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�:: , _ ;: <br /> � �: �� <br />� � - i �.� <br />; . :�� <br />�. � � <br />� �' ; 76- 0061. 1 '7 <br />� ll) If anJ so IunF as saiJ nule uf aeen dale anJ Ihia imtrumeN nre iroureJ or arc reineuttJ unJn thc pioci+ion. u( Ihe Nnuunal Huu�mg Act. an <br /> r�`y : � amuunt suRicienl tu accumulate in Ihe h:mJs of ihe holdrr one I I I munih priur Iu iis due Jate i6r :mnual mungaEe msurance prunium in orJei to <br /> � q pmeide such holJtr uilh tunJs lu pny sueh prrmium w thc tiecre!ary uf Huming anJ L'�han ikvdupmrm pur�u:mt W thc Yution:J Huu.i�g .�u. � <br /> ,: as nmenJeJ. and applicable ReFula�inna thercundrr, or <br /> (Iil If and so long as said note of rven date and Ihis inslrumenl are heW hy ihe Srcretap� �+f fluining and Urhan IkeelopmenL a monlhic charge lin � <br /> ' lieu uf a monga6e imurance premiuml Hhich shall be in an amoum equal �o onr�tu�d(�h UIL'I of mm�half I IRI p�r cenium of Ihe areruge ou�� � � � <br /> � standingkulanceJueunlhemlecamputedwithnunukinginluaccounlJelinyuenciesorprepaymenls: � <br /> � Ibl A sum eyual tu Ih: ground rrms. if any. nexl due, plu+ the premiums Ihat u�ill neal hecnme Juc and payuMe on pdicirs uf ftrc anJ o�her haw�J irourantt . � <br /> corering Ihe monK�R�� P�uprny. plus Iaxes and asxssmenls ncV duc on ihe munFageJ property (all as e�timateJ b}� �hr !�fort�gcel less :dl ¢ums ab , . . <br /> -�. . � � rcaAy paid �hercfor di�ided by the numbero( munihi lo elapse heforc one monlh prinr m tAc date u�hen >uch �ounJ mNs premiums. enes anJ aayrc�- . � <br /> mnus will becume Jclinqurnl, such Sumi tu t+e held 6y Atorlgagce in Irusl Iu p�y suiJ ground rems, premiums. �ax<i and special assrssmenis: and <br /> Icl All paymems memioned in Ihe IWo prcceJinF subeecliuns u( Ihic paragraph and all pa)'mrn�s In t+e made under Ihe notc securcd hemhy sLall bc udJeJ , � � <br /> , tugelher. and Ihe agF�egxte amounl �hcrcof shall tx paiJ hy the MorlgaFor each mumh in a singlc paymenl lu hr npplieJ by Ihr Atnrlgagee lu Ihe follux�- � . � <br /> � ingitemsinlheord<ruilunk � ��. � . � � . <br /> � 14 prcmium charFes unJn ihecomracl n( inwr�nce Ni�h the 5ecretuq' o( Iluu�inF and Urhan ikvrlupmem, m mnmhl�� ch:+rFe lin lieu uf mnn�ee : �� � � � <br /> � inwrnnce premiuml. as �he cau may br: ' � _ <br /> . 1111 gruund renls, Wces, assessments, fim and alher haiaN insurance prcmium>; � � � <br /> � � Illb inleralonlhenolesecurcdhercby: and � <br /> � Il1q � amorlixation of Ihe principal u( saiJ note. � . � � <br /> Any J<ficieney in �he emnunl of any mch agA«F��e motuhly paymenl shall, unitis m:�de go�id hy Ihe �lurigago� pnu� lu Ih< due Ja�e of thr nt�l wch ' <br /> , pa5'menLconslilule an e��em of Jefaull unJer Ihis mungag<. 'I�he Mnngagee may cnikci a "I:uc chargr" nof tu ezcecd Iwn cem� Cel fnr e,!ch dnllar 1511 : . . � <br /> �� ofrachpaymrntmurelhanfdleenUS) Jaysinare�nlocov<rlheexlraeapenseinroh�edinhanJlingddinyuenlpaymems. , . <br /> 2. That iC the total ot thc puyments made b�� lhe �IorlFa�;or undur (b) of para�raph '? preceJing shaU e�ceed <br /> the amounl of paymenls aclually maJe b}• the 11ort�;agee for eround rent�, taae; and x�se-�menls or insurance pre- <br /> miums, as the c;ue may 6e, such excess, if che loan is current, at the option of the �tortgagor, shall be crediccJ by <br /> the 3furtgagec un sub�equent pxymrnl� Io hc madc by thc 11ortRxgur, or refunded to the 1lortgugor. If, ho�sc��cr, thc <br /> ', munthh� payments made by� the Mottgagor under (L) of paragraph 2 preceding shall not be sufficicnc co pay grounJ <br /> * rent, taxes and asse_smenls or insurancc premiums, as lhe case ma�� �e, �shen the �xme shall become due and pay- <br /> able, lhen lha \lorlgagor shull pay to the 11or�ga�ee wiy amowit necessan' t�� muke up the de(icienc}• , on or before <br /> the date �+hen