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t��y � � , ��"t;M <br />'Mk � � ,4 <br /> ?� / y'7 � ,�.: _ � � <br /> f"' (y Ordinance No --x�l� <br />`�"'s� .. ��1- t�l/!t��e��'i � . <br /> AN OIZDINANCl: TO F.;C'fliNll `P}Ili IIOIiNllAltl! F� elNll '1'U I:NCLUlll; WI9']I1N <br /> '!'NF] OURPO[tATli 1�ID1I'PS UL', ANn 'Pc) �NNliX TO, 7'lil•: V1L1,ACli: i�F' D�)NSPiiATt, <br /> NiiTl12ASKA, CERTAIN CC>�r]'IGUOUS i,AND I,UCA'PEll 1N SI:C'1'lON I'OUR (4) ANl) <br /> SliCTION I'IV� (:i) t>1' 'I'OIJNSIi1P NINI•: (9) N012'1'11, T2�NGT•. N].Nl; ('3) .S'�Filnl�`>'i- <br /> � I ANll TN SECTIUN TFiII2'PY-TI�O (32,) OI�' 'L'OWNSIIIP 'P1:N (1,0) NUlil'll, RANGli <br /> �' NINL'' (9), W1:5T OF TFIli :iIXTfi Y.Pi. , 11LI. LUCA'1'EU TN liALl, CUUN'P�, <br /> Nli}]I2A;ICA. <br /> llE 1:T ORllATNEll I7Y 'PHP C[iATRMAN 11NU 7`Hli U01�Rll OF 'PI2U5'P}:ES <br /> UF' 'I`Hli VILLAGli Or DUNIPHAN, NEI3RASICA: <br /> SECTION 1. Tt is hereby found and determined by said Chaisman <br /> � <br /> and Uoard of '1'rust•ces that-: <br /> �; (a) All of Section 1•'nur (4) 'Porun3hi� Nine (9) Nozth <br /> Range Nine (9) West of the Sixth P.M. ; a L-ract of land in 5ection <br /> 1'ive (5) 'Pownship Nine (9) North ltange Nine t9) , �•lest of the Sixth <br /> I'.M.; a�l. oi Section 'Phirty-'i`wo (32) 7.'ownship '1'��n (LU) North Range <br /> t�ine (9? , 4��st of the 5ixth I'.Di.; said r.eal esl-zite b<�ing urban or. <br /> a <br /> suburban in character and contiguous to the limits of :;aid Villaae; <br /> (b) '1'here i:; a uni.ty ot inCerest in the use of said <br /> t.racts of real estate �aith the use of lots and tracts in said <br /> Villaqe and the community convenience and welfare and the inkcrest <br /> of said Village will be enhancr,d through incorporating said trarts <br /> of land within the limits of said Villaqe. <br /> SECTION 7. 'Phat. the boundarie� of the Villaqe ot lloniphan, <br /> Nebraska, be and hereby are, extended to include withi.n the corporate <br /> ].imits of said Village the contiquous and adjacent land located <br /> in thc following tracts of land; <br /> s <br /> � (a) All of Section l�our (4) in 7'ownship Nine (91 �]orth <br /> Ranqe Nine (91, We3t of the Sixt}i P.M. <br /> (b) ?�ll of ;ection '1'hirty-'Ptivo (32) , 'Cownship 'Pen (10) <br /> North, Ftange Nif�� (9) , west oi the Sixth P.M. <br /> (c) 'Phe Northeast Quarter (NLlk) ; the Nor.thwest Ouarter <br /> (NWlg1 ; and part of the 5outheast QuarLer (Sli;) oi 5ection 1'ivice (5? <br /> Township Nine (9) North Range Nine (9) West ot thc Si:cth P.�1, morr <br /> particularly described as follows: <br /> �leginning at a point on the Northerly line of. tlie <br /> 5outheast Guarter (SL'j) of Sect-ion L'ive (5) , seven <br /> ilundred and Fifty 1•'eet (750 feetl t:a,t o[ thc <br /> Northwest corner oi said Southcast uuarter (5[:-'d) <br /> and thence L•'�st une 'Phousand Yive Hundred L•'iqhty- <br /> 'P}�ree and One '1'enth 1•'eel (15f33.1 feet-) L-o the Northeast <br /> �orncr of the Southeast livartcr (SL•'��) and thc-�ncr. <br /> Ttivo 'chousand I'ive liundred Eighty-i�iyhk and 1•'ivc 'Penth� <br /> i'eet (7.5f3f3.5 feetl SouCh to the 5outheast corner <br /> of the Southeast (�uarter lSEly) , thence �Jest one <br /> 7'}iousand 4'hree Hundred :;even l'eet (1307 feet) , thc:n <br /> NoI'th 5ix Hundred Ninety Une 1'eet. (G91 feet) then <br /> 1lest Seven liundred and Sixty une and Five '1'enttis Fec:t <br /> (761.5 feet) thence Nartherly h'our fiundred and Sevcn <br /> Feet (407 Eect) L-hencc Westerly a total of Foui <br /> ; Hundred and Sixty 5evcn i'eeC (4ti'7 fect) , thr_nce <br /> ; Northerly Sevcn Hundred and i•'ifty-i'our and Nine 'Penths <br /> Feet (75�3.9 f:eet) , thcnce ti:asterly :ieven Hundred <br /> and 1'ifty Feet (750 feet) , thence Northerly Seven <br /> i: Hundred Feet (700 feet) to the p.lace oi beginning <br /> containing �>ne ltundred 1•'ourteen and 1'if:ty-Pour 1lundredths <br /> acres (114.54 acre,) more or le,;s. <br />"�'' Si;C'rzorr 3. Said land abov�� described in Sc�rt ion ',', of this <br /> ordinance is hrreby annrxed to thr. Village� oi Doniph�in, Fia11 County, '�.�.�',': <br /> Nei�raska. a� � <br /> fSi:C'PION 4. 'I'his ordinanCc i.s en�cLed under the a»thotity of: �' <br />. and in reliance upon Nebraska Revi,ed Statute ;;ection 17-405.01. n <br /> y �A <br />� t(1 <br />;��� <br />'�.� <br /> � -1- ._ �1 <br /> � <br /> 1 <br />