� � �. � x,
<br /> �.�
<br />� � STAT� Ob' N�BRAB%9, County oP ............... �
<br /> .........................................:
<br /> Filed for record und entered in Numericul iudos
<br /> _�__----- ------
<br /> ` ................................ at o'clock bt., NCGRASI(/�UOCUiNCNTAi�'f �
<br /> on ............................ ................ ......,...,.....
<br /> � nnd recorded in Deed Record...............................Pnge .............................. STA�vIi''1AX
<br /> _ ......................_....................,............... sy ...............,............................................ ��,UG 2 3 1976
<br /> County Clerk or Deputy County Clerk or
<br /> ` Re�ister of Deede Deputy ltegieter of Decila � J/n � �
<br /> � �; _� Q'f_�_..e�.
<br /> �i� 76- f�(l�f 88 _
<br /> 9TATEMENT A11ACN'r.G
<br /> ` RUDOLF F. PLATE and JEANNICE R, PLATE, Huaband and Wife, oach in his
<br /> :� ,.r.d ::�: ��r, rigflt driu as spouse oi' each otber
<br /> , herein called the grantor whather one or mvre�
<br /> `� in consideration of I�'IVE THOUSAND EIGHT HUNDRED AND N0�100 �$5,800.00�
<br /> °:
<br /> 3; recelved from grantee, does grant, bargain, sell, con��ey nnd confirm unto
<br /> t �� JERRY L. SCHULTZ
<br /> hereiu called the grnntee ��hether one or more, tLe following described real property ia
<br /> ' .....................JiAL�I.�....................................... Count Nebraska: ;
<br /> i. Y,
<br /> i
<br /> : LOT SIXTEEN (16�, HLOCK TWO (2�, IN
<br /> .;:t COUNTY, N�IIRASKA.
<br /> :ii
<br /> 5+
<br /> ;_:;� �
<br /> ,
<br /> ,»�
<br /> ,` 9'0 lui�•e anil to l�old the ubo��e described premises together with nll tenements, hereditamenta
<br /> � and nppiirtennnces thereto Uelonging unto the grantce :md to grantee's heirs and ussigns forever.
<br /> � And thc grantor does hereby covenaut with the grantee and with grantee's 6eirs and nssigns
<br /> k
<br /> thnt grantor is lawfuliy seised of said premises; tl�at tl�ey are free from encumUrance
<br />� except f'or easemonts and restrictions of record
<br />� that grantor has good rioht aud la�rful nutl�ority to convey the same; and that grantor warrants and will
<br />�, ; defeud the title to said premises ngainst thc lawfnl claims of ull persons�vhomsoever.
<br />�� L
<br /> Dated ��.(�f�f�'/ �O 19J�
<br />� ' �/ i,� ,,
<br /> ' ................................................................................... r'/... C� �l`� } ��.�',,,��G'��
<br /> �� G .. ......... .. ...... .. ........
<br /> Rudolf F. P te �
<br /> i: .................................................................................... ( .�}'�..�„iz-li�
<br /> :.....G:z::t.c.�i:r.L.t.�.. .�... < ..................
<br /> ;E
<br /> J�annice R. Plate
<br />�' '.`;;
<br /> :;-' �'I'ATL OF N�I3RASI�A,County of...............k1A�Ie...............................:
<br />� �� I3efore me, u notary publie qu�ilific<1 1'or snid couni�•, personall�� came �
<br /> i
<br />� RUDOLF F. PLATE and JEANNICE R, PLAT�, Husband and Wife, each in his
<br /> and her own right and as apouse of each othor
<br />� ri
<br />..���'�'��j � .
<br /> kno�cn to me to be the ideutical person or persons �cho signed the �
<br /> foregoing instrument and nckuo«•ledged the ezecution thereof to be his, �=.;� 1����'i
<br /> Ler or tl�eir voluntury net and deed. : ` ,
<br /> �-� �c.��f�o, �%7� . � ;
<br /> � Witness m}' hand nnd nptariul seal ...... . ... ....................... „ :
<br /> .... .... .................
<br /> `. t6lflAtllOTI�R•1t►►te1NA9ltf �'I�GC'f � ......�:E.`?:!�Notary Public �„ F`:
<br /> .................................... ............ .........
<br /> FORq6bT J.r06�.AR0 �
<br /> ; MYC�,E�r1.�WNir1iA9 3I}• commission expires .... ......., 19� , . .
<br /> r ......:�:.�............. ..�....
<br /> Form 22 Appraved by Nebrask❑ State Bar Assocfation pelbn&Wolt po.,Linwtn,Nebr.
<br /> � �_ �
<br />�
<br />�
<br /> E
<br />�
<br />