paVment o( such �;mund renl� , taxe� , as�e��ments or insurance premiums �h:ill be due. If nl any <br /> lime the ilurlgaFor =hall lender (o lhe Jlortgagee, in acciirJance �cith ihe proci .:ions o[ the no(e �ecured hereby. <br /> full payment of lhe rnlim indebtedne�� rcpresented lhereb�� , lhe \lortga�ce shall . in computing the umounl uf such <br /> indebtedness, credit to the account of the Mortgagor alt pa}�ments madc unJcr �hc provisions of (uJ of paragraph 2 <br /> hereof which thc htortgagee has not become o6ligaled tu pu�• W the Secrelnry� uf llou�in�; und C�rban llevelopment <br />' � and :uiy balunce remaining in the funJs accumulaled under the provi�ions of (b) of paragraph 'l hereoL I � ihere <br /> 4' ;hall be a de(ault under anV �f thc pro�•isions of thi� morl�a�e re�uliin{; in a public �:de uf the pmmises �•overeJ <br /> hereb��, ur if the Slort�agee ucyuires thc propertp othen� ise a(ter defaull, the 11ortRaKee �hall upply, xl the time of <br /> thu commencement of �uch proceedinRs, ur at lhc+ �ime lhe property i; ulhen� i.�e acyuireJ, the balance then remain- <br /> ing in Ihe funds accumulaied under (b) of paragraph L> precedinF, u� x cmdil a�ain�t the .imounl o( principal then <br /> , remainin�; unpaid under said nale, und shxll properl} adju�t any pa}'mcnls ��'hich shall have bi�en made under (al <br /> <� of par:t�raph 2, � <br /> � d. "fhat ihe Uurtgagor �cill p.iy ground rents, ta�es, assrssments, �e:dzr rales , anJ other eoeernmen�al or municipal <br /> ` charges, fines, or impositions, for uhich pruvision has nut been maJe hereinbetare , and in default thereu( the �tortgaeee may <br /> s'" <br /> pay �he same: and that �he Mortgagor uill promptl>• deliver ihe olTicial reccipts iherefor ro �he �\lortgagee. <br /> ' S, The hior�ga�:or will pay sll tazes Hhich may he leeied upon !he \longagee's interes� in said re;+l estate and improve- <br /> ��`� ments. and µ hich may� he levied upon this murtgage ur the debt secured herehy Ibnt onl} to the e.e�eni �ha� such is not pruhibit- <br /> � ed by lau' and unly to Ihe ex�ent that such �� ill not make this In:m usuriousl, hW e.ticluding any income ta�. St�te ur Federai. <br /> � impused on Alortgagee , and µ'ill file the ufTicial receipt sho« ing such payment « ith Ihe :�1or�Eagee . Upon violation of this unJerv <br /> taking, or if O:c Atortgagor is prohibi�ed hy any laa no�v nr heres(ier existing frum p:ryinE ihr u hole or any ponion o( thc afore- <br /> k � saiJ tazes, ur upun the renderin� of :my cuurt decrec prohihiting the p:�ymem by �he \IortgaEor or xny tiuch taxes, ur if such la�� <br /> � or decree provides that any amuunt so paid b} �he :\fortEagur shall bz crediteJ on the mongage debt , thr �turtgacee shall ha� e <br /> t ihe right to give nineq� days' Hriuen nutice tu ihe o�cner o( Ihe mortg.�geJ premises, reyuiring the payment of the mortgage <br /> � debt. If such no�ice be givrn, ihe s.iid deb� shall become duc. pay'�ihle anJ collectihle al �he eapir:+tion o( saiJ nineq� d:�ys. <br /> r 6. 'fhat shoulJ he (ail �o p��y an�� sum or keep any covenant pru� ided for in this A1ortEage , then the lfort�agee , at its op- <br /> �� tion, maq pay or per(orm the same . and all ezprnditures so maJe shall be aJded to the principal sum ou-ing on the ahoae note. . <br /> �, shall he secured hereby, anJ shall bear interest at ihc rate set forih in �he said nore, until paiJ. <br /> � 7. "Ph�� he hereby assigns, �rans(crs :md aeu over io the �lorteagce , to bc :ipplied to�card the p:iymenl uf Ihe no�e anJ all <br /> sums secured hereb�• in casc o( �i de(ault in the per(ormanre of .my o( the cerms anJ cunJi�inns o( �his �furtgage ur the said <br /> � note, all the rrnts, rz� enues :md income tu he drriveJ from the mortgagzd premises Juring such time ati �hr mongage indebted- <br /> ness shall rrmain unpaiJ : and