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<br /> � R� is further ni;reed Ihnl in cnsn tany nuil is begun to foreclos�• Ihia mudgngr, lhn rturlgngee, ilti rrpresentnlivex or aayignd. .
<br /> ' ' vlinll ttt once be entiUed lo the pussessiun uf �+�id premiecs, +md upnn npplicntion thercfor. Ihe cuurt iu which auch netion nhnll
<br /> Ix• brouqht or iiny judge of yuch court . eilher in ferm lime or vnc.dion, is Leri�by nuthorizivl lo nppoint n receiver tn lnlee pmu;i�»-
<br /> sion of anid pramides, ur lu coliect lhe rents theri�tmm, und to do nnd pr.rlornt such othrr nctn i�s eniry be nY�uimd 6y Ihe order
<br /> �- � ( uf the courl making tl�e nppoinimenl; nnd snid rforlgugon c�rehy wniviw any im�ice of euch npplirnliou, and cons��nls lo th�� np•
<br /> pnintment o( a receiver upon ihe produclinn o( this mnrlgnge, wifhuul ollier evidenrn.
<br /> .:.� �.� � 7'he nlortgugee ahall tKr euhrogute<I lo nll u[ lhe righ�s, privil�•gex, prinrities, nnd equi�ii�x uf wtY licnhuldcr wliasv liim mtry . .
<br /> hnve been dixctmrged (rom the proceeds nf fhis loun, nr by nny funds b��rel�v pnid or furniehed by the MorlgaFeE'.
<br /> ' � IT IS EXYRLSSI.Y AGREliD tlud if the Mortgugor �hnll nell, convey or alienate xnid property, nr nny part thereof,
<br /> � �� or any intereyt therein, or nhi�ll lx divestal of hix tiHe or nny interest thcrein in nny mnnner or way, ��4�ether volun4vily or _ � �
<br /> �-� ; involuntarily, wilhout wriUen cmvicent of thc TlortgagcK• b�inti firsl had nnd obtnin<K], 1�lortgagri• shall Imve tl�e rii;hk irt its option. � � .
<br /> to declnre uny indebtetlness or obligiations secured hereby, irrexpe�c�tive u( !he innturily dnle sprcifiod in nqv note ovidencing the � :
<br /> :��. :s enme, ittuuedifltelY due nnd pnyabie withuut nutiir, nnd �:�id debt shnll therc��x�n Imcome n6solut��. If tlic nwnerxhip ot tl�o morE . � �
<br /> gnged property Fx�nmes vest�d ia n pecsun uthcr thnn lhe btortgnqur, the Alortgnqce mny, willmut nolice tci the Mortg;�gor, deal
<br /> �'�', �. ;y with such succeesor or eucm�sors in inlerest �eilh referenc�� to this mortgn�;i� und lhe drbt hereby s��cured ��s wiih th�� I�7ortgngor,
<br /> : und muy forbenr W Rue or maY extend time (ur th� puyment o( tho debt hereby securrd will�oul disclu�rging or in any «'ny nlierting
<br /> �;" :y the Iiebilit.V ��f the originul A7nrtgngor hercunder or �qmn the drbt srcurwL .
<br /> `���� Y L� tLix inxlrumenl !he singul+v includes the plurnl t+nd the mneculine includes lhe femininn nnd the n��Wrr imd lhix in- � . .
<br /> strumrnl »hnll I�e bindin�: upon tlic undersigned. his heirs, porsonal rc�pnsentulivos, sureesvnn nnd axsigns. .
<br /> ?��� �j IN WITNESS \VHF.RF.OF, wc hm�e her���mto scl uur hwids nnd sr�il, thr dEip nnd prnr first atwvr written. �
<br /> : �
<br /> �: � In !!�r presrncr. oL• . .
<br /> �
<br /> s � `i, '
<br /> � ' ) E=.-��-�` .
<br /> i /'...L.<,�l/t �s �' . r/Y^.y�Y`L c. . . ... ... � . . . .
<br /> ` �
<br /> . _ . .. .: � ... ...._ _ .. . . . .... ._ ._ . . _. . . . ... ....
<br /> � 4hn . G . IIardenbrook � �
<br /> �-�2�-�'
<br /> . . . � �
<br /> � �
<br /> ; � �� ��:✓ C. �..L�. �. �� (�• �-- `
<br /> _;,,� .... . _ _. _. _ ..
