. . . . . . . . . � . . . . .. . . �. . . :ti : . �w.::Mi�► . . . .
<br /> . .. . , . _ . . . ._ . . . , - .
<br /> , . . :,... . . : . . . . .... .. . . . . . . . � .
<br /> � 76' (Tf� J1 .to ,
<br /> ' '
<br /> , `
<br /> '� 6. 7f he fails to pag any sum or keep any covenant pro4ided for in this mortgage, the Morlgagee, at
<br /> ; its option,may pay or perform the same, and all expenditures so made shali be added to the principal sum
<br /> � oaang on the abo�•e note, shall be secured hereby; attd shail bear intzrest until paid at the rate pro��ded
<br /> � � � �� for in the principal in72ebtedness. ��� � � � � � �
<br /> �� 7. Upon request of "Lhe ?�Iortgagee, Mortqagor shail execute and de1iver a supplementai note or notes
<br /> , for Lhe sum �or sums adrxnced 6p Mortgagee for the alteration, modernization, or 4mprovement made at ' ,
<br /> ; s ' the Mortgagor's reqnest,• br #or maintettance of said premises, or for taxes or assessments xgainst ihe ' ' ,
<br /> _ � same, And For a�= other purpose elsek�iei�e aufihoilzed hereunder. Said note or notes shxil be secured
<br /> ' � hereby on a pari 'ty kzth and as fuli�� 'as if the advance e���ienced thereby aere included in the note firs"t r '
<br /> � � described sboxe. Said suppJemextx� "note ar t�otes sha31 bear.interest at the rate �iro��ded for in the prin- z� �
<br /> ' '= cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approaimately* equsl monthly px3-ments for such period as may ,
<br /> � be agreed upon .by the Mortgagee and Mortgagor. Faiiing to agree on the maturity, the i+•hole of 'the sum
<br /> ar sums so advanced shxll Ue due and payabie thirty (30) day�s after demand bq tihe Moitgagee. in no
<br /> ` � `e�•eat sh8i1 the maturit3� ea-tend beyond the uitimatemafvriiy of Lhe note first desciibed above.
<br /> 3. Fie hereby assigris, Lransfers and sets over !o the Mcrtgag�, to be appliea to�i•ard the �+a}�ment of ^ �
<br /> the note and ail sums secni•ed hereby in case of a defanit in the perfoi�nance vi an�••of the terms and condi- �
<br /> tions of this mortgage or the said note, a11 ihe rents, re�•enues ann inrnme io be derired from the mort-
<br /> , M; gaged premises :daring such time as Lhe mortgage indeUteclness shali remain unpaid ; and tfie �iortgagee
<br /> " shaii ha�•e �oR-er to appoint anp agent or agents it mag desire for the �urPose of i�enting ihe same xnd roi- �
<br /> y lecting the rents, �•e�•ennes and income, and it may pay out of said incomes all necessary commissions and '
<br /> ' � � . e�penses ittcurred ` in renting and managing the same and of cotlecting ;•entals therefrom ; 'the balance
<br /> , :
<br /> remainitig, if a�t�, to i>e applied totsard the discharge of sxid mortg�age ixdebtedness.
<br /> '� 9. HB.�•ill continuousiy- maintain hazard insurance, oi sueh t3-pe or ty�es and aniounts as �lortgxgee
<br /> may £mm time to time t•eqi:irn, on the improrements no�• or hereafter on said premises and escept n hen
<br /> � : pa��ment for a1i such premiums �ias theretofore been made under {a) of para�•aph 2 hereo., ��711 pa� ,
<br /> � ,, �rom p't�i �chen riue a t� premiums 't�erefnr. Upon defavlt lhereof, �'Iortgagee map pa� the same. A31
<br /> x; insurance shali i>e cxrried in companies appro�•ed by the ;ioitgagee and thr. po�icies and rnne��•a]s thei�eof z
<br /> � � sha31 be held by the \4ortgaqee an8 hare attache�i thereto ioss 3�a3-able claz�ses in fa�•or of and in foim ;
<br /> + { � acceptable to 'the �'fortgagee. in erent of 9oss \Tortgagor t�73i gi�•e immeciiate notice by maii to the \iort- +�
<br /> , ,"j ; : gagce, n-ho may make proof of ioss if not made �romptis� U� :VCortgagor, and each ii�surxnce c�mpanp con- �
<br /> } ` cerned is i�ereby authorized and direc.ed to make pa}�nient for such loss direcfi�• Yo Lhe �'Im-tgaKee instead r '.
