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rv� ' � �" <br />�y '� �. <br />�ti� � � � <br />;� 76- 00 �1 �', 40 <br />�r�� MORTGAGORS MAY MAKE PREPAYMENTS OF PRINCIPAL ON ANY INSTALLMENT DUE DATE. SUCH PREPAYMENT SHALL DE . <br /> pPPLIED TO INSTALLMENTS LAST TO 6ECOME DUE UNDER THIS MORTGAGE. PROVIDED THE UNDERSIGNED ARE NOT IN DEFAULT <br />`a�� � AND ARE THEN THE OWNERS OF THE MORTGAGED PROPERTY, UPON REQUEST OF THE UNDERSIGNED, OR EITHER OF THEM, <br /> PAYEE AGREES TO FURNISH TO THE UNDERSIGNED 100% OF SUCH PRINCIPAL PREPAYMEN7S, UNLESS ADVANCEMENT IS PRO• <br /> HIBITED BY THE REGULATIONS UF CHARTEftING AND SUPERVISORY AUTHORITIES THEN IN EFFECT. ALL SUCH ADVANCEMENTS <br /> SHALL BE 5ECURED BY THI& MORTGAGE IN THE SAME MANNER AND EFFECT AS IF NO PREPAYMEN7S HAD BEEN MADE. <br /> TFIE ?�10RTGAGOR r[1R7'HIiR COVI;NANTS AND AGREISS : <br /> � � 'Chut. lhe n1��rlKagor will pny the indebtedncsv as herrin6�•fon• prnvided. � <br /> '1'hut. thi• A1urt1a4;�r is thr owner uf c��id prupa�rty in fee simplr and has goixl riFh� nnd I:nvful r�uthurity tn ti��ll :md <br /> - convev �he saunn nnd � thn same i; free m�d cl��;�r o[ .tny lii�n nr rnrumbremrr: imd Ihnt 91urf�::��;ur a�ill wnrrant nnd dr(rnd Ilu� <br /> ' tille to snid prernixea u�ainnl thc riaims of nll p�vsons �chomnoever. <br /> �� '1'n pay immediately ���hrn dui� and payabl�� nll genrral tiixc•s. speciul tnx��s. specii�l ;usrasments. wn(c•r c�lwrq!'ti. sow•�•r serv. <br /> - icr charg��, nud other Inzes and c6ar{;�•s ct�;uin�:t s:�id property, and nll Inxes I��vird on ih�a debt sccured hereby. ;md tu furninh the <br /> i�lorigt�gee, upon reryuest, with the uriginal or duplicalr meeiptv therrfoe "I'ho Atnrl�;a�;or ugrres � h�{I. lhere tih�dl br addrd tn <br /> eadi monihlY I�nym�nt rer�uired hereunder or undor the �•vidirna• o( de6f s�•cured hereby an aenu�mt es�imatrd by thr Morq;:�gre . <br /> tu be sulticienl to enable the Mori�a�;ec �o p+iy, �vr ih��y be•cume due. all tnxrs. �issos�rnerds. and similar char{;«�s upon th�� prt•nr . <br /> iu•s nubject thereto; nn,y drficiency Lrcausr o( lhe insulliciency u ( such addiliunal pacmrnts sh+iU be forlhwith dopoaited by thr <br /> 11nrlKngur �ri(h lhe �lurlgiigec upon drm:wd 6y th�• \lorlga�:rr. :1ny deL•wlt. Undi�r this paral: rapli shall 6v d��r�ned :� d��(aull in <br /> , <br /> � paymenl nf tiu��s, ns..resim�nt,. nr vimil�v ch�v�;i�s rrquirrd hrmundrr. <br /> , 7'h�� \1ortK��F��r ��gre�•s thnt iherr sh'ill nlsn he ;iddrd to ��nrh munlhll' P��ymenl nf princ�pul and inl��n•,l rryuired here- <br /> undrr an amuunt ��;timati�d bv th�� R1nrl�;:��ee tu 6r sufficiernt. tu