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� i �F,� <br /> t:� � ' i f'HUTO•CJOi�LR7''MICF�OFILMED ' � <br />�� I _ -! �---- <br /> . - ----- ...__ . __-____--. _-- -- ---- ---__ _--- -:' <br /> � �'—�����f`;`� MORTGAGE AND ASSIGNMENT OF RENTS <br />�� � � K��ow Ald Mett b� 4'Itese Yrese�its: �' <br />. T�� � , <br /> ' J.................... ...................................J...............J....... ....................... ............................... ... ...... (11 oitgayor. .) i ' <br /> 1 • <br /> r ' o . Lancaster .. co��»a, Stute o Nebr.aska....... .. ,in cmiso�icrntion oJ Uie s�un o( <br /> .----------.-.-.--.--Two...Hundred..T.hous.and.------.---.--.--.--.--.-.-.r.,-�.a29.0..QQA...OQ).--.-..Donurs,ao <br /> hereby seli mtd cmice�iuito the YROVIDENT SAVINGS�1ND LOf1N ASSOCIAI'ION,(6latgnyee),oj Liit- <br /> coln,Nebrnsku,the followiny described�Prentises,sihiuted iu Lancuster Cotuit�und State oJ Nebrusku,to-wit: i ' <br /> The Southwest Quarter (SW;) of Section Two (2), Township Six (6), <br /> Range Nineteen (19), Phelps County, Nebraska; and <br /> The Southeast Quarter (SE;) of Section Fifteen (15), Township i I <br /> Eleven (11), Range Eleven (11), Hall County, N br ska; � <br /> �pore art7'cu1 arly desc ribed on the rever�e sid�e �iereof. <br /> 'logetiier w�th a(l buzldil[gs, easetnents, nnprovements, �:ctures or nppurtenunces now or hereafter <br /> erected thereon, ii�chiding, n1l upparatus, equipment, Ji:ctures or nrticles whether in single units or <br /> ceittrall� coiiirolled, lised to stippl� lieut, ,yns, nir coriditioiiiny,icuter,liylit,power, re(rigeratioit, ven- <br /> tilation,dishwnshing,disposnl,or other sera;ices,mid an�other thing now or hereafter therein or there- <br /> on,including window screens, iaindow shades, screen doors, storm doors and storm wiiidows or com- <br /> � I bination thereof, venetian blinds, awnin�s, floor cnverings, carpets, figAtin,y fi.rttrres, pressuTe pwnps i <br /> � and ianks,nir conditioniny intitis or s�stem, built in wasliing nwchines nnd dr�ers,built in ranges,ovens I <br /> • � or refrigerators,water lieaters and all other pluntbing, lieating and electrica! equipment, fia�tures or I <br /> appliances which are now or which may hereafrer beconte attached to or fixed on said premises (aIl of <br /> which are declared to be n part of said rea!estate whether physicall�uttached thereto or not) and shaR , <br /> be considered and construed as permanent fi.rtures und a part of the real estate and shall be covered <br /> by this mortgaqe. The blortgagee is hereb}� subrogated to the rights oJ aIl mortgagees, lienholders a�id <br /> ' � � owners paid o�f by the proceeds of the loarn )iereb,y secured.Tfiis mortgage co�istitutes a security agree- � <br /> �� � � ntent with respect to tiie cliattels covered hereby ar.d witii respect to t1�e fixtiires nttnched to tlie above <br /> idescribed real estate i�e which the n�ortyage kus mi oTdinnry sectrrit� interest. I ' <br /> � TO HAVE AND TO HOLD tl�e said property,icith said bt�ildings, rnsements, improvemerits, fir- I <br /> ! I riires uppurtenances, appuratus mid equipment, w�to said blortgagee,its successors and assignsforever. <br /> WH EAS,t te �MOR CORP., a Nebraska Corporation is t e ner.... <br /> '. Igd ............................................................................... h <br /> � o..............................�..........�............shares of uistailn�ent stock m smd Asp'qciation upon which sa d mort• <br /> E .......... _ ' <br /> �; f_Two Thousan� �0� . . . . <br /> :: � gagor...... 1ia5.... taken an advanced loun oj...TN/Q_HUl]SI]'Bd...ThOUSdSI(I....I.b.GD.Q,ObD_0.�.�.---r...r..c. Dollars, <br /> . payable as provided itt tlie Borid of snid mortgagor._.. to said Associatioii of even date)terewit)i, a�id <br /> i tlie Articles of Incorporation,Constitutioii and By-Laus of snid AssociatioTe. <br /> ;' � NOW THEREFORE,iJ tlie said ���SUCCP,��a�id assigtis sliall compl}/ with al1 d�e <br /> � ternu and conditions of suid Bond, the Articles oJ Incorporntion,Coustiaition nnd By-Lnws oj snid As- <br /> - + sociation,Nien these presents to be null und Loid,o[herwise to remain in full jorce and e(fect. f <br /> _ I PROVIDED ALSO,tlie suid mortquyors Aave this duy e�ecuted and delivered ro the said Association, ( <br /> one certain Bond tn the amount of tl�e ubove consideration,which suun with interest ns provided by said i <br /> Bmtd or arty ntutual modificutton or exteiision thereo(,mtd all S7ints w)�icli said Associatio�i slinll pay out � <br /> _ ( af its own funds for taxes,insurunce or repairs on the property described herein, or fttture