` _ i �.�:`�;.
<br /> �� � �
<br /> MOA7GAGE—SaWnge and Loan Form—(Dl�ect Crodit Pian) 255�2 (Spoelaq . � . � � . � .
<br /> �...�.7�- � U4815 � M�RTGAGE
<br /> ��
<br /> '_�+ Loa¢No
<br /> � rtits irroewrttt�,moao i��. 26th dQy o� August 19_Z6.by and batween I
<br /> � DENNIS CHRISTENSEN ANUSONNIAK. CHRISTENSEN, husband and wife, each in his and her
<br /> ; own right and as spouse of the other
<br /> e� Ha I I Counry,Nebrmka,aa mortgaqor S and Homo Foderal Savinge aad I.oan AmociaUo¢ot Grand Ielmid, � �
<br /> a mrporaUo�orgaaized and axistinq uader the laws oE Nebraelca wfih Ite prindpal n!lteo and place ol buainem at Grand teland,Nebmeka, �
<br /> m mongagae: . . .
<br /> ` WITNESSETH: T6a1 said morigagor 5 tor and in conetderation of t6a aum of � � .
<br /> ' THIRTY THOUSANO SIX HUIJDRED AND NO/100 ------------------------- 30,600.00
<br /> nolta=o (s ). -
<br /> �� the raceipt o! which is horeby acknawledged, do—by theae preaenta mortgogo nnd war�nnt unto eaid morlqaqoe, ile eucceeaors and 3
<br /> Hall ;
<br /> .i assigne, !o[ever,all lhe lotlowing doscrlbed real estate, eltuated in ihe caunty ot_._ �
<br /> and State o!Nebrmka,to-wlt: #
<br /> :j , �
<br /> �
<br /> u
<br /> ; '� �
<br /> � #�
<br /> ��
<br /> i ��
<br /> S$ #�
<br /> �� �i
<br /> j� Together with all heating, lighting, and pl�.mhinq eqWpmonl and fiztucoe,includinq etoke�e ond bumere,ncreem,awninqa,atorm windowe tS � �
<br /> and doors,aad window ahadee or blinda,used on o�ln conneclion wilb said proporty,whether the samo ara now located on eaid properly 't3 � � - .-
<br /> jior heiealter placed thareon. SSj� � � � �
<br /> $S 70 HAVE AND TO HOLD THE SAME, togclher with all and sinqular tho tenamonts,he[editamente and appu:len�cca thoreuato beloag• i> �
<br /> 1 �$
<br /> $jj ing,o�in anywiae apperiaininq,torever,and warrant lho title to ihe e¢me. Said morlgaqor.�_ho[eby covenan�with said moAgaqee
<br /> isthat tho� are ot�hc dalivery he�eol,t6e lawtul owncr-ol thc premisee above mnveyod�d deec�i6ed,and 3�e $ � �
<br /> �Sf aeized al a qood and iodefeaaibla eetate ot inharilance thcroin.frce and ticar oI all ontumbtanrne,and Il�at—i�set wil! wanant�d f� � . �
<br /> }� delend lhc title lherato lorever again�t iha daime and demands ol all pecsona whomsoevar. S� �
<br /> 3
<br /> PAOVIDED ALWAYS, and �his inntrument is ozecuted and dolivered to socum the payment ot tho eum ol f
<br /> �� TH I RTY THOUSAND S I X HUNDRED AilD NO/I 00 ---------------------- naltare (5 30,600.00 � £
<br /> S� wilh tntere�t ihe�oon, logelher wilh euch chaigee and advancea as may be duo and payabla lo eaid mortgageo undor ihe term� and � . � .
<br /> �S condifionn of tho promissory nate oE even date he�ewiih and secured here6y,oxecutod by eaid mor�qagax—to eaid mo:tqagee,paya6le � , � �
<br />} j3 ae ezpressed i¢naid no1o,and to secuie the pet(ormance of all the mrme and conditlous rnntained lhoroin. The lerms ol aaid nole are .
<br /> jt hereby incorporated Lerein by thin ieterenco.
