<br /> r . � ��,:
<br />.� . _ _�:�.
<br />� � �
<br /> 7b- � (1 •� R55
<br /> � IL is fudher eKreeiL l6ut in casc any suit. is Iwgun lo [oreclus�e Iliis murtg�gc, lho IvlorlKaH��� ils repreacnlutives m uvaigns, .
<br /> ,hnll �d once be entillyd lo tbe possession u[ enid premi�;en. nud upon npplicalion therefoq thc cuurt in whicii auch nction ehall
<br /> - I�e brov�;ht or nny judge u[ buch �rurt, either in ierrn fime or vucnlion, ia hereby uathorizcKl to nppuint o receiver to t�tke posseu• . . �
<br /> � sion of snid pmmises, or lo collect the renls there(rom, und to do nnd ��er[orm such other acLv oa mny be rcquired by the order �
<br /> of lhe rnurt mpking lhe �ppoinUnunt: and suid Dlorigugor hrreby woives uny notice ot euch npplicotinn. nnd consents lo thi� ap- .
<br /> � paintment af a receiver upon the production o( this mortgnge, H'ithout uther evidence. . � . � �
<br /> The biortgagee shull be subrogated �o nll o( the rightx, Privileges, prioritics, und eyuitiG� of ony lienlroldcr whusc liem m�y
<br /> hav� {wen discherged lrom the proceedv of Uiis lonn. or by ❑ny timde hrre•Ly pnid or (urnished by the Morlgal;ee,
<br /> � IT IS I'sXPRESSLY AGRL•'GD thnt i[ the Mortgugor shnll sell, convey or ulien.�te snid propert.V, or nny pnrt thermf,
<br /> - or nny interest themin, or �liull Im divesG�d of his tifle or Hny interest tl�erein in �m}• mnnner or way, whether volunL•irily or �
<br /> involuntarily, without written conxent of the blortgagee being first hnd end obtnincKl, Tdortgagee shtill hnve the right, nt i4s option, . � �
<br /> to declore any indebtedneRu or ohligations secur�l 6ereby, irmspcv�tive u[ the mnturity date epecifird in nny nok evidencinq the
<br /> eame, immediately due nnd puyuble without notice, nnd said debt Nhall thercu�H�n become ubsoluta. I[ the ownervhip of the morb �� � �
<br /> gnged property becvmes ve�ted in a peraon other th¢n the Mnrtgagor, thr. Mortga�gee m�iY, without nutice tu the Mortgagor, denl _ . . . -
<br /> with euch successor or succes�ora in interest with relerence to thie mortgnge and ihe debt hereby secured ns wifh the blortgagor,
<br /> � � ' nnd mny forbear to sue or may exknd timu Eur the puyment of the debt herchy secured without dischnrging or in nny wuy affecting �
<br /> ' �� � the linbility of the originaal Mortgaqor hereundcr or upon the debt en•urecl. �� � �
<br /> In ihix instrument Ihe singular includ�w lhe plurnl :u�d !he mnsculine includes the feminine und the neuler nnd this in- .
<br /> - ! slrument ehnll be hinding upon the undersigned. his hcirs, personal repn�sentatives. successors nnrl ncni�;ns. � . .
<br /> , .
<br /> iN WI'I'NESS WHF.RF.OF, we have hereunto set our hands and seal, th� dny �and ycnr fint above writlen. � � �
<br /> In the pre�•ncve of: � �
<br /> � '�/n�/ 9
<br /> �r /` .Y� {� /� P��'wi��� .
<br /> . ._...�..................... .. . _ . ..... . . ...... .... . . .......__ . ...........
<br /> t Terrence L . Leslie
<br /> ; /� �7I,) .
<br /> ' x..../'�:.1��..�..�l.......�.. ... . ..Y.:.... ��� �"y:... .. _. ..._......_.. ....... ... ......_ .
<br /> Debra J . Leslil�
<br /> �
<br /> ; S'PA'fE OF NBBRASKA
<br /> 4 v,, � 55. �
<br /> � . ... ...1La�..... .. ..... .....COLL71�)'. .
<br /> �
<br /> r ., i � (� - � . � .
