<br /> Y � 4:
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<br /> 7f?- Q n ) � 1 v
<br /> � � Thnt tho. MorlgaKor will p�y the indebtednetix na hercinhe(ore provided. �
<br /> �� � � � �
<br /> ' � � 'Chet the Morlgugor is lhe owner nf snid� prnperl.v in te�� simple and htts gu�xl riFhl and lu�vfu! tmthnrilY to � scll nnd .
<br /> � conveY the samu etud that. ihe nxme is [rce rmd cicar of m�y lien or encumbrnncr: t�nd that Morlg.�gnr a'ill ���nrrmil nnd defi•nd the
<br /> titic+ to snid pmmises ngninst the � clnims � uf xll persons ahomsnrvee � � � � � .
<br /> S
<br /> . . •Lb puy immedinlely when due nnd puynbl�� nll Keneral tuzes. special iaxe�, sprcinl ass�ssm��nts, �ra�rr ch+irges, sewi�r sen• . .
<br /> ' - . ice � chnrges. and other laxes and charges against � saicl property, nnd all t:�xes Icvied un the drht secumd herc6y, nnd lo (urnish lha � .
<br /> '` Dlortgagee, upon requext. wifh the original nr duplicnte [eceipis lhrrrfor. 'Che �tortgagur a�:rves lhat there shall be addcd lo . . . .
<br /> ? ench monlhly Pbyment rcquired hereunder. or mider lhr evidence o( debt secured LerrbY :m :�mm�nt �cclunatcd by tlie M19urtgagce , .
<br /> to be sulficient to CIIIII)IC �he Morfgagee to j19)', fl5 they become due. all tnxes. atiscssmenfti. nnd similnr chargoc upon ihe Prem- . . � . . .
<br /> �.� ises wubject theretu; any de(iciency because of the insu(ficiuncY ��f such addilinnal paym��nls 4hall be (urthwilh drpmiled by the . . . .
<br /> . � t nlorttiagor with the Morfgag�e upun � dem�+nd 6y lhe 1�7ortgagce Anv de(auli und�r this pnragrnph +h[ill be dremrd n drfault in .. . . .
<br /> � � paymenl of tnxes, essessm��nta, ur similnr chargc�s recp�ired herennd��e � � . . -
<br /> � Tlie A�(ortgogur agrevn � lhat there shull also be nddi�d � o rach mnnthly p.�ymtmt ot principad and inlereat. r�•quired herr- �. . . � . .
<br /> j � imder an amuunt eslimated by lhe Mortgagee to be sidficienl tu enablr the \4orf�;;�tiea lo pay, as il brcomes dw�, the insur.mce . . . . .
<br /> �j premiwn on :�nY insurunce policy dolivered to tLr Dlorl�;agi'r. Any deficirncy beci�us� o( ihi insutliciency uf such additional P�iY- . . . .
<br /> menls ehnll be furthwith depa+ited by the IDfortgugur �viQ� lhc hturf�;ngce upon demxnd by ihe Mort�;.iF�•�'. Any de(ault under this . . . . .. . . .
<br /> � parngraph xhall 6e deemed a defnult in the pnymenl o( insurunce pmmiums. I ( lhr policy ur puli�ies �Irposilyd are. such as hnmr _ . . .
<br /> . owners or ull risk policies, and the drpusits are insu(iicienl tn pny lhe ontirr premiwn. lhe MorlgaRee mny apply the deposit tn : . .. . . . .
<br /> y�.,_� `Z pay prcmituns nn risks rcyuircd to bc insurcd by lhis tnor�gnge. � . � � . . . .
<br /> ,� � i . . PuymenLs mnde by lhe 19urtRagor undnr the abuer pi�ra�;ruph5 nvry. at fhr nption uf lhr D1ortg,�gee, be hrld by it . and � . � � � �
<br /> � . i commingled wilh olher such tunds ��r iis uwn fwid< for thr piiyment o( such itemti. and until �o ��pplied. such psrym��nts arr h�•reby . . . . .
<br /> � .
<br /> ?��� -� � plevlgecl ns securily for thc uup.iid bnlance of thc mortg:+�;e indcbtednrsa . . . . . .. .
<br /> - �
<br /> '1'o prceure, delivcr tn, and maintnin for th�• hrnefit ot lhr illurt4:i�;er during th<� li(e uf fhis morl�;utic nriginnl policies and . � . .
