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<br />� P^ .:."_I.�f1-. �Q���2 __ _ _ � �
<br />� _: _ _ ,.
<br /> 52%2—SECOND REAL GS'fATE MORTGAGE—WItN 7ax Clauet 'rl��� irurL��un t,u<<�d,:ui�l> l���u.+��, L� ,i�� .�br. I �
<br /> . ---•r-�--��—�--�---_.—... .._..--� -----�----` ----'.- .-.'---. .,.._....-�—�- �---�-—._. .-_.___. .__.___.__ .__.._...—..
<br /> . ........... . I.._1'w._____.
<br /> I�NOW ALL N�N I3Y 1'ITliS�PP�I,SI;NTS: � ,
<br /> 1'IIA7'Ior1i�E, Richard N. Hodgson and Barbara J. Hodgson, Husband and Wife � '.
<br /> �" �f H811 Coer7ty avd,Stnte o� Nebraska ,ia rnnsiderution o/thc sru��vj I i'
<br /> I ;; ,'.
<br /> ifteen Thousand and no/100-----------------------------�15,000.00) p01_/�1PS , !;
<br /> '! I in/n�,�d paid, du herrby 5'El.L a��d CONVGY�u�ro Commercial National Bank & Trust Company i
<br /> ' � Grand Island, Nebraska , �,,,,,,.��u����
<br /> �:
<br /> nf 1-1811 ('onnl��,ruid Statc of Nebraska ,fhc fo(In�c�inr�dascriG,d rrcrins�s I
<br /> ' �� siluated in Co�naty. nnd.Stnte o lr.�tt•it: i ', �
<br /> ;, Hall ! Nebraska
<br /> ''' Lot Ten (10) In Block Two (2) of Park Place Addition to the City ,
<br /> of Grand Island, Hall County, Nebraska.
<br /> i
<br /> In the event the title to said real estate is transferred, or � ''
<br /> � :
<br /> contracted to be transferred, from the undersigned for any reason l '
<br /> or by any method whatsoever, the entire principal sum and accured �
<br /> ; interest shall at once become due and payable at the election of ; :;
<br /> the holder hereof. railure to exercise Chis option because of i ;
<br /> transfer of title as above stated in one instance shall not con-
<br /> stitute a waiver of the right to exercise the same in the event of I I
<br /> �' any subsequent transfer. ;
<br /> i '
<br /> �
<br /> Ii i
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> i
<br /> � !
<br /> I
<br /> 1'hc entr�dio�� bcing to conzry krrrbp nn nb uh�tc (itic ir� j��c siurpf� in<h�din,�al! thc rigLts of I�om�•st��nd nnd dnuu i ,
<br /> TO /f�1YE .4A'D TD HOLD the prrnuses abox��r describcd,evilh afl Uic uphurtcnanres Uirrr�»ito Gelinrqvip w�to �
<br /> `;�: �. a � the said ouortgngce or�rrort�ar�res mid to his, lrrr ar thcir heirs�rnd assiqns,fnrcvcr, proz�id�•d ul¢ea1's,and �hesc pres- � ��
<br /> ents asc aQon Ure e.rhrrss rondi(ion thnt i/t6e said mortgagor or v�ortgagurs,liis, hcr or thrir heirs, c.rccidurs, adinin- I I
<br /> isbators or as.rirp�s shall pay or eause to b:'ruid fo tln^said�aorf�a�/re or�uart�n�ccs uari to Gis,her ar thrir l�cirs, c.r- � ,
<br /> � ccs�tors,adviinisirators or ossiqns,thc snui o( Fifteen Thousand and no�100----------------- �
<br /> 3 ,' ----------------------------------------(15�000.00� Dnllars, /�aeoGlc as fo!(o:.a, to-rit: i :'
<br /> �' February 15, 1976 �
<br /> j i �
<br /> � i
<br /> I
<br /> �
<br /> � i
<br /> I II
<br /> ! u�itlt intcrast thrrcor� nt 9 r�r crnt tcr aruuun, da}�aLlc 'mor.mrflT, ncrur�iiny fo tke t����or and �(j�ct o(i -
<br /> .. .� i the ShcC� h���1D1issor�'nofc 2nitA�infcrest ron/mns attacltc�l of said blortgitgors, bcarir.q r;rn datc TiRf/t 117�•sc rrrs- i �.