<br /> :; On this . r.� :�.. ....... dn5' ot .. . �"f:�+.y�,v� S.� . ...... 19_7�. lxdore me. the undereignttl. a Notury Public, in and for suid :
<br /> ll
<br /> �: Count , Terrence L . Leslie and Dehra J . Leslie , husband and wife ,
<br /> Y Perlonnlly came...... .... . ...... . . . . . . ......... __ _._._ . .. _ .. ... _ .. . ... ...... . ..
<br /> . . .. .... . .. ... .. .. ..... .. . ...... _._...... ... _ __._ ._. .
<br /> personully known to me lo be the identicnl persons whose names are uIIixed to the uMve mid fureCoing inytrument, :�v mortgagorx,
<br /> and each acknowledged snid instrument to be hi, or her voluntary act �md decvl.
<br /> ' Witness m�• hand and notarinl senl at...._ . .._ _ . _.. . ._ GTerid I�land , IVebraska
<br /> . _ _.__ _.. . _ . . .. ... _... _....... ....
<br /> tt�e dnte last nbave w•ri�t�,� ---. . .__ �� � . .
<br /> C� � � /
<br /> ,
<br /> � � �i , _
<br /> �S x r , / "� ,
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<br /> � C 1�?': � J 1 )� �
<br /> . ` � � � S �— �
<br /> � :�1y commission exprtc5-'.-" i. :'..-' ...� .. . _ .
<br /> ±
<br /> �
<br /> f
<br /> ; STATE OF. _ _ .. . . . . ... . ... _. ..... . . . . .. . . ... _ .. . . ... .. . ._ .
<br /> � _ _ � ti5.
<br /> County �
<br /> _. . ._ . . . . . . _ _ . . . . _ . _ _ .
<br /> _ . . . . . . �
<br /> I;ntered on numerical index and filed for record in the Register ot Deeds Office of said County the
<br /> _ .. . .. . . _ _day of. . . . .. . . . .. . . _ _ . _ . . . . _ _ . . , 19. . . . . . . , at . . _ _ . . . . . _ _ . ��'clxk nnd. . . . _ _ _ - _ minutes . _ . . _ . . . . M,.
<br /> . ' and recorded in Book. .. .. . . .... ._ . . . . . _ . . . . . . of ;�1ort�ages nt page. . .. . . _ _ . . . _ _ . _ . . , as Instrument No.. _ . . . . . . _ . .. . . .. .
<br /> ' _ . . . . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . . _ _ . _ . _ _ _ . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. ._.. ..
<br /> � Reg. of Deeds
<br /> By. . . . _ . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . . _ . . _ _ . . . . . .. .. . . . Deputy
<br /> (
<br /> ViWhcn recorded co be returned to thc , ,;� •
<br /> I � 41NCOLN OFFICES: Phone 475•052: � 435•2111 ' K
<br /> � l: ❑ 1235 "N" Street ❑ 135 No. Cotner Blvd. ❑ 70th and '�A" St. ❑ 2541 No. ilth Strect ¢ � �
<br /> � ❑ 2200 Winthrop Rd. ❑ 70th and Vine St. �' � '�� '
<br /> - OMAHA OFFICES: Phone 558�4323 � �
<br /> ❑ 8706 Pacific St ❑ 2101 So. 42nd St. ❑ 3205 Na. 90th St. ❑ 10920 West Dodge Rd. � _
<br />� � REGIONAL OFFICES: ❑ 2120 First Ave., Keamey ❑ 513 "E" Street, Fairbury ❑ 1433 "Pd" StrecL Ord �
<br />' Phone 234•2473 Phone 729�2202 Phone 7283218
<br />� ❑ 7301 Main Ave., Crete ❑ 223 Box 8utte Ave., Alliance ❑ 18ll West 2nd SL, Grand Island
<br />' Phanc 82b�4349 Phone 762-2160 Plione 384-4433
<br /> i
<br />�,� � ,`�. . r � .. � ,�.. . ., . ,,,.. . .n � ... . ., . . .. �. � „ u � , .. � �. . . fur,. �. , . � � : � �
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