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<br /> a
<br /> 2.1—YCAFliAN1Y OE6D Fel�on b�Y'dF GomQ�nr Lin�o{n.N'br.
<br /> 7� ,005'1.1� WARRANTY UEED
<br /> r
<br /> I RU��I M. �11ge1� a single person , herein called ihu grantor�chether one or more,
<br /> , � �
<br /> � in cunsideration o� One Uollar (�1.00) and other valuable consideration
<br /> F � .. . . . . . . . . . . . � .
<br /> '� receired from grnntee, does grany barsain,.scll, conec�aud ronfitm uuto 1
<br /> �
<br /> Sam�el IJ. Wilson, also knoi�n as $am Wilson, and Elaine'IJilson, husband `
<br /> �.. . and wife,
<br /> '� , hcrein e9lled il�c grantce �rhethcr otte ur niarc,_the fuilu�ring dcacriLed real propetty in
<br /> � , ...,Kd�� ..... .. : ... ....... County, NeLraekes _
<br /> � 1'he Ea3t�Naif of the East Nalf of the Southwest Quarter of tlie Southeast Quarter �
<br /> �' {E'�E'�SW�SE�) of Section TwelVe (12), Totrnship Ten (lU) North� aange;Ten (10), �
<br /> Except a tra�t of ground more particularly-describzd as follows; A Tract of - '
<br /> land ldcated in the Southwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter af Section . f>
<br /> Twet�e (12)� To��h�ship Ten'(10) North, Range Ten (10) West of the 6th p,M,, ,
<br /> Nall County, Nebraska, described as comnencing at the Southeast corner of the
<br /> � SouLhwest Quarter of the Southeast Quarter (SWaS��) df Section TwelVe (12)
<br /> '� above:described, thence rmiriing in a Northerly: directton atong the �ast line
<br /> af the Southwest Quarter of the 5outheast Quarter (St�;SE�).a distance of 330'
<br /> Feet; thence at a right-angle IJest�� distance ofi 132 feet; thence•at a right f,
<br /> `�, angle South a distance of-330 Feet to a point on the South line of. the 5outh�
<br /> west Quarter of the Southeast Quarter{5W�SE'a), thence at a right angle nn t�
<br /> � said line a distance of 132 feet to the place of beginning.
<br /> ,� ;.
<br /> .Y " . , . . . � . . ' � .
<br /> .1 ,"' - . . . . � . . , �. � � }
<br /> .i,:_ . � . . . . . ' .. . . . .. . '
<br /> � , To 1���•c and tu huld tLc nLo�•c dcaeribed premises togethcr �rith dtl tcueme�its, ltcred{tnmenta. {
<br /> at�d apputtennnces thereto Uelonging nnto l�c grautce nnd io gmnlec's heira nn1 nssigns forc��cr.
<br /> At�d the gtantor doca heteb3 co�•ennut milh thc grantce and ��•ith �rantce'n heits and assig�ie
<br /> 3, that gr�ntor is in�ciulty ncised of anil prnmiace; lhnt thc�•are tmc from enewnbraucc :' y.
<br /> :. _ _ _ . _ ;
<br /> ,
<br /> '�-�� .
<br /> ,�
<br /> ;.�� � � �
<br /> f t�ae grnntor hns guud rigLt avd ln�eful authority to eence� tlie came; aud tliat Rrantor �cattanta and Rill
<br /> �.�� defcud the tiWe �0 Rtllt� �1MIIlUSC9 nEtainet thc ln�cfut ciniiue at ell pe ooae R�umeoe�cn
<br /> � Datc�t October 1 �s 71
<br /> � ................................................................. ............. ��:���4....:z`�`�...°!'l l � ��,��...,..''
<br /> ..,...
<br /> � Ruth M Engel, a single�p�rsQ
<br /> N�I3RASKA DUCUASGNTAfiY � -`' �
<br /> .
<br /> � 57J+�Wri.TAX � .
<br /> i .............. ...... ..........,...... .,.,,..... .....,.......,....,....,..........,..........,...� .,.... u ...:�.t'
<br /> � S�(' J 1976 - ':�, �� � �.
<br /> ! ........... ............................................... ....... ��,�.................,.,,,. ....... `, , ` , 4.,.a
<br /> . .,...... ......
<br /> .. � ,f..� I3ri�� YtiHz�,a;;�c n��� �` ..
<br /> . ................... . ......................................................... ......,.....,..,,............................,............. ....,,.............
<br /> - j s��nT�oi�N�llBdSKA,Gounty�of....I�al.l.............................................: ,
<br /> ",�' llefore me, n uotnr� publie quali[icd fur Rnid counly, persuunli�• camc
<br /> ,.,� 12uth M. Engel, a singte person
<br /> 9 . . . ., . . � , - . . . ,^'�i� �+"-;�t.t.
<br /> N `F :
<br /> i . kno��•n to me iu bc tLe identicn�pereun er prreaun��•ho NiKned ihe forekoing iuelrun�ent n�ti1 nekno��9ed�ed � �. �f `
<br /> � the ozceulion thcreot tn Le hie,Lcr or the(r�•oluntnry net nnd dec�. ¢ �:
<br /> . _ � .
<br /> a 11'itnesn my hnnd and nofnrial ncal un ..,.: �1 � � ..,............... 19,.T.�..., t� , '
<br /> .,,�r.�.�..�.a'.::�r..7i;',.f��.�✓f,1......, Nnlnr;• l'ul!lic. .
<br /> ; .. .. . - r--_.
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<br /> Dty cnuuniax�nn exp�res a.'..:t::.� �......................... 1!1��.a...
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