<br /> ' ; Viola G . li:irdenbrook
<br /> . f
<br /> ; ;
<br /> ` ; 5'I'A7`G OI' NEBRASKA l
<br /> � � } av.
<br /> „ : I{a71... ...... ._....... ._.._.Cuunly, 1
<br /> '; % � /�
<br /> � ' On lhis . .. _�`..:t�. ... _ day o( ..rG'f�.�.!'^-.. _ . _.... 19. .:/V. Ikdorr m��. the undersignnl. a Notnry Public. in und for nnid
<br /> F. 1
<br /> ' " � 'm . G . Hardenbrook and V;cla P . Fiardenbrook , husband and z•;�fe ,
<br /> , ' Counly. Pcrsonully c1mc..._ . .. . . . __ ... ... _ _.. . . _ . _ _. . . .. . . _. _.. . _ .... .. . .
<br /> , _ . _..... . . ._ .__. . _ _ _ _ _ _ . . .
<br /> � �x�rsonully known lo me to Iw the ideutical per.son, whose nuntes nre nflixeri to ti�c i�t�ve iind lompoing in,tn�ment, ns mort�ngurn,
<br /> � imd rneh neknowl��clged snid instrument to be his or her coluntnry act nnd decd.
<br /> � � Nitness my hund and nolarial seal at..... . .G��and.. _�s1aAd � _ .�\�b2'•3S1S3 . ._ . _ . . . _ . . . .. . . . _ . . . . . �
<br /> . . . . _ _. . . ._ _. . .. . . . .
<br /> � Ihe d�ric last alx�ve written. .
<br /> ' � OENERAL NOTARY - Stete ot NoM. �.' � /�" �� - �
<br /> , " �
<br /> : 1� Mv Cotnmbsbn ExPrces ���..-t .1�� / �.'�''�'}`'-"�. ..
<br /> 1�� NOVEMBEFl 25. 1970 �! Nofarp Yublic. .. . ..
<br /> �. �
<br /> '' � I�ly commissinn capires..... . _ ���. � 5� . �� . _ . . . . . ..
<br /> . . . . . . . ..._. .. . .
<br /> +
<br /> j .
<br /> i
<br /> STAT� OF_ _ _ . . .
<br /> i �,.
<br /> ; C'ount>• . . _ _ _ _ _ . . . .
<br /> � I:ntered on mm�eric•nl index :md tiled for record in the Regi,ter o[ lleed; Office nE s�id County the
<br /> _ _ . _ . _ day of. _ . _ _ _ , 19 . _ . , al _ _ o'cl�xk nnd . _ minutes _ _ . . . . . . M�.
<br /> ° ' and recorded in Book_ _ . . . . . . . . . _ . ._ _ . . . _ u( �lortgagcs �t pak;c _ . _ , ;�s Instrument No. . .
<br /> x _ _ . _ .
<br /> , _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ . . . . . .. . . . ..
<br /> Ri��;, c,( Deeds
<br /> R}�. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ Deputy
<br /> :, � , .,
<br /> �X�heu re�ordcd to l�c returncd to thc
<br /> . I UNCO�N OFFICES: Phone 475•0522 � 435�2111 ' � ���
<br /> ❑ 1235 "N" StreM ❑ 135 No. Cotner Olvd. ❑ 70th and "A" St. ❑ 2541 No. l lth Slreet �� � �
<br /> � ❑ 2200 Winthrop Rd. ❑ i0th and Vine St. 1`" �� -
<br /> OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 556•4323 � �
<br /> tl)
<br />� ❑ 870G Pacifie St. ❑ 2101 So. 42nd St ❑ 3205 No. 90th St. ❑ 10920 West Dodgc fid. ,._
<br /> RGGIONAL OFFICES: ❑ 2120 First Ave., Keamey ❑ 513 "E" Strect, Fairbury [] 1433 "M" Strect, Ord
<br /> Phonc 23q�2473 Phonc 729�2202 Phone 7283218
<br />' � 1301 Maln Ave., Cretc � 223 Box Buttc Ave., Alliancc [� 1811 West 2rd St.. Gr;tnd Island
<br /> Phone 626•4349 Phonc 762-2160 Phonc 394 �4d33
<br /> � �r . ,,.. . � „ � „ s . . .�., ..��. � �. . � ...,.,, .. . .. , . � , , . . � . . . � . �,. .� . . . � „
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