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<br /> ' 'fhat the Mortgeqor will pay the indebtedness ns hereinbc,(ore prmided.
<br /> Thnt the Mnrlgngor is thc own�•r of 981fI �)fUj)CfI} �i 7i � kimple` and has go«I right nnd lawful authority lo s��tl and
<br /> r convoy lhe snmr And that lhe• sxm� �is fine and cle;�r of upy lie.n or <nrumbri�nc��: and that M�irlg:igur will wnrranl and defehd the � . � � .
<br /> Ititle to suid � premises � sguinst tlie � cluims ot . all persmix whnmsoever. �.
<br /> T�i puy. immediutcly whrn Jue and� payable nll general luxes, specinl luxes, sper.inl assesaments, walrr charges, eewrr s�rv� � , � . �
<br /> � � � ice cdwrgcs, m�d . other �. tnxea. imd churgcw against said prop�•rly, and all laxr.s levird un ihe deht se��ured herr6y, and t�� furrish the � ' � .
<br /> , htortgngue, upnn � �request, � wit}i� lhe originul ur duplicate receipls 4heretur. 'Phe hforl{;agi�r ngrnes lhat there shall he udU�•d tq � � - � _
<br /> � . �. eHr.h monthly ptryment required hcrcunder nr imd.r � lhn� evideucr uf de,Lt svcured hrreby an :unounl eslin: .��d hy th�� tilurtga�:ee � . . . �
<br /> ' lo be � suflicienL.to' onxble tlle . MortKei:ee In p:�y, as they berume due, alLtaxes, a�si•ssrnrnts. and �imilar chargrs upon . th� prem , �
<br /> � � ities � subjrn:l Uiem�o; nny defici�'ncy bei�au�i� � uf lhe in:,ufiicicaicj• uf such addilirn�d paymrnls ,hall bi� (orlhwith depnsil��d by tbr . . .
<br /> " �� - Murtgnqnr with thv Murlgagce upnn demnnd Ly t6i• 1lorlga�;ec. Any Je(aull under �his pkra�;r.q�h xhall be d����rnrd :a drfoull in . . .
<br /> r �. . . payment �o( � t:�xes; as.vessmenis, � nr similar chargc�s rrcpiired herrwidrr: - . . . � . . � � � � . � � . � . �
<br /> � . . . . � . . - � . . . . � . . , . _ , . . .
<br /> �. . � 'I'he �liortgagor. agrees thal lhcre . shall also .be ndded tu each monthly pa.Yntent rd. . prinr,ipal and. intrrrst rrquirrd hr. re- . �
<br /> p under un amnunt. eslimal�•d by the Morl�;agee lo br suf(icieni tn en,yh(u ihe S1urt�ag�•r to pa}�. ,i, il hocomi•ti du.�. the insuriince � . .
<br /> �.. . . � premium on �iny insurnnce pulicy de•fivered lu t6e Rlorigagee. :1ny drficiency bocause u[ Ihe ins�illiciency� ��f su��h eidditiunal p:�y - .
<br /> ' menls � shall bi� fnrth�rifh dc•posiied by tlre D1ur�gagnr wilh ihe �torlgagce upun demund hv thr �1lortgagee. Any de(nult undcr this .
<br /> . par:igr;+ph shall IH� deemed a d�•fault in lhe psyment of insui.ancr pn•miums. I ( tho policy � or puliri�•s depocited nre sucL as fn�me� .� . � � �
<br /> : own<:rs nr ull risk policies, and the depos-ils are insufTicient tu p;�y Uie entirr prrmium, thr pfurl �a;;cu may :�pply thr dr,•pu.;it t� . ' � .
<br /> . puy premiums on risk.v requircd tu be insured by this morl�;ut;o. � . �
<br /> P.iyments made I>v the Rforlgagur uuder the nbu��r p:ungraphs m;�y. :d t6e opliun o! thr Aturtg:y;cu, be hold � by il and � � .
<br /> �' - � cummingled wit6 olher such funds nr its own lunds fur the pnyment nf .such ilrms, nnd unlil sn npplird, sucL parments 2rr h�rrhy . �
<br /> plerlg�d ns securily for lhe unpuirl balnnre uf lh�� mnrtgage indebledness � . �
<br /> , Tu pnxurc. dcllvcr tn. :ind maininin (ur Ihr b�•nrlit o( th� i�forlgugcc during lhe lifc oI ihi,s morfgagt• originnl Palicir,� tmd � �. . .
