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<br />� �. It is further uRreed tluil iu cuae nny snit is b��gw� Lo [n[crlose t.6is mortFi�gi�. Um 1�4urlc;q:re, its represi�nt:�tives ur +�>vigns.
<br /> ' r:hall �il unce be entiHed lo th�� posses�:iun u( said {�remisi�s. nnd iq�on applicnlion thrrefor. lhe court in w�hicii sueh uctinn shnll
<br /> bi+ Ivought or nrrv judge uf such ruurL cilher in terni tim�� nr vnc:�tion. is hexeby �mthutiziKl to ap�wint a rra�iver lu takc p�h:u�s'- .
<br /> xion ot suid premises, or to collect thi� ronts therefrom. and lo do nud prd��rm euch uther acis n� mny b�• n�e�uired Ly llm order .
<br /> -.. . I of lhe court making ttte ��ppoint�nrnt: und suid nlortl:�4;��r here�by waive:� nny nu�ica of such npplic�Uinn. and cuncrnls in tho np• .
<br /> poinlmenl of n receivrr upnn �IIP Of(MIUCIIOII O( II11S martgage. �cithnut o�hrr evidrnco.
<br /> 'I'he !�forlgagee shnil be submguli�d to all nt the righis, pri��ilegre. priurities. aud cyui�ies o( any lienhuldor �vhose li��n m�y � ��
<br /> luire h��en dischurged from the pr�xerd; u( lhis loan. or by any funds h��re6}� pnid ur furnishrd by Ihc \lortgaFM'.
<br /> IT IS EXPRSSSI,Y AGREED thut it the �fortgngor shnll sell, cnnvey or nliennte enid properly, or m�y pnrt thrreot,
<br /> or nny intcrest therein, ur �;h:dl tm divesiid of hie tiHe or nny intemst therein in any mnnner or �ray, whnther volunlnrily ot �
<br /> involuntarily, without wrii.t.m rnneent uf tho I�inrtgugcr hi�inti first had nnd ubtained, \torttingee xhall hm�e the right, :it ils option. � �
<br /> to declare nny indebtMlnesa or oblikatio�Lv t;ecured iierrbr. irrnsptt�tier ot the maturily �Iertc s{x�cified in :my nntr ��vidrncinK tiie .
<br /> enme, immrdintely due nnd payiible .vithout notiir, nnd s�id debt ehnll thcreu�x�n fh�iv�me n6solutc. 1t lh�� uanc�rship ot the mort-
<br /> gHged property bernmes vesird in n Fwtson uther thnn t}�� �iurtgagor, the D1ortFi���'�` nvs}•, �r�ithout notin� tu fhe �turt�ngor, deal �
<br /> ��'ith such sucatssor or uucrossors in interiwt witl� reference tn this murtR��t�r :�nd ihe d��bt hercF�y .i�curnd as w�ith the Atortgagor, �
<br /> iind may forbear to sue ur may ex4•nd time for the puyment of the cleU4 hnreby nM•urcd �vil.hout di,chnrginti or in nny w•eq• uffectin�
<br /> the liobility o( the originttl niurtti��gor here�mder or u�xin dic dr�lrt �ivureci. � � �
<br /> . ` •
<br /> In Ihis in=_truntent Uw singiil:ar includos the �!lurnl :li1tl IItP I1ti5CilIlI1C IIICIU(IL`ti ihe (rntinine and ihr nrutrr nnd thiy im �
<br /> strumenl shnll lir hindinR upo�i ihr undenign�d. his h��irs. prrsonal ri�pr�rntztives. surce�son i�nd assi�;n�.
<br /> IN �VITNISS 11'NE:RF..OI', wr }���-e her��unto set our hnndv iand si�nl. thr da}• nnd p��:ir hr.t al�ro a�rilfen.
<br /> �� ] n ihi� pr�wnce nf: 7 �.
