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<br />, :
<br /> '1'HI�. ?�7012'CGAGOR rUR'1'IIPR COVI:NAN'I'S AND AGItIII?S:
<br /> � '1'hat U�c MnrtK++K��r will p�iy thr ind�rldednes5 ns Lrmin6rfnrr pr���'ided.
<br /> ... t '!'hnt ihe Morlt:}iti��r is ihe owner ut sa+id Properly in (PC tillkl�llC 80(I IIi1B I;�i��d ri�;ht ;uid la��•ful :wthurih� tu ,cll +ind
<br /> � com•ey tlie same tmd Ihtd lLe suma ir; free nnd cle�ar ut nny lirn nr encum6r�nee: iind ihnt Murl�:�i�:nr will w:u'rnnt imd d�drnd Ihe
<br /> �iUe �u nuid prrmiacy figiiinst ihc rlaims uf nll prrsnns whnmcu�•w•r.
<br /> . •Pu pay immediidely ��•hen due und puynbl�• all Keucral t�ixc.s. special �axi�s, special assrssm��nts. wnti�r chargoti. n��wcr srrv-
<br /> ia� cherges. and olhrr laxi•h �md charges aitiainsl seid prnpe�rty . nnd �dl �nxeti levi�d un thi• debt se�urrd h��rrby, �md to R� rni.5h the
<br /> niorlF��M+, upnn r�K�uest, with �he original nr duplicutte rea•ipta lhorrfor. 'I'he i�7urtgn�;<ir ng«rs thul �her�• .Iudl br added lo .
<br /> rr�ch mont.hly p+�yment required hereunder ur �mder fhr evide�nce of debt. secured Lrrrby an �imount estimnlyd b�• th�� D1orl�;�igw� .
<br /> to 6e sutlicii�nt lo en�Lirt Ihe A7urlF�+F�'�' to piq'. ris lhry br.come due. all laa��v. ;uaesrm�•ufs, anJ similtir charRi�s u�inn ihe prem- .
<br /> � ises subjrcl thereto; a�ry drlicirncy becnuse uf lhr in.uttieicncy nf surh :�dditionul paymc�nfs shall be fnrtl��vith d�•posit��d Iry Ihr�
<br /> 1�lurltia�;ur with the nlurlguger upun drm:� nd by� U�r \lurl�;nR��c. Any d��fnull undrr ihiti pnr.i�rnph sh:�ll hi• dr�-rnrd a d�dault in
<br /> paymeni u( iuze�. :tvses;m��nie. nr cimil;v i�har�t�v n�quimd h�•rcund��r.
<br /> 7'hr ;�lorlRa�;��r aRrcrs that thrro sliall nlsn 6r aJJrd � u r:ich mnnihly Pnymrni uf �rrineip��l nnd inl�•n�,ct rrquirrd hi•rr.
<br /> � w�drr an :m�inunt r.ctimafrd by thr iA�Inrl�;atin• tu bo cuffici��ut tn rnnLlr ihe 11ndg�iF���• in ptiy. :i� i � Lrrmur. dur. Ih�� uianr.mr�• .
<br /> premium an �my insur;u�c�• pnlic�� Joli��rred tu thr \Inri �a�;��o. Any� d�•fici�vrep b<�r:ws�� uf Ih�� iu�nllicirnry af ,uch additir�n:�l p��y - .
<br /> mi•uta .hall Lr (urtl�H'ilh di�purilod Ly � hr Alort �;;�t;or �vith thr Alurt �:u;;cr uP'�n drm.uid by d�r Vurl�;:�per. Any d��I:uJt iutdt•r � his .
<br /> � � par:��;rap6 sh�dl br Jc�•m��d a d�daull in Ihr p+p'mrul of insuivme�� pn•miwns. lf ihi� pulii�c ur puliri�•. d� pn.�t��d nrr .;urh a., hnmr.
<br /> '' � u�enors nr :ill risl: p�dicios. :iud Ihc d�•pu.ils arr in.ullicirnl tu puy tlu• rntim prrnuum . Ihr 91url ;;.r'� r m:i�' .�pph' ih�� dopo:it tn
<br /> �. pn�• pn•miwns oa risl:s rrquirrd tu br iueumd Ire 16is mnriga;;r .
