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<br />�' ':' b'iled for record on ................................. 19........nt............................ n'��lock ........................ hi.
<br />, ; rind recorded in ihe llced ]tecord ................................. 1'aye .,.........,................
<br /> ,................................................................................... 7��� ..........,...........................................................................
<br /> Register ot' ])reda `llapnt�� Register of Deeds
<br /> , � �.,��06��?�i
<br /> � SURt1I'E10RSHIP U`JARRAi�I�'�Y B�EI�
<br /> 1{enneih L. Coleman:and Francena Ii. Coleman, Husband and Wite, each ia liis
<br /> ai�d Her o�cm x•ight and as spouse oi each a81er�'Frein called the gr:mtor u�het}ter one or more,
<br /> in eonsiderntion nf Thirty-One Thousand Nine-Hun3red (�31,9Q0.00} and I�o/100 Dullars
<br /> ; rrcei��ed from �n•nntees, doe� grnr.t. Sur�tiin, �ell con�•r,}� xnd confinn imto
<br /> ' Gregory A, I-iird az�d Antuinette I:ird.
<br /> �; ;
<br /> "v,
<br /> �t jciint tenemts Mith right of anr�-ieorship, ar,d roi as renarts ir, eomrnor.. the folloa•inR deearibed rer_i
<br /> v; . property in :....................Hall................................. Cot;nt}�.\r.tn�xcka:
<br /> Soufherly Forty Ei�ht E'eet. (48') of Lut I'ifteen {15} and Northerly Tliirt}- T�c•o Feet
<br /> {32') of Let Sixteen (16j, in }31ock Une (1) in Roe?iler Place, an Addition tc the
<br /> City of Grand Island, Hall Ccunt}�, �ebraskn
<br /> � i�L6�-',.�,b��A �i)i; �rrE�';'�kY �
<br /> . � 1 r�1.5r f' i'1� j . ..
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<br /> �' :���~,^ii, tj� ', t_.K� . .
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<br /> {':
<br /> To ha�'e and to hold ihe ::bore �ieec:ihe3 ��rrrnisr,s roqeti;�r �cith ::Il tcnerrents, be�editamcnts
<br /> .tn:i ahpi:i�renaaces ihereto b2lozr r:� un[o the �rlar.tcrs an�i Yo 7heir Assi�n�, or to ihe i;ei� an3 ,*�s�i,rs
<br /> „i t1;e snr��iro: c:tiicm fcre�•er.
<br /> Au8 �rt:ntor uees hcreb}• co�-rnrr.t ��:itn the ��r.^�r;tees rnd R';th thei.- assi�ns attd niih i't�z hei�s
<br /> anu xssi�ns of ihe srr�ii�or of ihem that;;r:iri.r i�la.«'fnt;� <•i�c.i ot Said�i••�rr.i�rrs;irst i'na}�nre iirz irn�r,
<br /> <•nenmSranee e�cepY easeivents and restr;ctions of recurd,
<br /> ihfli �*rar,tor na5 gond r.�nt ami ia�rfi�l r�„iho;it} io ;r.,ncrr �i,� �...�.-, ar,d tl::;t ers�rr��; �cr.rrants ..r-�I �•,ii;
<br /> �'cfen3 ihe tiile to �aiil nremt•es 'r_��inst thc ls��'iul tlairos n{ ;ui p,�rxn;is vri;,�n;s:,r•��er.
<br /> lt :s 7hr ;ntention oi ali ��a�-tiea liereto i�fli in 11ie e�-ent ��i the dcath ,�f evher ni ihe �;rsu;�rs,
<br /> ' t,,c r�niirr ..�. ;iiie tu 1w'i. ;•ra7 prn�,r�•t� �i�:�ll c��.i .. ;Le =rr�,�irirc�rrroi,;.
<br /> - llatrd September 23, IQ7b z'
<br /> � �� '
<br /> : ,
<br /> ' <�,..[.c,�,.jl%i.f......\"....`.:'-�..��.�1�-1'.4c^--.— �
<br /> ' .................................................................................... ...,:.:.................. ..............
<br /> Iier.netli i., Culeina�i
<br /> .-,
<br /> �.� .................................................................................... .....''�f..��lu�.l'�.�.i..���xZ�..i.a.i,.��\!-::��:::�).:�:.�:t�..............
<br /> �Crancena�\. Wleman
<br /> ;' STATE OF .............11.�I3.�1.S.I.1.:�...................., Cnuncc nT ...........Iial.:t.......................................:
<br /> k
<br /> - liofere ;ne,a not�2r��i+nh:ic qiiaiifiad :r,r sai;; rornty. ;e�s�,:ruiti ::rn:
<br /> T<e�uieth L, Coleman and �rancena I<. Colet:�ar_, I?nsUand aud 1Vife,
<br /> � each in Iiis and Her o�c•n ri£ht and as spouse ni eacli other,
<br /> ,
<br />'fi knmcn to me i:o be t.he:3enticai prrson m• pereons�t�hn c;k�ne�; i)•,r to�r�oir,� in�tniment and rekr,uniede.�d -
<br /> .�__;
<br /> sn�c�cc�ition thereof to be�is,her or i?i�.i;ro�nr ���� art and dee3. t
<br /> �
<br /> ° � :.- -f- ->, , ,
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