ennhle thr Aiort�;:iqei• tu pay, u� it becam��ti dw•. thr in�ucrmcY• <br /> 4 <br /> � . premiwn ou uny in.urnncr pulicy dr!ivemd fn the �furlgageo. An�• deficienc�� bei•.m+e uf Uu� in+ulficiency nf voch ndditinnal paY- <br /> ' � mi�nts sh.all Li• furthwitl� depasiled by thr Dlurf�;n�;ur wit.h lh�� \1url�agei• upun d��mny�d b�• � hr \turlt;ntiee. riny dt•faul� uude�r t}iis <br /> � piir��graph shall IH• der�nrd n deLiult in tlu• payment uf insurone�• prrmiums. It Ihe pulicy nr pulicio, drpn;iu�d are� cueh ns home- <br /> � uwn��ra or adl rink polici�•s. �md Lhe drpu.:its are i��sofiicirnt lu p+iy Ihe rntirr premium. th�� Alurl �:iRe�• mny applV the depnsi�. fn <br /> � p:�Y Prrmiums on risks rcquired lo bc intiurcd by fhi, murl�;a�:e: <br /> Yta��ments mtide hv lhe iiurt�;;�gor tmdrr the obuvr p�un�;r.iphs mtq'. at Ih�• :,pliun nf � h�� M1lorlti�iqre, b�� held by it �md <br /> : i•ommingicd with ulhcr wch funds nr ifs uwn funds fur Ihr paynumt of Yurh il��ms. and nntil �o appli��d. +ueh paynu•nt, arc hrrrby <br /> � pl�vlgrd as s��curily (ur thr m�p;iid balance uC � hi• mort�;:�ge indrb�rdm•s4. <br /> 5i � 7'u prucum. d�•liver tn. unJ rn:iinWiu fnr thv 6�•nrfil u[ the .�(urlkaFe�• during th�• li(i• ut this murt�;a4e nri�;inal pulicie: :md <br /> � renewnls therro[. de�ivrmd at least ten da}�s befnre the expiratiun u( anp such pnlici!•,, insurint; ���inr;i firr rind nthrr insur.�61e <br /> hazards. caaualties. and cuufingeurirs as th�� Dturtgagee tnay rvquire, in nn mm�unl ryual tu lhc indi•hfrdness srcured by this <br /> 11ort�a�;e, and in comp��nirs imreptzible tu lhe Moriguger, wilh Ir�ss pay:�61e einusr in favur nf and in (orm acceptnble fo th�• Atorf�;n- <br /> � gee. In lh�• r�•ent nnc pnlicy i, nul mnrw•e�d un or brfure trn Jays ��f it. r�piraliun. � hr 1IorIK��F�•e m.iV procurr insurance un Nu� <br /> 5 improvemr.nts. puy tl�o premium there[nr, and nuch sum sh�dl becamr immedi:rtrly due nnd payabli� with intrrrst at th�• r:ati• ut <br /> [urih in said note imtil puid nnd xhall Ix� srrured bp thi, nwn�;age. P��iluro un the parl u( the p1ortg.��;ur to furniFh such renewals <br /> '� � as are herein rcY�uin•d ur (ailurc lu pay any �ums ad�:�nnrd hrn•undrr shall. nt Ih�• optinn n( Uu� 11ort�;a�;<�e, runstitutc a de(nult <br /> under the tertns o[ thiti m�rttiagv. 