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z <br /> .. ,v <br />� .�����' �T <br /> T�, . . . . . � . . .� .Y.�i4. <br />� � . �f � . . . � � � . <br /> MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY �NSTALLMEN7 DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL BE <br /> � APPLIEU TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO BECOME DUE UNUER THIS MORTGAGE. PROYIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAUL7 � . . � <br /> t � '- AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MDRTGAGEp PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, - � <br /> PAYEE AGREES� TOFURNISN70 THE UNDERSIGNED 300% OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMENTS, UNLESS AOYANCEMENT IS PRO• � � � <br /> HIBI7ED BY THE REGULATIONS OF CHARTERING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS � � � <br /> SHALL. BE� SECURED BY THIS MORTGAGE IN THE .SAME MANNER AND ..EFFECT. AS IF NO PREPAYMENTS HAD F3EEN MADE. � � � <br /> THE A40RTGAGOR rURTHER WVENANTS AND AGRESS: <br /> � � '1'he[ the�� Mortga�vr will pny thr. in�lebtedness as hereinbeCore providrd. - � . . � . � . � . <br /> � � � 'Phnt thc �VTort�ngor is the o�� ner ot �i+id prnpi�rl}' in (ee simplc - �uid has �und ri�;h� and lu�vhd uuthority to sell �ind . . . .� � . . . � <br /> iYmvey Ihe sume .md that the snme is frce and clear of tmy lien or encumhr:men: xnd that '�'tortgn�;or will �rarrant and drf�nd tlie . � � - � <br /> ' tiUe ti, said. premisc�s a;;ainst the �•luims ot . al! P�rxons �ehnmsuevc.e . . � � . � �� <br /> �; � . . . . . . . . <br /> . � . . 'To pay immedi�itely �rhen due .md payah�e nll general taxrs. specitd ti�xe�. specinl .a;tiessments, �vnter c}�nr�,es. �mser sen= � � � . . .. . . . . <br /> icc chargiti. .tind olher taxe� nnd chnrges against ssid propi�rty, mid t�ll taxes leried on the de6t �ecured hereby. and . to tw�nish Ihe � . . . <br /> � � Mortgagec, . upn�t reyuust. with lhe original or du�ilicute. receipls lhere(nr. Tlie A1urigagur agrees thnt lbrre shall Le added ln ' . � . . � . � <br /> � � et+ch m�inthly paym�mt rrquired hrreunder nr undcr thc evid 'ence of debt sccurcd hereby fln amount estimated bp ihe :1lortgt�Fee . . � � � <br /> � tu lx� sutlicient to emtble lhe \9ortgaKee to �aa};. a, they bccomc dur_ all laxes. � �anssmenis, :md similar chargca uPun the prem� . . . . . . � . <br /> ises snbiecL tLereUr, tiny ,deficiency Ui�cause of the �nsuflicien�•y of such addition�-�l pucment, shall bu (urUn��ith d���ro:iied 6y th� '. � . . . . <br /> � blortFagor . wil.h � tLr. A4orfg�gee upun demand bp ihn �iortgager. Any defauli under thia pua�grnph shali hr Jermed u rlefault in � . . . <br /> � � payment . nt taxes,� n,sessm��nts. nr similar c6nrges rrqoired hrrrwider. . . � . <br /> . . ,I'lir Rlort�;agur aRreei lhat �hero �liall