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<br /> ' It is further up,reed th.�t in case mry suit. is begun tu (orcclosc this rourttiage. thu Alor��;ag�e, ils reprr�enlativrs or ns�iFns.
<br /> � shull nt once be entitled In lhe pn.:srsnion u( said pcemisr.;, aud upon npplicalion �herofor, the enurt in which sur.h uctiun nht+ll � .
<br /> � I�e brnuFht or iany judge of such cnart , either in term time nr vncatinn. is hemby aulhorizi�3 to ap�wint a rrcriver to Inkr pos4�;- .
<br /> rsinn o( snid pmntises. ur In rullect Ui�• rwrts tLerefrom. nnd to do �md perform sucL other ncts as map be r�r�uirerl by the order . � .
<br /> �: � i '. uf lhe court making thr nppoinimvni: and said �lortgupor hrrcby �enives nny nolice o( such :�pplir:dion. and ennvc•nts to lhr ap• .
<br /> �ruintment o( n receiver upnn ihi� pmducliun n[ lhis morlgnFe. ��•ithout nth��r ovid�mce. .
<br /> '1'he A4ortgitgee shnll be subnig;de.d lo ull uf lhc righta, privilegcv. priurilies, and equitics uf nny lienl�ulder whuse lieti m+iy .
<br /> hn�'e heen discharped from ihr pr�Kcede u[ this lunn. nr by �my fimd� heret�y poid nr (urnished by � he !�1nrt�aKee. � � . .
<br /> IT IS EXPR1iS5LY AGRP:ED t}mt i( the i�fortgagor sh;ill scll, ronvey or alii•nute said properh•, or ttny part thrreof. � .
<br /> � or any intemst fherein, or shall th diveshvl ot his titie ur nn}' inlerest d�erein in nny mnnner or �cny, whrlher volunLvily or �. .
<br /> involuntarily, tvithout written consent n( lh� 2�lortgng�r. hr•inR firxt hnd und o6tninerl, Alurtgai;ee shull havo ihr ri�;ht, nt iL. option. ' . � .
<br /> to declnre any indeUtednoss or obli�;�tions secumd herrhy�, irmapi�ative o[ lhe tnniurity dafe s�nacifiod in nny nnte evidrncing the , .
<br /> stime, immediutely due und pnyable without notice. and said debt shnll thereuT�n Ixrome nbsolute. If thi� owner.;hip of the mort- � .
<br /> gnged property bernmes vnslcd in n persan olher thnn the \tortga�;or, the �fortgugm may, without nntire to thc \tort�:a�:or, d�:al � � .
<br /> with such succes'sor or successnr5 i�i irderesf� �vilh rnferc•nce to this mortgsFe and tho debt I�ere•by s�vunrf :is with Ute �fortga�or. �
<br /> nnd may [orbear to sue or mny eskmd time fnr the payment of the debt hrrrby acK•ured without disctmr„ing ur in any �say affecting � � � �
<br /> the liu6ility of the originnl �turtg:i�or hereunder nr u�xm the drbt aecunvl. � �
<br /> fu Uiiv instrumen! th�� singular include� lhe plurnl and tlu� masculine include, ihe (rminino and Ihe neuicr �nd thiY in- . � .
<br /> .uument sh.ill br hinding uP��� the undrri�ned. liis hi�irti. Pnr.�onal repn�enratiars. succ�h:sors and assi�ns. .
<br /> ¢ � , ��
<br /> � - '� 7N \VIT'NL•'SS 1�'HGRGOF'. �ce hiive hrreuntn set our hnnd; and s��sl. ihe d:i}• and �:rnr first nfw�'� �crirtrn.
<br /> ,' In the� pres��nce uf: - �
<br /> ; ,
<br /> . L . .52�... 7. �f� . .
<br /> ����t 1� .��' � l� -
<br /> �_` __ .
<br /> : ' _ Del ert L . Sheeks , , _ _
<br /> / �/ /
<br /> �
<br /> ^ : _.._ _ .:LG /XG .._ r . . . � � 1 CC :�:�2 . .
<br /> _ . . _.
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<br /> t:
<br /> sr�•rL oF vr:�a:�stc,a
<br /> � ; ;;.
<br /> ' ' I?all._ ... . .. . _ Counh�. :
<br /> a�� :�'� On this __ . . j�� _..... _ day� of . _ G,l�y�c� _ . . I9_ . .j u t��fnrr nu•. Qir undrrsiFnal. � No:nry Yublic. in nnd tor said .
<br /> 3 �� DCZDE'Tt L . .51?Cc:'_s5 2IIC1 �JUd'y'., J . _ . .ci_tc' C'�:5 , hu�p�nd �r_d 'v=iC'
<br /> . ('ounty. Personally cnme- _ _ . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . .. .
<br /> " personally knmcn to me to lx the identical per:on, whose names a:e aflui�cl ro th�• atwce :md tun�goin�; imtrument. ns mori�a;;or.:,
<br /> � ;md rnch neknnwirciged �uid instrumcnt to be hi; or her coluntan� act :md dred.
<br /> S ;
<br /> �Yitnc:s m�• h;u�d and notarial seal a[.. . .. �il':P.CL_ LS�'RS .. .:;�bS'd: ';d . . . _ .
<br /> s _ . _ ._ _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . _ _... . .. . . . . . .. . .
<br /> thc dnte last ntw�•r writtcn.
<br /> � HOBERT D. PUICZEK �� '
<br /> :. ... �ENERAL NOTARY • St�tU o} N�br. . . . . . . . ��<:� � rti��L . . . . _. . . .. .
<br /> � . . . . . _ . . .. ..
<br /> ' r ,� y� MY Comnfubn Eipkss � , .. .. \utnrp Public.
<br /> . NOVEMBER 25, 7978
<br /> Y" ' �ty contmission e�pires_ _ ;� � S-_ ' � . . . . . . _ .
<br /> • . _._ _ _ . .. .
<br /> x
<br /> i
<br /> t
<br /> STATE OF. . . _ _ . _ _ . . . . . . . . _ _ . . _ . _ _ . . . ... _ . . .
<br /> . � s.;.
<br /> '; Countv . . _ . _ _ . _ _ . _ . �
<br /> Fntered on numerica! index and filed for mcord in 2he Re�;ister ot Deeds Oilire of said County the
<br /> ' _ _ . . . _ . . day of_ . - _ _ _ _ . _ . - , 19 . _ _ , at _ o'cluck and _ _ _ minutes . _ _ _ it,-
<br /> and recarded in Book_ _ . . _ . _ . . _ ... . _ . .of ltort�a�es at pa�e_ _ . _ . .�n instrumeni No. . . . _ ..:, !
<br /> _ _ . . . .
<br /> '—�-", .
<br /> _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . . . . . . a �. .:
<br /> l�e�;. oi Deeds � :.
<br /> L �
<br /> n�• _ _ _ _ . _ _ . n����c�� „��,, .
<br /> _ _ . �
<br /> �Vhen recorded to be mturned to the t,t� �
<br /> FII{5T F'F. 11GHAI, ti.1�' 11G� :1 \ ll L0,1 \ :1 �50(' t .17'lON Ot' L ! \ ( 'OI1 '
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