<br /> - � Yaym�ents ni.�J�� Ly � hc illuriqapur undrr lh�• :ibo���• p.� r.�qr.�phs mnV . i�t Ih�• uplion uf 16r Alurlgo�o�•, b�� hrid h}� it ❑nd .
<br /> ;;� i•ununint;ird tvith uU�rr such f�md. i �r ii� own (unds ior Ih�• p:�yuu�nt nf such il�•m.. nnd until .a a��plird, .cuch pnymrnts :� n� Iu�mLy
<br /> � plivl�;rd es +ecuri (p !nr fLr uup�iid Ir.ilaner �d l6r nwrlea�;r ind��6lydnv�v.
<br /> � 'I'u prui•urr. drlivrr lu. und mainl��in (ur thi• Lonrlit uf � hr 11urt �;at;��o durink th�• G6• ul U�i, mnrit;a�a uriuin:d Pulicic� nr.d �
<br /> n•nr�v��ls thrnKd, drliri•rvd nt Ir:�sl irn d:n�s hr(um lhr rc��irtttion u( nny surh puliri�•s, insurin�; :i;;ainsl fin• and ulhor in;urahli•
<br /> haz:vds. casualties. and cnn�ingi�ui•ir� .�s t6v illurt {;��;;ce muy ro��uir��. in :m .unnunt ��qunl tu fhe indiddednesv srrured by ihi,
<br /> ��lurl�age, und in comp:uurs acirpt:ildr lu tlu• �lor��a;:ei•. �uth lu;a pa} ibli. cl.msi� in fzirur o( nnd �n tunn ncei ptubl�• In Ui�• \li�rlti:i-
<br /> ge�•. In fhe rvent an}' Pulic)' i. nul rrnrtcrJ un ur br(urr fi n davs u( i� � rapir,itiun . thr A1urtg:iuer maq prucure in;uranrv un lh��
<br /> - improecmrntv. p:rv thr prrmium iLrn�(nr. :md ,ucL ,um sh;�ll brcnrnr iiunx•diat��ly dm� .wd pay��bl�� wiUi inlrrr.st at thr r.itr vct
<br /> fi� � furtlt in s�iid nute• wdil paid and sLall Lc .��cun•d by Ihi. mort�u���. P;iilutr on � hc• parl �d tho Alurtg�i�;nr lu (aruisL ,uch rrm•�r.d•.
<br /> . n+ :ur hemin ;eyuirrd ur fnilurr tu pn}' :uiy vums ,�dcnnrrd Lon•undrr .hnlL ;d th�� op� iuu u' Lhr I�Inrl ;;n��'�'. rnnsfi � uto u drf:ud �
<br /> undrr � h�• torms u( Ihi. mnriFa;:i•. 'l�h�� J��licrry of such p�dicios .hall. in Ilu• ��c��n� o( d��lault , rnn;tilu ��• ;m :u:i;;nnum� r.( th�• um
<br /> t
<br /> r��nu•J pn•�nmm.
<br /> ` :� nr ,ums recriv��d 6y Ihr Al��rt�;:�gvr bp rr��.nn u[ la..: � �r d:unntir in.aurvd �it;ainsl tnny bo rrinin��d 6v thr >l �,rt ;:oq�•�• � .
<br /> . aud :�pplird �u�aard thr p�p�mcnl uf ih�� di•bf h��mby sn�ur�•d. ur. :d tLr nptinn uf flir \lnrl�;agrc. such sums rith��r �ch� dh' ��r in
<br /> ;� � p;u� lnny b�• p�iid m•rr ln th�� A]urh;apnr tu b�� u.;�•d tn rr�mir nurh buildint;s i�r tu build ncw 6uil�lin„.v in Ih�• ir pinr�• nr fnr uny
<br /> : othrr pur��� �s�� ur uLjrrl s:di=[i�r� nry tu � hr 1lurit;u::rc �vi � hnul ❑ITrcliuR thr lirn nn Ihc• uvnritia;:�• fur ihr [ull anmunt :��run�il hen,.
<br /> �. by Li�(un• surli p�i}' rtirn� rvrr �nuk pinr��.
<br /> ` � �. '1'n �irwnpUy mp:iir. r��atorr � u rrhuild :uiv builditi„. ur impn�v��nx�nt. nu�e ur 6rr�•;d�rr un thr pn•mi.c. whiri � m;rc Lr .
