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<br /> . 1'hat the Morlgagor will pny the . indeUledness ac hereinbcfore prnvided. � . . � �. � . �
<br /> � � � 7'6at fhe Mortgxgur is the owner o[ eaid �pruperty in Fee simpie nnd has goal right and luwtul . authorily to scll and � .
<br /> � � . cotrvey lhe sume unel ihut Ihe same is free und dear ot Hny lien or encumbrance: nnd lhnl �7ortgi�F�r wili warrnnt nnd de(end the � � � �. �
<br /> � title. to eaid prnmises aguinst the claim5 of all persons whmm�nevcr. . . . , .
<br /> � � 1'o pny imm�xliulely when due and pnynble all genernl tazes, speciat taxes, special as5essmenta, water chUr6es, sewer �erv- . � � .
<br /> � ice chnrges, and ot6er taxes und charges against said property, and all taxes levied on the debt secured hereby, und to furnish the � �
<br /> ` � Mortgegee, u�wn reyucst, wilh the original nr duplicate receipts ihere(ur. The D�tortgagor agmes thnt lhere shnll lie added to �. � �
<br /> each monthly payment required hercun<ler or under the evidence o[ riebi secured hen•by nn amount eslimated by the Mnrtgagee
<br /> -� �+ lo lie su�cient l� enable the Mortqagee �io � pay, as they become due, atl inr.es, asscssmenls, nnd similar churgrs upon the Prem� . � � � � � � . .
<br /> ises subjecl thercto; any. deficienc�� becausr o( fhe insutiiciency of such additionu! payments shall be [urth�eith deposiled by the � � �
<br /> n1origagor wilh the Mortgagce upm� demand by thc Murtgtagcr.. Any deCaul[ under this pnrngraph sh�Jl be derrnrd a defa�dt in � . �
<br /> pnymenl o( l�xes, assessmcnts, nr similar ch:ir�es ri�yuired � hercundec . � � � :
<br /> � � 'I'hr �iortgngor ugrees that lhere shall alsu he added tu each monthly payment o( principal and inlerrsf r��quirid here- � . � �
<br /> -� i under an amount eslimnfed by the Rinrtgu�ce to be sutlicient to ennble ihe !lfortKaR�'� tn pap.� as it bi�come.s due. tlir• in,urunre . � . �
<br /> -.- y premium o�i any insurance policy deliverr.d lo the �[ortgugoe. Any di�ficienc}• because of tlii• insulficiency u( such additional p:�y- � �. . �. . . . � .
<br /> - � � ments shtiU bc (orthwith dr�posi�ed bY tht� �lorlgagor wilh thc 9lurtgagcr upon drmtmd hy thi� \turlFa�i�r. Any drfault undrr ihis . : � � �
<br /> pnragn�ph sh�li l� �leemed a default in thr payment uf insuranee premiumc. ] f lhe �x�licy ur pulicies drpn.;il��d arr such as Imme- . � � .
<br /> ownerx or all risk policies, unJ thr deposils �m insuflicien[ tn pay Ihr enlire pn�mium. ihr A4urlRa�;ee m.�y :���ply lhe deposit to - � �. . � . �
<br /> � . p:�y premiums un risks reyuired to be in.�ucvl by thiv mortgage. � � . . � . .
<br /> ,p . Yapments meide by � hc M1lurltiagor under the abnve pnragrnphs may. at Ihi� uption u[ lhr �lorfgugre. b�� held by it and . . . � � .
<br /> rommingled with olher such (unds or ils nwn f�mds tor thr payment o( such itrms. :md uniil so appli�•d. sucl� pnymrrds aru hrrrhy . . . . . �
<br /> �'.� i pledgiv! n+ security (or lhi� unpaid balance ot lhc mnrign�;n indchtrdness. . .
<br /> 1 � 7'u prncure. drliver to. and maintain fur the b�•nefit u( the �Inrlgagee duriug thr life uf thi.s morlg�ge nriginal palici�•s and . � .. � � . .
<br /> -� � � renewnls lhereof, deliverrd at Icast ten d:iys Ixfure lhe ezpir.ition of �uiy such policii�s, insunn�; aguinsl (ire and nther insurahle � . .
