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<br /> 76- 00615ti
<br /> nioRTcnce
<br /> ,:_ n�oRrc�ce[.o�N No. L 22. MGI C
<br /> I:NOWALLAtFNDYTHESEPRESENTS:TIiat Garry F. Kokes and Beverl�A. Kokes, each in his and
<br /> r
<br /> her own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Mortgagor,whether one or more,in wnsideration of[he sum of
<br /> 2wen y-two Thousand Nine Hundred Fiftv and No/100----------------------------------��tA�
<br /> loaned(o said mortgagor by'Ihe Equitable Bti:lding and Loan Association of Grm�d Island,Nebraska,Dlurtgagee,upon Z29 shares of stock of . � � ..
<br /> said ASSOCIA'f10�,Certificate No.L 22�387 M6I Gdu hereby grant,com�ey and mortgage unro the said ASSOCIATION the following � � �
<br /> described real esta�e,situateJ in Ifall County,Nebraska:
<br /> �:, LOT P�INE (9), IN BLOCK THIRTEEN (13),
<br /> �.
<br /> A,
<br /> �.
<br /> �
<br /> tugether u•ith all t6e tenements,fie�eJitamenu and appurtenances thereuNo beloneing,including attached fluor cocerings,all window screens, � � � .�
<br /> winduw shades,blinds,eturm windows,aH•nings,heating,air mndi�ioning,and plumbing and w:�ter equipment and accessories lhereto,pumps,stoves, � �
<br /> e�; refrigeraturs,and other Gxtures and equipment now or hereafter attached to or used in connecliun wiih s�id rtal estate. . . � �
<br /> AnJ whereas the said murtgagor h�s agrced and does hereby agree that thc mor�gsgor shall and�rill pay all tases and assessments levied or
<br /> assessed upun said premius and upon this mongage and[he bond secured�herebv belbre the ume shall become delinquent;ro furnish approved . .
<br /> � insurance upon die buildings on said premises situated in d�e sum of 5 ZZ,950.00 payable tu said ASSOC[A'CION and �o delivtr ro said � �
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies(or said insurance;�nd nut to commit or permit any waste on or�bout said premises; � � . �
<br /> In case o(de(ault in the per(urmance oCany u(the cerms and conditions of diis mortgage or the bond secured heceby,Ihe mortgagee shall, � �
<br /> _ �, un dtmand,be entitlzd to immcdiate posussion oC the nmrignged premises and [he martgagor hereby ussigns, Uansfers and sets over�to the � . �.
<br /> �, mort�acee�11 the�ents,rerenues and income tu Ue dericed(rom the mortgaged pcemises during such time as Ihe mortgage indebtedness shall remain
<br /> . unpaid;and the mortga�ec sh�ll have the po«rr w appuint any agent or aecnts it map desire fur the purpose of repairing said premises and renting � � � -
<br /> � the same and collecting the rents,rerenues and income,and it may p�y out of said income xll expenses o(repairing said premises and nacessary
<br /> '' � cummissions and expenses incurred in renting and man�uing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom: the balance mmaining,if any,to be � -
<br /> �- � applied toward the discharge o(said mortgage indebtedness;thzse rights of the mortgagee may be exercised at uny time during the existence of such � �
<br /> f: dcfault,irrespective uC any tcmporary e�airer of the same. � .
