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<br />� : i6- oo � i7s
<br />; ,
<br /> 9. Z1pon any failurc 6p the Mortgsgor to tnmply nith er perform any of the fcrms, :nvenants or mnditions ot this Dfort�
<br /> . gage tequiring the pnqment. o( eny nmount of m�nep by the Dfortgagor, othcr than tlie principal ainount of the ban evidenced Ay �
<br /> the Note, in[erest end other tharges, as pro�•ided in � the Note, ihe Mortgagce may at its option make such psyment. lirerp � - �
<br /> papment so � mede by The bfortgagce (inciudinq rexsonablt ettorney's [ces inaared therehy) , n�i�h intsrcst thcrmn From the date � �
<br /> � of svch . paqment,'at the rate of six percent (6�10 ) per annum, ex�ept anp payment for �.chich a dif(erent ratc of inttrest is � � � � �
<br /> ('� specified hcrein, shall 6c payable by the Mertgagor to the Tforlgxgce on � demand anJ shsl! bc cccured hy this Afortgage. 7'his -� � � . �
<br /> IDSortgage. with tespect � to any s�ch amount and thc interest thrrcon, shall amstitute x licn on the mortgaqed prnpertp prior to
<br /> - - any other lien attachi�ig� oc accruing subsequent to the iirn of this Mortqage. � � . � . � � � .
<br /> � � � 10, T'tu Diortgagce, by � any of its xgents or � representatives, shnli hnve the right tn insprd 1hc mortgsged property (rom timc . � � �
<br /> . � to time at any reasonable hour of the day. Should thc mortgaged properly, or nny pad thereof, at any time require inspedion, � . . . � � � �
<br /> �, repaiy cere or attention of any kind or nature not �rovided by thia Dfortqage as dctermined by the RSOft$3f�'M in its s01e dis• �
<br /> f
<br /> . cretion; the Moctgxgee- may, after notice to the Mnrtqagor, enter or ceuse rntry to he�� made � epon, thc mortgxgn3 propprty, and � .
<br /> � . � inspect, rtpair, pro[ed, csre for or msintein such property, as the Mortgagee maq in its sole discretion derm necessaq�, an3 may �
<br /> 'j'� �� � � pay all �amounts of money thcrefor, as the D{ortgagce map in ife soie discretion deem nttessaiy. �
<br /> � il. 2'he principal emount oa•ing pn the NMe together with interest thecmn and all � other thuRes, ns therein pm�•idtd; . � � � .
<br /> � � end all other nmounts of money owing hy the Mndgaqor to the Mortgagee pursuant to nnd srcured or intrnded tn be � secvred � � � � � �
<br /> " � b this Mort a q shal! immediatel • berome due and
<br /> P 8 8 y papable without �notice or demand upon the a�pointmenl of a rectieer or .
<br /> e���. . liquidttor, whNher voluntary o� ina•oluntxry, for the T1orfRagor or any o[ the ��o�e��}• „r the Dfortqagor, nr u�on the filinp of �
<br /> ��� a petition by or against the Mortgagor undcr thc provisiom of any Stste insol��ency Is��, or under Ihe pm��isions o( the 13ank .
<br /> � ruptcy Act of 1899, es emended, or upon thc making b}• the Mortga�r of nn assignment for U�e benefit o[ the Dtmt{ngui s acdiioPs. . � �
<br /> .i�� _ � The M�ortgsgee is a�thorized to dcdsre, at. its option, all or any part of such indebtedness immedistdy due and psyable upoa the �
<br /> ��� hcpprning of any of the folloa•ing events: � � �
<br /> s
<br /> ", (e ) Pailure to pap the ameunt of any insteliment o( principal and interest, or other charges payable on the Nnte, which shali � . �
<br /> . htve becomt due, prior ro the due date of the nest such instelimenh, . � �
<br /> x_ � �. (6) Nonpedormance hy the Mortgsgor of �n�� mvenant, agrecment, term or cendition of this Dinrtgagr, or of thc Nott , . . .
<br /> . (e=rept as othervcise provided in subdivision (a) hereof) or of any other agrermrnt herrtufore, herewith or hrrra(ter made �.