<br /> s;. � . � huzards. c��suullies, nnd cunlingc.ncirs as the 31urt�;agee may rrcpiire. in .�n amuunt equal to the indebtedness securrd by fhis y . � . �
<br /> riortg;age, und in cotnpanies �cceptabl�� lu thc A'IUC��;BKC@. K9(Il loss payable clause in [Uvor of and in fonn nccepfable to tne Alorlga- . . . .
<br /> ` .� �E � gee. In the event tiny pnlir.y is not renewed un or ��fore ti•n days c�f its ezpiratinn. lhe !11ort�;�Fee mey procure insurance un the � , . . : . .
<br /> � � . ; improvements, pay the prrmium lhen�(ur, .md such sum shall hecome immediately due :md payablt� with interesl ;+t lhe rate sel - . � � �
<br /> forth in s:ii<I note until paid nnd� sh.ill IM socurnd by ihis murt�.ige. I�ailurc un lhe part ot the Alurtgagor tu furnish such renrwnls . , . � . �.
<br /> as nre herein reyuired or G+ilure tu pay any sums advanred herew�der shall. at the option of thr \inrl;;a�;rc. cnn,titute u dr(ault , . . _ .
<br /> undcr the terms n[ this morl�;Fige. '1'he di•liee�ry o( :uch policirs shnll. in ihc rv�•nt u( default. constituti� an assi;;nmrnt of �h�� un- � . . � . .
<br /> �•nrnerl premium. ' � . . - � � ��
<br /> � Any sums recrived by the Atortt;agre Iry mason of lus.� ur dum.i�;c inxurrd at;�inrt mny be retained by Ihe \turl;;a�;ce . . � . . � . �
<br /> nnd applied tuwnrd fh�• pa}�menl u( the. debt hereby srcured, ar, et the optinn ot the Ainrlgagre, such sums rither whully ur in ; - � � .
<br /> �'. .� 't P�rt mny be p.�id over to the I�lortgagur tu be used to rc�pair such buildinKs or tu huild new huildings in fheir Vlace nr tor any . . . � . .
<br /> � f other Purposc• ur obJ�'ct wtisfactory to the ?�1orlgagre H•ithuut atTectin� the lien on thc� m��rl�age tur lhr (uU s�mount srrurrd here- , � . . .
<br /> by betori� such pnynu�nl evrr tonk pli�rn. ' . .
<br /> "1'o promplly repair. restnrr ur rrbttild nnS buildings or itnpru��emen�s non' ar hi�reaflrr on the premis�•s which mny be- .. . . - � � � .
<br /> " come datna�;ed ur dezlroycsl; to k��op s:iid prrmis��s in ;;«�d comiition and repair and (ree Gum nny m�rhanic's lien ur ulher lien nr _ .
<br /> � dnim o( lien not exprrsyly subordinated tu the licn hi�reo(: nut to sufT�•r ur p��rmit :my unla�r[ul use of or miy nuisance tu oxist on � , � . . . .
<br /> sAid prope•rty nor tu ponnit wast�r nn said prrmiscs, nnr tu dn mry oNier act whert�by the pro�x•rfy hrre6y cunvey��d shall become ; . � .
<br /> Ir•s� vt�luable. nor lo diminish or impair il, velue Ly am� act nr nmi,si��n lu arl : lu cnmplv �sith ;ill rryuirements u( law with rosp��ct � . .. .
<br /> � � � �!. la �he mnrlga�;ed premiscv and fhe usr thereoL . . . .
<br /> �
<br /> That should t.hi• pnmici�; ur any part iher��uf fx� taken or d:unaged by rrnson o( any public improvvmNnt ur cundemnation � . � � . .
<br /> pnutecrling. or undur the right ot emin�•nt dumain, ur in any uther mnnm�r. the \turlga�ee shall be entiUcd tu all rumpensatiuns, � � . � � -
<br /> Z . � � • awards. und any other pFp�mrnt ur reliet therefur. and shall be enlitled. at ils option, tu cummrnce. npprar in and prosee:ule in its � � � �
<br /> �` � own nume :iny aclion or pr�eedin�;. ur tu m��ke an7 compromiYe or settlement in conneclion with such takiu�: or damuge. All such � . . . .� .
<br /> � � . cnmpensnliun, nwer(L:, rinmugiw, riy;ht uf uctiun and procvcrls �nr herehy assigned lo thi� \lur��ngee. ���ho may, nfler deductin� .