<br /> � ��urm• dumnFrd nr dr>truyr�l : tu k��rp •uid premisr� in ;,� �ud i'onditi��n und rrp,ur :md (n�i• (rum anc rn��ch:uur'. lirn or utli��r lirn ur
<br /> �. � ��I.iim uf li�•n nut ��zPn•.,:ly �ubnrdinul��d tu � ho lien h��muf: n� �� tu <ulT�� r �,r p��rmit �iuc unl:nc(ul us�• n� � �r :m�: uui.ancr in i�xi•l un
<br /> ; . yairl Prupvnp u��r In pormil wa,vi�� nn .aid ��r� �mi;r.�. m �r iu d� � ;my nihrr url �chrrrby � h�• pruprrlv ii��rrh�� cunvrcrd .hall },vrumr
<br /> t: . Irs; anluu6lr. nur lu dimini.h ar imP:�ir i � , v�dui� 6y nn>� :�rt � �r nmi :.i� m li � �ir� : tu i��:mplc •,+�i � h nll n•quirrmrnt : uf In�,c �rit6 r�•.prr�
<br /> - lu lh�� mor� a;�t���d pn•mier: and thr u<r ih��muf.
<br /> 'I'h:d shuuLl th�• pn�mi,a., � n' nuc � i.� rf Iherrn[ b�� t:�krn in' dum:�::rd bv r�a�un � d nn�� puhlic ituprucr�rmvn nr cundcmuu� iun
<br /> ^�, pn�i•redVn4:. ��r under Ih�• ri�:6� „f rmiuont drnuuin , ur in ;un' utL�v ❑Ciunrr. Ihr \lurt ��;;er� shall br i�ntillyd t � � :dl c� nnp�•ndltuun±.
<br /> €, :iw:uds. ��nd �iny ulhrr p;�pnu•n! nr mlirf ih�•mluc nnd -h:Jl br cnliflcd . nt u � nptiuu, tu cunun��nr��. npprnr m :u�d pruzc�v �o ut its
<br /> " �� u�.vu nurni• uny aeUun or �in :er�•Ju�K. ur lu nwkr :u�p ruinprnmi;o ur .�4 � I��mrN in runnrrlion a�ith sueh tnkin;; nr dumnKr. ,VI such
<br /> - cn�np�•usntinn. uH�+ird.. damngi•>. nt;l�t � ,f ai'Ii��u :wJ prni�r��� l. :vr Lrn•h�• :r:si�;nrd tu � hr Alurt �aRrr. �� Ln m;iy. ;dtrr Jrdurtine
<br /> `� Ih�•m(rum idl ilv rzl��•ns�•;. rrl�•avr tiny innu�•y. ,n rr���•icr�l bc il � � r �ippl}� thi• >;imi• un �uic imli•Llydm•s. yrrurrd liorcbp. ' I�ho \lurt -
<br /> f :::��;ur at; n•��, tn r�ocu�r .uc6 (urlL�� r ��:.iqnmrnls uf :my ca�nprnr,uinn. rnv:v�ls. d.im:i;;� •,. an� l ri::ht . � d ,irlion :� n�l � �rrrrrilv ,�< ihr
<br /> � ' 1fur�;;a�;rr mny myuin�.
<br /> � '1'h�d in cai+e u( faih� rr tn pi•r(onn any uf Ihc ru�-��naiit+ herein, the �turq;agei� may du un t6e Dlurtgngor's Ixhnlf even..
<br /> . Ihing so ewennnted: thnl thr ?��lort�:agee may als�� do mrv net il nury deem necovsnry tu pmtrct thi• lien iherenf: ihat the Jlort
<br /> r �;n�;or will repny up�m dr•mnnd nny mune}'s pnid nr disbursed by Ihr \lurt�:igi•c• for anv n( ihr abuvi� purpr�.�os. and such moncys
<br /> F
<br /> �, � togclhrr with inlrrest therr•un +�t � hc rnto prucided in s:�id note shall bm�me sn mucl� �idditiunal indebhslnos; hereby secured nnd
<br /> rnirv tx incluJed in any decrer (oreclueinF U�is morl�;a�e and be puid out o( the renl�c or prxa�ds o[ tinlo n( said premices i( not.
<br /> � nfh�•n��ic�� paiid: nnd llwt h]udg:+F�r shidl uut in�•ur nny Irrrronnl linbilit�� l�ccnusi� o( an}�thinR it roay da or amit io do hercnndrr.