alsu bt• :idded tu rui•h monthh' paym+�ni u( priucipnl and inierest reyuired iiere- � � . . � � <br /> under i+n nm��uni estimeted b�• fho Aluriguger to ho sufficirnl to enn6lc tl�e D1ort„a�ce io p:�y. a: it h��n�inr; duc. tlie insurancu . . . . <br /> � premium on uny insurnnce pnlicy drliv�•rrd to lLe Diorlga;:cc. Any deticiencp in•rause of ( hr insufliciency oi suc•b additionul pay- . � . <br /> � m��nLw ,hnll be (orth�vilh depnsitoJ by Uir VortRa„ur �cith thr �lurtgn„ec upnn drm�mct by thr \lortgagre. Any delauit under this , . � � <br /> � para�rapii shull br deemvd u di�[aull in ih�, puyment ot insurance pu�miums. lt Ihe pulicr or pulici��s di•pusiu•d :ue such as liome' . . . . . <br /> �. ; � uwnen or all risk poliric5. aud the doposiL- are iusullicicnt lo pa}• the enfirc preminm, the pinnFage�� may apply ihe d�•povit to � � � � . <br /> s .. ., . - . . - <br /> �:: . � <br /> pny premiurns on risks rryvired to be insumd by ihis murt�;age. : , � . � <br /> Pnynumis made bp ihe \foriga�or under lhe ahovu pzvagriphs m:�y. :rt iho nptiun uf the 3Torlga�e;v, ho lield hy it and . � . � . <br /> commingle<I with other such fund. <ir its own (und� f�u the paymeni o( =uch ite•ms, and un� il s�, ;�pplird. �uch paym��nt� nre hrrebe � . . � � . <br /> pledgtsi as s�tivurity fur the unpaid balfana� �,! the mort�;age inde6tcdm5s. � � � <br /> .. : . i . . . � . . <br /> r: . �� Tn prouure. deliver fo, �nd mnintsin foc tLe brncfil ul' the Diorit;agee dw�in;; fh�� liFr ol thic �:iortga�e urii:innl P��licirs and - � � . � <br /> + .�� � rencwals lheri�c�f, deli�•rred :�t li�ast ten d,» ; l�rfore thr cepiration �d ;u�y suvh p��hui. s, insurint; aqam,t. fire ��nd c�ther in.SuraMe � . � <br /> hnz.�rds, casunities. :md comingenciF•� �is the \4ortgagee m;�c requir��. in un amuw�+t ryuat to the , indebtedne;s �i�cured br ihis <br /> � blortgu�e, nnd in companiez accepinble to the Dlorty:agee, �rith los p��yaLlr cls�use in faeur ot and in (onn accepfnble tu Ihc A1or'tga- . � . . � . <br /> � g�w. In the event nny policy i; noi rrawwed un or brfure t��n day.: of its espir�tion, the :11nri„u�re map prucure insur.u�ce �m Ihe � � . . <br /> `s �� � impmvements. paq the Prrmium thetefor. and such �um shall Lrc:ime immedi:ucl�� dur and payiible uith interc�i at. ihe rnir set - � � <br /> G>rih iu said notu until puid and shall bv secured In� thi� morl „at;c. I�:�ilurc nn �iic p:irc u( th�� \fort�agor in furnish such renewnls � . <br /> �s ure h�rrrin required or fsilure to p:ry any sums advanc��d hi�munder �6all. at the optiun oC the >tort�;a;;ee. cuns;tifuh• a del:iult . � . � . . <br /> *�� � �� ' undrr the ti•nns o! this m��rtKa�;e. 'fhr d��livery of such pulicios ,h:dl. iu the ��vent u( deLudt , cans� iiute an :n<i �;mm�nt nP thr un� . � . <br /> �:" � rarnrc! prcmium. � . . <br /> 1: <br /> y <br /> . .