<br /> jS �'
<br /> 3j Il is the Inlenlion ond agrooment o(the parties hec�lo ihal this morfqage ahull also aocuro any future adv¢ncen mado to eaid
<br /> �r tt
<br /> T modgogor � by said morlgagee, and any and oll indeblednees in additlon to the amount ahove alaled whi[h eaid mottqagoxe, or any S
<br /> j1 0! them, may owe ta eaid moriqagee,howeve� evidencod, whethor by note,book accaunt or otherwieo. Thie matlqage ehall remain ln lull �
<br /> t torce¢ad eltoc�between Ihe partiea hereto and their heire, personal �epresentativea, succesaoie and asniqm, untit oll amounta aocuxed
<br /> y� hercunder,iacludinq luturo advancee,a�e poid in lull with intereal.
<br /> � 7he moctgagors heceby aeai9a—to said moriqageo all rente and lncome arieiag at any and cll timee Irom said ptoporty and �7
<br /> heteby outhoriza eaid morlgagoo or ila agent, at it� oplion, upon dolault,lo tnke chaige o!aaid p[operty and collect all rcnle and incoma Si
<br /> � therelmo and apply the oame lo the payment o!tnloroe6 p�inripal,ineumnce premlume,taxee,aescenmonts, Tepaire or improvamente nxoa� i -
<br /> jsary to keep eaid propo�ly in tenontabla condltlon,oi to olher chaxgee or paymenle provided lor henin or in the note hemby eecuzed. 7'hls tSj
<br /> f rent assiqnment ahall continue in totce until the vnpaid batance ol eaid nete in lully pnid. 7ho takiag ol posseaeton herounder shall ln no �i2
<br /> $� mannor prevonl or retmd eaid mortgagea i¢lha collectlon of eaid eumo by(oreclo�ute or o�hernieo. �
<br /> ?i Tho tai]u:e ol tha mortgagee to aeee[t aay of fU rigL�e heceunder at any timo ahall nol be conatmed ae a waiver ot its ilqht lo aeeeri �
<br /> �t the eame al any laler time,and to imlet upon and enlo:co el�icl mmplla¢ce wtth all Iho �erme ond proviaions ol eaid eole and ot tLia
<br /> ,� mortgage. ��
<br /> $$ It eoid mortqagor 5 ehall caux �o bo paid to said mottgagee the antiro amount due It heteunder,aad under th�terme and provieion� ��
<br /> $j o!naid note horeby eecuied,indudiag lu�um advancee,and any ezteasiona or mne"aale lhe�eof in accordaace with the terme and pwviniom �
<br /> �� thnroot,and t!soid morigagor S, ahall romply with all tho proviNoae ot eaid note and o!thia mortgaga,t6oa�heee preneule ehall be void; ,
<br /> ;� otherwiee to remain in tull lotce and eflocL and eaid mailgagae ehall be entitled lo lhe poeae�aion ol atl ot eaid pcoparty,and may,at it�
<br /> } optlon,declme the whole o!eaid aote and all indebtedneu repreaented theraby to be im+codiately due and payable,and may/orecloeo�his �� ,..�I j-,
<br /> F� mortgage or mke any olher logal acliaa lo protect Ste right and lrom�he dato ol euch delault ali llerna o! indubtedneee �ecured horeby , ,.
<br /> .� f ehali di¢w Intareet at 9�perQannum. Apprateament walved. S}� N .
<br /> #f Th1e mongage �hall li�liinding upon aad�6aU enuie �o the b�ne111 0!ihe hsin,e:aculore,admtniel[ators,euttrooaore and asniqni ot $S }
<br /> f Ihe toepectire p¢rtlea herela S Q
<br /> L �S IN iNES4 V✓}�AEOF. �ld Mori9aqor =�a�� hereunto �et the i r hQ��' iho dcry and ycar li�et above $t I A
<br /> j wdtte j ' � i �� { ((j
<br /> f ; _�/������— � t�
<br /> � � ----"c c cc-., /C f t-- iicd.l;'4� ----•-----�— . ...
<br /> Denn�s ris>�qnnse , �,
<br /> f . � �e��c�,--.�,-.�r.�il. l,�.,��,�c.... , -�---
<br /> onn i a n. r i s'ensen `�� �N�",y`V�
<br /> � � �
<br />