'I'hr drlicery o( such pnlieie.; ,h.dl. in thr ��v��nt ��i drf�iuH . rnnsii(ulc an a,sitinm�•nt nf Ihr un- <br /> �. c�rn�Kl premium. <br /> Anv sume rea•ivrJ br tLc \forlgngcr by reasun �i( loss or dwnugc intiun•d a�;ainst may bc rrtnin��d lie lhr \larf�agrc . <br /> J � <br /> . :md npplird luward the piiymi�nl of th�� debt h��reby secumd, ar. at th�• uption af thr �lurtgn�;ee, such swns eith�•r wholl�� ur in <br /> ,�� � p,vt ma)' br pnid ove� tn ih�� :dorlga�:or tu be ust�d to rrpair nuch buildings nr ��� build new buildinF� in th�•ir Plnco nr for any � <br /> ` ulher purpou° ur obJ�'�t cilisfnclnry to � hr Alorl �;at:t'r �aithuut nlT��clint� thr lirn on � h�• �nurla��kt• for Ih�• (idl nmuunt s��currd here- <br /> i }�y� b�•(ore such� pnyment �•vrr t�K�k placc. <br /> t.. '1'u promplly n•p:�ir, msinrr nr r��build ;my buldin�;s ur im��ra�'emi•n�s nnw ur h�•n•,J�rr im fhr prrmi:e:: H�hirh mac be� <br /> i•nnu dnm;iped ur d���trnycvl: to kerp u�id premisrs in ;;���d cnndilion and repair aud (rei• from tmp m�•chanic's lien nr oUirr li�•n ur <br /> cinim o( lien nol ezpn•stily .sulwirdinnted ln lhe lirn h�•r�•uC nut to sulT��r nr pennil :my mJuw�ful u.r uf or nny nui;nnce tu �•xist nn <br /> tiaid pruprrly nur tn prrmil avstc nn s:�id prt•mi;�•s. nur t� � dn any u�her uct wh<•rrbr Ih�• prnp�� rty h��mby �'onveyed shnll Ix�cumr . <br /> � I��cs valut�ble. nor lu dimini�h or impair its c:dur bc nny ai•t nr orni .,inn tu :mt : tu rumpl�� ���ilh nll rrquirrm�nts of Lnr with n•nprcl <br /> �n th�� mnrt�;aged pn•mis�•, :md Ihi• use � herro(. <br /> i. T'h.d should lhr prami�rs ur nn�' part lhcrca( Ix• takeu or dninat:cd Ly rrn.un u( +ui)' pu6lic improvanuart or cnndvmnation <br /> pruceivling. or under the right o( eminont dumain. or in any other mannrr. th<� �1nr�Rnt;�•�� s6all Li� rntiticd tn :dl comprnxatioa�. <br /> ❑W8feI5. i1R(I nny ulhrr P��?•+nrnl ur reli�•f th��n•(ur. and shall br rntillyd. at its up� ion. tn cun�mi�nce•. appi•ar iu and prmerute in iLc <br /> - . own ntunr :mv aclion ur Pnx•c�•din�;. ur tu maku uny cumprumr.,r ur sctUrrnent in rnnnrcliun u�itli such takinF or damag�•. All :uch <br /> °� . cnmprnsnlinn. :�wards. dumup��v, righl nf aclion and procrirls zfn• h��mLp :n=.ignrd to lh�• �inrt�;u�;cc. who rnny, aflcr drJucting <br /> � th�•rt•[rnm r�ll iLs rxprn�rs. ndra�• nnV mnm•Y:± su nrriw•d b�� it or apply ILi� s.imo un uny indeblodnes, srcured hrrrhy. Thr \fort� <br /> � RaKur uBrei•s lo i�xecWe �uch furlhi•r avsi�nments o( �mp comp�•n,nunn, nw:uds. damn;;rs. and n�;hts of ,�rtiun �md proe�•rd, as thr <br /> � �tortgaK�K• may rcyuirr. <br /> Thal in cuse o( (:�ilure lu pedorm any ol thi� cu��ennnta herein. th�• A1orta:�g�•e may du un thr A9urtuaKur's hehal( earrylhin� <br /> € +o cow•nimteJ; Uiat th�• h1urt�;��;ce maY :dsu do nny ��rt il mny dcem nrrrssiry tu prulrct thr licn thereuC that tLr b1ort�a�nr will <br /> repny upun drmand any monec= paid ur disbursed by thr 11urt�n�re fur any uf � ho abu��e purpuses. �uid such mm�ees to�;rlhrr w�i [h <br /> inturesl thereun ill th� r,rte• provided in said nol�� sh:Jl becumi� sn much additiun:d indrb�odne.cs hrrrby a�rurrd and may br im <br /> duded in nny decrce [urrelusin�; tLis morl�age nnd 6�• paid out u ( t}�e rrnts or prua�rds o( nnlv o( nuid prrmi.