�� K :\n}' sums rrccived bp thr \luri�agee b}' r�•nson u( lu�s ur damage insurr'd ;r;uinst may he rrtainrd by thr iliurt�;a�re �. .� . . <br /> a �nd u��plied toward lLe paymrnt af tL��. drbt herclry s�•cured. nr. at the aptiun uf Lhe �lorttia�ee. such s�m, rilher �vholk nr in � . . . . <br /> '+ <br /> pAA tnay be pnid uvrr ta lhe Alurtg�gor ln bv used ln rop;�ir such 6uildi�gw nr tn build m•«� bmldin;;, in lh��ir plarr ur Cnr nny � . . . . . <br /> �: � t uttier purpuse or uLj�•et salis(actory to the nludEa�rr u�ithuut :dT��ctin;; th� lien ��n di�� rnur� �;n�;e !or Ilw tull nmuunl �E�currd here. . � <br /> bp b�•furr surh pacnum� et'�•r 4ro1: plucr. <br /> 'Cu promptly nyr.iir, m.ture nr reLuild arry buildin�;s or imprnv��mrniv r,�nr ��r horrnf�er on Ih�� prrminrs which m��}' Ix.. � . <br /> cume dnmaged nr dr�irop�yl : to keep v:�id premis��s in t;� +�d cunditi�m and rrpair ��nd frrr frorn anv mrchani<'s li�•n ur uthor licn nr � . <br /> ' dairn uf licn not eaprestily suhurdimded lo Ihr li�•n iu�rrat: not tn =u(Ter or permil anp utd�w[ul un.• u[ r�r :my nuis:vice tu rxict on <br /> T. �i snid pruperly nur to ponurt x•aatr un sai<I prrmi=ee. nur � u Jo any idher act �chort•by lhi• prnprriq hrn•Irv cnnve}�rd shall borome . � . . � : . <br /> i� . lrss o�.ilui�ble. nur tu ditninish ur imp:�ir ite cnlut� hy :in;r acl nr omissiun ti � :�rL In nnn�dv uith all rryuirrntrnt.� nf I:i�v u�ith m<pec[ � . <br /> k � <br /> � � fo lh�• mori�:n4ed premice; and tls u.e Ihrrcu(. <br /> r; . <br /> 'T'h:it shnuld th�� premi.eti ur :�rq� part lh��muf IN� �aken ur d:unn�;rd by m;itiun nf :my I�ublic irn �>rrn•rme•nt or cun�ienur�tion <br /> - pnuxeding, or under the ri„ht uf eminent dnmain. ur in ;ui)• nti�cr rnannrr, thr 1fo�l ;;a�rc �hall he �•Ni � IeJ In nll compensatioas. . � <br /> r: � i nwardti, nnd anY olhcr payme�il ur reli�•( fhen•fur, xnd shnll be cntitled. �it ita i�ptluu, tu ��� �mmcm��•. :i��p�:fr in and pn�ivru(c in iLs <br /> i- � own nume any uction or Pnxredinti. ur tu mako any comPrumise ur s�•ttlement in cunnrction �sith wcli takin�: or el:miage All �uch <br /> �' cumpcnsaiion. awards. d:mi:�_�cs, ri�ht nf ��ciion �uid Prnci•cds arr hrrrlrv ❑s<ipnrd to th,.� Vorl;;�igri•. H�ho m:�y. a(Irr dcductin�: <br /> �'. � Uirrefrom all il,,� exponses� «•lens�• an1" lnunrya su rervivi�d 6}� it ur aPph� th.• .=am�• un :un� ind��hlriin�•>� socured hemby. "1'6n J1nrt - . <br /> , � �� gngor ���ret� to rxecul�• such turthvr asvi�;nmimts n[ aup cntnp��n;alinn. aw�ard., d:unap�•.. :ir�d ricliLc o( artion and prncr�•ds a,c the . <br /> �� linrign7;�r mny require. <br /> "fYmt in c;tse uf fai� ure lu pi•rfortn uny u( fh�• eucenxnls hi� tein. U�e Jt „rtt,�i�e�• ma�' d� � nn thn Aiorh;a;:ur', i�ehiil[ rcrrythinC <br /> - tn cnvenunted ; lhal fhr. nlort�agee