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<br /> 34 . . . � . ' � " '�4+� .
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<br />� � 76� � OJ61 �3 .
<br /> ' 6. If he fails to pay any sum or keep an.v covenant provided for in this mortgnge, the Mortgagee, at
<br /> its option, may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shall be added to the principal aum
<br /> o«�ing on the above note, shall Ue secured hereUy, and shall beur interest until paid at the rate provided
<br /> forin the principalindeUtedness.
<br /> 7. Upon request of tlie riortgagee, Aiortgugor shall execute and deliver a supplemental note or notes
<br /> for the sum m� sums advauced by Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or improvement made ut
<br /> � the ➢iortgagor's request ; or for maintenance of said premises, or for t�xes or assessments against the
<br /> � same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes ahall be seeured
<br /> hereby on a parity �vith and as fully as if the ad��ance evidenced tliereby �vere included in Ehe note first
<br /> desciibed aUo�•e. Said supplemental note or notes s}wll bear interest at the rute provided for in the prin-
<br /> cipal indeUtedr.ess and shall Ue payable in npproximatety� equal monthly payments for such period as may�
<br /> Ue agreed upon by the .11ortgagee and hiortgagor. Failiug to agree on the maturity, the �shole of the sum
<br /> ' or sums so ndvanced shall be due and payuble tiiirty (30) days after demand by the lfortgasee. In no
<br /> eveut shall the maturity extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described nbove.
<br /> 8. He hereby assigns, transfers and sets over to the hiortgagee, to Ue applied to�t�ard the payment of
<br /> ; ; ; ' the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of an�• of the terms and condi-
<br /> tions of this mortgage or tlie said note, all the rents, revenues and income ta be derived from the mort-
<br /> gaged premises during such time as the mortgage indebtedness shall remain unpaid ; and the �iortgagee
<br /> shnll have po�ver to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the pucpose of rentiug the same and col-
<br /> lecting the rents, re�•ennes and income, and it may pay out of said incomes all necessary commissions and
<br /> r ' eYpenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting ren 'tals therefrom ; the balance
<br /> remaining, if any, to 6e npplied to«•nrd the dischaige of snid mortgage indebtedness.
<br /> 9. He �vill continuously maintain hazard insurunce, of such type or types and amounts as lfortgagee
<br /> ma�� from time to timc renuire, on the impro��ements no�v or hereafter on said premises and ezcept «�hen
<br /> ' payment for all such pi•emiums has tl�eretofore beem m�de under (a) of paragraph 2 liereof, ��•ill pay�
<br /> E ' ; promptly- �ti•hen due an�� premiums therefor. Upon default thereof, :lfortgagee mny pay ttie same. All
<br /> insurance sl�all be carried in companies appro��ed by the lfortgagee and the policies aiid rene�aals thereof
<br /> •; shall be held by the rlortgagee and have attached thereto loss pa��aUle clauses in fa�•or of �nd in form
<br /> acceptable to the �lortgagee. In ecent of loss 3fortgagor �rill give immediate notice by mail to the Dfort-
<br /> gngee, «�ho ma}� mal:e prooE of loss if not made promptlp by Mortgagor, and eadi iusurance company con-
<br /> cerned is hereb�• authorized aud directed to make pnyment for such loss directl�� to tlie \fortgagee instend
<br /> E�' ' of to the �fortgagor nnd the .11ortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or an}� part thereof,
<br /> may be applied by the Niortgagee at its option either to tlie reduction of tlie indebtedness hereb}• secured
<br /> " or to the restoration or repair of the property dnmaged. In ecent of foreclosure of this mortgage, or other
<br /> �.. : tr:�nsfer of title to the mortg�ged property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereUy, all
<br /> rigltt, title and interest oF the Afortgagor in and to an�� insurance policies then in force shall ptiss to the
<br /> purchaser or bn•antee.
<br /> �= ' 10. As additional and collaternl security for the payment of the note described, aud all sums to become
<br /> due under this mortgage, tlie '�fortgagor hereUy assigns to the :Ifortgagee all lease bonuses, profits, re��e-
<br /> nues, royalties, rights, and other benefits accruing to the �iortgagor under any 1nd alt oil and gas leases
<br /> ` ' no���, or during tne life of this mortgage, esecuted on said premises, �rith the right to recei�•e and receipt
<br /> C : for the same and appl}� ihem to said indebtedness as «•ell Uefore as after default in the cenditions of this
<br /> mortgage, and the :1lortgngee ma3� demand, sue for and reco�•er any sucl� payments �rhen due and pay-
<br /> ablc, but shall noi be i•equired so to do. This assignment is to terminate and Uecome null and �oid upon
<br /> � release of this mortgage.
<br /> ° 11 . He shnll not commit or permit �+•aste ; and shall maintain tlie propert�� in as good condition as at
<br /> ;- present, reasonaUle t�•ear and tear escepted. Upon any failure to so maintain, lfoi•tgagee, at its option,
<br /> i , ma�� cause reason�Ule mainteiiance «•ork to be performed at t}ie cost oi \iortgagor. :�np amounts paid
<br /> ' lherefor b�• Mortgagee shall bear interest at the rate pro��ided for in the principal indebtedness, shail
<br /> thereupon becottie a part of the indebtedness secured U5� this instrument, ratably and on a pnrity ��•ith all
<br /> other indebtedness secui•ed hereU��, and shall be payable thirty� ( 30 ) days after demand.
<br /> 12. If the premises, or an5• pnrt thereof, be condemned mider the power of eminent domain, or
<br /> ` acquired for a public use, the damages awarded, the proceeds for the talting of, or the consideration for
<br /> � such acquisition, to tlie extent of the full amount of the remaining unpaid indebtedness secured b�� this
<br /> mortgage, or hereby assigned to the Ilfortgagee, and shall be paid fortfi�-ith to said ilfortgagee, to be
<br /> applied on account of the last inaturing instaliments of such indebtedness.
<br /> +' 13. If the lfm•tgagor fails to make anr pa��ments �vhen due, or to conform to �nd comply �i�ith any
<br /> � of the conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage, or the notes �chicli it secures, then the
<br /> entire principal sum and accrued interest shali at once become : due and payable, at the election of the
<br /> \fortgagee ; and this murtgage may thereupon be foreclosed immediatel}• for the n•hole of the indebted-
<br /> ness hereb�� secured, iududing the cost of estending the abstract of title from the date of this mort-
<br /> s. gage to the time of commencing such suit, a reasonable attorney's fee, and nn}• sums paid b�� the �'eterans
<br /> Administration on nccount of tlie guarantt- or insurance of tlie indebtedness secui•ed liei•eby, all of �ti�hich
<br /> shali be induded in the decree of foreclosure.
<br /> 19. If the indebtedness secured hereby be guarantced or insured under Title 38, United St�3tes Code, � !
<br /> such Title and Regulations issued thereunder and in effect on the date hereof shnll govern the rights, duties 4' N
<br /> and liabilities of the parties hereto, and any procisions of this or otlier instruments esecuted in connection �
<br /> � with said indebtedness �vhich are inconsistent �cith said Title or Regulations are hereby amended to �
<br /> conform thereto. �-`
<br /> h . . `,, ...�:
<br /> The co��enants herein contained shall Uind, and the benefits and ad�•antages shall inure to, the �
<br /> �'# '
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