<br /> c. �. �� These Presen�s,howzver,are upm�thr Condition,That if the said�lurtgsgur sh�ll repay said loan on or before the mnturity oP said shares by -
<br /> � paymant;pay monthly tu said ASSOCIATION ol tha sum specilied in the Bond secured hereby as interest�nd principal on said loan,on or befuce
<br /> . �he T«'entieth day of each and et�ery month,until said luan is full}•paid;p�y all t�res and assessments le��ed aeuinst said prcmises and on this�lortgage �
<br /> and diz Bond secured thereby,be(ore delinyuency;furnish approved insurance upun the buitdings diereon in the sum of S 22,950.00 p�Yable . �
<br /> � to said.45SOC1ATI0\:rcpay tn s�id ASSOCiAT10'�upon demind all muney by it paid for such taxes,assessments and insurance wid�interest at � �
<br /> ; the maYimum legal raic tliereon(rom date o(payment all oi which�torteagor hereby agrers to pay;permit no waste on said premises:Aeep and comply � .�
<br /> y_� -, with all the agreements and conditions of tlie Elond for 5 22 950,QQ �his day given by the said 9furtgagor to said ASSOCIATIO;�,nnd comply -
<br /> , with all the requirrmcnts of the Consti�ution and ByLaws of said ASSOCIATION;then these presents shall become null and void,othernise they
<br /> - shall remain in Cul!(orec and may be(oredosed at thc opiiun of thc said ASSOCIATION a(ter failuce tor three months to mako any of said �
<br /> � p�yments or be three months in�rrrars in making said monthly p�yments,or to keep and comply a'ith the agreements xnd conditions o(siid Bund;
<br /> .�: . and Atortgagor aerers to hare a receirer�ppointed(orthwith in such toreclosure proceedings.
<br /> � If there is any change in ownership of Ihe real estate mongaged herein,by sale m othenvise,then the en[ire remaining inde6tedness hereby
<br /> - secured shall,at d�e uption of The Gyuitable Duilding and Loan Assuciation o(GranJ lsland,Kebra:ka,bemme immediately due and payable withuut
<br /> � further notice,�nd the amount remaining due under said bund,and any other bond Cor eny additional advances made dureunder,shall,Gom the
<br /> ; date u(exercise o(said optiun,bear interest at tht mazimum legal rate,and this mortgage may then be(oreclosed to satis(y the amount due on said
<br /> bond,and any other 6ond Cor additionat adwnces,tocether with�ll sums paid by said The Equitable Building and Loan Aswcixtiun oCGrand Island,
<br /> - t�ebraska for insurance,tases and assessments,and nbstracting extensiun charges,���ith interest diereon,frum date o(payment at the mawmum
<br /> , Icg�lrate.
<br /> � As provided in the Bond secured hereby,while this mortgage rem�ins in ef@ct the mortgagce may hereaCter advance addilional sums to ffic
<br /> makers of said Bond,tl�eir assigns or successors in intemst,which sums shall be within the security of this mortg�ge the same as the funds originally
<br /> .;�� ucured thereby,ihe total amount v(principal Jzbt nct to ezceed a�any time the miginal amount oi this murtgage. �
<br /> K
<br /> D ted this Z�,d� �y�r October :�.�.,iv 76.
<br /> �`� � � �
<br /> -��!%_c�'yl` C— Z/,)oi,Lt�i'Si. ��'sa
<br /> � Garry F Kokes e�$verley�, okes
<br /> STATE OP NEBRASY.A, Ss. On this 23rd day of October
<br /> COl1:JTY OF HALL} 1�6 ,be(ore ma,
<br /> � . tlie undersigned,a Notary Public in and!or said County,personally wme � � ^t�I=:^'�_:�'
<br /> Garry F. Kokes and Beverley A. Kokes, each in his and her own right and as spouse of eacH a��.:
<br /> other who d1'2 personallyknownto y '
<br /> ' tr
<br /> � � , thF�7 � 1 perwn 5 whose name s are a(fixed to the sbove ins[rument as mortgagor S ���d they ��erally ,�
<br /> � n :
<br /> t�`iv d 1 C strumont to be thei r ��oluntar act anJ deed.
<br /> � ? �� . �Y`�;t' r � .
<br /> . .��.��;>' '9�'1}7'1'!1$$S my hand and Notarial Seal the datc aCoresaid. / � �
<br />� �, Ct�t:r,�rArY �`{yCoil�issionexpires �,�c w-��/? i4y0 /j��/ G�� /� � / -+ '9
<br />� 11 l.c�, ;�.ii7 `[7 � � G� �'t i/✓�/7� �/•/ �'-'i .L
<br />� `,1 `,�:��� "rJ \otaryPublic
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