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<br /> 7b_ �����1`� MORTGAGE
<br /> ; I DALE W. ROBERTS AND SHIRL�Y J. ROB�RTS, Husband and LJife, as joint tenants
<br /> each contracti�g in his own right and as spouse of the other,
<br /> herein¢fter called the mortgagor, in consideration of the sum of _____________________________
<br /> Thirty Thousand and no/100---------------($30,000.00)-------------DOLLARS
<br /> in hand paid,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,do hereby grant,bargain,sell and convey unto:
<br /> its successors and assigns, hereinafter called the mortgagee, the following described real estate situated in
<br /> Ha11 County,Nebraska, to-wit:
<br /> ''��i
<br /> Lots Nine (9) and Ten (10), except the South ltaenty-five
<br /> (25) feet thereof, in Geer Subdivision, lying south of
<br /> the southerly boundary line of 'naentieth Street, being
<br /> a part of the Northeast Quarter (NE'�) of Section Nine
<br /> (9), T��,mship Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West
<br /> of the 6th P.M., in Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> s �
<br /> i �
<br /> 3 } // ,
<br /> � With all Uuildings, improvements, fixtures or appurtenances now or hereafter erected thereon, including all uppaz-
<br /> atus, equipment, fixtures or az•ticles, whether in sin;le units or centrally controlled, used to supply heat, gas,air-condi-
<br /> tioning,�vatcr,light,power,refrigeration,ventilation or other services, and any other thuig r.ow on c�reafter therein or
<br /> thereon,the furnishing of whicli by lessors to]essees is customary or appropriate, including screens, window shades,
<br /> storm doors and windows,IIoor coverings,screen doors,in-a-door beds, awnings, stoves and water heaters (all of wliich
<br /> 's are declared to be a pazt of said real estate whetlier physically attached tl�ereto ur nut); and also all rents, issues and
<br /> profits of said premises which are hereby pledged,assigned,fransferred and set over unto the mortgagee.
<br /> All rcnts nnd income from said real estute received by the�nortgagee herein,after payment of such expense=as mort-
<br /> s gagee shali consider necessary or proper to incur for the pmservation, operation, maintenance or repair oi said reul
<br /> � estate,shall be applied upon the indebtedness secured by this mortgage,induding taxes and in,urance, but in no event
<br /> shall mortsagee be required to apply upon said indebtedness or to account for more than the rents and income uctually
<br /> received by it from said real estate,less such espenses.
<br /> a
<br /> . Upon request of the mortgagor the mortgagce may hereafter, at its option, at any time be[orn full payment of this
<br /> mortgage, make further advances to the mortgagor and thc samc, with interest, shall bc secured by this mortgage;
<br /> S " provided, however, that the amount of principal secured by this tnortgage and remaining unpaid,shall not at the time
<br /> of and including any such advance exceed the original principal sum secured hereby; :u�d providing furtlier that i1 tl�e
<br /> mortga�ee, at iLs option,shall make a further advance or advances as atoresaid, the mortgagor agrees to execute and
<br /> deliver to the mortgagee a note to evidence the same,payablc on or L-eforc the maturity ot this �nortgage and bearing
<br /> such olher terms as the mortgagee shall require. The mortgagor does covenant and agree Lo and �vith tlie mortgagee
<br /> f� to repay all such further advances made as a[oresaid with inlerest; that such further advunces nnd each note evidencing
<br /> ry fhe�amc shall bc secured by this mortgage; and that all of the covenants and agreements in this mortgage contained
<br /> _ shall apply to such further ndvnnces as well as to the original principal sum herein recited.
<br /> PROVlDED,however,thaU thesc presents nre an the following conditions:
<br /> That the said mortgagors hnve esecuted and delivered to said mortgagee a promissary note tn repay the sum of
<br /> money above mentioned, with interest thereon in payments as set forth in said note,and have also agrced lo kcep the
<br /> buildings on said real estate insured ngainst fire, tornado and hnil with loss pa�ablz tu the mortgagee ns its interest
<br /> may appear,;ad Ii¢y ail ituces,specinl assessments und insurance premiums on said premises before the same become
<br /> delinquent.
<br /> No•.v tl�cmfore,if the said mortgagors, their grantees and assigns,shall pay or cause to be paid the said sums of money
<br /> �_ �rhen due as set forth in said note und in this mortgage,then these presents shall be nuil and void; otherwise to bc and
<br /> remain in full force nnd elfect and this mortgage shall stnnd as security for all amounts mentioned in said promissory
<br /> note and for all umounts advanced by the mortgagee thereunder, and u fnilure to pay any of the amounts so secured
<br /> or to comply with any of the agreements contnined in suid note or in this mortgage shall cause the entire sum herein
<br /> secured to become due and coAectible at once at the aption of the mortgagee. !
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<br /> Dal,e�4J. Roberts �
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<br />; Shirley J..'Roberts
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