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<br /> n�oaTc,nce
<br /> AfORTGAGL LOAN N0.I 22�360
<br /> r KNOWALL�ICNBYTHESGPR@SGNTS:That Stephen R. P�tosher and Donna M. Mosher, each in his and
<br /> I;
<br /> her own�•right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> Morlgagor,whether one or more,in consideration of the sum of
<br /> '(hi� Thoiisand Fm�r Hundred and No/100----------------------------------------- DOLLARs
<br /> loaned to said mortgugor by The Equilabic Building and Loan Association o(Grand Islnnd,Nebra�F;a,�turtgagee,upon 3�� shares o(stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificate No.L Z2,360 ,do liere6y grant,com�ey and mortgage unm the said ASSOCIATION the lotlowing
<br /> Jescribed real estate,situated in I1aU Counry,Nebraska:
<br /> k�. �� � . . � . .
<br /> �" � MERTDIAN.
<br /> ,:
<br /> together with aIl the renements,I�ereditaments and appu�tenances thereunio belonging,including attached iloor coverings,all window screzns,
<br /> window shades,blinds,swrm windows,awnings,heating,air conditiunin@,and plumbing and w�ter equipment and acceswries themto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> ` �� refrigeralors,and other fixtures and eyuipment nuµ•or hereafter attarhed to or used in connectiun with said real estate. � � � � � �
<br /> And whereas dte said mortgagor l�as agrced and docs herehy agree that the mortgagor shall and will pay all taxes and assessments levied or , . �
<br /> assessed upun said premises and upun tliis nwrtgage and the bond securcd therebv be�bre die same shall 6ecome delinquent;to furnish approved
<br /> insurance upon tlre 6uilding:on said premises situated in the sum of 5 3O�4��.�� psyable !o s�id ASSOCIATION anJ to delive[to said
<br /> ' ASSOCIATION the policies for said insurance:and not tu commit or pennil any waste on or abaut said premiser, � � � � �
<br /> <: :y
<br /> � In case o(default in Ihe per�bnnance o(any oC the ternu and conditions of this mortgage or the bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, ; � � � � -.
<br /> on demand,be entitled to immediate pussession ot lhe morieaeed premises and the moctgagor htreby assigns, transfers and sets o�•cr to the . �
<br /> mungagee all the rents,revenues and income W be derived fwm die murtgaged premises during such time as the mortguge indebtedness shall remain � � � �
<br /> ' unpaid;and thc rtwrtgagec shall have thc po�ver to appuint�ny agcnt or agents it may desire for the purpose o(repairing said premises and renting � � �� � � �.
<br /> ,jr,���- �he s;�me and rollecting lhe rents,revenucs and inmme,and it may pay out o(said income all expenses of repai�ing said premises and necessary �
<br /> � commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and u(collecting rentals therefrom;the balance�em�ining,if any,ta be �. � � - - � �� �
<br /> }`, `� applied toward Q�e discharge of said mortgage indebtedness;lhese rights ol�he morteagee m�y be exercised at any time during the existence ot such :
<br /> de(aull,irrespective of any trmpor�ry waiver of the s�me. � .
<br /> These Presents,hu�cever,are upon lhe Condition,That i(�he said:1lurtgagor shall�epay��id loan un ur befure t!u maturity of said shares by .
<br /> payment;pay munthly to suid ASSOCIATION o!the sum specified in ihe Uund secured hereby as inlerest and principal on eaid loan,on or beforc � � �
<br /> �he Twemieth day of each and every month,umil s:iid lo�n is(ully paid;p�y all tazes nnd assessments leeied against said premises and on this\lurtgage
<br /> �� ' and ihe dond secu�ed thereby,before delinyucncy:(umish approved insurance upon the 6uiWings thereon in the sum uf S 3O�4��.�� p�yable .
<br /> ' to said ASSOCIATION;repay tu said ASSOCIAT70N upun demand all money by it paid fur such taxes,assetsments and insurance with interest xt . . �
<br /> F: � the maximum legal�ate thereon from date ol payment all of which\lortgagor hereby agrees to pay;permit no waste on said premises:keep and comply � �
<br /> J
<br /> wilh ail ihe agreements und condi�ions uf the Uond for S 30�4��.��this day givtn by the said t�tortgagor m said ASSOCIATION,and camply
<br /> ���_ with all the requirrments of the Constitution and Ry-Laws oC said ASSOCIATION;then these prcsents shall becomr null snd vuid,utherwise Ihey
<br /> sli.tll remain in full force and may be farecloud at the oplion uf ihe suid ASSOCIATION aiier failure t"ur three months to make any o(said
<br /> �' paymenls or be three months in arrears in making s�id monthly payments,ur tu keep and comply wi�h the agreements and conditions of said RonJ; �
<br /> ,{�-.� and Atort¢agor agrees to have a rereiver appointed forthwith in such foreclusure proceedings. �
<br /> � ;
<br /> k� � If there is any change in owncrship o(thc real estate mortgaged herein,by sale or othcrwise,then the emire rem�ining indebtedness heaby
<br /> � secureJ shall,at the option of The Lyuitable Uuilding and Loan Association of C�and Islxnd,Nebraska,become immediately duo andpayxble withuut
<br /> . funher notice,and the amouN remaining�duc under said bond,and any other bond for any additiunal advances made thereunder,shall,from the
<br /> � date of exercise o!said optiun,bcar imerest at the maximum legal rate,and this mongage may then be foreclosed to satisfy the amount duc on said � �
<br /> . bund,and any other bond for additional adrances,together witl�all s�ms paid by s�id The Gyuitable Eluilding and Loan Assuciation of Grand Island,
<br /> � Nebrasl:a(or insurance,taxes and assessments,and abslracting extension charges,with interest thereon,fmm date of payment a[the maximum
<br /> {� legal ratc.
<br /> As pruvided in the Bond secured hereby,while this mortgage rem:iins in effect the murtgagee may hereaf�er advance additional sums to the
<br /> " makers o(said ISond,their assigns or successors in interest,which sums shall bz within the sewri�y of this mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br /> secureJ thcrcby,the rotal amount oF principal debt not to exceed at any time the original amount oF this mortgage.
<br /> n��ra�i»5 6th ��Y�� October ��n�.��76
<br /> �=-�� �,,.�,��e�� �, _ . ,;_, ��1 i �1l;�`��t,,,
<br /> � ! Step'e�os� omia�M. Moshe
<br /> STATG OF NEBRASl:A, ss. On this 6th day of October 19 ]G ,be(are me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL� _r,j , „
<br /> hq undersi n d,a Notar Publi in and f r said County erw all ca e
<br /> Stephen &.-MQsher and Donna t4. Mosher, each in �is anc��er ow�i rig`ht an� as spou�� o� c�ac�i � � N _
<br /> other a ���c G '�;, who �g personallyknownto �
<br /> l � '' .
<br /> mc to 6e thF i�qp(�eal persom�,S whose name S dF0 �«Ced ro the abovc inslrument as morlgagor 5 and they severally ,�,
<br /> acknowJedged die saidQriitmm�t to bt thei r voluntary act and deed, r' '
<br />"� '}V�TNCIS{try,hand and Notarial Seal the date aforesaid. {�j
<br />�' � �A1yCo�mnisiµ�nexpires
<br />�. � ;.� ., i'T �31�t�1`�o �� �(
<br />�; '1 J1'••;� 3! � �'<.' � Nutary Public
<br /> s t�xnl w��j,�
<br />;� •��,, Gc���,•` �'�� .
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