cash ud- � <br /> ` vanceinertts made to t}�e �iiortgagor, or his si�ccessor in title, for ruiy pltrpose nt aiiy tinte before tite <br /> s� j release and cruicellntion oJ this naortynge (p�rorided that tl�e snid advanceTnents,together with die prin- <br /> i cipai balmice due nt tl�e ti�itc o( the suid ndruncerneitt,shall iiot e.rceed the originu!umount of tlie mort- <br /> � c�age and, prouided further, tliat notli�ny herein contained shall be considered as li�iiitiny the a�noiints <br /> i titat shall be secured Itereby when udLmiced to protect Uie sec�irity or ii�accurduitce with the covenunts j <br /> I cotttaiited herein) shull cortstihite tAe debt ouin,y to snid Associntion and bt�said Bond snid ntortgagors � <br /> � prornise to pay said debt und 'v�terest to tAe Associution ns prot+ided in snid Bond o(even date herewith. i <br /> IPROVIDED ALSO,tAe snid viortya�or. _uyrecs to pa�prontptly nIl tnses und assessnu•nts levied I <br /> � upon the snid renl estute,inchidiny u!1 tn.res u�ul nssessments levied on this mortyage, or the debts se- I <br /> cured )tereb�,uiid sliail keep t)ie buildin,ys upou said premises ii2sived for fire aitd ea[ended cot+erage i <br /> ' iiL an umow�t of ut leust $._.200.004�00- - - • tuitil snid debt is paid, witi� n iriortgaye cluuse in � <br /> r. i favor o/the mortgagee as its inteies[may appeur; rmd ttpon the fuilure of tke Tnort�ayor to pay said <br /> tuxes when due or to procure and tnuincaiii such instirunce, or reiiew the same at feust iwent,y-Joi�r I <br /> I hours be(ore the ea-piru[ion thereo(, the niortgugor may pay said taa•es or renew suid insurnnce mid I <br /> thc amoiuits paid, wfiether upon tua•es or instiruuce premiums or both, siiull be ndded to rl�c unpaid � <br /> ! priiicipnl indebtedness of tl�is mortyu,rye crnd slinll druw interest nt tl�e rnte set fortli in tlie f3oiid of � <br /> � euen dnte herewith tuken in conjunction with this mortgage. � <br /> IPROVIDED ALSO, in thc event deJ'milt is mude in an,y of the pa��ments hereby secured 10 be puid, � <br /> j und the snmc rentuin wtpuid for u period of one munth or ns provided by tAe Lnws o(1he Stnte of Ne- �. <br /> I braska,or s)iould said insurtuice coternqe itot be prontpti� ef fected, or t�l�e tuses or assessments not be I <br /> I paid before delinquenc,y,or in Uie csse of Jaihire to dula� obserne rmd be gorerned bt� Ihe Laws of tlie ; <br /> State oJ Nebraska or the rules and re,yulutions o( the Federnl Nontc Lonn Bnnk Sys�em or Federul ! <br /> � Savinys and Loan Insurmice Corpnrntion,ichich nre npplicable to the b4ortyayee,or in the event o{the <br /> Idiscovery by the Associution, or its officers that miy of the stntements contained in the npplication for <br /> ' i the loan ea•ecttjYd by the mortgngor are(ufse,or in the euent n federa( tn.r lien is Jiled of recard which � <br /> 4 imposes u lien n� iv�st the above-described renl estate,then the whufe o(snid indebtedness shall become I <br /> I dtte and payable�or[I�wit)t, without notice, tinte beiny of the essence of this rnntinct. If foreclosure <br /> proceedinys uie commenced on this mortynye, suid debt shnli draw interest at the rate oJ eleven per <br /> � cent per amnim)Tone dnte of deJault;n receii�er shnll nt o�ice be nppointed Ly t1�e court to tnke posses- <br /> sion of said premises pending said proceedings;rnid said Association shal!be entitled to recorer n renson- ; ' <br /> able attorney's fee. ��y'. <br /> ( AS ADD11'[ONAL SECUR!'l'Y for suid luun�uid in tlie erent o(deJault in tlic tenns u(the bond or ntort- j > ' <br /> Jage,the ntortgagor__hereG?j assiy�i,transJer,�rnd set urer to snid :lssucintion, so lony ns suid loan or at�tl � <br /> t,.s. � I pnrt thereof remnins eutpnid, tlie rents mid ret�eniie uccruiny Jrum the pro��ern/ hereirt described. Sutd els- % d <br />��. ' sociution,or ifs agents,are kereby[tut ltorize d to renf sui d premixes or nni�p«r t t hercu f, to cu l(ec f und rec e i p f j r <br /> (or sucli re��t,trnd in defuuft o((he pa�men[o(snid rent or nm�pnrt t)tercul, tn prnceed in its aicn nrune by I � <br />� I suit or suils for the recot�er�� oJ possession o/snid prernises.1'his ussi,nment o(rcnts is mnde Jur the e.rpress I � <br /> { purpuse u( hut•iny [hc ren(s collec[ed hercirnder upplied;to pnt�neents of principal, iriterest niid penaltirs oii <br />;-+� this luirn Aercvi de:;cribed imder the terms nf snid I3ond aiid this murtgnyc. «rid i( suid :lssocintion su desires <br />�',�-� � tu payntent uf insurunce premiums a«d tales. Snid Assuciauon may in ns discrctinn u::c thc (ar us � <br />�_ �� ' 6 9 F` � � <br />�� <br /> � <br /> ., <br /> � <br /> i <br /> r <br />