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<br /> ��oerGAGI'LOAN N0. L 22.300 _
<br /> KNOWALLMC:NBYTiir:sr:rar:sr:Nrs:Tna� Uan H. White and Bette A. 'rlhite, each in his and her
<br /> � own right and as spouse of each other,
<br /> . Atortgagor,whether one or more,in coneideration of the sum ef
<br /> = Thirty-three Thousand Five Hundred and P�o/100------------------------------------ D��Lnas
<br /> � luaned to said murtgagor by The F.yuitable Building xnd Loan Associstion of Crand Island,�e6raska,I�turtgagee,upon 335 shares of stock of
<br /> , said ASSOCIATI01�,Certiticate No.L ���nn ,do hereby grant,convey end mortgage unto the said ASSOCIATION the following '�
<br /> described real eslate,situated in Hall Count Y;til.a:
<br /> �
<br /> . together a•iW all die renements,iirreditaments and appunenances d�ereunlo 6eluncing.including x�tached lluor coverings,atl window screens,
<br /> �eindow shaJes,6linds,swrm windows,a«•nings,heating,air conditioning,�nd plumbinc�nd water equipment and accessories thereto,pumps,stoves,
<br /> � �. reGigeraturs,and o�her fixtures and equipmcnt now ur hercafter�ttachcd to ur uscd im m�nectiun�ci�h said re�l estute.
<br /> � And wherens the said mcrt¢agor has agreed and does hereby agree th�t the mor�gago� shall nnd will pay all taxes and asussments levied or
<br /> . assessed uoon said premises and upon tl�is muncage and the bond srcured thereby beiore the s:�me shall 6ecutne delinquent;to furnish approved
<br /> . insurance upon thc 6uildings on said yremises situatcd in�hc sum uf�$3�SQQ.�� payable to s�id ASSOCIATION and to delicer to said
<br /> ASSOCIA'f10�1he policies for said insurance;and not to eommit or permn any waste on or about ssid premises:
<br /> In csse uf default in the pedi�rmance of any uf the terms and conditions o(this murtg�ge ur thr bond secuced hereby,the mongagee shxll,
<br /> on demand,be emitled to immeJiate pussrssimi ot the mungaged premi�es and the murtgagur herzby assigns, transfers and sets ovnr to the
<br /> murt�gae alI the rrnts,revenues and incume to be deri��rd irom the murtg3ged p�emises during sucli time as the morteege indebtedness shall rcmain
<br /> �. w�paid:anJ the nwitg�gee shall hav.the poH�zr to appoiiu any agcnt or agents it may dcsire fur the purpuse of repairing uid pumises and renting
<br /> . the same anJ cullecting the rcnts,revenues and income,all�Il fI181'P]1'011l of said income all e�penses uf repairing said premius and necessary
<br /> �. cummissim�s and rxpenues incurred in renting and managing the snme and o(cuflecting rentals therclmm:the balana remaining,it any,to be
<br /> upplied toH�ard the dischargr of s�id morteage indebtedness:these riehts of the murtgacee muy be exercised at uny time ducing the existence oC such
<br /> � default.ir�espcctirc o(any tcmpor�q�«•aivcr of the sitne.
