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<br />� �
<br />�. J. Ilall
<br /> ��-0()491U
<br /> Certificate of County Co�zrt Proceeding Involvin� Re�l �state
<br /> Date SeptemUer 2, 1976 �
<br /> �
<br /> This is to certify that a decre� hus ���.n �ntered. in the County
<br /> Court of }Iall County, Pi�raskU in a proceedir� entitled.:
<br /> IN '1'IiL MA'1"I'lilt 01� THL: 1:5'Cfl"1'L•' OF PIilLUi�IliNE f�lUltl'IIY, llLCL•'ASliU
<br /> No. 35-1�` _._.� Doc. 35 Page L`.. —
<br /> !;rl'i1Ch 1S a proceeding lri`lO1Vin� �����=rinir��t�iuT^ol inl�erit;ance i:�x
<br /> � prcr�atic ox ���il1s aa::inistraClon o�
<br /> 1. �
<br /> estate, determination of heirs, determination of inheritance tax�
<br /> �;uardianship, or ccnservatorshic)
<br /> in �vhich nroceeding t-he folla:iin; described real estate is involved,
<br /> t 0-•V�l t 7
<br /> Lots One (1), '1'�ao (�), '1'I�ree (3) � Puur (4 j, :i ix (�) � 5even l 7),
<br /> � CiSht (8), Nine (y), '��en �l�), lilever� (11), Twclve (12), 'I'hirteeu
<br /> (13), PourLeen (7-4), I'itCeen (15), Sixteen (16), Seventeen (17),
<br /> Gighteen (18), lineteen (1J) , "I'wenty (2�), "I'�aenty one l21), 'I'werity-
<br /> two (22)> Twenth three (231� '1lveni:y I�uur (2�{)� "I'wenty five (25),
<br /> •I'wenty six (26) � Twe��tiy seven (`-'7)� Tlsenty eii;ht (2d)� IJest Enci
<br /> Subdivision oi� Lot 'I'hree (3) ol' Garl:ind 1'lace, a subdivisiun o!' thc
<br /> North Half of the Suutl�east uuarter (ti);;5L•'::�) ul' Section 'lwenty threc
<br /> ("L'3), 'fownship Lleven (:L1) �urth, Ran�;e 'I'en (lU), ��'est oi' the blh
<br /> 'i� �� P. M. , and
<br /> 'c', I.ot 1'our (4) ul' l;arlana Placc, a subciivisiun of Llie Ivorth fialf' �f'
<br /> � ttie SouCheast tluarter (N%zSL;;�% of 5ection '1'wenty threc (:'.3), �!'uwnsliip
<br /> b
<br /> Eleven (ll) tiortli, Itan;c '1'en ( LU), lvest oi Che btti P.�I. , excep a
<br /> ` tract of :Land ciescribed as l�ol.lows: Gummencin�, aG the southwest
<br /> s corner of suid l.ut Four (�i); thence e�sCur.Ly alon�; the south line
<br /> r ot said l.ot Four (�1) 3 disCance of �lne ilunclred ThirCy-three aiid I'ive-
<br /> tenths (133.5) feet; t}ience �iur�thc:i•ly ati ri�;ht augles u<<ci }�:��'�llel
<br /> Cu L'he westerly line ui' saici Lot F'our (��) a distancc oi une hw�drecl
<br /> fiI'ty (15U.11) t�ceL; thence w�s�erly at ri�,trt angLes and ��urallel witih
<br /> Ct�e south linc ul' said LuC F�ur (�4) a �l.istai�cc ul' one tiundred thirty-
<br /> th�rce aiid five tenths (1'33.5) 1'cuti; chencc suutherly ut, ri�.;ht ansles
<br /> �lung Che westcrly line of' saicl LuC [�uur (�+) ax clistance ut' �ne tiun-
<br /> clred 1'iI Cy (15u.Uj feet Lu Ctic ��oirit ��l' I,e�;innir�.r;.
<br /> F'ers�n acc�uir�i��S i�it,�r•�sl;
<br /> it� uncl tu a�ove ci�sc:ribeci
<br /> j: r�ea1 est:�te: fi�1:�i��5t uc�yuir�c:cl:
<br /> liernard J. Jlurphy ALL ol� �lececicn�'s interest,
<br /> [ tis survi.vinv; ,juint, tenanti
<br /> i
<br /> a--�':
<br /> J� �' _
<br /> L ` '' '' � �
<br /> � � , �� � ' r
<br /> 1 _ _,1�,_-i� ;� /�'' '�/_� �_� _, �
<br /> . tti =��,nt� Juc��� c.� + cc nt7
<br />�,' _ ._.
<br /> . . .,._..:•1: oi �i, `'_�^. ��u:�'_7'�
<br /> � �_ J
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