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<br /> Thntthe Mortgagor will � par lhe indebtedness as hereinbetore prmi�led. � � � _ � . . . �
<br /> � � That thr Morlgngor is the 'dwner of said property in [ce simple und has gnal right nnd law(ul authorily � lo .r11 and � " �
<br /> . . convey the seme and that the same �.is� tiee and clear ti[ nny lien or rneumbrance; and� thal Tlortgagor will warranl and d�•fend the � � - � �
<br /> - � tiQe to ..aid premisr.s against the cluims uf ntt . persons wlwmsoevea . � . . , . : .
<br /> r� � . T�� f�ay immedialely when due and jiaytible all general taxes:��special� iaxes. sprcial � nwsi•ssm��nls, waler charges, sewer s��rv- � . .. .
<br /> � � : icc d�argc�, and � other tnxes and charges against said property, nnd nll lnxes l��vied w� the �lebl secumd herrby, and to turnisl� �� (hr. � � � . �
<br /> . Rtortgagee, upon request. with tl�e originul ur du�ilicate. receiple ll�erefor. .The Afortg�gbr agrees It�aL lhere shaH : �he nllded t�> � � . . � �. .
<br /> � each moulhly pnyment required hereunder or undvr � the ��videnrc u( drbl eccured hkreby �in amoiml �cslimated by the�� l�1ort�agee � . �
<br /> � fo be sulticirnE��.tn ennble" the A1orlKAK�c. tu pay, :u they become du��, ail tuxes, assessmenls, and similar chargey .upon � ll�e Prem• . � � � . � . � � .
<br /> � iu�skubje�ct ihcrrto;� :iny deficieiicy lic•cuusc� ciCtLi� irisutiicii�ncy of suih additli�nal paymenfs shall be Turthwitli deposilyd by the � - : � � � .
<br /> �. Mortgagor wil}� the i\lurlgagee upon �lem:�nd by lhe Atortgxigee. Any de(aull. und2r t6is paraqrt�ph shall br d��i�med a def:�ult in � - . � � . � : .
<br /> � � �� �iaymenl of lxzes. nssessmenLs; nr similn� charges r��<3uired � hercuncler. . . . . . .. � . . � . �. . .
<br /> , .. . : . . : � . . . . . . , . . . � . . , . . _ . . . .
<br /> � � �The Mortgagur agmes � thut chere shall also be added ln i�ach monthly paymeqt �<d Princip;d and iuterc�vt required . herr.- � . , � � �
<br /> under an runuunC eslimaled by [he 1lortgagce tu bc su7Gcient. tn enable Ihe �furlgagee �n pay, n.. it breunu�s due, the insuranm . . . �
<br /> pmmium on uny insurance pulicy delivered tu the blorigsgce. Any deficiency hecause o( tho insu�liciency ��f suc6 adclitioual pay- . . � . � .
<br /> menLS sh�ll bo 7nrlhwith� deposited hy Ihr Mortgagor with thr Alorlgagec upcm drmand Ly lhc Atortguge�•. Any de(aidt �under ihis . - �
<br /> � � paragraph shnll IK deemed a de(mill in the payment of� insurnnce prrmiums.� I[ lhe pnliry nr � ��olicies d��po�ited :�re suc}� as Iwme- �� . . � . . .
<br /> � uwners nr all risk pulicies, and the deposiLs :u�n insuliicirnt tu pey tF.c �,ntim premium , Ihe A9orig:ige.e may npply the d��pa��it tn �
<br /> '. pay premiurns on risks required lo bc. insur�Yi by this mortgugc. . � . . �
<br /> �. Y�tymunts madu by lhe blurlgagor widur the a6oce paragrapLs may. at the ��plion of tLr Aturtgage�•, br held ' Ly il and � . .
<br /> � c��mmingled with other such fw�ds or its own fund� fur thr payment o[ suvh it�•ms, and nntil so app�ied. such paymenls are h�•rrby � � � .
<br /> � plislged as security fnr the unpaid bnlence u[ thr n:nrll;age indebli�dni•ss. . � . - .
