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<br /> 61URT(7AGIi
<br /> n�oiircncr�o�n�No. L 2,31�
<br /> . � KNOW ALL M11C•.N BY Tiirse raesr:nrs:�n�� �oseph E. Setl i k and Dorothy M. Setl i k each i n hi s
<br /> and her own right and as spouse of each other
<br /> � Alurtgegor,whether one or mure,in consideralion of the sum of
<br /> Thirty Thousand And No/100---------------------------------------------------------no�t,�as
<br /> ; lo�ned to said mortgagor by The Hquitablc 13uilding and Luau Assuciation o(Crand Island,�c6raska,M1turigagec,upon 3�� shares uf stock of
<br /> . said ASSOCIATION,Certiflcate Nu.L 22,313 ,do hereby grant,convcy and morlgege untu Ihe said ASSOCIATION Ihe fullowing
<br /> i
<br /> described real estate,silua�ed in tlall Cow�ty,Nebraska:
<br /> f ;
<br /> - together with all ihe tenements,hereditaments anJ appunenances thereuntu belungin¢.including mtached 11oor cuverings,all window screens,
<br /> � �t•indow shades,blinJs,swnn windo���s,a«nings,he:uing,air cunditioning,and plwnbing and watereyuipment�nd acecswries therew,pumps,stoves,
<br /> refrigeraturs,and uther fixwres and eyuipment now ur hereafter au�cheJ tu or used in cunneclion with said real est�te.
<br /> � And whereas the saiJ mortgagur has agreed and dues hereby aerre that �hc munc�gor shall and will pay�II tases and assessments leuied or
<br /> �t� � assessed upon said premises and upon ihis mungage and dic bond secured iherebv befure tha same s}�all becume delinyuent;to fumish approved
<br /> � insurnnce upon the buildings un said prcmises situatcd in the sum o(S 30����.�� p�yablz ro saiJ ASSOCIAl10\ anJ to deliver to said
<br /> ASSOCIATION the policies(ur said insurance;and nut io cummit or pennit any w�ste on or a6uut said premises:
<br /> lu c�se of default in the ped�umiance of any uf�he terms anJ cunditions of this niurtgage ur the bond secured hereby,the mongagez shall,
<br /> � un dem:md,hc entilled to inuncdiate pusxssion uf the mortgaged premises and the murtgagur hereb}' nssiens, tra�:fers und sets o�er to Orc
<br /> mungagee all�he renis,�evenurs and incume tu be derived(rom tlie mortgagrd premises during such time�s die mortgage indebtedness shall remam
<br /> unpaid:and ihe murtgagee shall have the puwer to appoint any agent ur agcnts ii ma��desirc fur the purpuse ui rep�irinc said premises and renting
<br /> � the same and collecting ihe rents,revenues and income,and it may pay uut o(said income all espenses oC cepairing siid premises and necessary � �
<br /> commissiuns and espenses incurrcd in rcnting and managing the same and of coll�c�ing rentals theret�um: the bal�nce remaining,if any,to be
<br /> . �pplieJ ioward the di:char,e ol said murteaec indebtedness;these rights u(�he monga�et may be exercised at any time during the existenca of such
<br /> deiault,irtespective ut any iempurary wairer uf�he same.
<br /> ^� l�hcsc P�csems,hu�cever,arc upon thr Cunditiun.'fhat if thc said 1lurtgagor sh:ill ropay n�id luan un or befbre thc maturity of said shares by
<br /> pa�•ment:pay munthl}�to s�id ASSOCI:1T10�ui the sum specified in the ISund secured here6y as interest anJ principal on said luan,un ur hefure
<br /> t �- thr T�renticthd�y u(��ach and t'i'ti\'I17UIIII7.UIIUI Shcl�IO]f115 Il1II1'E�III:�1:1\':lII�lBCti 8115 JSSI'1)IPl'fIlSICCICII JCdif1SI SJl(I PICI1l15C5 i101{OI7II115��UflR�EO
<br /> _ � and�he I3ond secured thereby,bclure delinyuency:lwnish upprnred insurancn upon tha huildines tt:erron in the sum u1'i 3Q�Q00.�� payahle
<br /> iu xaid ASS(KIATION:rcp:p'to said:1SSOCL1T101 upun dcntand all muncy by it paid�i>r sueh taxes.:usos'sments and insur�nce with inte[est al
<br /> �hc�maximum Irg�l rate thereun Irum d�te oi p�yment�II ul�ahich lfurtcacor hereb}•aEtees to pay:pennit nu waste un said prcmisrs:keep and comply.
