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<br />� 6. If hc fails to pay any sum or kecp uny covenant provided for in this mortgage, the Mortgagee, at
<br />�. its option, rnuy pay or perform the same, and all espenditures so made shall be added to the principal sum
<br />� � owing on the above note, shall be secured hereby, and shall bear interest until paid at the rute provided
<br /> b ' for in the principal indeUtedneas.
<br /> � 7. Upon request of the nfortgngee, Mortgagor shali execute and deliver 1 supplemental note or notes
<br /> for the sum or sums advanced Uy Mortgagee for the alteration, modernizatiun, oi• improvement mude at
<br /> the Mortgagor's request ; or for maintenance of said premises, nr for taxes or assessments against the
<br /> same, and for any other purpose elsewhere authorized hereunder. Said note or notes shnll be secured
<br /> hereby on a parity �+•ith and as fully as if the advance evidenced thereby �ti�ere includecl in the note first
<br /> � descriUed above. Said supplemental note or notes shall be�tr interest at the rate provided for in the prin-
<br /> cipal indebtedness and shall be payable in approximately equal mont}ily payments for such period as may
<br /> be agreed upon by the :�Ioi•tgngee and Mortgagor. Failing to agree on the maturity, the n•liole of the sum
<br /> or sums so advanced shall Ue due and payable thirty ( 30) dnys after demand by the �iortgagee. Ai no
<br /> eveut ehall the maturit3� extend beyond the ultimate maturity of the note first described above.
<br /> 8. He hereby assigns, trinsfers and sets over to the Mortgngee, to be applicd toward the payment of
<br /> the note and all sums secured hereby in case of a default in the performance of any of the terms and cmidi-
<br /> � timis of this mortgage or the said note, all the rents, revenues und iucome to be derived frmn the mort-
<br /> gaged premises during such time as Che mortgsge indebtedness shall remain w�paid ; and the 1lorlgagee
<br /> shall hu��e power to appoint any agent or agents it may desire for the purpose of reiiting tt�e same and col-
<br /> � lecting the rents, revenues and income, and it may pay out of said incomes all necessar�• conunissions nnd
<br /> � expenses incurred in renting and managing the same and of collecting rentals therefrom ; the balance
<br /> �:
<br /> �
<br /> remaining, if nny, to be applied to�rard the discharge of said mortgage indebteciness.
<br /> : 9. He �ti�ill continttouslt� maintain hazard insurance, of such type or t��pes nnd amouvts as �fortgagee
<br /> ; may from time to time require, on Uie improvements no�v or hereafter on said premises ancl except when
<br /> "� pa�•ment for all such premiums has theretofoce becn made under (re ) of paragraph 2 hereof, �rill pay
<br /> � promptly �rhen due any premiums therefor. Upon default,thereo£,,;Aiortgagee may pay the same. All
<br /> fi insurance shall be carried in companies approved by thQ b1o�'tgagee and the policics and rere«•als thereof
<br /> shall be held by the :lfortgagee and liave attached the��eto `Idss"p6ykble clauses iii fa��or of 1nd in form
<br /> � acceptable to the lZoi•tgagee. In e��ent of loss i�Iortg'�gor «•ill`�gi"v� immediate notice by mai ( to the 1lfort-
<br /> gagee, �ti�ho may make proof of loss if not mlde promptlj� by biortgagoi�, �nd each insurance company con-
<br /> cerned is liereby authoi•ized and dii•ected to make payment foi• sudi loss dii•ectl�� to the \toi•tgagee inste�ei
<br /> of to the 1lortgagor and tlie \Iortgagee jointly, and the insurance proceeds, or any part thereof,
<br /> n�ay� be applied by the Mortgagee at its option either to the reduction of the indebtedness hereb�� secured
<br /> ur to the restoration or repair of the property damaged. In e��ent of foreclosure of this mortg�ge, or other
<br /> transfer of title to the mortgaged property in extinguishment of the indebtedness secured hereby, all
<br /> right, title and interest of the liortgagor in and to auy insur�nce policies then in force shall pass to the
<br /> pui•cliaser or grantee.
<br /> ': 10. As additional and collateral securit5' for the payment of the note describecL an�l all sums to become
<br /> due under this mortgage, the Dlortgagor hereby assigns to the llortgagce all lease bonuses, protits, re��e-
<br /> � nues, royalties, rights, and uther benefits acciving to the �fortgagor under an�� and all oil and gas leases
<br /> '- no��-, or during tne life of this mortgage, executed on said premises, �cith the right to recei��e and receipt
<br /> for the snme aud appl�• them to said indebtedness as �cell before as after default in the conditions of this
<br /> mortgage, aud the \Iortgagee may demand, sue for and recocer any� such pa}•ments �chen due smd pay-
<br /> x ablc, but shall not be i•equii•ed so to do. This assignment is to tci•minate ancl I�ecomc �iull .uid void upon
<br /> release of this mortgage.
<br /> 1L He shall not commit or permit �easte ; and shall m�tintain the property in as good conditimi as at
<br /> i present, reasonable ���ear and tenr excepted. Upoii any failure to so maint.iin , .1foi•tgngee, at its option,
<br /> ma�� cause rensonable maintenance ���ork to be performed at the cost of bIm•tgagor. �n�• amounts paid
<br /> �" therefor by Mortgagee shall bear iuterest at the rate pro��ided for in the principal indebtedness, shall
<br /> thei•eupon become a part of tlie indebtedness secured by this instrument, ratabl}• aud on a pai•it}� n•ith all
<br /> ` other indebtedness secured hereby, and shall be payable thirtp (30 ) da��s after demand.
<br /> ' 12. If the premises, or any plrt thereof, be condemned under the poo•er of eminent domain, or
<br /> acquired for a public use, the damages a�sarded, the procceds foi• the ialcing of, or tlie considci•ation for
<br /> such acquisitim�, to the extent of the full amount of the remaining uupaid indebtedness secured by this
<br /> mortgage, or hereby assigned to the hfortgagee, nnd shall be paid forth«•ith to said 9loctqagee, to be
<br /> applied on account of the ]ast maturinq instnllments of such indebtedness.
<br /> � 13. If the \fortgagor fails to make any payments �ti�hen due, or to conform to and comply ��•ith any
<br /> of the conditions or agreements contained in this mortgage, or the nutes ���hich it secures, Uten the
<br /> entire principal sum and aceived interest shall at once become due and pa�•able, at thc election of the
<br /> �turtgagee ; and this mortgage may thereupon be foreclosed inttnediately for the ��•hule of the indebted-
<br /> � ness hereby secured, indudiug the co�t of c�tenciing the abstract of title frun� the date of this mort-
<br /> :;
<br /> gage to the time of commencing such suit, a reason:ible nttor�iey's fee, and nny� sums paid b�• the �'eterans
<br /> Administration on account of the guaranty or insurance of the indebtedness secw ed hereb}•, all of u•hich
<br /> shall be included in the decree of foreclosure.
<br /> 14. If the indebtedness secured hereby bc guaranteed or insured under 7'itle 38, L'nited States Codc, �
<br /> such Title and Regulations issued thereunder and in etPect ou the date hereof shall go�•ern the rights, duties •w ' •
<br /> � and linbilities of the parties hereto, and nny pro�•isions of this or other insh•uments esecuted in connection �
<br /> «�ith said indebtedness which ai•e inconsistent witli said '1'itle or Refiulutions are hereby cunended tu
<br /> conform thereto. r-`�. � -
<br />� . The co��enants herein contained �hall bind, and the benefits and advantaqes shall inure ta the �
<br />�
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