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<br />-�'�,` � ' S. ,{ .�At� � � i �
<br /> � � That the . Mortgngor will pay thc indebtednesv as hereinM+fore prqvided. - � � � � � , � � . . . � �
<br /> . � . That thc Mo�lgngur is the � owner of said propert}• in fec simplc amd h'as gnal ri�;ht nnd Ina(ul nuthnrity to srll � an<I � � � .
<br /> cronvey the siame and t6al the �eame �is7ree and ciear o[ nny lien or t�ncumbrance ; and that. Mortgagor �vill u'arranl�� and drfcnd U�a � � � � �
<br /> � litle lo said �premisea � against the cluims of all persnns- .whomsoevec .� � � � . �
<br /> �� � � To pay; immerlialely' �ehen diie� a��d p:lyable nll gene��l tuxes, special txxes, speciol assi•ssmenls, water chnrg<�s. sewer serv . . .. . .
<br /> ice charg�:;. nnd� other� taies� �iiid charges ugainsl said pru�arrly, rind �;�ll L•�xes levied on t6c drht srrurE•d haruby. and Lo furuish ihe � � � � . �
<br /> � 1lortgagee. u�wn rcquest. . with � lb�� originol or duplica�e . rcceipts thercfor. 'Phr Aiartgagor ugre•as thnl ihere shull 6e added tn - � � " �
<br /> �. � ��nch munlhly. pnyment reyuired herennder nr � undvr Ilm �rvirie•nce u( debt Sceured hereby nn smoimt estima���d hy lhe pfnrtgage�+ - � . .
<br /> ,- . � to be su(ficienk.to enahle ihe Mortgagee�- tn p�y,� us Ihcy bccomn diie, �. all . iazes, fissessmenl�,� and similarcLarge:s upnn th� �irem- � � � � �
<br /> < -� � � i�s sithje�et thereto; dny de•ficicncy heaause o[ i6e in�uflicicucy iif � s-uch xdditiunal p5ymrnls :hall h<• fortfnciH'� �Iep<c;itrd !iy � lhe � � � . . .
<br /> . A1ortgagor ,witi� the. Diorlgagre u��un drmand by ihr �lort�;:agee. iiny Je(auit undrr lhfa P:�ra;; r�ph sLnll be dt�emr. rl u de(rul ! in . .
<br /> . pnyment �of laxati. assi�ssmenls; nr � cimilar charges n•quired hcrvumlce � � .. . . . . . .
<br /> � . _ _ � 'Phe . Atorlgagor agreci th�t. lhere �. shall also 6e added lu ench muntLly paymrnt o( principal :mei irite�rcwt rrquired. }�ere- � . . . .
<br /> . under nn iamount cs�imatrd by �h� Ttortgagee to br suflicient to eneble t6r PiorlF;sgcr. tn pay, as il. berr>mr•� dn�. lhe insur:ance .
<br /> _ pren�ium nn anY. insurzu�cr p��Hcy drlivered tu lhr 61r�rtgagee. Ariy dclicirncy heenuse of the insuffici��ncy o( tiueh addilinnai 7my . � � � � . �
<br /> - ments �h�all Ix� fnrihwith � drprc.ited by 1he Morlgagor with lhe Mnrfg:+gee upLn drmand bv tI1C .'VIU[{l��'CP. Af1S' �iC'�:3UI� under t6is � - . � . .
<br /> . � par»graph shull tHt dermed a defvull in !hr paymenf of insurnnci+ prrmiums. If flv� ��nlicy � or pnli�•irs depnciied r�rr such� as Iwme. � � �. � . .
<br /> ownetv or afl risk �7olicics, and thi• deposiLc r� rr insu�Tcicnt tu pny Uu• �•wire• ��r�miiurn, thr hSurlgni:ee mnc :ip�ily If�r deposi+. tn . � � � � .
<br /> � - PMY Premiums. on risks requir�•d to bc insurcd� by ihi; mortgagc. � .
<br /> • Pe�ymenlc made by tim '�lurtga�nr under th� ubove pucagrapn_; niay, st tho nption e! th�� �4urll;:�Keq be hrld � Ly i� and . � �
<br /> eommingled with nthr:r such funds or ils awn tunds fur thr p�rymen( n( sich it�•ms. :md until r,o applied, surh payments ;+rr h��rehp ' � . .
<br /> � piaxlg�rl as securily fur the unpaid I�alance uf the morttiage indrLtodni•ss. . � . � .