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<br /> r'� j S'CA'I'E OF NEBRASF{A
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<br /> ,' s i7a11 _ ____ _ _. ... _County. �
<br /> ; j On this .. . . ..7.'.� ....._ dnp uf . .�'f�'-�-1'�^ . . . . _ _. . 14_�'p. Ix�furr me, thr undrni�;ncKl. a tiMarv Public. in und tor xaid
<br /> �
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<br /> ' ' - ' - - - - . �
<br /> t- �- Coutlt�', PC�aata�lV c:1n1C. _- LOI181Q L .. _ .LCEjJC'P °RQ -.11 '_' 3DE'� Il J . Lt. 'DP.2' . t71Sb3IlQ ❑I1C� Si'1SC ,
<br /> . . . .. . . . . .. . . ... ... . . . . _ . . . _ . . ,.. . _ . _ . .
<br /> personnlly know�n lo me lu be the identici�l per.,on> ��•hose nanu�s iue iutixai to the :dx���c and foret;oing mstnimenl, v mortc:�;:ors.
<br /> :md each nckno�el�Yi�i�d wid instruma�nt to be Li, or her ��nlnntnn• act nnd dmd.
<br /> : �
<br /> r: . '�
<br /> �� � \Vitnesv my hund and notnrinl scul at. ._ _ .. . . . _ . . . 1;1':iln _151321c1..._ P:flL"as�S3 _ .
<br /> _ _. . _ _ . . . ..
<br /> :.�� �1 ihe date last nbove �critlen. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .
<br /> � �� �ENERAI NOTARY • State o1 Nahr. .
<br /> ' MyCa�vnbsboEWrce� ��f�. .L ��� �
<br /> �„ � l-..�
<br /> �; ' j"-� aa kOVEMBER 25. 197H . . . . . _ . .. . . . . . . . Not:�ry Public.. . . .
<br /> �.i
<br /> �5�� �; pty rnmmission expires_ . _ . �� ' � .�.���_ _ . . . _ . . . . . �
<br /> � :
<br /> r '
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<br /> .. : STATF OF_ _ _ . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . I . .
<br /> � , � ,s.
<br /> � ('ount�. �
<br /> _ _ _ _ _ �
<br /> F.ntered on numerical index and filed for record in the Re�;ister o( lleeds Ofti�•e oi .�aid Count�� the
<br /> ' _ . _ _ dav oL _ . . _ _ _ , t9 . , at o'i•lixk nnd . minutes _ . _ :�1..
<br /> and rt�'ordecl in Book ._ _ _ _ . .. . . _ . _ _ _of �kirt �;a�es .tt pa�;e . a ; Instrumont No. .
<br /> r; : . . _ . . . .
<br /> . . . _ _ . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . . . _ .
<br /> Re�;. nf Decds
<br /> 13c. . . _ _ _ _ . . . . . _ _ _ Deputy
<br /> \C�hcn rccurdcd tu hc returncd to thc " ,�--r=: • '
<br />_ LINCOLN OFFICES: Phonc 475�052: � A35�2111 � � � �. �
<br /> � ❑ 1235 "N" Street ❑ 135 No. Cotner Blvd. ❑ 70th and "A" St. ❑ 2541 Nu. I lth Strect q �
<br /> � ❑ 2200 Wmthrop Rd. � 70th and V�ne St. F" �
<br /> W
<br /> . OMAHA oFFICEs: Phone 558•4323 �
<br /> . ❑ 8706 Pacific SL ❑ 2301 So. 42nd St. ❑ 3205 No. 90th St. (] 10920 1Ycst Dodr,c Rd.
<br />' � REGIONAL OFFICES: � 2120 first Ave., Keamey [] 513 "E" Strcet, Fairbury � 1433 "A7" Strcet, Ord
<br /> Phone 234•2473 Phonc 729�2202 Phcnc 7Z3•3218
<br /> ❑ 1301 hlain Ave., Crete [J 223 Box fiutte Ave., Atliance �l 1 .`3R 11'est �nd St., Grdnd Isiantl
<br /> 1� � Phone 826�4349 phone 762-2160 � Ph nc 393 - 1 . 33
<br />�� _ , .� . � � ., . _ . . . . . , . . . . . . � . . . . ,, . . . . . � , . �
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