<br /> . i renewals lhenwf, dclivered �l Irast ten dayv before thc ezpiraliun of any surh pulirirs, insuring against fin• nnd other imurnble
<br /> ��, hazurds, casuallies, and contingc'ncies as th�• \lortgagce may n¢�uire, in an xmount eyual to the indebtt�lness securcd by this � � . . -
<br /> � � rlortgage. and in cumpunies acceptnble !o ihe Mortgagee, wilh lo,s p:+yable clauso in fu��or uf z�nd in [orm accepinble lo lhc Mortgn- _ : � . . .
<br /> gee. In lhe evertt any policy is noL renewed on or befum !en days o( its expiration. lhe h9orlgagor nv3y prucurr insurance on ihr .
<br /> improvements. pay lhe premium lherefor. and sucl� sum shull becmne inunediutcly dur ❑nd payable ��'ith inl��mst al. lh�• rute set .
<br /> +�� � � forlh in said note untit P+�id and shall bi� secured by lhis murtgn�;e Pailurc on thc pnrt o[ the nlurf�;nR��r to furnish such renewals � .
<br /> ns are herein reyuimd or (ailure to pay any sums advanccd henrunder shnll. at the option o( lhi� Murlgu�;ei'. constitule a defiaull . � . � �
<br /> under Uie terms o[ this murfgnge 'Chi• delivery of such P��licies shall, in th�� r���•nt n( Jrtault. constiluli� nn a�si�;nnu•nt nf the un- . � . . . .
<br /> �. � earniYl prrmium. . . � . . � .
<br /> " � � � Any sum5 rec��ived b}' the 11ort�agiK• Ly re.�son o( los, ur damt�ge insured ngainst may he retainrd by lhe �IorlgaFoe : � �
<br /> � . : .ind nPPlied lnward thc �>nyment o( lhe debl hereby seaired. or, at thr uption � uf Il�e Morlgagee. sucl� sumv ri�her �� holly nr in . . . . .
<br /> . . 1 � part may be pnid over tu the Morlg�4or to Ix used lo repuir such buildings or lo build new buildings in their plac�• or (ur anY .
<br /> other purpnse or object snlis(uclory to the �lortl::�ti�'�' wilhnul a(TectinR ihe lirn on thr mnrl�;n�;e for thc� full nmuunt srrured here- .
<br /> 4.. , by before surh paymenl ever l�wk plitce. � .
<br /> �
<br /> Tn promp(ly repair. rnsture or rebuild any buildint;s ur impruvrmcnts nu�c ur licn•:dtc�r ��n thi� premisi•n whieh m:rv be' . . . .
<br /> . eome dnmugrd ur dt�slroycvl; to keep said premiaes in �;�wd condilion and n•pair :md frce Gom an}' mecimnic's li��n or oU�rr lirn or � . � .
<br /> i: � � clfiim of lien not exPrex5ly subordimded lu the lien lierenf: no� to s�JTer ur p�•rmii mq' unla��•tul use u( or any nuisance tn ezist on . . �
<br /> �.� said pruperty nur to pern�il wute un snid premises, nor �n du :my other ncl tehereby th<� properly ht•reby cunveyed shnll b�•cnme
<br /> :y less vsiluuhle, nor to diminish or impair ils valuc by any arl ur omi.tiiun lo act : tu rumply ���ilh iill r��quirrmi•nl. nf la�v �� ith rrsprct . . .
<br /> f.. . . lo thc mort�;aged premiscti and the use then•oL � : �� � �
<br /> a;
<br /> Thid Shutdd lhe Prrmisr+ or any pnrt thereof Ix• L•�ken or ilumaged by roason u( any public impruvement ur cundemnalion . . � .
<br /> ��� �� procecdinF. �>r undur lhc ri�;hl o[ cminent domain, nr iu anY niher manner, thc �tort�;ngec sh;dl bc vntill�nl tu �dl compen�nlions, � . .
<br /> �' , uwnrds, and any other paymunl or relief thcrr��for, .ind shall be enli(Icd, al i�s uplion. lu commeuce. nPP<'nr in nnd pnn�v:ule in its .
<br /> ,;: � � own nume any aclion or proceeding. or lo make any r�nnPromise ur settloment in connrclion wilh sudi t;ikinl; or damnge. All such .