<br /> � ; rrtls,arid sliall hati'�r!!tu.��'s miJ any intrrest on,or nmNoing insfalLncufs u( f�rinrif�al, dvi� on m�y (+rior ntort�ayc nnd ;
<br /> assrssmcnfs le:ned n/�un said rrn!rsfutt nnd u1!otlrr taxra, le,nes wid ass�'ssmcnts lc�ird u)�nr� this mortgayc or thc j
<br /> � note wl�idi this oiiortya�� ir yiv�n ro srr:u'r, Gr/nra flic s�u�m Gecanes dil;'nqu��i�t u�rd keeh die L�iilJings oii s�tiJ j -
<br /> " prentiscs insi:rrd for tAc sw��$35����.Qpis.r, i(a��y, paynble ta suih first ntortyagres or this �nortyng�e�, or buth, j
<br /> tkrn thesc hrrserz�s be ¢•uid, othcr.:isc to Gc irad remain in (ul!)orce. �!
<br /> /%' IS I�URTffE1Z r1GR6ED (�) "I'hn! ij thc said viorf�agor shall (vi! tn pa}�si�clt tu.i�cs nnd si�cli i�drrest on. j
<br /> ' i or utafurirt�ins7ulbncnts o((�rinci/,��f.due on mi1'Jvior murtgu�c aud pronu'c s+irh, ir.s�nv�«��, tLen fhis i�iort,y�igcc onav i
<br /> '� � � pny such fnxcs mtd such int�rest mi,nr nutharinq inslafhncnfs o� hririci�ul, rlir o�� surk Jn�iur n�ort�w��• �i��d rrocrn-r � �
<br /> i� � � surh insurunce;mtd Ute sa�x so adx�onctd coilh intrrest «t ��iru��er rriit sliall D��J��rid Lt�said inurt��ugor,und tlus mnrf- '�
<br /> �ugc sha!!s(ar�d as scntrity for the sain�. (a/ Thot u jailru'�to pu�'au:;o(sa;'d ino�ecr. rither principol or irdrrrst on :
<br /> tlris or any prior vwr(gnge, u�6en !hc sane brcurncs duc or u fuilur� fa co�npty ¢oitJ: m+�� uj !hr Jnr�goiiig ngrccnientr, i
<br /> ', I sl�al! tnsue tiie xolw(r su�u o/ vio�i�•y hcrrin se��ured fo t�e�•uu�e duc nttd collecluble at :m�r at U�c optieri u) tlir �nort- I
<br /> gngce.
<br /> IT !S FUI�TfIER flGREED Thnt suid ruorfga�tc, j�endii��jorrtlasw'c n(thir ��cortyuy� ni7d �r(ter dccrr mtd I
<br /> I rc�zJing stay tlterenn or anc�al tltere(rmr�miJ/�ending sa(e a( �hrr»7ises iiiortgagcd. u:ay pnti� suclt tuxrs mid ineh�riug j
<br /> i�Ucrest or mah�ring instullu:cnfs of rrincipal, o�i priur oearqagrs, fronnc surh ins�u'nnrr ar.d sudi s7n�u nc�(1 !r� � , I. .
<br /> odded to Uie autotutt due bis drn'ee und ts/�o�i confirinntiort of s�lt 1��' the ro�u�t ordcrad lnkcr� out oJ rrnceids nf snl�r; ! N •��
<br /> or if rcdccn:cd dm•ing stav, appea! or salc, surh mnoin�ts shvll Gc co;lcctrd thc sanu ns lhaugh it ar�rr n /•art uf s�ulr ; � �
<br /> � dccrer.
<br /> Sig>�ed this 19th Jny uJ August , tq76 � .
<br /> . In Yrrs�nte of �
<br />� �� ��� u� � �� �
<br /> ' .......... . ...... . _._._ __
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