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<br />"�'` � ,w'.w..�2.
<br />� � ^ �
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<br />� :. 7b- 0061'78
<br /> Furm FIIIp'No.6238�Neb.
<br /> (Sec,312 Loan). � . . � � �
<br /> (Revised Aug.t97o)
<br /> ' 1��������i■iI
<br /> � T61s hfottgage madc as o(the 14tiYL'eenth day of OCtobCY , �9 7G.betwcen '
<br /> VUl antl 'lYiriA ToYTeS (hereina(ter ullcd,anJ if mom dien onc party ioinU�end
<br /> stvecally hereinafter called"2�fortgagai'),residing at GYand ISlarid � Nall Caunly,Nebraska
<br /> � . and the�United Stata�ot America (hereinafter�called"Moctgagec"),aeting by end througii the Department oF Fioueing anJ Urban� � � �
<br /> Dcvclopmeat having s Regionnl OEfica ac Kansas City, Tiissouri ,and
<br /> State of Missouri .
<br /> WITNLSSETH, that ro secuce the payment oE an indebtedncsx in thc prineipal amount o( SiX 111oustind 5ix IiuttdYed
<br /> �..�.. . j'if t�• . Dollnts(Z 6��$0.00 � ),with interest l6ereon, which shnll be payable in acmrdance �vid�.a � � � . .
<br /> eertnin nntt btaring even date herewith,a Uue and couect topy nf which,.exclusive o( the signature uf Ihe �furtgagur, marked � � �� � . �
<br /> . "Schedule A"is nnnezed herero and made a part�hereof,nnd all u�her indcbtrdness whicb the Mortgagor ie ohligaled to pay�ro � � �
<br /> �� � t6e�Mo[tgaget Pursuant�to the provisions oF the Notc and this Dtottgage, the Dtortgagon c�rebp grants, com�eys�and mnrfqage� � � � .
<br /> ro t6e Mortgager.. � � . � � � � � �
<br /> Thc fullowing dcscrfbcd properry situare in GLtind I5lattd� 11311 County.Ne6raske.
<br /> Lot 'I4�o (2) oP 131ock Fifteen (15) L'vans Addition l'o Che City ot
<br /> Greuid Island, liull County, Nebraska
<br /> c
<br /> � ,
<br /> �
<br /> . 7'OGCTHLR, with all appurtenancee tharelo and all the estate and riglits of Ihe Aloetqagur in and to such property or in . �
<br /> anywise appettaining dmtero; ail 6uildings and otlier strucmree mne or herea(ter ihercon crectad or inst�ileJ, nnJ a❑ (ixtuies � � �
<br /> �_��� and artidcs of personal pruperty now or Lcrcaftcr aitadud to, or used in,or in tlic upcntions o(, any such land, buildinge or �
<br /> �.� atructures w�hich nre necessary to Ihe compiale use and occupxncy of sud�huildings or s�ructures fur the purpose (or wt�ich tlxy
<br /> were or are to be erected ar installed,indudinF,but not limited to all hcating, plumbiug, b;ithroom, tighting, cookirtg, laundry,
<br /> `r' �•entilatinq, mfrigereting, incinerating, and aio-conJitioning equipmrnt anJ fixtures and �dl repL�crmente U�ereuF and adJitions
<br /> � thereto,a�hether oc nut lhe mme arc or shall bo ntlad�eJ to such IanJ,buildings or structures in any manntr, �
<br /> }' .
<br /> �;: TOGETHEA, with any anJ all n�enrJs now or IrercaNcr madc for the taking o( the prupecty morlgaged heteby, or eny � . .