<br /> �� therefrom nll iLv expens�•s, relense uny moncyv sn rec�aved by it ur apply the same on any ind��bteJness sccumd hi�reb}'. '1'he �1or1 - . � .
<br /> a ;
<br /> �. gat;or agn•�y tn ezecute such further assiFnments n( any enmpen+ntion. nwards, duma�;rs. :md ri;;hl� ot arfiun nnd pr�Kerd: as thr
<br /> i; ; 1{Oft�;tli:PC ntAV rL`f�UIfP.
<br /> � � That in case of fnilure lo purfo.-m any uf the rnvenants hcrein, Ihe hlortgugce muy do un the hiorlgugur's hehulf every• . �
<br /> p LhinF su covenanlecl; that the T-fortKagee mey nlso do nny act it muy deem necessary to protect the lien lhereof; that lhe Mort- � � .
<br /> � gngor wi❑ repny upon demnnd uny moneys paid or dishursed by the Mortgagee [or nny of the aMve purpases, and euch moncys .
<br /> together with interest lhermn nt the rute provided in said note ehall become so much additional indehtedness hereby secured nnd
<br /> - � may be included in eny deccee foreclosing thia mortgnge and be pnid out o[ the rents or procirds o[ snle of said premises if not �
<br /> '. � athenvise paid; nnd thnt hlortgugee shnli not incur nny prrsonad linbility 6ecause of anything it may do nr omit to do hemunder. ; �
<br /> � In the evrnt of 6ic defaull by Murl�;agur in lhr payment o( mq• inefallmenf. nti n�uired hy th�� Notr secured hrrrhp. nr . .
<br /> Y� � in the perfunnance of the obii�ation in this morl�a�;e ur in the nute srcurcd themhy. ihe 11ort �;ngee sh��ll he entiNed to declare Ihe -
<br /> .. debt sc�cured hereby due� and pn�yable without notice, and the Mortgagee sh.dl be entitled nl its uptiun, wilhnut notic�•, either hy itself .
<br /> _ or hy u receiver lo �r i+ppointecl by the courl ther�rof, imd without re�;ard lo thr adequacy of nny securih� fur thr indehtednrss se-
<br /> cumd he.reby, to enter upon and tnke pos5��ssion o[ the murtgagecl �rromiscs, and tu rollrcl rmd receivr Ihe mnts, issues nnd prafite
<br /> � . lhereo[. and t+pply lhe s:ime. Ic� co5ts ot oprration nnd cnllection, u��n the indebtednr.v secumd bp Ihis murt�;atic: s;iid n•nts.
<br /> i.cvues and profiLv beinF hemby nssigned to the hlor�ga�:ee ns (urther xecurity fnr th�• paymrnt n( all indrbtrdneas ct�curevl herrby.
<br /> �� . Thc �furtg�igre shuii huve thc pcm�cr to appoint any agent or u�cnts it may decire (or Ihc� purpm�� o( repairin�; said prem•
<br /> is�rs: renling the snme: mllectin� the rcnls, mvenues und income, nnd il may pup out uf said inrutne all rsprn�rs inivrrcri in renb .
<br /> � ing and manuging the xmne and nf collecting thc rentals there(rom. The balnnce rrmninin�;, i( any, sh:�ll be applird tou•urd the
<br /> dischnrge a( tho mortgnge indebtedness. This ;i,csignmcnt is to t�rminate nnd tMcume nvll and vnid upnn rrle:�sr <�f thix mnrtgaFe , � `�'rl' � '' ?��1 � �
<br /> ;2,
<br /> � The Mortgngee may collecf u "Inle chnrge" not to excecd F'ive CenLs (5c) fur euch dullur ( � LW) a( �•:�ch lul:+i mnnthly . N
<br /> L� paymrnt more Ihan 15 dnyx in arrenn to nrvrr Ihr rxtn exp��ns�• imnlv�d in hnndlin�; drlinquent accmmfs. ' C}C
<br /> �
<br /> All payments made under th� provinions o[ lhis murt�;utie or lhe i�nte hereby secured. which may' be runslrwvl nv inlon•+t. �.,,
<br /> shnll nol, in lhc aRRmgnte over thi� lrrm lber�(, excmd the r.tr lh;d mny nnw� f� iawfully cuntrncl��d (or in wrilin�. S.(� � ��.' `. � .
<br /> . : . . li7 . - .
<br /> . . . . . ,,. . :
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