<br /> �I1CSC Pf2Sl'1115,V]oH'CFCf,81C UPUO II1C CUf1lIlU011.TIl:1l 1�llll`S]IlI A�OfI4:�CUf SI18II repay s�id foan on uc befum the mawcity uf said shares 6y
<br /> paymenC pay monthly to said ASSOCIATIO\uf the sum specified in thu Bund secured hereUy as m�erest and princip�l on seid luan,on or befum
<br /> � the'fwentieth day of each aud every month,until:aid luan is luil}�paid;pay all taacs and assessrnrnts leeied egainst said premises and on th;s Alurtgage
<br /> i
<br /> 'e . and the Uond secured iherebq.belure delinyuency:lumish appruced inwrana upon ihe Uuildings tl:rreun in thc sum o(S 33 500.(10 P�S�ble
<br /> �o saiJ ASSOCIATIO\:rep�y to z�id ASSO('IATION upun demand�II m�mey by it paid fur such t�ses,assessments and insujance with inlercst at
<br /> - iha maximum legal rate�hereon t'rum dale of paqment all of which\fortgagur hareby agrees tu p�y:pem�it nu w�sic on said p�emises:keep and comply �
<br /> � wi�h�II ihe agre:mrnte and condniuns oi tha E3ond for� 33,500 OOf��S�ay given by the said lfongagor tu said ASSOCIATIOV,and comply
<br /> with all thc reyuirements ut the Cunstitutiun and 8y-Laws of s�id ASSOCIA'1'10\;then these presents shaU 6ecume null and vuid,otherwise they
<br /> � shall«main in(ull fo�cc aud may be(uredosed al the opGon of ihe said ASS(X'IA"llOti alier (ailwc iur thrce months tu make any u(said
<br /> payments ur be thrre munths in a��ea�s in inaking said munlhlv payntenis.ur w keep and cumplq with the agreamen�s and condltiuns ul said Bond:
<br /> and 1lortgagor agrees iu itave a icceive�appointed�brth�riih in such forerlusure pruceedings.
<br /> If there is any change in uwnership ol'�he re�l estate murigaged herein,by s;ile ur utherwise,then the entim remaining indebtedness hereby
<br /> • � secu�rd shall,at thz opiiun of The I:yuitable Building and Loan Associ�tiun uf Grand lsland,Nebraska,becume immeJixtely due and payable without
<br /> '� further nuuce,and d�e anwunt remaining Jue undc� s�id bond,and am�other bund for auy additiunal advances m3de theceunder,shall,lrom the
<br /> l�:IIC OI C%CfCISC oI S81(I OPLI0f1,bt•�I Iflll'fl'SI:II lI1C R18XIItIDIf1 IC�;BI f8ll',Sild 1I115 IIIU�Ir',8�'C may then be fo�ecluseS to sstisfy the amount due on said
<br /> bund,and any��thc�bund(or aJdition�l advancrs,tugether with�II sums paid by said'f he F:quitable Building�nd Luan Associatiun of G�and Island,
<br /> t M1eb�asAa(or insurancr,t:�xes and asussments,anJ abstracting eatensiun charges,wi�h interes� thereun,from d:�te ul p�yment at the maximum
<br /> Izgalrate.
<br /> As provided in tlte Dond secureJ hereby,while tha murtgage rem�ins in ef�ect the murlg�gee miy hereafter adexnce;�Jditiuual sums W the
<br /> makers uf said Bund,their assigns ur successors in interes�,�ehich sums sh�ll be within the security ol this mmtg.age the same as the(unds originally
<br /> � secured Ihereby,the total amour.t of principal debt nat tu excred at anv time ihe uriginal amuunt of this mortgagt.
<br /> 'r u�i a�i,�� 20 n . a�y��r Fj u;)u s t n.n..i�+76
<br /> �� , c y�-� ;, � /�-.t'<:% !1 r�:,�`,J:,
<br /> Van . ite 6ette A. White
<br /> � STATF.OF NEBFLISKA. Ss. On this day of I) ,befure me,
<br /> COUNTY OF IIALL� ZOtfl /-�u�1�a S"� ]6
<br /> Van H. :Jhite and Dette A. ;Jnite, each in his an�"h°��"�i��,r��g}���a4�b�`�IlD��°d��'�c8`�`�'�'�(�10��1i��'; .:�.-,;.;;
<br /> w'hu dre pe�sunally knuw'n tu N `•
<br /> � �`.. �� ' �.�.
<br /> ma;o be f�dn3yYl�cai perwn 5 whose name5 dpe aFtixed to d�e�bove insvument as mortgagur S a��� they srrerally �
<br /> �d'. .
<br /> f dckduwfedged4h�sxid;�nsvument to be tnei r voluntary act and deed. � -.
<br />`" �:1VITIrFSS my hand und Notarial Seal the date albresaid. , et)
<br /> o: � . : 1fyCbh�missiunezpires\ �� �� \ :i'. "�`_ f . �
<br /> � g.:�.�.M.�,J�l .. c.1'1�.. �,��_i_a.'. � � �
<br /> !' , - � . lutxry Public
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