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<br /> TO HnVE aND To HoLn the snme unto the niortgagee, as herein pro��ided. :1Sortgugor mpresents to,
<br /> and covenants �vith, the Mortgagee, that the lfortgagor has good rigtit lo sell and cmivep said premises ;
<br /> that they are free From encumbrance, except as hereiiwther��•ise �rcited ; that the niortgagor ��•ill ��•arrant
<br /> and defend the same against the la�vful claims of all persons �shomsoever. \tw•tgagor hereby relinquislies
<br /> � 111 rights of homestead, all marital rights, either in la�e or in equity, aud ali other coutingent iuterests of
<br /> the ➢iortgagor in and to the aUove-described premises.
<br /> YROVIDED AL1vAYs, and these presents are executed and deli��ered upon tlte following co�iditions, to
<br /> R7t :
<br /> Afortgagor ngrees to pay to tlie DSortgagee, or order, tlie afuresaid p2•incipal sum n•ith intcrest from dnte
<br /> ut the rate of eight and one-half Per centum (� , 5 "5 )�,per am�u i on the unpaici Ualance until paid.
<br /> The said rinci al and interesE shall be pa �nble at the oflice of ' lrst ne�eral Savings and Loan
<br /> p A b Associ:.tion of Lincoln
<br /> �n Tdebraska , or at such other place as the holder of the note may designnte in
<br /> writing delivered or mailed to the \Iort�agor, in manthip i»stallments of �,o g�dred Sir.ty-eight ond 54/l'ID
<br /> Dollnrs ($ 2u8 . 51+ ) , commencinq on the first day of Decenber , 19 q� , and continumg on
<br /> the first day of each month tl�ereafter until said note is full�� paid, e�cept th�t, if not sooner p:sid, the finul
<br /> pnyment of principal .3nd interest shall be due and payaUle on the fii•st day of ;•iovember 2006 � �i��
<br /> according to the terms �f a certain promissory note of eeen date herc��•ith executed Uy the snid Tiorigagor.
<br /> 1 The hfortgagor further agrees :
<br /> 1. He will pay the indehtedness, as hereinbcim•e prorided. Priailege is resereed to prepay at auy
<br /> time, ���ithout premium or fce, thc entire indebtedness or anS parC thereof not less than the amount of oue
<br /> installment, or one hundred dollars ($100.00), whichever is less. Prepayment iu full shall be credited on
<br /> r, the date received. Partia! prepayment, oiher than on an installment due date, ueed not 6e credited until
<br /> ., the nest following installment due date or thirty days after such prepayment, whichever is eazlier.
<br /> �-
<br /> 2. Together �rith, and in addition to, the montlily payments of principal 1nd interest payable under
<br /> the terms of tlie note secured hereUy, i�lortgagor �vill pa�• to \iortgagee, as trustee, ( under the terms of tl�is
<br /> ;- trust as hereinufter stated) on the first day of each month wrtil said note is fully paid :
<br /> (a) A sum equal to the giround rents, if an�•, nesi due, pius the premiums that �ti•ill next become due
<br /> nnd payable on policies of fire and other hazard insurance covering the mortgaged property,
<br /> plus taxes �iud assessments next due on tl�e mortgaged property ( all as estimated b�• the 1'fort-
<br /> � gagee, and of ��-hich tlie \fortgngoi• is notilied ) less all sums �Ircad�� paid therefor di��ided Uy
<br /> the number of months to elapse befoi•e one mm�tli prior to the date �elien suclt ground rents,
<br /> premiums, tases and assessme�its ��•ill become delinyuent, sucli sums to be held UY ➢iortgagee
<br /> in tivst to pay said ground rents, premiwns, taxes aiid spccial assessmetits.
<br /> (L ) The aggregate of the amounts pa}•aUle pursuant to subp.u�agraph (a) and those pa}�able on the
<br /> note secured hereUy, shnll be paid in a single pa�•ment cach month, to Ue applied to the follo�c-
<br /> ing items in the order stated :
<br /> ( t ) ground rentc, tnxes, assessments, lire and otlier hazard insurance premiums :
<br /> ( ii ) intei•est on the note secured liereb�• ; and
<br /> r �� ( I1t ) amortization of tlie pri �icipal of said note.
