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<br /> D10RTGAGC:LOANNO. L 2P,37g MGIC
<br /> � I:NOWALL�fENBYTHESGPRESBN7'S:That Del Van Horn and Jane Van Horn each in his and her
<br /> � own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> _______Mortgagor_wheUier one or mure,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> Twenty five Thousand Two Hundred and No/100- �oLtn«s
<br /> loaned to said mortgagoc by The Lquitablc Uuilding and Loan Association of Crand[sland,Nebrailca,Mortgagee,upon 25� shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L �� ��� MGIC�do hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> descri6ed reat estate,situated in tlall Cou ' raska:
<br /> .
<br /> � ?
<br /> �',
<br /> �;` r '
<br /> k '''
<br /> ��. � tugether with all qie tenements,hereditaments;�nd appurtenances thercunto 6elonging,including aUached iloor cuvzrings,all window ureens, - �
<br /> tvinduw 5hades,blinds,storm winduws,awnings,heating,air cunditioning,and plumbing and waler equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves, �
<br /> - refrigerators,and other Gx�ures and rquipment now ur liereafter�ttact�ed w or used in connrctiun u�ith said real ettate. �
<br /> jAnd whereas the said mortgagor has agrecd and does hereby agree that tlic mortgagor ehull and will pay all taxes and asseumrnts levied or
<br /> assessed upun said premises and upon tLis mortgegc and�he bond sccured thereUy betbre the same sLall become delinquenl;to furnish approved �� �
<br /> insurance upon�he buildings un said premises situated in the sum o(5 Z5�2��.0� payable to said ASSOCIA'fION and to deliver to saiJ
<br /> �`�� ' ASSOCIATION the policics for said insurance;and not tu commit or permit any waste on m abwt said premiser, �, �
<br /> ;
<br /> t���� � In cau of default in the pedormance uf any of the tenns and conditions of tliis mortgage or the bond secured heceby,the mortgagee shall, . �
<br /> on denunJ,be entitled to immedia[t possession uf pie mortgaged premises and the mortcagor hzreby assigns, transfers and sets over to the .
<br /> � mortgagee al�Ihe mnts,revenues anJ income tu be derived from the mortgaged premises during such time as the murtgage inde6cedness ehall remain �
<br /> �I�.. unpaid;and tlie mortgagee shall have the powrr to appoint any agznt or agents it may desim for the purpose uC repairing said premises and centing .
<br /> ��.. � tl�e same and collecting d�e rents,revenues and income,and it may pay uut of:aid income all expenses of mpairing said premises and neees:ary � .
<br /> ' commissions and rxpenses incurred in ren�ing�nd manuging the same�nd of collecting rent�ls therefrmn:the balance remaining,if any,to be � �� -
<br /> applied mwaed the disdiirgc oi said murtgage indebteJness;these rights o(the murtgagee may be exercised at any eime during the existence of such
<br />� y.. default,iucspective of any temporary waiver uC the same. . .
<br /> These Presents,huwevtr,a�c upon ihe Condition,That if the s�id!1lortgagor shall repay said loan on ur before the maturity of said shares by � �
<br /> :. payment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIA710\of the sum specified in the 6ond secured hereby as interzst and principal on said loan,on or before � .
<br /> the Twentieth day of each and eeen�month,until said luan is luliy paid;pay all taxes and assessments lecied�gainst said premises and on this Mottgage
<br /> �. and the 8ond secured�hereby,befu�e delinyueney;fumish approved insu�ance upon the buildings thereon in the sum oC S 5,ZQ�.�� P�Yable . �
<br /> i., - �o said ASSOCIATIO\;repay to said ASSOC'IA'IION upon dcmand all munry by it paid Ibr such taxes,aszessmenls�n�inmrance with interest at � � .
<br /> � the maximum legal rate diereon from date oi payment all u(u�hich 91or[gagor hereby agrees tu pay,permit no waste on said premises;keep and eomply
<br /> with all the agreements and conditions uf ihe Bond for S z5+Z��.�� diis day given by the said Atortgagor to said ASSOCIATIO\,and comply
<br /> �. with all the rcquircments o(the Constitution and Uy�Laws oC said ASSOCIATION;lhen these presenis shall become null and��uid,uthenvise they .
<br /> shall rem�in in full force and msy be foreclosed at the uption of the said ASS(KIATIO� a(ler failure (or three nwmhs tu m�ke any ol'said - -
<br /> . payments or be three munihs in arrears in m:+king s:�iS mmuhly payments,ur tu Aeep and comply wi[h the agreemen[s and conditiuns uf said Uund;
<br /> - . and 9longagor agrees to have a recei��er appuinted furlhw�ith in such foreclosum proceedings.
<br /> � If there is any change in uw�nersl�ip of ihe real es�ate murtg�ged hercin,by sale or uthenvise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> � secuced shall,at the option of The Gyuitabie 13uilding and Loan Associatiun of Grand Island,NebrasAa,become immediately due and paynble without
<br /> �� . (urther notice,and the amount remaining due under said bond,and any uU�er bund for any addition�l ad�ances made tltereunder,shall,frum the
<br /> �r:. date of exercise uf said optiou,bear imerest at ihe maximum legel rate,and this mungage may dten be fo¢clused to satisfy the amount due on said
<br /> � bond,and any other bond(or additional adrtnces,toget6rr x�ith all sums paid b}'ssid The Equitable duilding and Loan Assuciation o(Grand Islxnd,
<br /> Nebraska(o�insurance,iuxes and assessments,and abstracting extensiun churges,with interest thereon.(rom dare oC payment at the maximum
<br /> _ Itgal ratc.
<br /> � As provided in It�e Bond secured hereby,wt�ile ihis murigage remains in effect the mortgsgee may hereaf[er advance additional sums tu the
<br /> P-. . makers of said Uond,lheir assigns or succassors in intertst,which sums shall be within the sacurity of this mottgage the same as the funds ori�inally
<br /> . secured thereby,(he total amounl of princip:+J�debt not tn exaed at any time the uriginal amount of this mortgage.
<br /> /
<br /> Dated this;l9th�1/ ! `�'s� October A.D.,19 76
<br /> i
<br /> i r, ��%. l._ �1��.�.��; �-���:�.-, �`-r;vc_ ,
<br /> De' Van Horn � Jane Van✓Horn
<br /> STATE OF NLDRASKA,�ss. On ihis
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL �9th �aY oj October 19 J(,befu¢me,
<br /> . lhe undersigned,a Notary Public in and Cor s�id County,persnnally came "��� �a��:���
<br /> Del yan-Horn-and Jane Van Norn each in his and her own right and as spouse of eact� pther �N „',
<br /> � 1°�70 are Persona ly known to .
<br />` � L me lo be t6e identual peisons, whuu name s a re a�fixed to the aboce instrument as mortgagorS and th2Y sevaally �
<br /> 1 . ,�
<br /> acknowleJged the s�iJ�inUrument to be thei r vcrluntary act and dced. 7� °
<br />�,� R9TNLSS tify hand and Notarial Seal the datc a(oresaid. A�i �
<br />�i My Cummissidn expires ���� (�`�'�Q •,i '!` �l=tt
<br /> / �1 '\��1v
<br /> h' ��� � " No�ary Public
<br /> _ 5.1.2MHJ " �`1
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