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<br />�. yd. ��)05r);�()
<br /> n�oaTcnce
<br /> nio�tTcnc,13L0ANN0. L ZZ,324 MGIC
<br /> ; KNOWALLAIENBYTHESGPRLSENTS:7'hat Gary F. Page and Carol A. Page, each in his and her �
<br /> � own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> Mortgagor,whctiter one ur more,in considerelion of the sum uf
<br /> luaned to seid mortgagor 6y The liquitable Building and Luan Assuciation oC Grand Island.Nehrasl:a,Murtgagee,upon 333 shares o(stock of
<br /> said ASSOCIATION,Cerlificale No.LzZ�32a MGIC,��hereby granf,coneey and murtgage wrto the said ASSOCIA'PION the Cullowing
<br /> described real rstate,situated in 1-lall County,Nebraska: ��
<br /> t�
<br /> togzther �sith all the tenements,hereditaments and appurtenances thereumo belonging,including auached(luur cuverings,all window screens,
<br /> window shades,blinds,siorm winduws,awnings,heating,air cunditioning,and plumbing and water equipmrnt and accessuries diereto,pumps,sroves,
<br /> reCrigerators,and othrr fixtures and eyuipment nuw ur he�eafter attached to ur used in cunneciiun«�ith said real estate. .
<br /> - And whereas the said�uorty:�gor hss agrerd and dues hcrcby agree d�at the mungagur shall and w•ill pay all iaxes and assessments le�ied or
<br /> assessed upun saiJ premises and upun this mongage and the bund secured thrret,��br(ure the same shall bzcome delinyuent;to furnish appmved �
<br /> insurance upon tt�e buildings un said premises si�uated in the sum of� 33�3��.0� p�)'�b1e w said ASSOCIATION and to deliver ro said
<br /> ASSOCIATIO�lhe policies for said insuranre:and not to cummit or permrt mry waste on or abuut said peemises;
<br /> �-�' In case of defauit in the pedi�rmance o(any of the cerms and cunditions uf this mortgage ur ihz bond secured hereby,the mortgagee shall,
<br /> �: : on demand,6e entided to immediatc possession of the mortgaged premises and the murtgagur hereby assigns, tr�ns(ers and sets uver to the
<br /> mungagee all the rrnts,revenues and income tu ba Jerived from the nwrtgaged p�emises during such time as;6e murtgage indebcedness shall remain
<br /> unpaid:and the mung�gee shall h�va ihe po���er�u appoint any agent or�genis it may desire tor the purpose of repairing said premises end renting .
<br /> - �he same and c�llecting the renu,revenurs and incmne.and il vuiy pay oul o(s:fid income ail expenses o(repsiring said premises and necessary
<br /> commissiuns and ezpenses incurred in renting and m�n�cing�he same and ol collecting �entals therefrom:ihe oalance remaining,if any,tu 6e
<br /> applied iou�ard ihe discharge uf said nwrt@age indebtedness:these rights uf ih�mungagce m�y be exercised at any time during the existence of such
<br /> del'auh.irnsp:ciive of any icmpu�arp wai�er of the same.
