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<br /> AIORTGAGL'LOAN N0. L22.326
<br /> � ICI�OWALLTiBhBYTHESEPRESEN7'S:That R7CI1dPd E. Buck and Christine Buck, each in his and her
<br /> own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> � : ______Atortgagor'whether one or more,in wnsideration ot the sum of
<br /> TwentY-seven Thousand Two Hundred and No/100- ---'-""-��LA�
<br /> loaned to said mortgagor by The L'yuita6le Building and Loan Association oCGrand lsland,Nebraska,D1or[gagee,upon 2�2 shares of stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Certificatc ho.L 22,326 ,do hereby grant,convey and mortgage unto[he said ASSOCIATION the following
<br /> described rea!estate,situated in Hall County,Nebraska:
<br /> logether with all ihe tenements,tiereditaments and appunenances tl�ereunto belonging,induding attached t7oor cove�ings,all window scrernf, .. � .� ��
<br /> window shades,blinds,sturm windows,�wnings,Leating,air conditioning,and plumbing and water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves, � � � .�
<br /> refrigerators,and other fixtures and equipment now ur hereaCter 3ttached to or used in connection u-ith said re�l estate. . _- � � .
<br /> ` ' And K�hereas the said mor�gagor has agreed and dues hereby agree that the mortgagor shall snd u�ill pay all taxes and assessments levied�m . �
<br /> assessed upun said premises and upon d�is mor�gage and the bunJ secured thereby befbre d:e same Shall btcome delinquen�;to fumish appmved
<br /> insurance u�wn�he buildincs on said pmmises situated in the sum of 52]�2�0.�0 payable to said ASSOCIATION and tu delitxr to said . � � � �
<br /> ASSOCIA7'ION the policies for said insurance;and nut to commit or permit�ny waste on or about said premises; . � � � .
<br /> In case o(default in the perPormance ot any uf the terms and conditions of tliis murtgage or tlie bond secured hereby,the morlgagee shall,. �. �� � � � - �
<br /> on demand,bc entided to immediate possession o(ihe mortgaged premises and the murtgagor hereby assigns, trar.sfers and sets over to�the : . � . ��
<br /> mongagee all the cents,revenues and income to be derired from the rnortgaged premises during such time as the mongago indebtedneu shall remnin . � � .
<br /> unpaid;and U�e mortgagee st�all have the power to appoint any agen[or agents it may desire for the purpose of repairing said premises and renting. �
<br /> the same and collecting ihe rents,rcvermes and income,and it mey pay oat of said income all expenses oi cepairing said premises and neceuary ' -
<br /> commissions and expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of cotleceing rcnta(s themGom;the balance remaining,if any,to be ' � � - - � - �� -��
<br /> �: '� applied tok•:�rd the discharge o(said mortgage indebtedness;these riehts of the mor�gagee may be exercisod at any time during the existenco of such . � � � �
<br /> ��.; defaul�,irrespective of any�emporary w�airer o(the same. � �
<br /> These Presents,Iwwerer,are upon the Condition,That if U�e said lfortg�gor sh�ll rep�y said loan un or before the mawrity o(said shares by � - .
<br /> ?. '�; p�yment;pay monthly to said ASSOCIATION o(ihe sum specified in the Bund secured lxre6y as intemst and principal on said lo�n,on or before . . � � � � �
<br /> the T�ventielh d�y of each and erp�momh.until said loan is fully paid;pay all taxcs xnd assessments levied against said premises and on this t�fortgage
<br /> �' �� and the 6ond secured[hereby,beforc delinquenc�;fumisi�appwved insurance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S 2]�ZOO.00 P�Y+ble � _
<br /> to said ASSOCIATIO\:repay to said ASSOCIATION upon demand xll munev by it p�id(or such taxes,assessments and in:urance with interest at -
<br /> the ma�cimum lrgal raie thereon from date of payment all of which Atortgagor hercby agmes to pay;permit no waste on said p¢mises;koep and comply _ � � � -� �
<br /> � ���ith all the agreements and conditiuns of the Bond for S Z��POO OO this day given by the s;iid Dlortgagor tu said ASSOCIATION,and comply � . - � �
<br /> with all the reyairemen�s o(die Constitution and ByLaws of said ASSOCIaT10N;then lhese presents shall become null and vuid,otherwise they � �
<br /> . � shall remain in(ull force and may be foredosed et the option of Ihe said ASSOCIAT'ION after failurt Cor three munths to make any of said � -
<br /> �,. �. p�yments or be three months in arrears in making s�id moNhly payments,ur tu Y.eep anJ comply with the agreements snd conJitions oF said Bund; �
<br /> and Alortgagot agrees ta have a receiver appuinced(urthw�ith in such fureclusure proceedings.
<br /> F�. � If tliere is any clunge in ownership o(d�e real esta�e mo�tgaged herein,by sale oe otherwise,then the entire remaining indebtedness hereby � �
<br /> �� secured sliall,at�he oplion of The Equitable f3uilding and Loan Association uf Grand I51and.Nebraska,becume immedi�tely due and payable wilhout
<br /> ;��� � further nuticc,and ihe amount remaining�due under said bond,xnd any other bond for any additional ad�antts made thereunder,shall,from the �
<br /> date of ezercise of said op�ion,bear imcrest at the maximum Icgal rate,and this mortgage may then be Coreclosed ro satisty the amount dut on said
<br /> bond,and any other bund for additional ad�ances,together with all sums paid by s�id The Equitable Building and Loan Aswciation o(Grand Island,
<br /> � Nebraska for insurance,taxes and assessments,and abstracting eatension diargrs,with interest thereon, Gom date of payment at the maximum -
<br /> lega!rata �
<br /> As provided in the Bond secueed liereby,��'hile this mortgage remains in effect the mortgagee may hereaimr ad�anrt additional sums to the
<br /> makers of s;iid Bond,thru assigns ur suceessors in interest,which sums shall be within the securiry of this mortgage the same as the funds originally
<br /> secur by,Ihe totxl a unt of principal debt not to exceed at any time the uriginal amount of this mortgage.
<br /> �acra� ; 7 aay�r September �J�,D.,iv 6 ,C�
<br /> � (��''`t,_�.--�, /l-�.��
<br /> a . u Cnristine Buck
<br /> STATE OF NEBRASKA,l ss. On this �th day of S@ptember �9 �6 ,before me,
<br /> the und rsi ed,a t�ota P bu'c in and for said Count J�'`
<br /> Richard E. 3uck and Christine Buck, each in his and ��ier ownryright and as spousePof�eachm� ,. �N .
<br /> = .��N. wh° 3Pe personally known to . .�
<br /> I �(a•bq.Niridoy}� �� n S u'hute name s are affixed to thc above instrumrnt as mortgagor S and they severally „�,
<br /> iE�r
<br /> lrackro�tile�ged tl:��inst ment[o be thei r voluntaq•act and deed. n'"'
<br /> :J (�J
<br /> ���ti J ;tOTARY N7791ESS�iny hand and Nutarial Seal Ihe date aforesaid. � C;3
<br /> t �.CO;...::1,",5f r^ : �1 � � ` � '� ! ,� � .
<br /> .,r�
<br />�, E� EY.i'iF£S�'�Y Gom ksivn expires � '
<br />`r. � S i� .,'J � � ` ` 1y� (; �ota Public
<br /> i:: } r' �31�ti;.: ,4- ry'
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