<br /> To prorure. di•liver tu, :and mainlain for the b�melit uC the �tortg;�gn� during tho life oF thie morlgagi�. uriqinal policies and . . . �
<br /> � renewnls� lhrrcr�f, dclivcred �t 1�•ast len dnys- tx(oro thr ezpira(iou u( any s�ch policics, insuring . agxinxt firc nnd othrr insurable .
<br /> Imznrds, casualties, und cunlingencies as the 1ltortg��gee may rtt�uire, � in an amuunt � equal � to the indebtedvess secur�xl hy . this � � ,
<br /> � Itlortgage. and in companius acccpinble to the �furtgago�r. wiih Inss payiibl�• clause in (avnr o( and in form acceptahle to Ihe idnrtga- - . . � .
<br /> ' gee, In the event any policy is not muew��d un nr brlom trn days o( its rspiralion, Ui� A1ort�;lgee. rnay procare insur�ncn on lhe
<br /> impruvemenls, pay the premiwn there(or. and such su«i sh�ill Lecume immedintely due nnd payable with interest at ilu- ratr set .. � �
<br /> e�� � forth in said nole until paid and sLnll Ix• s�•cun•d by this mortgage. Pailure on thr part uf the p�lcrtgagor fo 6vnish such ren��wals . . .
<br /> . as am herein r�quired ur f�+iluse lo pay .+ny sums advanced hrreunde•r shnll. al the upfion of the 11ottgagre, cnnstitute n default � . .
<br /> � � under lhe terms o[ this rtmrtgnge. "I'hr deli��rry of sucii pnlici��s sliall. in ihc rvenl n( drinult. conslituli� .in assignmrnt. uf lhe um . . . . .
<br /> � eurncvl premium. � �
<br /> ' Anv sums recei�•ed by th�� blortg;ago�• by re:�sun uf lus; or d;imnge insured against may br relainrd bY thc A1urlRageu � � . �
<br /> F�_�. � pnd applied tnward lhe p�iyment n( the Jobl hureby zrcured, or. at Ihr nption nf the Atorlg�gee, such sums either whnlly or in �
<br /> ',� , pnrt mny be pnid over ln the Alurtgagnr tu Ix used lu mpair such Luildin�;s ur to Luild ' new 6uildings in their place or (or any � �
<br /> othef purpose or object s:�lisfacluq� to tl�e �lurtgngee wilhuut aRectiiu: ! hr lirn ur. th�• mortg:q;e (nr ihr full �mounl secun•rl hure- . . �
<br /> � �' by he(ore such payment ever lcx�k pizue. �
<br /> b
<br /> � . 'I'u prumpUy rcpair. restore nr rebuild any buildings nr iinpruvrmrnts now� ur hrrau(tcr on Ihe prem�ses whici� may be- .
<br /> rome damaK�i or d��slroy�vl ; to k�•ep said premises in gcw�d condiliun and repair and (ree (rum any mcchanic's lien or other lien or . .
<br /> claim uf lien not rxpres,ly sulwrdinated to lhc licn hereof: not lo xutTer or p��rmit any unluwtui use of ur any nuis�nce lo cxist on �
<br /> ' � said property nur lo pi�rmiL waste un said pn•mises, nor tu dn m�y olher ncl �chrmby ihe prnperty here6y cnnveyed shall Ixcome �
<br /> less vnlunble, nor lu Jiminish or impair ili value by any acl or umis,iun to acr. tn cnmply� ��ith all r��quirements u[ law with rrcpect .
<br /> ;i to lhe morlFaged pretnises and lhe use Uu•renL � �
<br /> " � That shuuld the premisrs or any P�rl t6en•uf lx� laken ur d�ntaged Ly rrnsun u[ :im' public imprnvemrnt or condemnation
<br /> 4� . prcee�dinR. or under the righl uf rminrn[ dumain, or in any other m��nner, the pt�,rtgaqr<• ,hall L�• entitleJ lu ;dl compensutions. � � .
<br /> nwards, und any olher paymen[ or rrlie( therefur, ancl shail be enli[led, at ils option, to cummenm. �pprar in nnd prasecute in iLs .
<br /> r: �. uwn name any acLion or proceedinK. ur tu makr uny cumpramise ur =eltlemrut in cnnnectinn N9U1 tiUl'II L'IlilllK or damngra. All such . . .