<br /> H'ith:dl the agrerments:md conditiuns ul�he Rond for S 3�����.�ahis day�@iven bc U�e s�id 11��rttagur[o s�id:�SSUCIAT101,and comply
<br /> wiih:dl�hc rcqwrements uf thi•Cunsum�iun and B),.Luws'u(s�id ASSOCI,\7'10\:then these presrncs shall becume null and void,uthzrwix thrv
<br /> , shall�emain in(ull force�nd ma��be fureelosed at dre uptiun uf the said ASSOCI.1'iIOV at�cr iailu�t (or [hree munths to m�ke anv uf said
<br /> . payments u�be three munths in auears in making��id ntonildp pa)'ments,or tu k;erp�nd cumply irid�the agre�•ments�nd condiiions ul snid Bund:
<br /> anJ Afortga@ur agrces tu havt a recci�'cr appoinied funh«'iih in such fu;edusure ptuccedincs.
<br /> If thcrc is�ny changr in uwnership u(thc rcal estatc nwrtg�grd hcrzin,b��sale ur othrnvise,then dic tntirc remaining indeb[edness herebq
<br /> secured shall,at the ap�iun of The[yuiiable[iuilding and Lo�n Aswciation ui G�and Island,NebrasL:a,brcumr immrdi�tely due and payable withuut
<br /> funher nntice,anJ ehc amuunt rcm�ining duc undcr said bund,and am�othcr bond(ur any aJdi�iun�l advances made thcrcunder,shall,(ront the
<br /> � da�e uf exercise uf said uptiun,bcar interes�ai the maximum legal rate,�nd diis mortgage m�y then be furedoaed tv vtisfy tht amuunt due on said
<br /> ,'.� bond,anJ anr othe�bund fur additiunal:+Jvances,togc�her with all sums paid 6}�u�d The I�quitable Nuilding and Luan Assuciatiun of C�and Island,
<br />• � Nrb�aska�Of IlltipfHlll'l',I�YCS 1111I JSSCS3111CIIIS,8171I�I1511]Cliil�C%ICpSIUfI Clliif�!CS, R'IIII interest theieon,from date of p�yment at the maximum
<br /> e � Iegallall.
<br /> As provided in the Bund secured hereby.H�hile ihis murtgage remains in effect the nwrtgagee may herealier adrance additiunal sums to the
<br /> m�kers uf said f3ond,their assigns or successurs m interest,a•hich sume sh�ll be within die security o(this mortgage tlie samr as the funds originally
<br /> �, secumd thereby,Ihe total amount of principal Je6t not lo excaed ut any time the original amuunt o(thi�mortgage.
<br /> � o��.a ua� 27th a:�>•�,r August ��.n..�', 76
<br /> ,'-- �J) /�
<br /> �L .':,2"I ..�/i,C�Z��i _ _ ' � //� ��,1,•..�.t�. �.r�
<br /> �i Joseph E^Setl i k Dor. hy M. Setl i k
<br /> ss. pnthis 2�th davot August �9)6 ,beforeme,
<br /> COlN7Y OF IiALL� .
<br /> ihe undersigned,n Notaq•Public in and fm said Cuunty,personally came � ' �'
<br />�� Joseph E. Setlik and Dorothy M. Setlik each in his and her own righ����nd as sp�qu����g,��g��r� N �=.
<br /> other are �
<br />�, I me to be the identical person5 whose name5c-���'-� �;"�;�C�ixed tu the abuve instrumcnt as mortgago�5 and they seeerall,v ��. .
<br /> acknowledged the said instrumcnt to be thelr,.'��''�,yuluntxry�aoCand deed. t� �
<br />' � W
<br />`;' NITNESS my hand and Nc� q'�{$eallhe date afores�iJ. �
<br />� Afy Commission expires f�� ��i �� � � �� � ' � .
<br />� P,r�� �, � �', !,-J,-.(. � � .'���
<br /> . .. �'utary Public
<br /> 5�1.2hf III
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