<br /> r , by the Mortgagor with the Mott�xqee in ronnection with such indebtedness; . �
<br /> , -.. (c) Taifure of the Mortgagor to perform any mvenunt, eFmement, term or condition in nny instrumrn[ creating s lirn upon
<br /> . iht mortgaged property, or eny patt lhereof, n�hich shell have priority over the lien of this Afortgage; �, � �
<br /> ' (d) The Mortqagee's dism��ery of the Dfortgaqor's (ailure in any appiicntion of the Mortgagor to Ihe MortgsRee to discloee �
<br /> ;- � any (ect dctmed by thc MortRagee t� be matrrinl, or of ihe making ttierein or in any o! the nqreemrnts entero3 into �
<br /> � bp the Afortgagor n•ith ihe Mortgagtt ( induding, but not limited to, the Note and this Ttortgage) of uny misrepresem � �
<br /> . tntion by, on behalf o(, or for the bcnc(it n(, the DSortgagor, � �
<br /> ,� ; (t) 'Ihe ealq lease nr other transfer o[ enp kind or nature o( the mortFaRed property, or nny part thereof, without the pcior �� �
<br /> � written cnnsrnt of the Afurtgegce; �
<br /> � (f) 'Ihe enadment attcr the date o[ this DiortRage o( sny la��• of the 5tatr of Ni-hrsska dedutling b��m tfir value uf � .
<br /> ' tht mortgagcd properlp (nr any part therrof), for the �+urpose o( laxation. any� Iien thereon, or chanµing in any n�ay - . .
<br /> . its laa•s (oc the taxation o( mortRages or debts se�vre3 bp murtgngc for stalc ur locsl pucposes, or the manner of collec- - .
<br /> �. tioa o( eny such tax, so ss tu x(fect this Mort�age, and if a(ter �uch enactmenl or chanKe Ihe hoidrr o( the I1ote and this �
<br /> Mortr,age gives written notice to ihe Diurtgagur dcdarinR the Nole and nll othcr indchtedncss secured by this Tfurtgage :� � .
<br /> �. . to be due and payshle, 6rcause of any s�xh enadment or dianRe, immediately upon �he expiraliun o( thicty� O0) days
<br /> i
<br /> efter such notice.
<br /> �i�� The Mortgagce's feilure to eietcise nny of its rights herevnder shall nut aon.titute a wai��er thcceoL All fhc e��ents in this Parrt•
<br /> ;�� �� gnph emimentttl upon thc happcning of sny of ahidi thc Nute sl�al( be.vme, or ma�� br dedarc.l tn Ac. immeJiately dut and
<br /> - payablq ere in this t�fortgagc ralled "cvenb of defniilC'.
<br /> ` � 72. The Mott�tagee may from timt to linte cure cach drfeu�t under nny rnaenant or aRrecmrnt in any� instrumcnt veating n
<br /> �� . lien upan the murtqageJ prupeety, ur any part thercvf, which <hall ha�•e ryriority o�rr the lien of ihis Morlgage, to snch extent
<br /> � �s the Mo8ltegee may esdusicety determine, and each nmount paiJ (i( any) bp the DiortRagee to cure any such de(eult shalf be pnil
<br /> � by the Diortgagor to the DfurlRagee; and the rfort�txgec shall alsu becomc sc.�n±Rated ta a�hateeer righU thc hnider of thr rrior �
<br /> � lien might hsvc under euch instmment.
<br /> �;. � 13. (a) After lhe hxppcning nf nny Jcfault hcreunJrr, the MorlRagor shall apon demand o( the MortRagce !urrendei po+ees-
<br /> %• ' sion of lhe mortRage.! prupert�� to the Dlorigagee, and lhe Moltgagee may enter such properh•, and Ict the same and col(ect all the
<br /> �
<br /> � rrnt5 thetefrom N�hich are Jue ot tn beYome due, and apply the aame, vfter pxpment ef all ch�rpes :!nd rxprnses. on �c:uunt of
<br /> � the indebtedneu hcreby scrarca3, and all such rents enJ nll lcases rzietinF al the time o( sufi d�(auit are hrreby aesiRned to lhe
<br /> Dfo�tgagee as further eecurity fm the papment o[ thc indc6fedness securnl here6y; and ihe TdortRaRre mey alsu dispnssess, hg Ihe
<br /> ^ - ueua! summa� procealinqs, any tenanl defaullinR in thc paymcnl o( any ren[ to Ihe �fo[tFagee.
