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<br /> E
<br /> 'I'hat tl�r, Mortgagar will pay the indchte<Iness as hrreinbefine providrd. � . .
<br />.� � � 'Chat lhe 1�1ortC�G�r is !he uw»er o[ auid pri�perlY in fre simpli• nnd hxs gorHi right nnd In��•(ul nuthority lo s�,ll :md . .
<br /> � convey Ihr snme ond. thal the s[�me ia lree and clunr of m�y lien or rn�•��mbrr��ue; and Lhal �tnrtgagnr will wnrt�mt and defrnd the � .
<br /> � tille to said .premis�v againsl the cluims vf�. ull pe�sons: wlioinsoever. . . � � .
<br /> � � r Tn nny �itnmedia(ely wheti ilue und payuble nll general tnxes, sp� �_�al taxea. speciid assi�ssim�nlv. w,alrr cLur�,�.s. sewer s��rv. � . , � . .
<br /> � icc diargrs, nn<I other �tifxev ;md chargrs agninsl said property. nnd .�II 1 �xe> I��� i� d un Ihc debt scrured h�•reby. :�nd (�� furnish Iho � . .
<br /> � Mr�rtgagre. u�x�n reryue+t, with i.he originul iu iluplii•nte rca•ip(s l6rrefur. 'Ph�• \linl{:ugnr ❑gro�.a that Ihere ah:�ll 6e added � tc� - . . � . .
<br /> . rach mouthlY Pnyment raquimd liereunder ur under thr e��id„nc� uf drb! secured hernby an am��unt eslmialed hy Ihe Alurigageo. . . . . ; � . .
<br /> . to Ue suflicirnt . to eue6le . the MorlKugee �to pay, xs lhey bcc�nnr due,. +41 lux��s, ascessrnenls. nnd similur chnrgcs upon lhr ��rem� �. ..
<br /> . � is�•s subject � theretn; a�iy deficicncy berauvi• ot lhr insufficii�nry of su<�h aidditienul "�i 'i;mrnls � shall hr. . furthwflL deposit+�d by thr . .
<br /> x , Alortgngo[ j�'illt lhr �lortgagce uP�'�� demwid Ly Ihr �1orl4;agc�+ Any deL•wIt um(r r t6is pnn��;rnph shiill br dcrmi•d x dc(ault in ,. . .
<br /> . . ��ayment �ci( l,:xes.. asxssmants. � nr simiL� r churges � required hereunder. � � � . . .
<br /> k � . . . � . � � � . � . .
<br /> ' � � 'I'he A4url� a6�r agmes � lhat there sh�ill ulsu be ��ddrd . tn cuch �nunlLl)' P,iymrne o( Pnncip:J and. �nlrm�.t rrqwred- hcre- . .
<br /> tmdrr um m�uunt islim;drJ by khr MuCl�,a�{ee lo be ,cu(�ciend in rn;�ble. the Mnrig��gc �° lu p:�y, a; It h� cun7c , du�-. Ihe msurance .
<br /> � prernium on any insnrmice policy delivered tn lhr bSur�g�igce. :1ny drli�.iency brenuse uf the insulliciency o( �ucL addiiinn�d puy� . . .
<br /> . . ments �hall b� furthtvi� h� depnsi�e�.l by lhe Murfgngor �+�itli lhr � i�lorigager upon drm.�ud by th�• Morltiage.e.� Any defaull und��r this . . . . .
<br /> . ���. par:igr.�ph shull Im J�•r�mrd a de(aull in lhc poyment ot insurnnce prt�miums. lf lhc �inlicc urpolic�es dc �i�i.ited nre such n Imm�•� � ; .
<br /> _ oa�ners or nll rick poh��ie., :�nd Ihr, dr, �wsits an• uuuflicient lu p:ty lh�• wdirn prurnium, ihe StortgaK�'�' ru �p appl )' t}�,. rl��.�xm�t In .
<br /> ; - �. pny premiwns on riskv rcquirrd to be iusunvl by lhis morit:�+go. . .
<br /> 'r.
<br /> Pa}�ments maJc Ly lhr A9orlR:igor undrr fhc aLovi� pnr.igrriph� may , �il tL�, np(iun o[ thc 11orlpaFcc, b�• hrld b}' il tuid � � .
<br /> � commingled wilh ulhrr suc6 fnnds nr its nwn [unds for Ihe paymeut u[ sw�h il��rns. and mitil zo applied, ,�uch paymunts are h��u•by .
<br /> pI�YIgMI ��s securilp (nr thr unpaid balanc� u( the murtR:u;e indebledni�ss.
