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<br /> n�oRTcnce
<br /> A10RTGAGf?LOAN N0. '
<br /> ;`I tivow,���n�eNnYTtiesr;rKesr:nTs:Ti��� Robert E. Lee and Mary Jane Lee, each in his and her
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or more,in consideration of[he sum of. � , � �
<br /> �` � Nine Thousand Six Hundred and NoJ100-----------------------------------------------Do[.LnRs
<br /> loaned�o said ntorigagor by The Equitable Building and Loan Association of Grand fsland,Nebraska,Atortgagee,upun 96 shares of srock uf
<br /> ������� said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L 22,403 ,do hereby grant,wm•ey end mor[gage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following � � � � �
<br /> described�eal es�ate,situated in Hall Counry,Nebraska:
<br /> ; �
<br /> r+
<br /> -_ togetf�er with all �he tenements,hzredi�aments and appurtenances thereuntu belonging,including attached tloor toverings,all window screens, � �
<br /> window shades,blinds,sturm windows,awnings,lieating,�ir conditioning,and plumbing and water cquipment and accessories there[o,pumps,stoves, � .
<br /> cefrigerators,and other Gxtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connection���ith said real estate. � � �
<br /> And wheceas the s:uid mongagor has ugceed and does hereb�•agree that the mort¢�gor shall end will pay all taxes and assessments levied or
<br /> �5��� asseued upun said premises and upon this monFage�nd�he bond sewmd diercbv be(ore the same shall become delinquent;to Fumish approved � �
<br /> - insurancc upon the buildings un said premises situated in the sum af S 9�6��.�� payabla to said ASSOCIATION and to drliver to said . . . �.
<br /> ��.��5 ASSOCIA'f10\d�e policies for said insurance;and not tu cummit ur permit any waste on or about said premises: � .
<br /> In case of default in the performance of any of the te�ms and conditions oC this nwrtgage or die bond secured hereby,the mortg�gee shall, . � �
<br /> on demand,bc entided to immediate possenion of ihe mortgaged premises and the mongagor hzreby assigns, transfers and sets o¢er to the �
<br /> � � murtgagee xll the rents,revenues and incume to be derived(rom Ihe mur[gaged premises during such time as[he mortgage indebcedness shsll[emsin � � �
<br /> g- ; unpaid;and the mortgagee shall have the power w appoint any aernt or agents it maq desire Cor�he purpose oC repairing said premises and renting I � �
<br /> . the same and mllecting the rents,revcnues and inwme,and it may pay out of said incume all expenses of repairing said premises and necessary � � �
<br /> '� ' commissions anJ expenses incurred in renting and manaeing the same and of collacting rent;�ls thereCrom;the balance mmaining,i(any,to be
<br /> - applied mward ihe discharge of said mortcage indebtedness;these�igl�ts of�he mortgagee m�y be exercised at any time during Ihe existence of such �
<br /> de(ault,irrcspective of any tempor�n�waiver of the same. .
<br /> Thesr Prcsents,however,are upon the Condition,'fhat if the s;aid!lfongagor shall repay s�id lasn on or before the maturity of said shares by . �
<br /> payment:puy monthly to said ASSOCIATION of ihe sum specified in the l3ond securcd hereby as interest and principal on said loan,on or beCure . .
<br /> Ihe T«'entieth d�y of cach and evrn•month,until said loan is fully paid;pay all taaes and assessments levied agsinst s�id premises and on diis Atorigage �
<br /> and the BonJ secured there6y,before delinyuency;f urnish appmved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum oi S 9.6��.�� paya6le � �
<br /> to said ASSOCIATIO\;repay m said ASSOCIATIO\upon demand all money by it paid for such taxes.ussessments and insurance v:ith imerest at
<br /> lhe maximum legal rate thereon I'mm d�te of payment all of which�tortgagor hereby agrees m p�y;permit no waste on said premises;keep and comply . .
<br /> ��•ith all ihe agreements and conditions of the 6ond for S 9�60Q.QQ thi:day given 6y the s�id 1lortgagor w said ASSOC(ATIOY,and cumply
<br /> �vith all the reyuirements of the Constitution and f3}•-Lau•s ot said ASSOCIATION;ihen tl�ese presents shaU become null and coid,uthenvise they �
<br /> �; ; ihall remain iu full force and may be(orecloxd�t the opiiun ol the said AS50('IA7'ION a(cer iailure for thrce months to make sny of said
<br /> p�ymcros ur be three munths in arrc�rs in m�king said monihly payments,ur�o keep and comply u•ith[he egroements and conditions uf said Bond;
<br /> G: ; and Dlortyigor agrees to h�ve a recziver appointed fo�lhwi�h in such foredosure pmceedings. -
<br /> , If therc is any change in uwnership o(the real cstate mortgagcd herein,6y ssle or otherwise,then the entirc remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> secured sl�all,at the uption of The Lyuiiable 33uilding and Luan Association of Gmnd Island.�ebraska,become immediately due and payable without
<br /> _ � furdier notice,and the amount «maining due under s�id bund,and any other bond(or�ny additional advances mxde thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> date o(excrcise of said option,bcar intcrest at the maximum legal rate,and this mortgage mny then he(oreclosed to satisfy the amnunt due on said
<br /> bond,and any uther bond for additional advances,meether with xll sums paid by said 7he Gyuitable Building and Luan Associatiun of Grand Island, �
<br /> . NebrasAa(or insurance,taxes and assessments.and abstracting extension cl�arg?s, with interest thereon, !rom date o( payment at the maximum
<br /> 1 leg�lr�tc.
<br /> § ` As provided in the Bond secured hereby,while t6is mongage remains in effect the mortgagee may herea(ter adcance additiunal sums to the
<br /> y ; maker:uf said Dond,their assigns or succeswrs in interes�,whidi sums shall be wi[hin the ucurity of this mortgage the same as the funds originally �
<br /> �' � srcured thereby,the total anwunl of p�incipal debt not to exceed at any time the original amount of this mortgage.
<br /> o��za� �5 day of November ,�.�•.�v 76
<br /> r � ,,� % `-1 /� �—'r
<br /> R ert E. Lee
<br /> ' �4aryi �e ee
<br /> �, ,
<br /> STATEOFNLBRASKA, ss. Onthis 15t �� �� November �6
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� Y 19 ,beCore me, �
<br /> "�c���.
<br /> the undersigned,:�hotary Public in and for said County,personally came " . �.j-:: .
<br /> Robert E. Lee and 14ary Jane Lee, each in his and her oti�in right and es spouse of eech other, a '
<br /> � � who d Y@ personally known to � � �
<br />�` � me to be the identical person 5 �.whose�nzinr�,�S dpe affi�ed to the above instrument as mortgagor S and theY sexerally h -
<br /> � �
<br />�:,.� , acknowledged the said instrumeni�o bt�t�107 1' �.�"voluntary act and deed. �
<br />�. � NITNESS my han�and Notansl Se.�}Ahe.datc aCoresaid. � �. . .. .
<br />� 11y CommiSyion expires� � � y/7 / j ! 1 �G �J /��
<br /> �-./,':v/( ,4 iL'/�L�CL'� ii/%�.��'t'�'t�'
<br />�::?�� � - � Nolary Public
<br /> 5�1@61 RI � � , .
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