the M1longager shall h:,ve power to appoint any agent �u a�;enls it m�q� desirc fur the purpuse of <br /> f` repairing �aid premises :md of renting �he same unJ collecling the ren�s, revenues and income . anJ it may p�+y um of said im <br /> �• comes :�II ezpenses of repairing suid premises anJ nece�sary commissions and e�penses incurred in renting und managing the <br /> ; s;�me and uf collecting renh�ls Ihercfrum : the balance rcmaining, if am•, tu he applied �u�cxrd the discharEe uf s:iiJ morlgage <br /> inJebtedness . <br /> ; 8. That he will keep ihe impruvements no�e eristinc or here:dter crecteJ on ihe murtgageJ property, insured a� rtiay be <br /> rryuired from time to �ime hy the Afortg�gzr aEains� Inss by lire and other h�itarJ, , casu:�ities anJ contingencic� in such <br /> i amounts <+nd (or such perioJs as may be rcyuired b� the �tongagee and uill p:iy prumpd}� . �chen Jur , any premiums on such <br /> insurance prorision for paymen� of «'hich has not been maJe hereinbrfure. :111 in�ur:mce sh;ill he carried in cumpanies ap- <br /> j, proveJ 6y the \for�gagee and the policies anJ renew:ds Ihereut shall hr held by the pforlg:igee anJ ha� e auached there�o loss <br /> 4, payable clauses in tacnr of anJ in furm acceptable iu the �tungagee . In e� ent of loss \torl�:a�ur aill giee immeJiate notice hy <br /> mail to the �tortgagee . �sho m.�y make pruof of lotis i( no1 maJe promplly h� �lurtgagur . .md each insurmce cumpang cun- <br /> • u cerned is hereby authoriteJ and JirecleJ to m�ikc papmrnl (ur such loss Jirecdy to the �fur�Eagre instcad n( tu �he �fonga�or <br /> and the \tort@agee juintly , and the insurance proreeds. or any pan thereuf, may he applieJ hy ihe 1lortgagee at ih oplion rither <br /> to the reductinn of �he inJeMedncss hereby xcured or to the resroratiun or repair u( �he pruperty JamageJ . In c� enl ot (nrrclo- <br /> sure of Ihis mor�gage or other tran�fer of title Io the mortgageJ pruperq� in ettinguishmem of the inJehteJness secured hereby . <br /> :dl right, titlr unJ interesl o( the Atortgagor in ;�nJ to ai» insurance policies �hen in (urce shall pass to Ihc purch.aer ur er;mtce. <br /> 9. That as additional and collaleral securiiy for �he p�iymrnt of �he nute JescribeJ . ;mJ ;dl sumti tu becume due unJer �his <br /> � mor�gage. the AtortgaRor hereby assigns to the �tortgagee ull profits , revenues , royaliics. rights anJ benefi�s aaruing io ihe <br /> �tortgagor under any :md all oil and gas lense+ on �:�iJ premises. �cith the right tu «ceirr ;md receipt (or the s;imr anJ apply <br />, . ,; them to saiJ indebteJness �s H ell before as afier default in the cunditions uf this mungagc . �nd �he �lungagee ma} Jem:md. we <br /> for and reco�'er any such pnyments w'hen due anJ p:q ahle . but sh:�il not he reyuired so to do. This a+signment i+ iu terminatc <br /> and become nuli and �•oid upon release of this monEage. • �;. � '. .: ,� , <br /> 10. That ihc Ator�gagar aill keep the buildings upun said premises in goud repair, and neither cnmmit nur permi� « a}ie n 'i <br /> s upon said land, nur suffer the said premises tu be used for any unlawtul purpose . N ; ' <br /> I I . That if �he premises, or any part therruL be conJemned under the po�ser o( eminem domain, ur acyuired for a puhlic � <br /> L use, ihe damages awarded , �he proceeJs for Ihe taking uL or the consideratiun for wch aryuisiliun , to the exiem ut the full . <br /> amount of indebtednes upon �his morig;ige anJ �he notc a hich it iti given tu sccure remairing unpaiJ . arc hrreb> ansiEned by the `t <br />�,;, �fortgagor to the �tortgagee, and shall be paid forthwith w said �torigagee to be applieJ by ihe lauer un acn�um o( � hc ne �t � � <br />�: mamring instaliments of such indebtedness. k? <br /> x� <br />� <br /> r': <br /> Y� <br />'i <br /> i .� - �� ._.., � � <br /> % <br />