<br /> ; of to the \'Ioii:gaKor and Yl1e '�iortgagee jointly, and the iasurance proceeds, or an�� part iheirof, '. �';
<br /> i : � ma,r be applied bt• Lf�e :V[ortgagee at its option either i•o the recineLion af the ixdeUte�.ttess hereU}• secvi�ecl r,
<br /> i , ' ` or to !he res.oration or repaii• of �he property damaged. In erenL of foreclosure of Ll�is ntoiti:gagc, or other
<br /> transfer of Yztae to ti�e �roitgaged propei�.�� ia e�tinguishment of the �nc:eUteeiness secured hei�eUy, xll
<br /> � ; ri�4t, Y.it1e xxd 9nterest of #he �Zort�agor in atid te an,r insurance �ioticies tlzen in foire sliail pass to the .' ' ;
<br /> e } �urchaser or grantce. l-
<br /> . 'i + 10. As additionai ar�d vila.eral seeurii}• for the pay�ruenL of the note descri8eci, and all sums t•o Uecoire � � +
<br /> � ; due under this moii,�ge, the �iortgagor heirby assigns to ihe Jtort�gre ati lease i>anuses, profits, m�•e-
<br /> � _ nues, ro�•atties, iyglit�, and other L+enefiis accrain� Ye the Dioriea�er ui;der an�• and a!1 »il and gas leases
<br /> { '; no��-, nr duting tne 3ife of 'this moitgage, execute.9 on said premises, ��•itli the rigl;t to �•eceire an�9 ircript
<br /> $ `. for the same and appi�• them to said indebtedness as ��•ell Uefore as after default in ihe conditions of this .
<br /> � .�' : moi�tg�age, and tlie :�ioitgag�c�� map demand, sue for and recorer a��� svcli pa�vnents «•hen duc ar,d �t•-
<br /> ablc, bui s�al1 not be irquired so io do. This assignment is to terminate and Ueco�ne null and �roid u�wn
<br /> �rlease of this mortgage.
<br /> � I1 Iie shali not commiL or tm�it �rxste ; and shali maintain the nv �ert�• in as Nri�lfl�h ti8 R2
<br /> , � . U� i 1 . R'�'�
<br /> pirsent, rnasonaUle ��-ear and tear c�cepted. Upon a�� failure Yo so maintain, D4o��gagee, at its option,
<br /> ] m�• cavse irasonabie maintenxnce n•ork tn be perforn�ed at the rost of Jiortg�agror. Ai�r amounts paid �
<br /> :'� ihernfor by Mortgagee shail Uear internst at the iate pro�•idcd for �r, Lhe }n•;r�ci,a3 indebirc3ne<_�, shal!
<br /> themupon become a ��art of the indebtedness secure�i b�• this instrument, i•atabi�• and on a paritg «-ilh ali
<br /> ,i niher indebtrciness secured hereUy, and shall He pa��able t.hiii.,r (30) da}•s after demand.
<br />�, 4 12, if Lhe pi�emises, or an,r part thereof, be condemnc�i under the 2w��er of r.mireo�t domain, or
<br /> � , acquired for x pubiic vse, the damages a�carded, Uie proceeds for the takiatg of, or the roi�sidei•ation fur
<br /> such acquisition, to the extent nf the fuil amount of the remaitting unpaid indeUtedness secureei by this
<br /> � , mort�+ge, or hernb�� assignec# to Lhe liortyzagee, and shalt Ue paid iorth��-ith to said Jioit�agee, to be ,
<br /> � : appiieei on accovnt uf the last niaturing instaliments of such indebteciness,
<br /> �� ]3. If the �toitgaR�or fails tu make anl pa�7neats �rhen due, or tn confoi�i to and cvmptp �cith anp
<br /> ,. � ` ot the conditions or agreements contained in t.his moci:gag�e, or the nutes ���iiich it �ecutrs, then ihe
<br /> � entit�e principal sum and accived interest shail at once become due and �iayaUle, at U�e election of Lhe
<br /> � \tortqagee ; and this mort��ze may ihereupon be fo:rclosed immeciiaheq� for the «-huie of the iadebted-
<br /> ness heirUy securnd, including the cost of extending the al�iract ut title f�rom the date of this mort-
<br /> � ' gage to i,he timc of commencing such suit, a rcasonahle attornG��'s fee, and any sums ��aid b�• the �'ci���ana
<br /> ,� Administration on account of the y�iaranty or insurance of tlie indebtediiess Eecuird hereby, all of ��•hich
<br /> s ; shait be included in the decree of forectosurn.
<br /> x ` , ld. If tAe indeb�edness secUt-ed IteirUy be gvat�antcrci or it�sut�ed undcr Title 33, United Statrs Codr e�'� ie'`=
<br /> ` 1 . sitcl� Title aqd Reqvlations issued thern�nder and in efTect on itie date he►rof shail go�-ern tlie riqiit�, duties '�' s. tr �r"
<br /> • � ` an�l liabilities of the parties hetrM, and any �rorisiuiis of this or otliet- instrumen�s e�-c�cuted in connection � % �
<br /> �cith �id indebtrdness �rhich are inconsistent u�iLh �.vid Tiiie or Reftulatiens are hereby amended to �, ".�";
<br /> ` ; conforni thereto. t4 �t : `
<br /> ` Tiu co��enants herein contained shail Uind, and the benefits and ad�-antay,*es shall inUir to, lhe , % j
<br /> ,
<br /> , _ . _ .._ �J
<br /> 4
<br /> aj
<br /> h
<br />