<br /> r,
<br /> � � � (b) In lhe event that tl�e Morlgagor occupics thc mortR3Qcd property or any� parl Ihcreof, lhe AforlFagoc agrres to su�render
<br /> . � possession of such properiy to the TSurlFagec immediately n(rer any surh drfaull Iicreun�Icr, and if the TtortRepor rcmains in pns�
<br /> �. eeuion aCtet surh de(aalt, such possession s6a11 he as n trnant of the Mort�eFir, aud the DfortQaRor shall pay in ndeancr, upon
<br /> >; demavd bp thc DfarlRagce, ne a rrasonable monlhiy renlsl (nr t6c picmi.rs orcupiiYi i�p �he Dfortpn�oe an anwunl al knet ryuiealenl
<br /> { � tp on4fwel(lh o( the agRregate o( the lw�cive monlhlp inilallments �.�y,M� in the cmrent calendar pear, plus the sdual amnunt nf
<br /> the annuel RrounJ rcnl, if nnp, taxcs, atsessments, ���ater rntcs, other gnvernmental �liarKes and insurance prcmiums �a}•ahle in
<br /> i connection w�ith the mortRaFed propetfy during �udi perr, and npon the failurr of the MortuaFur lo pay such moNhly renixl,
<br /> y � the Diortgagot may also he dispossessed by� Ii�c usual snmmu5' pt�oceedings applirxhlc tn tr�anls. 7'hiv ro��ennnl shnll 6e�vimr
<br /> ' � effedive immeJiatclp upon Ihr huppenin� o[ anp suih de(ault, ns determincd in the eole dixrrtiun nt �he Mu�lge�c�r. ��ho shsll
<br /> giee notice of sach determinatiun te tlie Dlurtgagor, nnd in the case Of fotednsure and dic app��in�ment o( a recei��er of lhe rents.
<br /> the a�ithin mecnanl shall iaure lo thc brnc(il of eurh re�eiccr.
<br /> �: t4. Tiu Dforlgagee in am• a�tion to foredosc thii DforlgxRe shall be cntiUcd tn thc n��•om[mcnt of a receivcr n•i�hnut nolice,
<br /> . as s matftr of riqht end o�ithout regurd to the ealut uf tlie moclgaged pruprrty. ur tBc snl.�cnry �,r in�ol��ency o( Ihc Mortgagor
<br /> or uthet puty liablc fur tlm pxpmcnl o( thc Nu1c anJ olhc� indcbte.lncss serunyi Ly this Tlur��agc.
<br /> . 13. The Afottgagor, wilhin trn ( 10) dnys upun request in person or n�ithin I���cnty ( 20) days upon request by mail, ivill
<br /> furniah prumptif a written �Wtcment in fomi satisfactury• tn the A[ottgager, signni hp t�ie TtortRagur nnd dvl�� aakno«�Inl�e.l, o( �
<br /> the a[uount� Ihen owing on the Nute end oN�er indebtc.iness securel by Ihis hfnrt�tage, enJ whetl�er any o((seb or drfcnses ,.,, ( � _
<br /> _ ezist againsl euch indrbte.inees or enr part thcrcof. � .
<br />� . 16. ThF DtorlRagor will gire immaliate noticc by registercd ar c�rti{�ed mail to the D1ertRa�;er uf any firc. dnmage oe ntl�er N ���•
<br /> } -
<br /> - � c�sutltp af(ttting lhe murlgaged propetly, or of anf' conrepencq� truns[er or d�anFe in o�rn�rs6ip eF such propede, cr any rart � t�
<br /> Ihereof. �
<br />'�' l7. Nolitt end demand or tc uat ma be made in n�[itin and m,rr be snred in t`' � �
<br />�- - . 9 T R prreon ot L+y mail .
<br /> 18. In caec oF a (o[edosure aale o( Ihe murtgagn! properly it map be snld in one parttl. U�
<br />�ti� : 19. 1'he �toH�qer w�ilt not aseil;n the rrnls, i( any, in .chole or in part, frum Ihe m��rtRapeJ properl��. or �np rzrt tlicrad.
<br /> �
<br /> y;;_,
<br /> �; w•ithout thc prio[ arilten «�necnl o( l0e D[octgngce.
<br />?L`�s;,
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