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<br />� 76- t7U5641
<br /> n�oRTcnce�onN No.l 22.357 MGI C
<br /> ' KNOWALLA1ENUl'TIiGSBPRESENTS:That gradley J. Jensen and Sarah E. Jensen, each in his and
<br /> � her own right and as spouse of each other, n+o<<�ago�,whetheroneormore,inconsideretionofthesumof
<br /> � Thirteen Thousand Eiqht Hundred Fiftv and No/100---------------------------------- ooLLnxs
<br /> loxned to s;+id mortgagor by The Equilable auilding and Luan Association o(Crand Island,Nebrasl:a,�fortgagee,upon �38 shares of stock oC
<br /> said ASSOCfATION,Certificate No.L Zz�357 MGI C.�o hereby grant,com�cy and morcgage unto die said ASSOCIATION tlie following
<br /> � described real estate,situated in Hall Cuunly,Nebraska: � . � �
<br /> � ' �
<br /> �
<br /> ;
<br /> Iogether wid� all the �enemants,hereditaments�nd appurtenances tftereunto belonGing,including at�ached Iloor cu��erings,all window screens, ; �
<br /> �:.. window shades,blinds,storm winduas,��enings,hcating,air mnditioning,and plumbing and water equipment and acassories therc[o,pumps.stoees, �. _ ��
<br /> refrigera�ors,and other lixtures and equipment now nr heceafte[attached to o�used in connection wi�h s�id real estace. ..
<br /> AnJ whereas the said mortgagor has 3grecd and does hereby agrec tliat thc moru;acur sltall and will pay all taxes�nd assessments levied or . � �� �
<br /> �� �� assessed upon said premixs and upon ihis murtgage�nd the bond stcu�ed 4iereby Ucfore�he same sl�alt becomr delinquent;tu furnish approved � � : �
<br /> - insurance upon the buildings on said prcmises situated in tLe sum ol S�3�$5Q.�� Faya6le tu said ASSOCIATION and to deliver to said �
<br /> ASSOCIATION the pulicies for said insurance;and not to wmmit or permit any w:�stc on or about s�id premises; . .
<br /> In case uf de(�ult in the perfucmance u[any o![he trrms and cunditions of this mongage or d�e bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall, � � - �
<br /> f� on dcmand,bc entitled to immediate posxseion ol the mortgaged premises and the mungaeur hrreby assigns, transfers and sets over to the �� � .
<br /> mortgagee all the rcnts,roeenues and income to be deriead from the mortgaged premiszs during such time as titz mongage indt6ttdn:ss shall remain � . �
<br /> � unpaid:and the morlgagct sliall have the potcer io�ppoint any ageni or agrnts lt m�y Jesira(or the purposa uf rcpairing said premises and rcnting . .
<br /> the same and collecting the rents,revrnues and income,and it may pay out of said income all expensas o(rcpairing sxiJ premiso:and necessary . �
<br /> commissions ar�d axpensos incur�ed in renting and managing the samr and of cullecting remals there(rom;the balance remaining,if xny,to 6e
<br /> applird tm�-ard the disdiarge oC said mortgage indebtednzss;thase richts o(d�e mortgagee may be eaercised at any time during the ecistence of sach .
<br /> � def�ult,irrespectire of any tempor�ry w�ai��er of thc same. �
<br /> These PreseNs,howerer,are upou the Condition,Th�t i(thr said�tortgagor shall rapay saiJ loan un or beCorc ihe m�turity oi said shares by �� .