<br /> %;� �. reneu•uls lhenroi. deliver�ad at least ten dat•s la�fore the �•xpiratiun of any such policies, incurin�; ag:iinsl fi �_. :md othor in,ur,iMe �
<br /> ° �� . hazard3, C84UalILlP9� end cuntingenciev� ns the MortgnF�e may � trquire, in �m amuunt cr�unl to thr indebtednesa secured by this . � . � .
<br /> ;� � � �lortgnge, and in compi�nics ucceptable to th�• Alort �ng�ro. with loss payabl�� clause in (avor oi and in form arcepttahlr to the A1urlga• � .
<br /> . ge�. In the i�vent any pulicy is not ren�•w�vl un un c�fore len Jays u( if. expiration, tLr ?vlurtt'aKe�° � may procure insnranro rm the .
<br /> ?- � � impmvements. p¢y lhe premium therr(or. and such sum slmll Lce�me imm -rdintely du�� and paya6lc with intc�est at thc r.itr sot � . . .
<br /> :r
<br /> � forth in s�id nole until paid and shull Ix• srcured Ly ihi:: rnnrtgage. Failurr on ihc pnrt of the \lurtgagor tu (urnish suCh mnewnis .
<br /> �-, �; as nre hercin myuired or fuilure to pay :my =ums udvanc��d hrn•undcr ,h�fll. at thi• np� ion nf the i.�urlgage��e. cun>titute a Jrfault : , �
<br /> E � � under the terrns u( this mortg;�ge. 7'he delive�ry o[ :uch pulici�-, shall. m th�� rvrnt o( drfault. ronstifulr an r�ssignm��nt u( th�• um � �
<br /> : � enrn�si premium. .
<br /> � Any sums recci�•rd by the tilortgaRec bp rrasun of loss i�r damoge in=urrd ag:iinst may hc r��tained by th� �turt�;aRee �
<br /> �. nnd applied towiard the paymrnt uf th<• d�•bt hernby c�•cured. ur, at lhe oplion u( the �lurlgugee. such sums cither ��holly or in . . . .
<br /> � purt may br paid uver lu the Murtgagar tu Lr� used to rc�pair such I�UIIfLfIriS nr to build ' new buildings in their pl:icr• ur fnr any .
<br /> ather pur�se or object vitiefactury lu lh�+ }1��rtgagro wilhnul nlTecting the lirn on lhi� mnrtgage (or thr full amnunt si�rurrd hrre� .
<br /> s. by befure such paymrnt ever t�x�k pl�ce � �
<br /> r:� � ,Pu promptly rrpnir. «store ur �ebuild any i�uildinl:s or imprnn�mrnls naw� nr hrrcuRer un Ihe prt�miscs which ntat' hc- �
<br /> i . come damaged m deslruycKl : to kcep said premi�es in g�rod cunditiun nnd rrpnir ;md free (rnm any mechnnic's fien nr other lien or � � �
<br /> �� clnim o[ lien not ezpr��s;ly sutwrdinaled to thc lien hrreoL nnt to sufT<�r nr prrmit any unl�«�ful u,e �d i�r o-�ny nui�nnce tu rxist on � .
<br /> ?: ' snid property nor lo permit wasle un s� id premisi�s. nor t�� du :uiy ut}���r act ul�en•bp Ihe ptup�•rly harrhy conveye•d shall Lecom.�. .
<br /> Iess vnluable, nor to diminish or impair its value by :�ny acl ur omi�siun tu acC tu cnmpic �.. ith all reyuimnu•nis u( law� with rosprct �
<br /> � to tLe mort�aged premizes and the usc thrreu(.
