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<br /> � � .. � � � . . -�ib.:� . �
<br /> n �; . _. ,. .., .... .. . . . . . .—� . . . . . . � .
<br /> MOATGAGE—Savinq� aad Loan Porm--(Dkect.Credlt Plm) 255•2 (Speclaq .
<br /> ; � ..,�..�....-.�.�.�,�..».......... � .
<br /> ' � �6. t?()<i:a0f MORTGIQ►GE
<br /> ;s.�
<br /> :i .. . � � � Lo�No � .
<br /> 6th October 76 `
<br /> � .7ti13�1NDENYUAE,made tFil• �ay ot � 19_.,by tmd bahveea � ,
<br /> 1 `�
<br /> z� GALEN L. MOON AND PATRICIA A. MOON, husband and wife, each in his and her own right _ !
<br /> ,f'� 3 and as spouse of the other,
<br /> ;
<br /> �
<br /> tt.
<br /> � -
<br /> tA�. . oL Ha�� � countp,Nebraeka,ae motlgagor 5�d Home Fedeial 9avinqe�d l.aan Aeaociatlon ol Grand Ielaad, J
<br /> a corporatton orqanlzed aad exietlaq undez the lawe ol Nebraeka wllh tta pcindpal olftce a¢d place ol huainen a!Graad Inl�d,Na6raaka, t .
<br /> F'4 �mortgagee; � .. � - _
<br /> ;t � �
<br /> �f?; WITNESSETH: 7hat eaid mortgagor 5!or md!a considocation ol the eum ol
<br /> ;� FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100--------- —�+soUan �E 50,000.00 �, '
<br /> �'� ���Ihe�recatpt o(wlilch Ia hereby acknowledqad,do—by 1Lese preeoate mortgage and�w�ca¢t ualo amd mortgcgee, IU euceeeeon and
<br /> `� Ha l i
<br /> �,� ansigae,forever,all the followinq deecribed real eatate, a[tuated!a the rnunry ol F �
<br /> s � �and Slate ot Nebraekw to•wil:.. . �
<br /> �%
<br /> i j
<br /> ;{
<br /> S� i
<br /> � � `'
<br /> a � WEBRASKA. � `
<br /> E
<br /> :�! �,
<br /> :3
<br /> .}
<br /> � t
<br /> r.,t
<br /> AJ
<br /> -`� 3 7ogether wlth all heating. 11ghLLng, aad ptum6laq equlpment and ltrturea,iac]ud(ag etoken�d burnen,acreens,awninge.atocw wiadowa
<br /> > and doora,and wiadow ahadea or blindn,ueed oa or ia wanecHoa wSth said propecty,whalher the eame are now located on eald property
<br /> 1F j$ or horeatter placod the:eon.
<br /> 2
<br /> 70 HAVE AND TO HOLD TFiE SAME,toqethec with ali and einqular tho tenemente,hereditamanta and appurienaacea thereuato belocg-
<br /> � S
<br /> �a } (nq,or in�ywtne appertaining,lorever,and wanaat the title to the eame. Said mortqagor.�_horc6y cnvman�with naid mo8qaqee
<br /> '�'� i that t1su�_ are �the delivar�6erool,the lawlul owner 5 ot tha premlwe abova coavcyed�d deacribed.�d are � �
<br /> �� � S
<br /> ,4 £ setzed ol a qood and indetoaeiblo entato ef inhedtmiea therefn.lree and clear ot all oncumLrancee,and that�eL will wan�t�d j
<br /> .t detond t6e tltle.tharoto forever agWa�t t6e clatme and demaads ol all peraona whomaoever. �
<br /> ��i PAOVID£D ALWAYS, and �hle Iaetrumenl ia ezecuted and dellvered lo secure the payment o±tho eum o�
<br /> 'a FIFTY THOUSAND AND NO/100---------------------------------------t�+llma ce 5n,��f1_Of1 �, �
<br /> wSlh[ntamat thereon,togother wlth such chaiqea and advaacos an may bn due aad papabla to eald morlgaqee undor tLe lerm� �d �
<br /> 'ia' conditlone ol the promtaaory aole ol evou date herewith aad neaued ha[aby,ezacuted 6p emd moAgogors to eaid mortqaqea payable
<br /> �� ; a�azpreeaod in ea13 noto,and to secuca tho peifo�maace ot all the tormi and coadillom contaiaed �hecafn. 7k�e terma o( ndd note ara � � :
<br /> y. t hereby Inrnrporaled herela by thL relorenca.