<br /> compenv:��ion. nwardv, dmnnges, ri�;h� uf t�clion and pnK�eodv un� hereby assigru•d lo ihr 1lorlg+i;;ce� ��•hu mny. a(lec deducting .
<br /> � 8�erefrom ull ils exP����es. relense any moncys so mcoived 6�� it ur apply the smne on riny indeblednrss secured hrreby. 'Phe Dlort- . . . .
<br /> r: . : aFmes ta c:�cutc such furt.:ec. a��.i�nmentu nf :my cnmpensalion. au:irdc, rl;�ma���•, ;�nd .i;,,ld. ,,t artiv:: ::�x! �:rr„-:•J; �: tl��e
<br /> ;,ag;• �
<br /> � .; Mortgngee may requira �.
<br /> �1 � Thut in case of [ailure lo perlorm uny o[ lhe c<�vennnls herein, lhe Mortgngee muy do on the btoAgagor's behnlf every- :
<br /> t � �i thing so covennnted; that lhe A4orlFagee mny tdso do any nct it mny deem necessary to prot��ct the lien lhereo(; that the T1ort-
<br /> :� -� gagor will mpuy upon demnnd uny moneye puid or disUursed by lhe S�fortgagee fur nny o[ the t�bove purpczses, und such mmteye
<br /> g � together with interest thereon at the rate provided in snid note shnll become so much ¢dditionnl indebleclness hereby s�rumd and
<br /> muy bo included in any decree (orecloying this mortgage ond be puid out ot the renls ur prottv�ds of sale of suid premises if not
<br /> T� otherwise paid; an<t lhut A4ortgngcr ehnll not incur nny personnl liabilily lxcause oF nnything it may do or omit to do hercunder. �
<br /> . In thc evrnt of lhe defa�ilt by hlurlgnKur in lhe paymenl nf uny inz(.dlmenl , av requimd hy the Nol�� securrd hrreby, nr �
<br /> � in the prr[ormnnce o( �he ohlig�tion in Ihis mor�ga�;e ur in ihr note cecured therrby. ihe \turtgzigre shnll h� entitled ta declare ihe .
<br /> � debt secured hembY due nnd paynble w•ilhuul nutice, nnd lhr iUor�gfigce shull be cuLillcd ;d. il:: uptian, H'itl�uut nnlic��. cither by i4w�1f
<br /> nr by n rettiver lo br uppoin�ed by the court lhereot. and withuut reg�rcl lo lhe adcK�wicy uf nny sen�rity fur ihe indebledn���s su•'
<br /> '� curecl hereby. lo enfer upon mid lake poc5essinn o[ ihe morlgng�d premisrs, nnd to coll�•cl tind receice the reu�s. iv urs nnd profils
<br /> � � thereot, tmd uPPly lhe k'une. liws wsfs of operulion nnd colliYlion. upun thr. indebt�KlnrsS mcurrd Ly� �his murlgnge: tiaid rrntv,
<br /> �, issues nnd profits bring hereUy nssigned tn thc nlortgnRce av furlhcr si•curily for lhe pnymenl u( atl indoble<Inr�s e�run�i heri•hy. �
<br /> The Mortgug��c ehal! huvu lhe power (o appoint any ngent nr ngenls it mny desire for lhe purpi»e o( u•p;iiring suiri prrm- '"'.� -�.',' �
<br /> 7 r.
<br /> ises; renling lhe i:tvne; callecting the renis, revenues nnd income. und it mny pay out u( snid inc���ne nl( expentii�c incurr�Yl in rrnb N ;;,•'�
<br /> � ing nnd mmtnging the Same and of cvllecling fhe rentals ihereRom. '1'he bnlnnce rcmt�ining. i( :my, shall bc applied tnwHrd the �. •
<br /> L dixhnr�e nt lhc murlgage indebtedncec. This naaigntnrnl is lu terminale and brcomr null nnd void upon r�d�•nu� ot Ihix mort�;age. ' �
<br /> �
<br /> . . The Dtortgngee muy cullec! ii "Inte chnrge" nnl lu rxcced Fiv.• Cents ( ;c) (ur eudi dullur 131 .W1 ��f ��n�•h t�dnl m�mthly h� ..
<br /> � � pnymvnl more lhnn 15 days in arrrun lu cover Ih�• ��strn rxpen�r invnlvi•d in hondlin�; dclinqu�•nl :�ccuunln. . ' � .
<br />�.
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