<br /> b'� payment:p�y munthly to said ASSOCIATION uf thc sum s�cified in the Qond sccurcd hereby as interest and principal un said loan,un ur bcfore �
<br /> � �he T���entirth day u(each nnd e�eq�month,until said luan is tully paid;pay all t�xes:�nd assessments Ir�ied against said premises and on this�fongage
<br /> } and the pond ucured Urere6y,befine delinquency;(umish appro�•ed insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum oC S �3�a5�.�� payaUle � �
<br /> "; � lo said ASSOCIATION;repay to s�id ASSOCIATIO!�upon dem�nd all money by it paid for such t�xes,assessments and insurance with interest at �
<br />. t" the maximum lecai rate thereon from da�e of payment a11 ut�vliich Atucieagur hereby agrers[o pay:permit no a•aste on said pramises;keep and cumply �
<br /> wid�all thr agreaments and wnditim�s ul'tlie Bond(or S �3�$5�.�� ����s Jay gicen by the said�turtgagor to said ASSOCIA'fI0\,and comply
<br /> - u•ith al��he requircments of tt�c Constitutiun and ByLae�s oC said ASSOCIATION;then tLtse presents shall become null and�vid,othenvise they �
<br /> sh�ll rem�in in fuil furce and may be foreclosed at the optiun of the s�id ASSOCfATIOK a(cer failu�e (or ihree n:onths to make�ny of said .
<br /> ' paymenls oc ba tlucc munths in arre�rs in m:�king said munthly paymanes,o�tu kcep and comply with thc agrcements and conditions of s�id 13onJ; �
<br /> .� and,tungagur agrees tu have a ercciaer appointed(ortliw�ith in such(oreclosu�e pruceedings. �
<br /> i
<br /> a � If dirre is:+ny diange in oN•neahip of the�e�l esta[c mongagrd harcin,by sale or otherwiu,then the entire rcmaining indebtedness hemby
<br /> secured shall,at the uption of The Equitable Building and Loan Associatiun o(Grand island,Nebraika,becume unmedi��ely due�nd payable�rithuut
<br /> ' (urther notice,and the amount�em�ining�due under said bond,and anq aher bond(ur any additional ad�anas made thereunder,shall,(rom lhe
<br /> � date of exercise o(said option,bear inlerest at the tn�zimum lagal rute,and this murtgage may then be torcclused to s�tis(y lhe amount dur on said
<br /> bond,and any other bond for additional ad�ances,tugether wilh all sums paid by said The Equitable Building xnd Loan Aswciatiun of Grand Island,
<br /> Nebrask�for insuran«,tx�es and assessments,anJ abslracting extension charges,with interest thereon,from date of paymtnt at tlu maximum
<br /> legalrate.
<br /> As p�o��ded in the pond xcured hereby,x�hile this mortgage remains in e((ect the murtgagee may hereaCtet advana additional sums to the
<br /> � make�s u(said BonJ,their assigns ur succaswrs in interesl,which sums shall be within�he security o(this mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br /> secured thereby,the lotal amount uf principal debt nut to exceed at any time the original amount of this mortgage.
<br /> D��ed this 30th a3>•�r September ,�.n.,iy 76
<br /> � ' �e,y�.'- CI(�.i�1�7, �:. �~��•11.�1��7L' -
<br /> � ra ey . n n Sarah E. Jensen ;
<br /> �
<br /> STATG OF NGBRASKA, ss. On 4us 30th day of September 19 76 ,before me,
<br /> COUNTY OF HALL} �
<br /> t e unde�si ed,a Notary Public in snd fo said County,perw �Uyca e -
<br /> @radley J. Jensen and Sarah E. Jensen, each in �iis an�her own right an� as spouse o`�eac`�
<br /> I� other ��'h0 dre F�rsonally known[o N
<br /> L a
<br /> 1}�`b11 erson5 µ'hose name s are affixod to the above inslrument as mo�tgxgor S and they sarerally
<br /> � •scL.'noyvlh.�IFgdj�h?Db�a�i ument to be thei r �vluntary act und deed. �
<br />�'„ �SI{N my hand and Notarial Seal the d�te a(oresaid. ` ,
<br />�� . � ��{�p'}'�'o� �ssion cxpires��`_ �� �� Ir •��
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<br />� f � tery Public
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