<br /> part thcreof (induding nny easanent), bq the exercisc o( thc pua�cr of cmincnl dumain, induding any a���arJ fur change of �
<br /> graJe o(any strect m other roadwa�•, which awarJs urc Irercby assigncd to lhc Dfo�l�!agcc�nJ arc dccmed a part of thc propetty �
<br /> P;� � mortgaged hereby, nnd tLe Atorlgugee is hereby AUIIlOf1ICtI to milect xnJ receh•e the prucecds n( such awatds,to t,i�e n«r�r
<br /> �'.• receipls und acquittancee them(or,and to apply Uie same toward 1he payment u( the indchleJness secured by �his Dfortgage, no6 � �
<br /> P�, w�ithslanding the Fnct that the amount u�ving thereon may not Ihen bc duc and payablc; :md thc Tfertgagut hcrcby agtces, upon
<br /> �� rcqucst,to make,tzetute and Jclivcr any and all ussi�nmenle and olhar instrmucnta suftici�nt fur Ihe purpone of ussiRning ach
<br /> such awarJ tn Ihc Mottgagac, frce, clenr nnd dischargcd of any cncmnbranccs uf any kinJ or nature wbntsuevcr;anJ �
<br /> ' TOGETHEN,witli all tight,title and interesl of tlie Dfodgagur in and lo llie I�nJ lying in lhe slrects anJ road�in fronl of
<br /> � and adjoining tht aUore described land (all the above desrriheJ I�nJ, buildin�;s, othcr structures, (ixtures, xrlieles of petaunai �
<br /> f�. rymperty,uwatds¢nd olher riglris and intetesla being hereinu(ter cnllecti�•cly cnlied lhe "mnrtgaged propeely.').
<br /> ,� TO IiAVL AND TO HOLD the morlRaped property �nd evc�q p:irt thereo( unlo Ihe Norlgagat, its successvrs and assigne
<br /> forever(or the purposes wnJ uscs I�crein sct fonh.
<br /> 3:
<br /> AND the Dtortgaqut (urt6er corenant� nnd agrees with t6e MoNgagee, us (oliows:
<br /> , 1.1'he Tfortgagvr will promptly pay tlic principal o( and inleresl on thc indcbtcdne>s cvidrnccd by thc Note,nnJ al�uthcr
<br /> �:: � chatges nnJ indebteduca� providcd thercin and in thie DforlgaRe, at thr timcs and in Ihc manncr providcJ in 16c Notc and in
<br /> this rfottgage.
<br /> � :.The Mortgnqot will pny �rhen Jue, ae hcrcinafkr proviJed, all �;round rents, i( any, and :dl laxe!, asscssmtnls, �r�ater
<br /> ratn and othv qovermnental d�arges, fines and impoailions, o(c��cry kinJ anJ n:durc��•hatsocecr, now�on c�rca(kr impused on
<br /> � the nwrtgaged property,ot any patt tlmreof,and e�ill pay when due evrry• amuunl n( indebteJness securcd by any lirn tu whic6
<br /> dm licn of Uiie Dtortgage is cspirssly subject.
<br /> � � 3.7'his Atottgage end the Note were execuleJ onJ delivercd to securc muney�advanecd,or to be aJranrtJ,by Ihe Dfortqagee
<br /> � as or un acmunt oE a loan�.eviJenceJ hy the Nolq (ot lbt purpou of making Ihe improvcmenb dexribed ur refcrreJ to in ,
<br /> 3 the Agreement d��n1 Septembcr 27 � !v76 .�� �� o� u,c
<br /> murtgaged propetty,and for euch other purpose,i(any,Jescribed or referred �u durein, w•hich improvemenb nre hetea(ter collec• � '-� �' '
<br /> tively enikd "Improvemenb:' Thc Ttottgagot ah�ll muke or cauee tu bc made all lhv Impcuvemcnte. 1( Ilic consttudion or . ��N�d
<br /> installation�of the Improvements shall not be carcied put with tc�sonable diligcnrc, or shall lc Jiemntinued nt uny time (or � � ..
<br /> � any teaeon,other than striket, lockouts, ncl� of God, (irce, Eloods ur odur similar catastrop6ics, riots, wxr n� insurrcriion, che �r
<br /> Diorlgagce dtet duc noticc fo the btortgagor is herebr:�uthorized�(a)to cnter upon�he cnor�kngod property nnd empiny anY wulch• ;q,
<br /> men to protect the Impcorements from depmddion ur injury and to prc�crve und protcct sud� property, (h) lu oury out nny �.�l��
<br /> oc ull then ezisting coutrocts betwcen lhe A(ortgagot end othet ryartics fot Ihe pury+use of muking any of �ha Lnprovemenle, U7 :
<br /> (c) to muke�od entct into aJdidonal mntrach end incur o6ligutions for the purpoacs o( complrting the lmpruremenb pursuanl «�
<br />�-�, to tht obligations o(thc Dtottgogot.hercu�dct,eiU�u in tlu namc of the Dfortgeget or Iho Dluttqagoq and(J)lo pa7 an�Jischarge
<br /> G;
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