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� � �E� 1�. . _ . . . . <br /> � 1 'r <br /> . ' 1 <br />�� , _ <br /> i �� <br /> Y) � � <br /> i <br /> ' 76� O O J J '7 J <br /> . � ARTICLG II . <br /> Mnintenan¢e And Inspection Uf DertlSed Premises <br /> {;': <br /> �� Section 2 . 01 . Construction ; Right of Entr . The Compntiy covenants and <br /> �F agrees thnt 1t will , on Uehall' of the Lessor , construct and cumplete the Project as <br /> provided in the Nortgage , nnd Che Lessor covenants ehat it sh<nll p�y the cost thereof <br /> from the proceeds of the IlonJe, as provided in the P1orCy,age . It is a�reed that in <br /> `` connection with Che consCruction and provisioit of the Pruject Che plans , specificationc� , <br /> - cost esC3mates , conernct documents , award of contracts chan�;c orders , �mendments and <br /> other revi.sions , pinns , specifications und contrncts shall Ue made Uy the Project <br /> Manuger un behalf of [he Lessor . It is undersl-ood snd agrecd that the proceeda of <br /> the Donds will be administered and ttie cost of CIIL' Pro� ect �aill be defraycd in a <br /> ;� munner consistent with ttie Act and tlie tlurtgage . <br /> z The Company from the date of this Lease , shall have riglit to enter ;md <br /> use Che ProJect to the extent tliat construc[ io�i wark on the £ro� ect is not thereby <br /> ; impeded ; provided , Chat tlic Comp:�ny shall make , prior to any sucli entry , appropriate <br /> arrangementy to �ssure thaC Lhe carriers of insurancc and the conLr�ctors on [he <br /> � Yroject sliall not be relieved of any of their obligaCioas Uy virtue of any sucli entry . <br /> t;: <br /> .s <br /> Section 2 . 02 . Ataintenance oti llemised Yremises . Sub,ject to Che provisim�s <br /> s of this Le�se , the Company shall , at its sole cost and expetise , at all Cimes during <br /> K the term of this Lease , keep and mnintain the Demised Premises , boCh inside and outside , <br /> in a good state of repnir and preservation , ordiiiar�� wear and eear , obr;ole� cence in <br /> 1 spite of repair and acts of God excepted . Tiie Compan�� covenants Chat it will noC permit , <br /> ��; commit or suffer any wastc of the whole or any part of tlie Demised !'remises and sha.11 <br /> uot use or permit the use ot the Demised Premises , or any part thcrcof , [or any unlawful <br /> �x purpose or permit any nuisance l-o e>:isC thcreon . <br /> ;; <br /> Section 2 . 03 . �erati.on of Demised Prentises . The Comp�ny agrees that it <br /> ' shull use , maintain and operate , or c.�use to be used , maintained and operated , Che <br /> Demised Premises during the term of tliis Le�se [or such purposes as shall make a ' <br /> significane conL• ribution to the economic �;rowtli of Clie Lessor , shnll prov.ide �;ainful <br /> employment and shall serve a p �blic purpose by adv�ncing the economic prosperity <br /> and the general welfare uf tdebraska and its pcople , and shall otherwisc tulfill the <br /> purposes of the Act , sub,ject , liowever , tu cvents r+nd continft�ncies , not uow expecCed , <br /> � " that may impedc the atLainment ol sucti objectives . NoLliint; hcrcin , however , Lc inlended <br /> � - to preclude any use ot the Uemised I'remises for any purpose or purposes permitted under - <br /> ,{; ;; <br /> the 'Ace . . , . . • . <br /> � The Company shall liave thc right to place a sitpi or signs on the llemised <br /> Pretnises iden [ ifying the Demised Premises and tlieir operaCion as beinF; tl�ose of thc <br /> Company or its designees . <br /> Section 2 . 0�i . Representation:; of 7'he Village . 'lhc Lessor covenants and <br /> ` represents that it has [ ull righ� and lawful authority to enccr. into this Lease for <br /> �t : " the Eull term I�creof and to granl' to the Cumpany the option :ind right tu purchase <br /> Che llemised Yremises as hc:rcin contained , and Chat so lunF; as thc Cumpany shhll pny <br /> + . l'he rent as provided herein and shall duly obscrve und perform all Clie ternts , covenants , <br /> conciitions , {� rovisions , stipu.Latiuns and ay;recmcuts ot tliis Lc;isc obli�;aCory on it , <br /> ' Chc Company shall have , l�old and enjo� , during the tcrm hcrco [ , pcacetul , quice and <br /> �, undisputed pos , ussion o [ the Demised Yremisca , �aLthout hindrancc or molesl' aCion by <br /> anyonc claitnin�; by or L' itrougtt Chc I.essor , suUjecC , lioNevcr , to ttie provisiuns of <br /> this Lease , and the Lessor , hall from time to time take all necessary action ta that <br /> end . <br /> Section Z . OS . Comnliance with Appl, icable law . 'llie Company shall noC �ise <br /> � or occupy , nur permiL any use or occupancy of , the l)emiaed Premises contrary to :iny <br /> �� npplicablc law , ordinancc or govcrnmental ref;ulation no�a on c� rea [ tcr i�i Porcc . '1'I�c <br /> �� Compnny covenants and agrces tl�al thruut;hout the Ccrm ot this Lc:� sc , at its sole <br /> cost �nd expense , it sh � ll prompely comply with .ill law:; , ordin:uicey , orders , rules , <br /> regulations and requirements oE .� 11 Federal , state and municip� l governments and ehc <br /> I.essor , und appropriate departments , conunissions , Uoards and officers thercof , whetl�cr <br /> or not requirin�; structural repairs or alteccitions Co the llemi:: ed Pretnises or relating <br /> to the usc or occupancy or manner of use o [ thc� llemised Premises ; prnvidcd , however , � <br /> that [he Company shnll have tlic samc rtght Co contecC the 1cE;a]. ity or validiCy of ❑aY "' `�.p`,j`� � <br /> such law or government�l det.crminaeion as i [ it were thc owner oC Che Pro,jecl• :�nd N <� <br /> Lessor agrees to cooperate in any such procecdlnf; upon L�eing indcmnificd Uy Lhe Compan,Y � ' � <br /> L n�ainst any costs , expenses or otlicr liabillties . 'Che Company shall aL; o obaerve and �, . <br /> complp with the requirements respectin}; tlie llemiyed Yremi.^,es of :� 11 policies o [ in:;urance r. ' �- <br /> at any time in force wittt respecC to �ny of the Uuildin};s , improvements , machinery ur � ' <br /> equipment conscituting a part of [hc Ucmised Pre��i :�es . <br /> , <br />� . <br />�, <br />�: <br />"` II- 1 <br /> Y` � <br />��> <br />µ �_ L� <br />:'i <br />