<br /> ':. Tn procure, deliver tn. ;{nd maint�in fur fhr benrfit nf Ihe• Siorigagee during Ihe lile o[ this !norfCage aritiinal policies and . . . �
<br /> renewals therc�d. <lcliverrd nt l�asl ten dnys b.rfore the expfr:ition �d any such policirs. in�uring a;;3iust (ire nnd ut!u�r in�urr�hle . � . .
<br /> hazarde, casualties, and mntingencics ❑s the \tortgagee m:�p rev��irr, in an amount cyunt to the in<3ebfedness sewrcd Ly thi5 �
<br /> - Mortgnge, .ind itt Compmiies arv;epW6le tn ilie ASorigagee. tcilh loss pacnLle clause in (acnr o( and in form accup�able lo Ihe bintlga- � � � .
<br /> �: . gee. Lt thr evr,nt um• puliry is not rc•neu•�d un ur befurc trn d;�ys �,f it_� cspira!inn. tF�� ASurl�ngei� may procure insuranr,c qn the � . .
<br /> � improvemenls, pay lhe premium therefor. niid �urh =um shall I:.ec:�mt� invnedi;tel�� due and payabic xith inti�r�•st. at thr� r.il.� .=.ci .
<br /> +- � forth in said note until paid :md sh.ill be s�•cured Ly thfs mortgage. Failum nn the part of thr �forlpagor lu furnish such renrwals . . - � .
<br /> as arr iierein «Kauired ur (.+ilurc lo pay any sums aJranrod ht�n•imd��r ;half, at fhe nption of tl�c �inrtgager, cnnstituti• a drf�ml[ ' � � . .
<br /> . � unJer the [erms o[ this morlgage. "Ch�� dtdirrry o[ such puliri��s shali. in the cvrnt of d��fault, constituir an a.ysignment uf the um � �
<br /> earned premium. � � � �. � .
<br /> j. AnY sums received hy thE� 1lurtgag���� by rcuson n[ !u.,+ nr d;�mage in;urrd against rn:+y hc rett�ined by the \iartvagee . . � .
<br /> and upplieci loward the pacment uf the dobt horrby secur.��i, ur, at the uption u( the Dlnrtg�ge.e. such sums ei� her u�hully ur in
<br /> a�� . part may hr paid over tu thc 1lortg��;or tn bc usrd lo copair such buildings or tu build ' ni�w buildinqs in � heir plaa� or fur uny : � �
<br /> other purpos� ur objcct silisf:ictury fo lhc Aturlgngre ���ithnul a(Trctin�; Ihe lirn on thr• murtgage for fha (ull amuunt �ecur�d hrrr . � .
<br /> by be(ure such payment evrr fa�A place ' . �
<br /> � ;i Tu prumptly repuir, restore ur re6uild :+ny buildings nr imprmrments nnw ur hercaftrr nn lh� pr��mis�s ���hich mny br. � .
<br /> ;�� � come rlumaged or deslrny�vi : tn Leep s:�id premisr, in g<,��d cnnditiun ;�nd repnir t�nd lrrr• Irum :u�p mechanic'ti lirn or olhrr li��n or . . . . . .
<br /> tit claim of lien not expres5ly sulwrdinated tn thi• li��n hereuf: not tn �ufT��r ��r pemut ;� ny unl�wful use nf or any nuisancr tu exist on . �
<br /> � said properly nor lu permit w�aste un s,id ��rrmises. w �r t� � du ;vq' oth<�r �rt :vher.,h�' t6r prnperly Lcrclrv cunvevrd sh:+ll le�cume �
<br /> :i less valuaLle. nor to diminish nr itn��air ite rdue h�� �ny ac! ur omis=ion l�� ;�cC tn c� nnp(y «�iNi ;�II rrquimmerVs of !aw w�ith rrspect -
<br /> - to fhe mnrlgaged premises and U�c use therroL - .
<br /> �. � 7'hat should Ihe premises or .in}' pxrt thenvt krr Like•n ur damaged hy r��a,nn u( :+ ny public improvement ur cundemnution .
<br /> ' proceeding. or under lhe right u( cmim•nt d�anain, ur in nny olher manner, the \turtgnget� r;halt h�• i•ntiUed tu all cumpen=atinns. . . �
<br /> �4: . �wurds, and any nlher payment or relief therc(ur. an1 sh.all b�• �mtitlyd , nt its o�niun. lo cnmmence npprar in ;md prenecule in iLs . .