<br /> �
<br /> s".
<br /> In Ihc i�v�•nl o( ILr d��L�ult b}� VurlY.aFur in lhr paymrnt u( anp in.tnllnu•ni , n. rcquimd Lr th�� \ol�• ,��i�urrd hrrr6��, nr
<br /> '� in Ilir p��rformnnr�• u( ihi• oLli�nfiun in ILis rnorlg;i�:i• ��r in th�� mrt�• <�•c•umd Ih�•ro6}'. Ih�� \Ln�i �;;i�;i•r sh;dl b�• rniitl��d tu d� �cl:� rr Iho
<br /> drbt si�cur��d hi•rcbc du�• :md pac:�hl�� ���iih�.iut uolicr. :uid thr \lurl �;igr'�. �Lnll br ��n1iU��d ;�t it. up� i� ,u. «�ith„ut notirr. i�ithrr bv it,�•ll
<br /> c � �r Iry a rer�•.ivrr lu b�• rq�pninl�vl Ly thr cuurl lhi•mnF. and wilhnut rrgurd b� Ih�• ad��� u:�c>' �,( �inc .rruriry for ih�� indr-Ltrdm•s= ?r .
<br /> cured hrrebv, tu rnirr upun und Inkr po.a�:�aiuu uf ihr m� �rlRa�rd pnani.rs. nnd w rnih•ct +md rri���ier � h�� nvrta. i+>w��w nnd profiis
<br /> - Ih�•ren(. nnd iq�ply th�• :::unu. Irns cu.f; uf nprrutinn :iud rnll��ctian . uPnn Uir iud�•btrdnrs. .ocun•d Lv Wis mnrtti:�t:�•: :ui�l r��nl :.
<br /> : . i:au�•s imr! prulil. In•in�: hon•Ly ncvit�nrd In Ihr �turlt�;i�;�•�� a< (ur� L�� r v�.•uri� y li �r Ih�� p:� rim�nt n( :JI ind� •hl�•dno;� <� �vnnvl h�•rrhe
<br /> a
<br /> 'I'hi� �1urt�;at;rr +ludl 6:�w• Uir pow'rr lo :q�pniut anp a�i�nt nr a�;coil: il mtn' rlcvirr Inr thr pur�utir ul m � i:�irin� s:�id Pn•m�
<br /> i4rs; mnling ihr varmr, eollocliu�: thi• rruls. n�v��nu�•. and inrumr . �uul it ma}� p:�y nut u( snid incum�• :iil rs � �on�rs inrurrrd in ront � .
<br /> in;; and managing thr c:ime nnd ��( cnllrrling lhe mulalc thrrefroin. ' I'hr b:il.mcr rrm�iinin;:. it ;mr. slcdl Li�� :� pplird inw:vd th�� : � .
<br /> Jisrhnrcr u( lh�� mur�t:tU;e indrblydnr�c. �1'hic assi�;nm�•n� is tn Irrmin:dn nnd Iw�c �mi• null nnd v��id iqin» mlr:�.i- � �f t6i. mnric:�cr. _.. .. ,;. : � '.
<br /> N
<br /> L 'I'6�� :�darign�;rr m:ry iollrrl :i " I.�lc churlCo" nut tu oxcird Fiv�• ( 'rnt� f5c) for � ni•h dull:v ISI (N/I � d � a� h f� �t:d nu ,nthic � :
<br /> � �:�ym��n� morr than IS �I;i��. in nrn�urv lo cucor Ihr r� irn rxprnsr invol�•��d fn h�mdlin[: d�dinqw�nl ��rc�uinl�. ' a .
<br /> d'
<br /> :111 paymrnt�: inadr und��r thr pruvi,,iun; � d Ihi.s mur� �;:�g�• ur tlir nnlr h��reb}' ���currd . whir6 nuiy Li� c� �nsinn•d a, iul �� ro.i . � R: . ".
<br /> .h;Jl nnt, in (}ir a�;�:rrt::et�� uer � Ih�• tvnn ihrrcof, ��cc��od thr rnir f6:it m:iV' n���v br I:��c(uliy ennlr:n•t�•d (��r in •.vritin::. SA
<br /> �
<br />�
<br />�
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<br /> 2
<br />_ � . . . � t_ . . �
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<br /> e
<br />