<br /> � � 'J'o procurr, dcin �v lu, and m;nnt:�in fur Wr brm�fil n( t6o �4orit �t;^�• <luring 16a� li(< n! � hi, mnrtti igr nnginal pulirirs and � �
<br /> t renewals lher�rof, delivrr��d :�( le:�s� len duys lndor�• lhe cnpirntwn uf :�m �uch poliue��. m+unuE a�;mn t firr :�nd uHier insuraLlr
<br /> 2.
<br /> }1:1211[(�J. . C14118I�IC9� hnd rnntingenciey as the htortgagee m:iy r�quire. i�� en iimount rqunl to the ind��b�ednrs3 srcuretl by this . . . . .
<br /> � ASorlqt�ge. and in comp�iniee ur.�rptaLle tn the AinttF:ag�•��, uith lors p;iyuh;r cJ '��sv iu (acuruf and in iorm areep�ablr lo the 9lortgn� .
<br /> F " gce. In the event any � policy is not � renew��d un or heloro ten du��s uf its i•xPiraliuu, Ihi� hfurl�;ugrr may prncun> in:�irancr un the .
<br /> itnptuvrm��nts, pay lhr premium therefur. ��nd such . unt n6a11 I �_� �rtne iuimrdi;+t�=ly duc �md pa}•ahlr with intarest al U�c r:�te Si°t
<br /> d � fi�rth in suid nolc qNil p��id and sh�ll b�� ,�=cumd Ly thi� n'�url„���;c. P;tilur�• nn (hc� p:irt of 1hv �dortE�u�;ur lo (�.irnf*h such rcm�w�l? � . .
<br /> � as ard hcrein r�K�uimd ur L•iil�irc fn �pay .�np �ums :�d� +uiced hcroundur �,Lall. nt tht� option a[ the� 1lurttiagrr, cnnslitnle �� default . .
<br /> i. . uuder the terms of lhis nturlg�ige. 7'h�• d�divery nf such puhci� + shall. in � hr rvent ui de(ault, conslitu�e an n+stgnmrnt. uf th�• um
<br /> eurncYl premium. � �
<br /> � Anv sums receiveJ by Lhe tilvr�ca�ee hy r�•��sun uf lutis ur d;muige inzured ���;ninsl may be rrlain�•d by lhr 1lurlgngee � . .
<br /> ' � nnd appliod loward th�• puymenl u[ thr• dc6� hi n. h� �ecured , or. at d�o uptiun u[ lLe Atuc( ayee, such sums eilher w�hnlly ur in
<br /> : pnrt may br paid oeer ln lhu nlurf�af;��r to Ixr u.xd I�.� rrF�aic such huildings ur tn huild ' nr. �� buildin�� in ih��ir plaa� ur far any .
<br /> y other purpose u[ ubjact s:�hs[.�ctnry in thr Rlurl „.�„r�� ��-iUinut ufT��ctir ;, tl;�• lien un � hr �narty,a�e for th�� full nmount =rcumd h��rr- . .
<br /> 'f by be(ore such V�yment evrr limk place, �
<br /> �. 7'u prompUy rep�iir, rrslom ur rebuild :nY building, nr improrernrnts nnw ur h�vraR�v on lhe premi+ca which may br " .
<br /> come d��m;iFed or destruyiKl: Iu kurp .said prrmis�; in ga>d cnnJiliun �u�d repair and [rrr [�um �ny mech,mids li��n ur other lien or
<br /> f� � claim u( lien n�,t expre>:I�• .ubordinated lo thr licn h�•renf: nut la .�uf(cr ur p��r�nit :nry unla«dul use u( ur any nuisana• to rxisf nn .
<br /> 1` � �eld pfbpCrly ❑�rt lu p��Rnil �+ :l+le un Said prrnu:� - n� �r f � � dr .u��' nlh��r dct �ch��r�.bv Ihr prnp�•rtv hv �by eonv�'Yed shnll {wcome
<br /> � lass valunLle. nor tu Jiminish ur impair its value In wy ud ur unu.<inn to ect . to unnph w�lh ail n�yuirunenl. ��( law wilh respret �
<br /> � lo � hr mortgnged premises nnd thr use therenL . . .
<br /> r: � Thnt sho�Jd lh�• premisr5 ur :u�y pnrt � hen�o( !»� takrn ur dnnti�grd by rra�:� �n ��( :iny puLlir improvi•niG� ;NiS>P�rmnntion .
<br /> procecKling. ur undcr thc righl u( �vuinent dumain, nr in un7' �,ther mannrr. lh�� \lorig,q:��<� %hall b�� rnlilird to :dl eumpensalinns.