<br /> t
<br /> . ow� n.�ttne unV aCtion or pn�ceeding, ur lu make �my rumprumise ur srUl��tnrtLL in runnrction wilh such Lukin�; or damage. :111 such
<br /> f � compci�wtion. awards, damugws. ril;ht o[ action and proceeds ure hereby assi�:ned lo Ihe Dlurtgt��;ci�. u�ho may. ap�+r deductinR � _
<br /> 'i�. �, Ihem(rom all itn ezpensc�. rclease uny muneys so received by il or apply the s�me un any indrbfrdness cecurcd L�.rreby. Thc Mnrt �
<br /> � � , gngor agtees to execute such furlher assignments of any cornpensatiun, uw+irds, damagrs, t�nJ righis u( .�clion anrl prnceeds as the �.
<br /> '?� hlortgagee may require.
<br /> ,
<br /> '� - 7'hel in case of (nilure la �er(urm �ny n( the cocenanls herein. th�� \lort � ce mn d�� on Ihe \turtga or's Lrhal( �•ven�lhin
<br /> r . f S• 1: ' Y f� F �.
<br /> �� so wvenunted : thut the �lorlgngee muy al,n du any uct il may d�•�•m neecskiry t�, protect thr lii�n then•nC that the \iortgagor will
<br /> � rcpuy upon demand any muneys paid or disbursed br the \Tnrtga�;ec for any uf the ebnvu purpusev, nnd such maneys togetFicr wilh
<br /> �. intrrest thereon at the rate+ pruvidrd in euwid nule sh��ll bi�cume sn much addilional indchtrdne;s hrreby .rcured nnd m�y Ixr in-
<br /> „ cludeal in xnY decree (or�v:losing this murt�;agc and 6e p�id �mt o ( th�• «•ids or prna•eds uf salc of suid premises if nul nlLerN�isr .
<br /> � paid; tha[ it shnll nut be obligutorS' upon thr MortgagcK• in inquin� inlu the validily uf any lien. encumbrances, nr daim in ad-
<br /> vnneing moneys us ubovr, authorized, but nulhinR � herein cuntnined shall fx conslrued as r�Y�uirin�; the Alortgngce tu advance any �
<br /> - moneys [or nny such purpvse nur tu do any act hereunder, :md lhut b1orlKaFee shall nnt incur anp persunal liability hrcau�e u( any-
<br /> . thing it mey do or omil lo do hereunder. �
<br /> � In lho evenl of the defuult by �fortgngor in lhe puyment u( any instnllmrnt. .�s rrryuired by thr Note secured herrby. or
<br /> ; in the perfortnnnce u( lhr obligatinn in this mortgage or in lhe nuti• �:erured thereby, the nlortFagce shall be rntiUrd to drelarr thr .
<br /> . debt secured hereb7• due and payable without notim, and lhe pforlgager. shall be cntiUrd at ils opliun, wilhuut nnti�e. eilher hy it�elf
<br /> . or by n receiver lo be+ Fippuinlnl by the court thenn�f, and witl�oul regnrd to the ad�r�u�cy nf any mcurity fnr the indebtednees ve- �
<br /> � � c�red hemby. lo enter upon :md l�ke poti�:etision� i�f lhe murlF�F�'d prrmisea. and tn cnllrct and r��cvi���• th�• n•nt.. i...n��y �md pn�fir+ .
<br /> � therm(, und epply lhe same, .less rnsls ot ���xrntion and collee:lion, upnn thr indebtedness sr�cured by this mortguFe: said rrnts,
<br /> � i.ssues end profits being hereUy nysigned to the bfort�eigee as farther sr•curih� for the p:�yrnrnt of nll indehtrdne•s� secured hereby.
<br /> � 'I'he� Mortgagir shnll hnve lhe power to appoinl any agent nr ngents il mey desire for lhe purpa;e o( repairing s�icl prem• �.
<br /> . ises; renting the name: mllectinq lhe rents, recenues and income, nnd it may pay nut of said income all expens��s innirrcvl in rrnt• �� I .
<br /> . ing und mnnaging lhe same and of coUecting lhe rentals lhere� rom. 'fhe balance rrmaining, i[ nny, shell be applied toward thr � � � -
<br /> " � ••�.discherge of the mortRaCe indebtedness. This as+ignment is to terminatr and k�ecome null and vnid upun rcleiv� of this martgage � ' N `'��. - -
<br /> . L . � ���'', .
<br /> r*ep.; . � _—"_---. . . _. _ .__ . _ � , . :'� :
<br />'i� . � . - � � .
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