<br /> , S S
<br /> �f It ta Ihe latenlloa aad agreemeat of t6e paettee heroto that thtn mortgage ehall alao eecuro any future advancea modo !o sald .
<br /> �1 mortqagor 5 by amd mortqaqeo,and aay aad all indabladnena Sn additioa to tLo amouat above etatad which ec(d moAgaqara,ot�p S � �
<br /> � of thom, may owa lo ccd mongaqee,howeve� evideaced whethor by aote,book axuunt or otherwtae. Thle moriqage eLall remain ta full { �� ,� � � � .� �
<br /> � lorce�d elteci belwean tho pariiee hareto and thetr heire,pareoaal iopreseataUves, �utceaeore nnd aaaiqv, untll all amounts wcured f �
<br /> } heteundet.Iadudlaq fuhue advances,are patd ia full with laterest. ; .
<br /> 7he mortgagor 5 heroby aaei9n_to eatd mortgageo all renb and income aiWaq at any and all time�Irom oatd propestp aad #�
<br /> r' heieby wthocize aaid mortgagae or ilu agen6 at 1U option, uywn defaull,to take ch�ga o!satd pmpertq mid tollect all�enU aad lncome �£ � .
<br /> ,�;s t Ihcrolrom and apply the namo!o tha paymeat ol tatoroat,prindpal,fnrurance pnmSumi,tme�,aaeeeemeate,repmca or improvemenV aecoe• ..�.
<br /> I sary to keep wid property ia tenantable coadttion,or to other ch�qoa or paymmh provided tor hereta or 1n 1he aote hereby secured. 17ila . �
<br /> � } cant amfg¢meat ehall watinue Sa lorce unW the uapaid bal�te d nald note t�tully paid 1'he laktnq ot poaeeesion hereunder�hall!a no -
<br /> { } maaaer pteveat or retord sald mortgagee In the collactioa ot sald eums by toreclwure or otkur�vi�a. �
<br /> ' T6e lalluie ot the mortgagoe!o auart�p oi !te righb hareuadez at anp timo ahall aot be coa�tiuod a�a�vatvoz ol Ite right lo maeri � � �
<br /> 4' S tho wme at any later tfine,aad lo ias3et upoa md edozco�ttfc!tompllanee wt�h ail Ihe terma and prnnialoae ol eaid note and ol thfe . . � �
<br /> mortgage. � . . ... � � �
<br /> II�aid morigagor S ehall cweo to be pafd to eaid monqagee the entlre amouat due il hereuader,and under the tetma and provWoat � . � � -
<br /> ol edd nola hereby eecuzed inctudlag lutuie advaa�ea,nad any eztemtone or teaeraL thereot Ia accordance with the texms�d provlaioaa -� � � . � � .
<br /> �,1 ihereol,and ll aald mortqagor:i ehall comply�vith all tha provWoae ot aald aote�d o!thL mortqaga.thea ihe�e preseau ahall be void; � � . � � ��
<br /> S otbarwi�e to iemaia la full lotee�d elloc6 aad said meriqagae ehall be entltled to the pouenion ol all ot aafd property,and moy,at fU � S � �
<br /> opUon,dedare fhe�vbole oi�ald note and all lndebtadneu repro�eated thare6y to be lmmedlately due aad payable,and map loteclo�e th(i � � ��
<br /> mortgaqe ar take�p other logal ac4an W prolect!b dqht.�d lram the dale ot iuch dalault all Ilemi o! Indebtednes� sscurad harobp � ±:��� .tyt'�'
<br /> ehall draw lntece�t al 9%per anaum. Appralsement watved . .
<br /> N �.`
<br /> � Ttil�mortqage�hall be bladlaq upoa�d�hall anure to th� b�ne4l d ths heln,azecvton,adminl�trators,auceauon and autqns o1 .. � �
<br /> L� Iha respsetive partlee Le�eto. � .
<br /> !?i WI'INFS4 WF�F4EOF. aaid MorigaqorS h^Ve hsreunto �el the i r d 5 Qye�y�d year Ii�et abovs '� �
<br /> ti S ,nuieo. � r,, �
<br /> ^ n �/1`�� i 7,-� :, � . �
<br /> � �(S�X�,_ OC !I'l.O-0�"\ !`..�—�J' .S �,./�C. �.�'�-,.J . .
<br /> a en oon -��n ci a . �,ioon
<br /> ti �
<br />� L .
<br /> �
<br />