<br /> V� _ . .. . , .,._._ . ._..:._.... . . . . . . . . . . - . , r �� �'i �R h ��. , . �
<br /> i. : 'Phat should Uie premises or an}' p;irt then•of !K• I:ik�•n ��r d�imat;ed by rr��sun uf an}� publir im�xul•imenbbd �sindrnv�atir,n
<br /> pruce�ding. or under the right u( rminr•nt d��rnain. ur in any other ma�mcr. lh�r �tortpage�r shull bi• enlitled tn all curnpensalinns, � �
<br /> ��_. nk•ards, and any olher puyment or rr•lief lhere(ur, and simll be rnlitlerf, at ils option, to c�,rnmenrc. uppear in nnd prc.�ecute in ils �
<br /> _ � nwn name :inV acliun or pra:e�•ding. or tu m�ike any cumpromisr ur �rttlemenl in connecfion H�ith >uch lakin� or damage All +uch
<br /> contpen5ntion. awards, dam�gis. right uf aclion nnd prorecdti nrr hrrehy aesignr•d tu ihe A1��rt�a�;ce. u�hu - rnay. atter deJucting
<br /> � therefrom xlt iLs exrrirnsey, mlease any moncys sa rercived by il or apply thc same un any indrbiednes.; secUri�d h��reby. 'I'he \9orb
<br /> gugoragre��s to execule such further nssignment+ uf nny c�anp�•nsaliun, uwards, dam�iges. :u�d rights of actiun nnrl proec�odc as the
<br /> M1forlgnF�N mny require.
<br /> That in case u( failure tn perfurm any o( �hr ��uv�•nanis hetein. the 11nr�g;�ger may do un the �iort�;agur's hehnlf evrn�thing
<br /> xo covenflnted; thal the \lnrtgagee may :dso do nn>' act it may deem neerssar}• t�� prolect the lien lhrn•o(: that � L�� �lurtK:�F��r �+'ill
<br /> ( rvpny upon demand any moneys paid or disbursed by the 11ortga�re (or :�ny o[ di� ahove purpo.ca, and sneh moneys �ngellicr t�'ith
<br /> inlettwt thereron nt lhc rote providrd in suid nole shall brcumr su much nddilional inclebf��dness hrrr�by secured and maq t� in-
<br /> � clud�d in uny decree (oreclosing this mor�gage and Le paid uut u ( thr rrnLs or prncr��ds of sale of s.�id premiu�s if nnl utherwise
<br /> puid: lhat it shall nut be uhligalory upon lhe \Torlguger to inyuire intu the vnlidity o( any lien. rncumbruncrs, ur rlaim in ad-
<br /> - vancing moneys as nFwve authorized, 6ut nothing herein contained shall b� cunstrued ns «�uiring the biortgagee ln adv:mce any
<br /> � moneya (or nny such puq�ose nor to du any act hereundr. r; and ihat hlortga�ee shall not incur nny persunal liability because of any-
<br /> thing it muy do nr omit to do hereunder.
<br /> i+
<br /> In the event of the defnul( by hlurlgagor in the payment of any insl:�llment. as requirrd by lh�� Nutr srcured hcrrby. or
<br /> � in the perlormance uf the ohligatiun in lhis tnortgatie nr in tLr note scrured thereby, the �iurtga�ee shall be rnti�l�•d tn d�•dare the
<br />" e� . de6t si.�cured hereby due and P�yahle �vithnut notirr. ;end thi� �turlgaKee shnll be rntilled at its uplion, ���ithnut noticr. either hy itw�ll
<br /> or by n receiver to be sappuintcvl by the court lht•maf, and withuut regurd to the adi<auacy of any securitp fur thc indebtedness se�
<br /> e � cured hereby, to en(rr upon and take pos'sevsion� of the mnrfgaged premises, and tn colli•ct and reccivr thr r�mts, issu�•s and profits
<br /> thereo[, and oppi}• !he sume; ]i�ss costs of operation and collectian, upnn the indoLtedne�c securrd hy ihis m��rtguge; said rents,
<br /> issucs nnd profiLv being hereby ustiigned to the Mortgage� as (urthcr srcurity fnr thr paymrn [ of all indebt�dne,s s�rurcd herrby.
<br /> Th�� blorlgag��� shall have thc powcr to appoint :ury agent or ngenfs it muy desirr for tl�ic purpase of repairing u�id prem- . , j
<br />� � isev; renling the same; collecting t}�i. rents, revenurv and incume, and it ma}• pay out nf said income all expenses intt�rrcd in rent• � � ���
<br /> � ing and manpging the ssme and o( rnllecling lhr rrntals lheretrom. The balanci• rrmaininF. �t ���Y. sl�all b�• applied t�iward ihe . �. � . N � �+
<br /> L discharqe ot lhe mortgnge indebtedness. This :issiRnment is in terminate and tx•comr null and ��oid u�mn r�lra�� uf this mortgaKe > �
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