=.vs if nut nthi•nvisr <br /> � puid: thnt it �hnll nol bc ubligxlory upon Ihr �inrlFagrc• tu inquin• intu Ih�� ��alidity nf nny lii�n. �•ncnmh,ranc�rs, nr c:aim in nd- <br /> vnncmg moncy+ �ts nbovi• aidhontrd, hut nuthing hcrrin cnnlainrd shull 1�• cotutrurd :u reqwnnk thr 11ort�;ngr�� tn :�d�•anrc nny <br /> moncys (or tm)' such purpuse nur tu du �iny art h�•rrund��r, and Ihat �tort�:ar�v sh;dl nnt incnr �iny P�'rsumd liabilily Li•rnu>r n( any' <br /> . thing it muy da nr omil ta du herrundor. <br /> In Ihr rcvnl u( Ux� drL•ulll Ly i�inrlgngnr in thr p�ivmrnt uf :nty' in�atallment . ;+v rrquin•d hv 16�� Nnt�• .crurrd h�•rrby. or <br /> in thi• prr(urmunce uf thi• uhli�;nliun in lhis morlga�;i• ur in Ihr uote securrvl ihoroby. the Uurl�;a4�•�' sh:dl Lr rntitl��d t�, d�rlan• ihe <br /> d��6t �;ecured hrrehy du�• nnd p�ynble withi�ut notice. imd Ihr \1urlR�R�•�' shall Lr enliLlerl ut its aptiun. �+�ithuut nblic��. oither Ly iLad( <br /> nr by a teceivet to Im �ippuinted Lv thi� court thi�rruf, ;md without re�;ard ln lhe ndiv�uacy of any �ecurih� (ur thr ind��6�rdn���� w•- - I . _ <br /> rured hemby, to rnl�•r uPon ;md tnko posac�siun u( the murt��ged premises. and tu coll�rt m�d rri•�•iw• the rent.. i.surs and prnfits . `� ;-fi:'';' ' � <br /> Ihrrru[, nnd npply the +xm�. Ictis coste u[ uperation and culleclion. u �x�n lh�• indi•btednr.s .rcun•d by thi. mnrt�;nge: s:�id rrnt�. . N �.., <br /> L itisues nnrl prufity Mini; herrby ns�i�;nrd ln ihe T1orl4a�rr nv (urth�•r ���curity fur th�� papmonl �d nll iud�•btrdn�•�� srcur��d herrby � � <br /> 7'lu• MnrtguR�•e sh�ll have the puw�a to nppuint uny uF�'+� t nr �i�;ents it may desv�• fnr Ihr purpus�� nf rrp;iiring wiJ prrm- sS � <br />� � icrs: renting lhe snmr: rnllectin�; fhr r�•nls, revenuex and incomr. .md il ma�� pay ��ut u( s;ud inr�rtm� all �•xp��n>�•s incurnYl in n•nt- r' � <br /> � ing and mimu�;ing the .snme and u( colleclinF Ihe re�dals Ihere( mm. 'I�hi• h:�lam'c rrmaininR, i( :my, sluill 6r :ipplird tuw:�rd th�� � <br /> j_ . <br /> diarhnr�;e of the murl�;.���• indrhl�•dnrsx. '1'his�;nm��nt iv tn Irrminat �� xnd M�runn• null nnd ��uid upnn rrlr�t.i� i�f Ihis mnrlcngr. � <br />'r, . <br />=~� � 1 i � . . . <br />�<} �aR��- � J <br /> � <br /> 't <br /> � <br /> � <br /> f <br /> r <br />