may alsu do nnp act it m:iy d��rm n�•r�•sv� rv t�, prun�ct. dir lii�n Ihrrenf: ihat th�• i�lort�;agor u�ill . <br /> � rv�aey upun d��tn:+nd auy munry; psid or di=Lunrd 6c Ihc A1or�Cn�;rr L�r en�� o[ thc ahucr �'�urp�c;r,c. aud .uch mnn��ys fuCcther with <br /> �� inlerest thrrrun ut Ihe rali� prncided in �uid note shall 6ocnme =n tnurh additiunid ind��btvdnrss hrrcl���' �rcured nnd may br in- <br /> r� cludori in nny drerce fureclosing ihi5 mnrt�;a„u and be pmd out uf tLc rrnts ur Prui.i�rd.. �;t . �Ir• �d ,:ud promino. i[ nut nthrnci.e• <br /> paid: fhal ii cLull nnt 6e uhli�;atory npun �hr '�1nrt�:ngcr tu inquirr inl� � thr v:i6diiy ul nm lirn. rnrumLr;mn:�. or cinint in nd. <br /> vsncing mnn�}'n a:: i�bocc nuthoriecd. but n��lhinl: hori•in contaim�d �hull I�� cunatrmtiJ �in mquirin;; thv Vi�rtt;a�;ri• t �, :�dvnnce n�iy <br /> . moncys for nn}• such nnr tu do :{n}' act Lcr�•und�•r, �nd tli ;�t �{urti:n�r�� �h:ill noi incur ruiy� prr:"n�d li :ibilily b��cnu�c nf any- <br /> �. fhint� it may dn �v ��mit tu do herrunder. <br /> _ In Ihi• event nf the de[aull 6c Afur[pnl;ur in the paytn�•nl ol anc in.t.�linu�nl . as rryuirvd h}' th�• tiuf �• .,rcumd hrr��b�t ur � <br /> ; in the purfurmance o( thu obliKation in this morlgaxe ur in lhc nute �rured lhcn•hy. thr \lorl �agcc shall L�� ��n� i� led tn drelarr thr . <br /> debL xecund hereby due auid paV.�Lle �cilhmit nolice. und lhe AlurtKa�:ee r,hall br enti� led ;d its uplion. �vithaut nuticr. rither by it.w�li . <br /> " nr by u recuner to be Hppointed Ly t}�e court 3hereu(. and �ciUiout n•gard lo the ridcY�uucy uf an�� �rcuriiy fur Ihr rodebtednis� se- � � I 1 : . <br /> ' cumd herebS: to [•nte[ upnrt. and t�kt P��•s�•ssion o( the mnrt4:�iR�•d prurnsc;. and lu collcct .uid recei� r lh�• rrnt4. i-:sues xnd prulitt - , � ;, � � ' � <br /> thereo[, und npply� the'same�. Ioss cosLv of oper.ilion Fmd col(ection, upon the indcht�vinr:s s��cured Ly this �nort�;age. said renls, N 'i:..' <br /> �� ixsucs itnd profiLu fxring hnmby t�s�i�ncd in the AIo��{;n�;re tiv (nrihrr �rcunh• (ur Ihr pnvmi�nt ot all indrlNrdn��:v .�+svivl furt�•iiy. , � � <br /> �.: 'Ct�e Slortgagee shall haac tlie power tn nppnint any ngent „r �,rnts il may disirr fnr Ihe purP�,+�• ��f rrp:iiring ,:�id pn�m• H' <br /> � .ises: rrntinl; the wme: collectin;; the rrntc. revc•nurs r�nd income. z�nd ii m�q P1)' uut �1( c:�id in<�nmr iilt ��xpen.r, inrurn.i in rrnt- n � <br /> n � � inq and m:lniy;ing lhe snmc nnd nf culicctin�; ttm rcnuds thrrofrom. "Chr balance mm:�inin:;. if :u���. .hull b�. ;yqrli��d luw:v�i th�� ' � : - . <br />'ar � � dischn�qe of tLe mnrlgngc indehtedn�4. This .s;i�;nment is tu irrmin���r and lh�e��m�• null ;uid ruid �.ipnn n�lr:�v n( U�i. m� ,rt�;n�;e. _ <br />� , . <br /> c <br />'r` <br />_ <br />` � .. � __ � <br />``� <br /> . � <br />