul�tion impose , uicludine the interest ratz it m�y charge , as a condition ot
<br /> `' approtiing a transfer of the property to a new Dortov.�er. Bortower expiessly wai��es the benefit of any such State laws.
<br /> } Borro�ver hereby relinquishes, waices, and com�e}�s all riehts, inchoate ur consummate, of descent , dower, and curtesv.
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