<br /> ;; �1n�� deticienc�� in the a�iiount of an�• sucli aggregate monthh• pa�•ment shall, unless mnde good
<br /> b�• the \Iortgagor prior to the due date of the next such pa�•ment, constitute an event of defnult
<br /> under this mortgage. .�t ,llortgagee's uption. \lortgugur �aili pay a "late diarge" not exceed-
<br /> � ing four per centum ( •1 ','� ) of an�� install ment �shen paid niore than fifteen ( 15 ) days after the
<br /> due date thereof to co��er the extrn expense iucul��ecl in handlinfi delinquent papments, but such
<br /> "late cliarge" shall not bc pa�•able out of the proceecls of an}• sale made to satisfy the indebted-
<br /> r ; ness secureci hereby, unless sucii pcoceeds .u•e sufticieiit to discharge tiie entire indebtedness and
<br /> all proper costs and espenses secured thereby.
<br /> 3. If tlie total of the payments made by the lfort�tgor tmder ( n) of paragraph 2 preceding shall
<br /> ° exceed the amount of pnyments actunlly made Uy the \[ortgagee, as trustee, for ground rents, tases and
<br /> assessments or insurance premiums, as the c.1se may 1>e, such escess shail be credited b�• the lfortgagee .
<br /> on subsequent payments to be made b}� the Ilfortgagor for such iten�s or, at Niortgagee's option, as trustec,
<br /> � shall be refunded to B1ort�agor. lf, however, such monthly pavments shall not be sutticieut to pay such
<br /> � itema �ti•tien the snme shall become due and payable, then tlie Biortgagor shall p:i�� to the biortgagee, as
<br /> tivstee, acq� nmount necessary to make up the deficiency «-ithin thirt�� ( 30 ) days after �critten notice frmn
<br /> ,' the 1lfortgagee atating the amount of the deficiency, ���liich notice may be given b�• mail. If at any� time
<br /> ' the �iortgagor shall tender to the i�fortgagee, in accordaiue �cith the provisions of the note secured
<br /> �' hereby, full payment of the entire indebtedness represented thereby, the l�ortgagee, as G•ustee, shall,
<br /> in computing the amount of such indebtedness, credit to the account of the �lfortgagor any credit Ualance
<br /> accumulated under the provisions of (a ) of para�•aph '7. hereof. If there shall be :i default under any
<br /> of the provisions of this mortgage resulting in a public sale of the premises co��erecl hereUy, or if the
<br /> Mortgagee ucquires the property otherwise after default, the \tortgagee, as lrustce, shall ap�ly, al the
<br /> time of the commencement of such proceedings, or at the time the property is othern•ise acquired, the
<br /> amount then remaining to credit the A3ortgagor under (n ) of paragraph 2 preceding, as a credit on the
<br /> interest accrued and unpaid and the Ualnnce to the principul then rem:iining iinpaid oit said note. �
<br /> 4. The lien of this instivment shall remain in fuii force and efTect during any postponement or exten- ��� r=? ,:�. �
<br /> sion of the time of pa>�ment of the indeUtedness or ang part thereof secured hereb}�. � ' '
<br /> , L 5. He �vill pay all gromid rents, taxes, assessments, «•atcr rates, nnd ot}ier go�•ernmentnl or mm�ici- � .
<br />' ` pal charges, fines, or impositions, le�•icd upon said premises and thlt he n•iil pay all ta�es lc��ied upon this ''r'
<br />� . mort ' 3' � ,
<br /> gage, or the debt secured tL• :.reUy, together «•ith an other taxes or assessments ���hicli may be levied �
<br /> under the ln�vs of ATebraska against the :�fortgagee, or the lequl holder of said priiicipnl no[e, on account of �P
<br />� this indebtedness, except «•hen payment for all such items has theretoiore Ueen made undcr ( n ) of para-
<br />�`� grnph 2 hereof, and he will prumptly deli�•er the o8icial receipts Lherefor to the .11ortgugee. ln default
<br /> thereof the hiortgagee may pay the same.
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