<br /> � :�wnrds, and any other paymrnt ur n•lir( lh�•rr(ur. .u�d sh:ill lar rntillyd. at its uptum. tn c�nnmence, np�hrar in ��nd pr<necule in its
<br /> � nwn natne unY uClion ur Pra•eedinF:. ��r l�� rnake ��ny �'ompr�nnise ar si�lllrmcut in cnnneclinn H�ith such �aking ur damage. All such .
<br /> ' Comprn58lfon. . awetdv-. dutnagcs. right uI actinn and prucrrJy an• Itefchy ntivi�r.��d !u the `l�rcl�u�:ee, who may, a(le� �li�ducling
<br /> � � them(rom all its expenses, rclease nny moneYs so receice�� by il ur applp lhe snm�• un anl' indebtrdnea. secured hereLy. 7'he M1lor[-
<br /> � gngor agm�K tu rxecule such further :issignmenis o( mp• cotnp��ns:�tiun. uw:uds, dam�i�;rs, nnd right., nt ai�tiun and proceeds as the .
<br /> � RinrlgnRer may require.
<br /> 1'hal in cuse o( (ailun� to per(unn auy ol t6e ouconant. hrrrin. lh�• \lurlga�;ee mnY du un thr \ior4;n�;or'c b��hul( everything
<br /> s� cvvennnled: lhet th�� Murlgagee may :dso Jo any .�cl i ( in�ty Jeem necrssarv tn pmlect thr li�•n Ih�vi�n(: tht+t t6r tilnrtK�iKur will
<br /> ,}. repny uP�,n demand nnY mnncys pnid or disburni�d by the �lurlgngrr (or any of th�• abuvr purpinrc, and such mnncys tugettier with
<br /> � �� inler��st lhereon Nt lhr rntr provid�d� in said note slu�ll becomr so nm��l� :+ddiliun.d inrii•btrdnecs herrby secumd nnd ma}� ta• in-
<br /> cluded in nny decree forirlosing thiti murtK�{F�• :�nd be paid uul n ( tha• mnts ur procreds uf .:de of ruid premisrs if nul otherwise
<br /> � paid; Ihut it shull not he obligalory u��on the AtorlFagee ln inquire inw th� v�lidity u[ any lien. ��ncum6rances. ur claim in nd-
<br /> vancinl: muneyu ns atxrve aulh��rised, but nothing herein cunti�ined shall IH� conslrurd ac riK�wring the 1lurlgnK��N lu advance any
<br /> moneys lor uny such purpose nor to do nny act henunder, �nd ih�d rtortgngee shrill nnl incur any persunxl liability Iwcause o( any-
<br /> � thing it moy do or omil lo du hereunder.
<br /> d
<br /> � In the ev��nl nf fhe dr(ault bY Alurlgngor in lh�� payment of any insfallment, as rc•yuirrd by Ihr Nutr srrun•d hereby, or .
<br /> - in lhc• �nrlorniuuce u( lh�� ubligntiun in this mndf:atir ur in the nul�• s��curr•d thrrrby. Hu• piort�n�;ce shall be enliUed tn deQare the
<br /> debt securud here6y dw• lind payn6le withuut nulia•. �uid th�• �lortgager sh;�ll he entillyd al ils ��ption, wilhni�l nutii•��, i•ithi•r by i4rrll
<br /> or hy n n�teiver to be nppoint�vl by thr court then��f. nnd aithout rr�;nrd ln tt�e :utrquac'y o( :my securi ( y fur the indeb(rdnesc v�
<br /> �. cumd hereby, tu entrr upnn und tsike passessinn� �if lhe morignged premises, and tu coll��ct and roceive thr rent, issuex ;md profits
<br /> thereo(, nnd apply the s:une. .l��s costs ut u�x•ratimi and rollectian. �qx>n thr indrbtrdne�c �rcured Uy 1hiY mortgnge; snid rrnts,
<br /> iwsuesand profitv being here6y ns+igm�d to lhe M1SnrtG;a�;cc as (urlhcr securitv (ur thc paymrnl n( all inde6tcdness sirunvl hercby.
<br /> F
<br /> " '1'hi• SSorlgag�ti• nhull hu��e the powrr tn appoint any ngent or agrnts it nmy drsirc (or thr purpcne of rrpairing suid prem-
<br /> £ ixs; renting the s�me; collecting lhr rents. revenurs .md income, and it maq pay nut uf n:�iJ incume all e»pensrs incvrt�Yi in rent-
<br /> ing nnd mnnaging lhe snme and of collectinti lhe rentais th�•refrom. The halancr rrmaining. if nny, shall b�� :+pplied k�ward thr �
<br /> dischorge ot lhe mortgage indebtedness. This r�csignm��nt is tn frrminatr :�nd Ix�cume null and �•oid upnn releati• of this mortRaRe.
<br /> N ,. .
<br /> ' " , . .
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