<br /> These Prescnts,howarcr,arr upon the Condition,That i(thc said piort,c,�gor shall�cpay s�iJ lu�n on or before the maturity uF said shares by
<br /> � . paymeni;pay momtdy to s�id:1SSOCIATIO\uf ttic sum specified in the liund se vred herrby as interest und principa!on said luan,on ur before
<br /> ihe T���cntieth day ot each and cvcry mon[h,umil said loan is lully paid:pay all tuses snd:�ssessments Icvied against said premi:es and on this Aturtgnge
<br /> S � and�he 13und xcured the�e6}�.befure delinyuencq:turnish approved insu�ance upon the buildings thereon in the sum of S33,3��.�� P8)'B�IC
<br /> to said ASSOC'IATIO`:repay to said ASSOCIAllO'�upun dcmand all muncy hy it paid fur sucL tasts,asstssments and insurance wiih interest at
<br /> t' : ihe m�ximwn IeB�I rate thc�eun i�um d�te of payment all u(which lfortcagor hereby agrees m pay:pzrmit nu waste on said premisns:keep and cumply �
<br /> with all Ihe agreetncnts and cnnditiuns u(�hc f3und for�33�300 00 Ihis dey given by tlte s�id 1lurtgagur tu said ASSOC(ATIO\.and comply
<br /> � wiih aIl the reyuirements of the Constitutiun and liy-Laa-s ut said AS50C'IAi70\;then thesc prcsznts�i-�all bemme nuil and vuid,utherwise thcy
<br /> shall rcmain in lull(o�ctt�nd ma}'be(urcclo:ed at�he uptiuu uf d�e iaid ASSOCIATIOK aiter failurt fur three mm�ths to make any of iaid
<br /> payments ur be thrcc munths in anrats in making said mumltly p�ymems.ur tu krep and cumplq with the agrcements and conditions of siid BonJ:
<br /> i �nd 1lurtgagur aeret�to hare�recei��er appointrd forthwith in such futedosure p�oceedinEs.
<br /> I(thcrc is�ny change in uwnership ol thc real cstate rnortgagcd herein,Uy s;de ur utherwisc,ihen�he entire remaining indeb[edness hereby
<br /> secured sh�ll,at die uption o(7lie('.quitable I3uilding and Luan Assucia�iun o(Grand Island,ticbraska,bzcume immedi�tely duz and psyable withuut
<br /> furdir� nutice,and the amuunt remaining duc under s�id bond,and any other bund Ibr any additionsl�d�ances made dicmmder,shall,(rum the
<br /> date of exercise of said uption,bear interest at the m�simum legal rate,�nd this mong�ge may then 6e(oreclosed to s�tis(y lhe amount due on said
<br /> � bond,end any other bund for additiunal adrances,tuee�her with all sums paid by said The liyuitsble Building and Luan Associatiun uf Grand Islar,d.
<br /> j.. Nebraska lur insurancr,taxes and assessments,and abslraciine exiension chargcs, x�iih intnesi diereon, Irmn date ot'payment at the maximum
<br /> IfF:II fJIC.
<br /> '�� � As pwvided in ehe Bund secured hereby,while this murlgage remain:in ri(eci �he murtgagee may hereafter aJvance aJditional sums to the
<br /> - makers uf said llond,their assigns ur succeswrs in interest,whicti sums sliall be within the security uf this mortgage the sune es the funds originall}•
<br /> secured thereby,the tuial amount uf principal debt not to excced at any time the original amount o(this murt�;age.
<br /> $ n3«a����5 1st ��v�,r SEptember ��.�>.�'�76
<br /> � �
<br />_ a�na� g ��L.. o" /
<br /> Carol A. Page �
<br /> STATE Of NGBRASICA.1 ss. On this �St day uf September I') �6 ,befure me,
<br />� tlie undersigned,a�otarv Public in and for said County,personalty came � � ,. �
<br /> 6ary F. Page and Carol A. Pag� each in his and her own right and a� spouse of eac�i �Other � r
<br /> 'C- -t�,r'.,^., H�o dP2 Persona y nowntu �
<br />� _ =" l.. G4:>:�r, I �z�'.
<br /> me to be the idrntical persu� _dhciee�atua�S.dl'C�e'�„ a(fixed to thc abocc instcument as mortgagor 5 1�� t he,y scverally �
<br /> acknowledged the suid instrument t�'�c';',,t��Q�r��".,vuluqtaex act and dced. _ � ��
<br /> �1'ITNLSS my hattilS�d,"Not¢ml Seal the iL•+te a�oresaid. � � ,r' �
<br />` AtyCommissiondgPircl '�.c.,,.�7� /�7�'' / + // ��/ / �
<br />�; � /�-� !f%/°!li %/ �JQ�-1''i,[.!_L1
<br />' = Notary Public
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