<br /> � x�� � compenyation,� awards, damagis, right uf aclinn ❑ncl proceeds ure hrreby assigncd to the Alort�;agee. �cho. m�y. after deducling . �, ' �
<br /> j , thercfrom nIl its expen�es. rclease miy moneys so received Uy it nr apP�y �he samc on any indi�bteriness sr�cured herehy. 7'he MorL _ :
<br /> j� - gagor agreea � to execvle such [urther osyignmenLs of any c�nnp�•ns��tu�n, awarde, damnges, and riF���S nf ncliun and ��rorni•d; at the
<br /> �;. � blortgagee mny require.
<br /> F
<br /> That in case uf failure tu per(unn any u( lhe curenant� hemin. ihe blortgagee muy du un Ihe 1lortg�gor's hrhal( ev�•n•IhinF ... ..
<br /> �' � so covennnted: lhut the Mortgagee may vlso du ony uct it may derm n�•a•ssary !u protecl thr lie°n Ihereo[; thnt thr AfartKagur will ' �..
<br /> t.. � rrpny upon demand uny moneys puid or disbursed by Ihe MorlgaF�•c tnr any uf the ubuve purpu5es, and such monvys togetfirr with
<br /> interest thereon nt the ndu providrd In s:�id noie shall becomi• su much additional indebtedness hereby �vcured und mxy I�r in-
<br /> ;: � . cluded in uny decree forcK:losing this murtgage and tx paid uuL ot the renLs or proceeds u[ sz+lr nf said premis��s i( not otherwise
<br /> �. pnid; thnt it shall not be ubligutory upon t6e Morlgagi�e• tu inquirr inte� Ihe validily u( any lien. encumbrunces. ur clnim in od�
<br /> `z� vancing moneys ¢s above aulhorised, but nolhing herrin contained shall br. cunstrucd ay n�cauiring the AtortKagee lu advnnce nny
<br /> moneys (or uny such pur{rose nor tu do any act hereunder, and lhnt Mortgngee shall not incur any per;unal li�bility Lecau�e of any-
<br /> ' lhin� it may do or omit to du hereunder.
<br /> � In the evrnl u( !fie dc(ault by htortgngor in lhr payment o[ any inxluliment, 2s r��yuirrJ by lh�• No�e seCured licrrby. ur
<br /> $ in lhr, per(ormuntt of lhe t�bligalion in lhis murlgagr ur in the nule x•cured thrreby. lhi� \torlgngee �hall be rnlillyd In dcclarc lhe
<br /> debt secured hcreby due und payuble wilhuut nulice, and the Dlorlgagee shall bc entilled al ils oplion, wilhout nolice, c;ther by il.aclt
<br /> �' - or by a zeceive� lo be appointed by lhe court thrreo(, and w�ithout regurd !o the adcv�uecy of any security for t}�r inde6tedness se•
<br /> �. o�red hereby, to enler upon :uid tnke pos5ession' of the � mortgaged premi�es, und lo rnllect nnc! recrive thr rrnls. i�sues nnd profits
<br /> thereof, nnd upply lhe same, ]�ss costs of o�xration and colleclion, u�n the indebtiKineca secumd by this mortgnge; � s�id rents,
<br /> �;� � iasues nnd profil� being hereby nssiRned tn the Dtortgnger as further security (or lhe p��ymrnt of all indebtedne4a serured hereby.
<br /> The Mortgug��e sLull heve the power to appoint any �gent or ngenls il may drsire f��r lhe purp�rse of rvpairing s:iid prem•
<br /> � ises; renting the same; rnllecling lhe rents, revenues nnd income, nnd il may P%�Y <wt ot zaid incomr all expen��•s incurred in rent-
<br /> ing and mnnaging the same and of collicling the rentnls therelrom. The balance remaining, if any, shnli be ��pplied tnward the I
<br /> � dixhnrge of lhe � modgage indebtedneas. This osvignment is 1n tcrminnte nnd tw�comr null ancl void uFx�n n•lecix� ot Ihis mortgage � � � "�•;t`.� �
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